24 research outputs found

    On-chip generation of heralded photon-number states

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    Beyond the use of genuine monolithic integrated optical platforms, we report here a hybrid strategy enabling on-chip generation of configurable heralded two-photon states. More specifically, we combine two different fabrication techniques, \textit{i.e.}, non-linear waveguides on lithium niobate for efficient photon-pair generation and femtosecond-laser-direct-written waveguides on glass for photon manipulation. Through real-time device manipulation capabilities, a variety of path-coded heralded two-photon states can be produced, ranging from product to entangled states. Those states are engineered with high levels of purity, assessed by fidelities of 99.5±\pm8\% and 95.0±\pm8\%, respectively, obtained via quantum interferometric measurements. Our strategy therefore stands as a milestone for further exploiting entanglement-based protocols, relying on engineered quantum states, and enabled by scalable and compatible photonic circuits

    Quantum optical frequency up-conversion for polarisation entangled qubits: towards interconnected quantum information devices

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    Realising a global quantum network requires combining individual strengths of different quantum systems to perform universal tasks, notably using flying and stationary qubits. However, transferring coherently quantum information between different systems is challenging as they usually feature different properties, notably in terms of operation wavelength and wavepacket. To circumvent this problem for quantum photonics systems, we demonstrate a polarisation-preserving quantum frequency conversion device in which telecom wavelength photons are converted to the near infrared, at which a variety of quantum memories operate. Our device is essentially free of noise which we demonstrate through near perfect single photon state transfer tomography and observation of high-fidelity entanglement after conversion. In addition, our guided-wave setup is robust, compact, and easily adaptable to other wavelengths. This approach therefore represents a major building block towards advantageously connecting quantum information systems based on light and matter.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Photonic quantum information processing: a review

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    Photonic quantum technologies represent a promising platform for several applications, ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena. Indeed, the advantages offered by single photons do make them the candidate of choice for carrying quantum information in a broad variety of areas with a versatile approach. Furthermore, recent technological advances are now enabling first concrete applications of photonic quantum information processing. The goal of this manuscript is to provide the reader with a comprehensive review of the state of the art in this active field, with a due balance between theoretical, experimental and technological results. When more convenient, we will present significant achievements in tables or in schematic figures, in order to convey a global perspective of the several horizons that fall under the name of photonic quantum information.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures, 634 references. Updated version with minor changes and extended bibliograph

    Challenging local realism with human choices

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    A Bell test is a randomized trial that compares experimental observations against the philosophical worldview of local realism 1, in which the properties of the physical world are independent of our observation of them and no signal travels faster than light. A Bell test requires spatially distributed entanglement, fast and high-efficiency detection and unpredictable measurement settings 2,3 . Although technology can satisfy the first two of these requirements 4-7, the use of physical devices to choose settings in a Bell test involves making assumptions about the physics that one aims to test. Bell himself noted this weakness in using physical setting choices and argued that human 'free will' could be used rigorously to ensure unpredictability in Bell tests 8 . Here we report a set of local-realism tests using human choices, which avoids assumptions about predictability in physics. We recruited about 100,000 human participants to play an online video game that incentivizes fast, sustained input of unpredictable selections and illustrates Bell-test methodology 9 . The participants generated 97,347,490 binary choices, which were directed via a scalable web platform to 12 laboratories on five continents, where 13 experiments tested local realism using photons 5,6, single atoms 7, atomic ensembles 10 and superconducting devices 11 . Over a 12-hour period on 30 November 2016, participants worldwide provided a sustained data flow of over 1,000 bits per second to the experiments, which used different human-generated data to choose each measurement setting. The observed correlations strongly contradict local realism and other realistic positions in bipartite and tripartite 12 scenarios. Project outcomes include closing the 'freedom-of-choice loophole' (the possibility that the setting choices are influenced by 'hidden variables' to correlate with the particle properties 13 ), the utilization of video-game methods 14 for rapid collection of human-generated randomness, and the use of networking techniques for global participation in experimental science

