378 research outputs found

    A simple groundwater scheme in the TRIP river routing model: global off-line evaluation against GRACE terrestrial water storage estimates and observed river discharges

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    Groundwater is a non-negligible component of the global hydrological cycle, and its interaction with overlying unsaturated zones can influence water and energy fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere. Despite its importance, groundwater is not yet represented in most climate models. In this paper, the simple groundwater scheme implemented in the Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP) river routing model is applied in off-line mode at global scale using a 0.5° model resolution. The simulated river discharges are evaluated against a large dataset of about 3500 gauging stations compiled from the Global Data Runoff Center (GRDC) and other sources, while the terrestrial water storage (TWS) variations derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission help to evaluate the simulated TWS. The forcing fields (surface runoff and deep drainage) come from an independent simulation of the Interactions between Soil-Biosphere-Atmosphere (ISBA) land surface model covering the period from 1950 to 2008. Results show that groundwater improves the efficiency scores for about 70% of the gauging stations and deteriorates them for 15%. The simulated TWS are also in better agreement with the GRACE estimates. These results are mainly explained by the lag introduced by the low-frequency variations of groundwater, which tend to shift and smooth the simulated river discharges and TWS. A sensitivity study on the global precipitation forcing used in ISBA to produce the forcing fields is also proposed. It shows that the groundwater scheme is not influenced by the uncertainties in precipitation data

    Carboxyl-terminal sequence of entactin deduced from a cDNA clone.

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    Simulation directe 2D et 3D de la dispersion d'agglomérats sous cisaillement dans une matrice polymère

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    Nous avons développé une méthode de simulation directe de la dispersion de charges sphériques dans une matrice polymère soumise à un cisaillement. L'agglomérat est immergé dans un fluide newtonien et incompressible. Il est considéré comme un assemblage de sphères liées entre elles par une énergie de cohésion, modélisée par une viscosité de cohésion. Les paramètres de ce modèle sont la contrainte hydrodynamique et la longueur caractéristique de la zone d'influence des sphères. Ce modèle simple permet une première approche du phénomène de dispersion dans un écoulement de cisaillement. Les tendances observées lors des simulations menées en 2D et 3D montrent qu'une augmentation du taux de cisaillement entraîne une érosion plus rapide de la charge

    Insulin Resistance and Altered Systemic Glucose Metabolism in Mice Lacking Nur77

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    OBJECTIVE: Nur77 is an orphan nuclear receptor with pleotropic functions. Previous studies have identified Nur77 as a transcriptional regulator of glucose utilization genes in skeletal muscle and gluconeogenesis in liver. However, the net functional impact of these pathways is unknown. To examine the consequence of Nur77 signaling for glucose metabolism in vivo, we challenged Nur77 null mice with high-fat feeding. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Wild-type and Nur77 null mice were fed a high-fat diet (60% calories from fat) for 3 months. We determined glucose tolerance, tissue-specific insulin sensitivity, oxygen consumption, muscle and liver lipid content, muscle insulin signaling, and expression of glucose and lipid metabolism genes. RESULTS: Mice with genetic deletion of Nur77 exhibited increased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies revealed greater high-fat diet–induced insulin resistance in both skeletal muscle and liver of Nur77 null mice compared with controls. Loss of Nur77 expression in skeletal muscle impaired insulin signaling and markedly reduced GLUT4 protein expression. Muscles lacking Nur77 also exhibited increased triglyceride content and accumulation of multiple even-chained acylcarnitine species. In the liver, Nur77 deletion led to hepatic steatosis and enhanced expression of lipogenic genes, likely reflecting the lipogenic effect of hyperinsulinemia. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these data demonstrate that loss of Nur77 influences systemic glucose metabolism and highlight the physiological contribution of muscle Nur77 to this regulatory pathway.National Institutes of Health (HD-00850, DK-081683-01, DK-30425, HL030568); American Diabetes Associatio

