930 research outputs found

    Flexible operation of CSIRO's post-combustion CO2 capture pilot plant at the AGL Loy Yang power station

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    Flexible operation has the potential to significantly improve the economic viability of post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC). However, the impact of disturbances from flexible operation of the PCC process is unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of flexible operation in a PCC pilot plant by implementing step-changes for improved dynamic data reliability. The flexible operation campaign was conducted at the CSIRO PCC pilot plant at AGL Loy Yang using monoethanolamine (MEA) absorbent. The pilot plant was operated under a broad range of transient conditions (changing flue gas flow, liquid absorbent flow and steam pressure) to capture the dynamics of a PCC process during flexible operation. The study demonstrated that the dynamics of flue gas flow rate was faster than absorbent flow rate. The greatest CO2 removal% was achieved at the lowest flue gas flow rate or at the highest absorbent flow rate; however, the latter provided improved energy efficiency. The steam pressure parameter could adjust the temperature of all columns simultaneously which can be used to compensate for effects from ambient conditions or heat losses. These results verify the technical feasibility of flexible PCC operation and provide a suitable dataset for dynamic model validation

    Donkeys as mobile links for plant seed dispersal in coastal dune ecosystems

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    Long-distance seed dispersal is a key factor in vegetation dynamics, especially in highly dynamic ecosystems such as dune landscapes. To assess the role of large herbivores in long-distance seed dispersal in dunes, we examined epi- and endozoochory by free-ranging donkeys, released for grazing in a Flemish dune nature reserve. At least 29, respectively 53, plant species were dispersed epi- and endozoochorously by the donkeys. Comparison of the species with the local vegetation using dispersal-relevant plant traits, showed that epi- and endozoochory are additive and complementary dispersal mechanisms, epizoochory being restricted to a narrower range of dispersal-functional plant types. To estimate potential dispersal distances of the seeds, we used empirical studies of the movement and behaviour of the donkeys, in combination with experimental epi- and endozoochorous seed retention times of selected plant species in the dune reserve. The mean potential dispersal distances indicated that the donkeys disperse seeds over the entire 100ha nature reserve, hereby providing a mobile link function between fragmented dune habitats for at least 20% of the local plant species. The influence of large herbivores on dune vegetation dynamics through seed dispersal should be considered in nature management decisions

    Water-level fluctuations and metapopulation dynamics as drivers of genetic diversity in populations of three Tanganyikan cichlid fish species

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    Altres ajuts: Most specimens used in this study were collected during different expeditions to Lake Tanganyika that were financed by the Belgian Science Policy (1992, 1995, 2001, 2006, and 2007), the two last in the context of MOLARCH-a EuroDIVERSITY Funded Collaborative Research Project, with additional support of the Leopold III Foundation for Nature Research and Nature Conservation to EV. CS was supported by grants I-48-B06 and P20994-B03 from the Austrian Science Foundation. During his stay at the RBINS, BN was supported by PhD grant SFRH ⁄ BD ⁄ 17704 ⁄ 2004 from the Fundaçao para a Ciência e Tecnologia.Understanding how genetic variation is generated and maintained in natural populations, and how this process unfolds in a changing environment, remains a central issue in biological research. In this work, we analysed patterns of genetic diversity from several populations of three cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika in parallel, using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We sampled populations inhabiting the littoral rocky habitats in both very deep and very shallow areas of the lake. We hypothesized that the former would constitute relatively older, more stable and genetically more diverse populations, because they should have been less severely affected by the well-documented episodes of dramatic water-level fluctuations. In agreement with our predictions, populations of all three species sampled in very shallow shorelines showed traces of stronger population growth than populations of the same species inhabiting deep shorelines. However, contrary to our working hypothesis, we found a significant trend towards increased genetic diversity in the younger, demographically less stable populations inhabiting shallow areas, in comparison with the older and more stable populations inhabiting the deep shorelines. We interpret this finding as the result of the establishment of metapopulation dynamics in the former shorelines, by the frequent perturbation and reshuffling of individuals between populations due to the lake-level fluctuations. The repeated succession of periods of allopatric separation and secondary contact is likely to have further increased the rapid pace of speciation in lacustrine cichlids

    Revealing criterial vagueness in inconsistencies

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    Sixty undergraduate students made category membership decisions for each of 132 candidate exemplar-category name pairs (e.g., chess – Sports) in each of two separate sessions. They were frequently inconsistent from one session to the next, both for nominal categories such as Sports and Fish, and ad hoc categories such as Things You Rescue from a Burning House. A mixture model analysis revealed that several of these inconsistencies could be attributed to criterial vagueness: participants adopting different criteria for membership in the two sessions. This finding indicates that categorization is a probabilistic process, whereby the conditions for applying a category label are not invariant. Individuals have various functional meanings of nominal categories at their disposal and entertain competing goals for ad hoc categories

    III-V-on-silicon anti-colliding pulse-type mode-locked laser

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    An anti-colliding pulse-type III–V-on-silicon passively mode-locked laser is presented for the first time based on a III–V-on-silicon distributed Bragg reflector as outcoupling mirror implemented partially underneath the III–V saturable absorber. Passive mode-locking at 4.83 GHz repetition rate generating 3 ps pulses is demonstrated. The generated fundamental RF tone shows a 1.7 kHz 3 dB linewidth. Over 9 mW waveguide coupled output power is demonstrated

    Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus I Drug Resistance - a Case Report. What are the Clinical Implications?

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    The success of first-line antiretroviral therapy can be challenged by the acquisition of primary drug resistance. Here we report a case where baseline genotypic resistance testing detected resistance conferring nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI)-associated mutations, but no primary mutations for protease inhibitor (PI). Subsequent PI-based HAART with boosted saquinavir led to virological treatment success with persistently undetectable viral load. After treatment simplification from saquinavir to an atazanavir based PI-therapy and no change in backbone therapy rapid virological breakthrough occurred. Retrospective analysis displayed preexisting gag cleavage site mutations which may have reduced the genetic barrier in a clinical relevant manner in combination with the already existing NRTI resistance mutations. Alternatively, this effect could be explained with a different antiviral potency for the respective PIs used