    Challenging local realism with human choices

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    A Bell test is a randomized trial that compares experimental observations against the philosophical worldview of local realism. A Bell test requires spatially distributed entanglement, fast and high-efficiency detection and unpredictable measurement settings. Although technology can satisfy the first two of these requirements, the use of physical devices to choose settings in a Bell test involves making assumptions about the physics that one aims to test. Bell himself noted this weakness in using physical setting choices and argued that human `free will' could be used rigorously to ensure unpredictability in Bell tests. Here we report a set of local-realism tests using human choices, which avoids assumptions about predictability in physics. We recruited about 100,000 human participants to play an online video game that incentivizes fast, sustained input of unpredictable selections and illustrates Bell-test methodology. The participants generated 97,347,490 binary choices, which were directed via a scalable web platform to 12 laboratories on five continents, where 13 experiments tested local realism using photons, single atoms, atomic ensembles, and superconducting devices. Over a 12-hour period on 30 November 2016, participants worldwide provided a sustained data flow of over 1,000 bits per second to the experiments, which used different human-generated data to choose each measurement setting. The observed correlations strongly contradict local realism and other realistic positions in bipartite and tripartite scenarios. Project outcomes include closing the `freedom-of-choice loophole' (the possibility that the setting choices are influenced by `hidden variables' to correlate with the particle properties), the utilization of video-game methods for rapid collection of human generated randomness, and the use of networking techniques for global participation in experimental science.Comment: This version includes minor changes resulting from reviewer and editorial input. Abstract shortened to fit within arXiv limit

    Vers les technologies quantiques basĂ©es sur l’intrication photonique

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop photonic entanglement sources and study their implementation in the general field of quantum information technologies. To this end, a novel fully wave-guided, high performance photonic entanglement source is presented, able to generate hyper-entangled states in the observables of polarization and energy-time by means of a nonlinear Sagnac loop. The waveguide-based design makes it flexible, reliable, and adaptable to a wide spectral range, paving the way towards compact photonic entanglement generators, compatible with fiber-based communication systems and networks. This has been underlined by generating and distributing hyperentanglement in 5x2 dense wavelength division multiplexed channel telecom pairs, simultaneously, towards higher bit rates. The quality of the generated entanglement has been qualified by violating the Bell inequalities in a 16-dimension Hilbert space. Moreover, to adapt the wavelength of the entangled telecom photon pairs to the absorption wavelength of current quantum memory systems, a coherent wavelength converter is demonstrated. Furthermore, within the framework of quantum metrology, a new concept for a high-precision chromatic dispersion (CD) measurement in standard single mode fibers is introduced and demonstrated. In this demonstration, due to conceptual advantages enabled by quantum optics, an unprecedented 2.6 times higher accuracy on CD measurements is shown, compared to state-of-the-art techniques. In the same context, a new protocol for measuring two-photon phase shifts is performed using single photon detection only, promising scalable and potential real device applications with limited resources and simplified detection schemes. Finally, any potential application of quantum optics will be realized using small-scale devices. In this framework, an integrated on-chip heralded path entanglement generator is demonstrated, and shown to be adaptable to logic gate operations.Le but de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper des sources d’intrication photonique en vue d'applications en sciences information quantique. Dans ce contexte, nous prĂ©sentons une source trĂšs performante et entiĂšrement guidĂ©e permettant, au moyen d'une boucle de Sagnac, la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'Ă©tats hyper-intriquĂ©s en polarisation et en Ă©nergie-temps. La configuration guidĂ©e rend le dispositif versatile, efficace et compatible avec une large bande spectrale, rĂ©pondant ainsi au besoin des systĂšmes et rĂ©seaux de communication fibrĂ©s. À cette fin, nous avons distribuĂ© simultanĂ©ment dans diffĂ©rents canaux tĂ©lĂ©coms des paires de photons hyper-intriquĂ©s au moyen de multiplexeurs en longueur d'onde Ă  5 canaux (DWDM), augmentant de fait le dĂ©bit. La qualitĂ© de l'intrication est validĂ©e par la violation d'une inĂ©galitĂ© de Bell Ă©tendue Ă  un espace de Hilbert Ă  16 dimensions. Afin de pouvoir interfacer des photons aux longueurs d'ondes des tĂ©lĂ©communications avec les bandes d'absorption des mĂ©moires quantiques situĂ©es dans le visible, nous avons Ă©galement dĂ©veloppĂ© une interface cohĂ©rente en longueur d'ondes. Un nouveau dispositif de mĂ©trologie quantique permettant la mesure avec une prĂ©cision inĂ©galĂ©e des effets de la dispersion chromatique dans les fibres optiques standards est Ă©galement proposĂ©. Notre approche "quantique" amĂ©liore la prĂ©cision par un facteur 2.6 par rapport aux mĂ©thodes de mesures conventionnelles. Dans ce mĂȘme contexte, nous avons aussi implĂ©mentĂ© un nouveau protocole de mĂ©trologie de la phase de deux photons en ne dĂ©tectant uniquement qu'un seul photon. Cette rĂ©alisation ouvre la voie Ă  des applications potentielles simples s'appuyant sur peu de ressources au niveau de la dĂ©tection. Finalement, dans la perspective de la miniaturisation de dispositifs quantiques, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© un gĂ©nĂ©rateur d'intrication annoncĂ©e intĂ©grĂ© sur puce qui trouve des applications en calcul et mĂ©trologie quantique