    Frequency and Risk Indicators of Tooth Decay among Pregnant Women in France: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Little is known on the prevalence of tooth decay among pregnant women. Better knowledge of tooth decay risk indicators during pregnancy could help to develop follow-up protocols for women at risk, along with better prevention strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of tooth decay and the number of decayed teeth per woman in a large sample of pregnant women in France, and to study associated risk indicators. METHODS: A secondary cross-sectional analysis of data from a French multicentre case-control study was performed. The sample was composed of 1094 at-term women of six maternity units. A dental examination was carried out within 2 to 4 days post-partum. Socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics were obtained through a standardised interview with the women. Medical characteristics were obtained from the women's medical records. Risk indicators associated with tooth decay were identified using a negative binomial hurdle model. RESULTS: 51.6% of the women had tooth decay. The mean number of decayed teeth among women having at least one was 3.1 (s.d. = 2.8). Having tooth decay was statistically associated with lower age (aOR = 1.58, 95%CI [1.03,2.45]), lower educational level (aOR = 1.53, 95%CI [1.06,2.23]) and dental plaque (aOR = 1.75, 95%CI [1.27,2.41]). The number of decayed teeth was associated with the same risk indicators and with non-French nationality and inadequate prenatal care. DISCUSSION: The frequency of tooth decay and the number of decayed teeth among pregnant women were high. Oral health promotion programmes must continue to inform women and care providers about the importance of dental care before, during and after pregnancy. Future research should also assess the effectiveness of public policies related to oral health in target populations of pregnant women facing challenging social or economic situations

    Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in natural Leishmania populations vary with genetic background

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    The evolution of drug-resistance in pathogens is a major global health threat. Elucidating the molecular basis of pathogen drug-resistance has been the focus of many studies but rarely is it known whether a drug-resistance mechanism identified is universal for the studied pathogen; it has seldom been clarified whether drug-resistance mechanisms vary with the pathogen's genotype. Nevertheless this is of critical importance in gaining an understanding of the complexity of this global threat and in underpinning epidemiological surveillance of pathogen drug resistance in the field. This study aimed to assess the molecular and phenotypic heterogeneity that emerges in natural parasite populations under drug treatment pressure. We studied lines of the protozoan parasite Leishmania (L.) donovani with differential susceptibility to antimonial drugs; the lines being derived from clinical isolates belonging to two distinct genetic populations that circulate in the leishmaniasis endemic region of Nepal. Parasite pathways known to be affected by antimonial drugs were characterised on five experimental levels in the lines of the two populations. Characterisation of DNA sequence, gene expression, protein expression and thiol levels revealed a number of molecular features that mark antimonial-resistant parasites in only one of the two populations studied. A final series of in vitro stress phenotyping experiments confirmed this heterogeneity amongst drug-resistant parasites from the two populations. These data provide evidence that the molecular changes associated with antimonial-resistance in natural Leishmania populations depend on the genetic background of the Leishmania population, which has resulted in a divergent set of resistance markers in the Leishmania populations. This heterogeneity of parasite adaptations provides severe challenges for the control of drug resistance in the field and the design of molecular surveillance tools for widespread applicability

    Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion : an experimental study

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    Melting is a major step in plasticating single screw extrusion, but most of the existing phenomenological know how was gathered by performing Maddock-type experiments with homopolymers. Given the current widespread industrial use of polymer blends, it is worth determining whether the same mechanisms and mathematical models apply, or whether different sequences develop. This work reports the results of Maddock-type experiments using a PA6/PP blend, both in its immiscible and compatibilized varieties. A melting mechanism combining the features of the classical Tadmor mechanism and of the dispersed melting mechanism, also previously reported in the literature, was observed.The authors are grateful to Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia for supporting this work under grant SFRH/BD/19997/2004 and to DSM, the Netherlands, for supplying PA6

    Dynamic modeling of the reactive twin-screw co-rotating extrusion process: experimental validation by using inlet glass fibers injection response and application to polymers degassing

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    International audienceIn this paper is described an original dynamic model of a reactive co-rotating twinscrew extrusion (TSE) process operated by the Rhodia company for the Nylon-66 degassing finishing step. In order to validate the model, dynamic experiments have been performed on a small-scale pilot plant. These experiments consist in a temporary injection of glass fibers at the inlet of the extruder after it has reached a given operating point. The outlet glass fibers mass fraction time variation is then measured. This experiment does not lead to the RTD measurement. As a matter of fact, due to the high quantity of glass fibers that is introduced, the behavior of the flow through the extruder is perturbed so that the glass fibers cannot be considered as an inert tracer. The dynamic model that we have published elsewhere (Choulak et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2004, 43(23), 7373-7382) is adapted to take into account this nonlinear behavior of the extruder with respect to the glass fibers injection and is favorably compared to experimental results. The description of the degassing operation is also included in the model. The model allows simulations of the complete dynamic behavior of the process. When the steady state is reached, the good position of the degassing vent with respect to the partially and fully filled zones positions can also be checked, thus illustrating the way the model can be used for design purposes