11 research outputs found

    Outer disc edge: properties of low-frequency aperiodic variability in ultracompact interacting binaries

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    Flickering, and more specifically aperiodic broad-band variability, is an important phenomenon used in understanding the geometry and dynamics of accretion flows. Although the inner regions of accretion flows are known to generate variability on relatively fast time-scales, the broad-band variability generated in the outer regions has mostly remained elusive due to its long intrinsic variability time-scales. Ultracompact AM CVn systems are relatively small when compared to other accreting binaries and are well suited to search and characterize low-frequency variability. Here, we present the first low-frequency power spectral analysis of the ultracompact accreting white dwarf system SDSS J1908+3940. The analysis reveals a low-frequency break at ∼6.8 × 10−7 Hz in the time-averaged power spectrum as well as a second higher frequency component with characteristic frequency of ∼1.3 × 10−4 Hz. We associate both components with the viscous time-scales within the disc through empirical fits to the power spectrum as well as analytical fits using the fluctuating accretion disc model. Our results show that the low-frequency break can be associated with the outer disc regions of a geometrically thin accretion flow. The detection of the low-frequency break in SDSS J1908+3940 provides a precedent for further detection of similar features in other ultracompact accreting systems. More importantly, it provides a new observable that can help constrain simulations of accretion flows

    Cataclysmic variables are a key population of gravitational wave sources for LISA

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    The gravitational wave (GW) signals from the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables (CVs) have yet to be carefully assessed. Here, we estimate these signals and evaluate their significance for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). First, we find that at least three known systems are expected to produce strong enough signals to be individually resolved within the first four years of LISA’s operation. Secondly, CVs will contribute significantly to the LISA Galactic binary background, limiting the mission’s sensitivity in the relevant frequency band. Third, we predict a spike in the unresolved GW background at a frequency corresponding to the CV minimum orbital period. This excess noise may impact the detection of other systems near this characteristic frequency. Fourth, we note that the excess noise spike amplitude and location associated with Pmin ∼ 80 min can be used to measure the CV space density and period bounce location with complementary and simple GW biases compared to the biases and selection effects plaguing samples selected from electromagnetic signals. Our results highlight the need to explicitly include the Galactic CV population in the LISA mission planning, both as individual GW sources and generators of background noise, as well as the exciting prospect of characterising the CV population through their GW emission

    Burst-induced spin variations in the accreting magnetic white dwarf PBC J0801.2–4625

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    PBC J0801.2–4625 is an intermediate polar with a primary spin frequency of 66.08 d−1 and an unknown orbital period. The long-term All Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) light curve of this system reveals four bursts, all of which have similar peak amplitudes (∼2 mag) and durations (∼2 d). In this work, we primarily study the timing properties of this system’s 2019 February burst, which was simultaneously observed by both ASAS-SN and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Pre-burst, a frequency of 4.064 ± 0.002 d−1(5.906 ± 0.003 h period), likely attributed to the binary orbit, is identified in addition to previous measurements for the white dwarf’s spin. During the burst, however, we find a spin frequency of 68.35 ± 0.28 d−1. Post-burst, the spin returns to its pre-brust value but with a factor 1.82 ± 0.05 larger amplitude. The burst profile is double-peaked, and we estimate its energy to be 3.3 × 1039 erg. We conclude that the burst appears most consistent with thermonuclear runaway (i.e. a 'micronova'), and suggest that the spin variations may be an analogue to burst oscillations (i.e. 'micronova oscillations'). However, we also note that the above findings could be explained by a dwarf nova outburst. With the available data, we are unable to distinguish between these two scenarios