    Towards quantum applications based on photonic entanglement

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    Le but de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper des sources d’intrication photonique en vue d'applications en sciences information quantique. Dans ce contexte, nous prĂ©sentons une source trĂšs performante et entiĂšrement guidĂ©e permettant, au moyen d'une boucle de Sagnac, la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'Ă©tats hyper-intriquĂ©s en polarisation et en Ă©nergie-temps. La configuration guidĂ©e rend le dispositif versatile, efficace et compatible avec une large bande spectrale, rĂ©pondant ainsi au besoin des systĂšmes et rĂ©seaux de communication fibrĂ©s. À cette fin, nous avons distribuĂ© simultanĂ©ment dans diffĂ©rents canaux tĂ©lĂ©coms des paires de photons hyper-intriquĂ©s au moyen de multiplexeurs en longueur d'onde Ă  5 canaux (DWDM), augmentant de fait le dĂ©bit. La qualitĂ© de l'intrication est validĂ©e par la violation d'une inĂ©galitĂ© de Bell Ă©tendue Ă  un espace de Hilbert Ă  16 dimensions. Afin de pouvoir interfacer des photons aux longueurs d'ondes des tĂ©lĂ©communications avec les bandes d'absorption des mĂ©moires quantiques situĂ©es dans le visible, nous avons Ă©galement dĂ©veloppĂ© une interface cohĂ©rente en longueur d'ondes. Un nouveau dispositif de mĂ©trologie quantique permettant la mesure avec une prĂ©cision inĂ©galĂ©e des effets de la dispersion chromatique dans les fibres optiques standards est Ă©galement proposĂ©. Notre approche "quantique" amĂ©liore la prĂ©cision par un facteur 2.6 par rapport aux mĂ©thodes de mesures conventionnelles. Dans ce mĂȘme contexte, nous avons aussi implĂ©mentĂ© un nouveau protocole de mĂ©trologie de la phase de deux photons en ne dĂ©tectant uniquement qu'un seul photon. Cette rĂ©alisation ouvre la voie Ă  des applications potentielles simples s'appuyant sur peu de ressources au niveau de la dĂ©tection. Finalement, dans la perspective de la miniaturisation de dispositifs quantiques, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© un gĂ©nĂ©rateur d'intrication annoncĂ©e intĂ©grĂ© sur puce qui trouve des applications en calcul et mĂ©trologie quantique.The aim of this thesis was to develop photonic entanglement sources and study their implementation in the general field of quantum information technologies. To this end, a novel fully wave-guided, high performance photonic entanglement source is presented, able to generate hyper-entangled states in the observables of polarization and energy-time by means of a nonlinear Sagnac loop. The waveguide-based design makes it flexible, reliable, and adaptable to a wide spectral range, paving the way towards compact photonic entanglement generators, compatible with fiber-based communication systems and networks. This has been underlined by generating and distributing hyperentanglement in 5x2 dense wavelength division multiplexed channel telecom pairs, simultaneously, towards higher bit rates. The quality of the generated entanglement has been qualified by violating the Bell inequalities in a 16-dimension Hilbert space. Moreover, to adapt the wavelength of the entangled telecom photon pairs to the absorption wavelength of current quantum memory systems, a coherent wavelength converter is demonstrated. Furthermore, within the framework of quantum metrology, a new concept for a high-precision chromatic dispersion (CD) measurement in standard single mode fibers is introduced and demonstrated. In this demonstration, due to conceptual advantages enabled by quantum optics, an unprecedented 2.6 times higher accuracy on CD measurements is shown, compared to state-of-the-art techniques. In the same context, a new protocol for measuring two-photon phase shifts is performed using single photon detection only, promising scalable and potential real device applications with limited resources and simplified detection schemes. Finally, any potential application of quantum optics will be realized using small-scale devices. In this framework, an integrated on-chip heralded path entanglement generator is demonstrated, and shown to be adaptable to logic gate operations