    Evolution of spin in the intermediate polar CC sculptoris

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    We report on spin variations in the intermediate polar and cataclysmic variable CC Scl, as seen by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). By studying both the spin period and its harmonic, we find that the spin has varied since it was first observed in 2011. We find the latest spin value for the source to be 389.473(6) s, equivalent to 0.00450779(7) d, 0.02 s shorter than the first value measured. A linear fit to these and intermediate data give a rate of change of spin (Ṗ) ∼ −4.26(2.66)× 10−11 and a characteristic time-scale τ ∼ 2.90 × 105 yr, in line with other known intermediate polars with varying spin. The spin profile of this source also matches theoretical spin profiles of high-inclination intermediate polars, and furthermore, appears to have changed in shape over a period of three years. Such ‘spin-up’ in an intermediate polar is considered to be from mass accretion on to the white dwarf (the primary), and we note the presence of dwarf nova eruptions in this source as being a possible catalyst of the variations

    First detection of the outer edge of an AGN accretion disc: very fast multiband optical variability of NGC 4395 with GTC/HiPERCAM and LT/IO:O

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    We present fast (∼200 s sampling) ugriz photometry of the low -mass AGN NGC 4395 with the Liverpool Telescope, followed by very fast (3 s sampling) us, gs, rs, is, and zs simultaneous monitoring with HiPERCAM on the 10.4m GTC. These observations provide the fastest ever AGN multiband photometry and very precise lag measurements. Unlike in all other AGN, gs lags us by a large amount, consistent with disc reprocessing but not with reprocessing in the broad-line region (BLR). There is very little increase in lag with wavelength at long wavelengths, indicating an outer edge (Rout) to the reprocessor. We have compared truncated disc reprocessing models to the combined HiPERCAM and previous X-ray/UV lags. For the normally accepted mass of 3.6 × 105M⊙, we obtain reasonable agreement with zero spin, Rout ∼ 1700Rg and the DONE physically motivated temperature-dependent disc colour-correction factor (fcol ⁠). A smaller mass of 4 × 104M⊙ can only be accommodated if fcol=2.4⁠, which is probably unrealistically high. Disc self gravity is probably unimportant in this low-mass AGN but an obscuring wind may provide an edge. For the small mass, the dust sublimation radius is similar to Rout so the wind could be dusty. However, for the more likely large mass, the sublimation radius is further out so the optically thick base of a line-driven gaseous wind is more likely. The inner edge of the BLR is close to Rout in both cases. These observations provide the first good evidence for a truncated AGN disc and caution that truncation should be included in reverberation lag modelling

    Cataclysmic variables are a key population of gravitational wave sources for LISA

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    The gravitational wave (GW) signals from the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables (CVs) have yet to be carefully assessed. Here we estimate these signals and evaluate their significance for LISA. First, we find that at least three known systems are expected to produce strong enough signals to be individually resolved within the first four years of LISA's operation. Second, CVs will contribute significantly to the LISA Galactic binary background, limiting the mission's sensitivity in the relevant frequency band. Third, we predict a spike in the unresolved GW background at a frequency corresponding to the CV minimum orbital period. This excess noise may impact the detection of other systems near this characteristic frequency. Fourth, we note that the excess noise spike amplitude and location associated with Pmin80 minP_{\rm{min}}\sim80~\mathrm{min} can be used to measure the CV space density and period bounce location with complementary and simple GW biases compared to the biases and selection effects plaguing samples selected from electromagnetic signals. Our results highlight the need to explicitly include the Galactic CV population in the LISA mission planning, both as individual GW sources and generators of background noise, as well as the exciting prospect of characterising the CV population through their GW emission

    The peculiar bursting nature of CP Pup

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    The classical nova CP Puppis has been observed to have particularly puzzling and peculiar properties. In particular, this classical nova displays occasional bursts in its long-term ASAS-SN light curve. Here, we report on five sectors of TESS data displaying two of these rapid bursts, lasting ∼1 d. Based on the estimated lower energy limits of the bursts, we discuss whether the bursts may be examples of micronovae resulting from localized thermonuclear explosion. Furthermore, its orbital period remains uncertain, with several inconsistent periodic signals appearing in spectroscopic and photometric observations at various wavelengths. Although we cannot unambiguously unravel the physical origin of the signals, the previously suggested nature of CP Puppis as a long orbital period system may be a viable explanation. The recurrence time of the bursts in CP Puppis, together with the unexplained variable modulations make it a prime candidate for intense monitoring.</p

    Burst-induced spin variations in the accreting magnetic white dwarf PBC J0801.2–4625

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    PBC J0801.2–4625 is an intermediate polar with a primary spin frequency of 66.08 d −1 and an unknown orbital period. The long-term All Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) light curve of this system reveals four bursts, all of which have similar peak amplitudes (∼2 mag) and durations (∼2 d). In this work, we primarily study the timing properties of this system’s 2019 February burst, which was simultaneously observed by both ASAS-SN and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Pre-burst, a frequency of 4.064 ± 0.002 d −1(5.906 ± 0.003 h period), likely attributed to the binary orbit, is identified in addition to previous measurements for the white dwarf’s spin. During the burst, however, we find a spin frequency of 68.35 ± 0.28 d −1. Post-burst, the spin returns to its pre-brust value but with a factor 1.82 ± 0.05 larger amplitude. The burst profile is double-peaked, and we estimate its energy to be 3.3 × 10 39 erg. We conclude that the burst appears most consistent with thermonuclear runaway (i.e. a’micronova’), and suggest that the spin variations may be an analogue to burst oscillations (i.e.’micronova oscillations’). However, we also note that the above findings could be explained by a dwarf nova outburst. With the available data, we are unable to distinguish between these two scenarios.</p

    Evolution of spin in the intermediate polar CC sculptoris

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    We report on spin variations in the intermediate polar and cataclysmic variable CC Scl, as seen by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). By studying both the spin period and its harmonic, we find that the spin has varied since it was first observed in 2011. We find the latest spin value for the source to be 389.473(6)s, equivalent to 0.00450779(7) days, 0.02s shorter than the first value measured. A linear fit to these and intermediate data give a rate of change of spin ~-4.26(2.66)e10^-11 and a characteristic timescale tau~2.90e10^5 years, in line with other known intermediate polars with varying spin. The spin profile of this source also matches theoretical spin profiles of high-inclination intermediate polars, and furthermore, appears to have changed in shape over a period of three years. Such `spin-up' in an intermediate polar is considered to be from mass accretion onto the white dwarf (the primary), and we note the presence of dwarf nova eruptions in this source as being a possible catalyst of the variations

    First detection of the outer edge of an AGN accretion disc: Very fast multiband optical variability of NGC 4395 with GTC/HiPERCAM and LT/IO:O

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    We present fast (~200s sampling) ugriz photometry of the low mass AGN NGC 4395 with the Liverpool Telescope, followed by very fast (3s sampling) us, gs, rs, is and zs simultaneous monitoring with HiPERCAM on the 10.4m GTC. These observations provide the fastest ever AGN multiband photometry and very precise lag measurements. Unlike in all other AGN, gs lags us by a large amount, consistent with disc reprocessing but not with reprocessing in the Broad Line Region (BLR). There is very little increase in lag with wavelength at long wavelengths, indicating an outer edge (Rout) to the reprocessor. We have compared truncated disc reprocessing models to the combined HiPERCAM and previous X-ray/UV lags. For the normally accepted mass of 3.6E5 solar, we obtain reasonable agreement with zero spin, Rout ~1700 Rg, and the DONE physically-motivated temperature-dependent disc colour correction factor (fcol). A smaller mass of 4E4 solar can only be accomodated if fcol=2.4, which is probably unrealistically high. Disc self gravity is probably unimportant in this low mass AGN but an obscuring wind may provide an edge. For the small mass the dust sublimation radius is similar to Rout, so the wind could be dusty. However for the more likely large mass the sublimation radius is further out so the optically-thick base of a line-driven gaseous wind is more likely. The inner edge of the BLR is close to Rout in both cases. These observations provide the first good evidence for a truncated AGN disc and caution that truncation should be included in reverberation lag modelling