103 research outputs found

    Sequential determination of traces of As, Sb and hg by on-line magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with Hr-Cs-Cvg-Gfaas

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    A green and rapid method was developed for the simultaneous separation/preconcentration and sequential monitoring pf arsenic, antimony and mercury by flow injection magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapor generation and determination by high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating/cationic retention of the analytes onto a magnet based reactor designed to contain functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). The MNP score allows overcoming the back-pressure problems that usually happen in SPME methods with NPs thanks to the possibility of inmobilizing the MNPs by applying an external magnetic field. Several chemical and flow variables were considered as factors in the optimization process using central composite designs. With the optimized procedure the detection limits obtained were 0.2, 0.003 and 0.4 ”g/L for As, Sb and Hg respectively. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the developed method the analysis of two certified samples TM 24.3 and TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake Waters was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.Universidad de Målaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Eosinophilic esophagitis, celiac disease, and immunoglobulin E–mediated allergy in a 2-year-old child

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    This communication was presented at XXVI National Congress of SEAIC, Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Bilbao, Spain, 2008Celiac disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, and urticaria are 3 manifestations of food allergy with different pathogenic mechanisms. We report the case of a 2-year-old child with digestive symptoms, slow growth, and severe asthma. The results of skin prick tests were positive to several foods. Endoscopy revealed eosinophilic esophagitis and celiac disease. Treatment consisted of a gluten-free diet and a 1-month course of oral corticosteroids. Endoscopy and biopsy fi ndings were normal at 5 years of age. A gluten-free diet is the basis of treatment of celiac disease, but the role of an elimination diet in eosinophilic esophagitis is not well established. Our patient also developed urticaria when exposed to milk and egg. We present, to our knowledge, the fi rst report of a patient with celiac disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, and immediate-type immunoglobulin E–mediated food allergyEnfermedad celĂ­aca, esofagitis eosinofĂ­lica y urticaria son tres manifestaciones clĂ­nicas de alergia a alimentos con diferente etiopatogĂ©nesis. Describimos el caso de una niña de 2 años de edad con sĂ­ntomas digestivos, retraso del desarrollo pĂłndero-estatural y asma persistente. Las pruebas cutĂĄneas fueron positivas a varios alimentos. La endoscopia digestiva y biopsias mostraron signos de esofagitis eosinofĂ­lica y enfermedad celĂ­aca. RealizĂł dieta exenta de gluten y de los alimentos a los que estaba sensibilizada y siguiĂł tratamiento con corticoides orales un mes. A los 5 años de edad, la endoscopia digestiva alta y biopsias esofĂĄgicas fueron normales. Una dieta exenta de gluten es la base del tratamiento de la enfermedad celiaca. Sin embargo, el papel de las dietas de eliminaciĂłn en la esofagitis eosinofĂ­lica no ha sido totalmente establecido. La paciente desarrollĂł ademĂĄs urticaria tras contacto con leche y huevo. Presentamos el primer caso de enfermedad celiaca, esofagitis eosinofi lica y alergia alimentaria mediada por IgE en el mismo pacient

    Ternary solid-ferrofluid-liquid magnetorheological fluids

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    A new kind of magnetorheological fluid is proposed that exhibits both enhanced magnetorheological effect and kinetic stability against sedimentation. It includes the presence of small amounts of an emulsified aqueous ferrofluid as a third phase in a conventional oil-based magnetorheological fluid prepared by the dispersion of carbonyl iron microparticles.This work was supported by MINECO MAT 2016-78778-R and PCIN-2015-051 projects (Spain), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the Junta de AndalucĂ­a P11-FQM-7074 project (Spain). J J Yang acknowledges the Chinese State Scholarship Fund. J R Morillas acknowledges the FPU14/01576 fellowship

    Instituto Internacional de Investigaci ́on e Innovaci ́on del Envejecimiento

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    El Instituto Internacional de Investigaci on e Innovaci on del Envejecimiento es un proyecto transfronterizo y multidisciplinar centrado en la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ancianos mediante el uso de la tecnolog a. En este proyecto colaboran la Universidad de Evora, el Instituto Polit ecnico de Porto Alegre, el Instituto Polit ecnico de Beja, la Administraci on Regional de Salud de Alentejo y la Universidad de Extremadura. Los objetivos del proyecto se centran en comprender los aspectos biom edicos, funcionales y psicol ogicos del envejecimiento; generar nuevos modelos y procesos de cuidado a ancianos y desarrollar soluciones tecnol ogicas que contribuyan a la salud y calidad de vida de los ancianos y a la sostenibilidad de los servicios

    Improving Cr (VI) Extraction through Electrodialysis

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    A laboratory study has been carried out to determine the feasibility of in situ remediation of chromium (VI) contaminated soil using electrodialysis. In a classic setup, this technique implies the application of a low intensity direct current to the soil, which is separated from the electrode compartments by ion-exchange membranes. If the pollutants are ionic compounds, they can be forced to migrate to the oppositely charged electrode by electro-migration. Membranes selectively impede the flow of ions in the electrode compartments back to the soil. If a metal species is naturally present as an anion, mobilization from the soil at alkaline pH can be realized and, at the same time, the mobilization of other metal cations that occur at low pH can be minimized. Experiments have been carried out with clayey soils (kaolinite clay and soil clay mixtures) that have been characterized and then contaminated by mixing with a potassium dichromate solution for several days. Initial Cr (VI) content ranges from 500 to 4000 mg/kg. Treatment tests were carried out in an acrylic laboratory cells consisting of a central soil compartment and two electrode compartments located at both ends of the column. Dimensionally stable titanium electrodes coated with mixed metal oxides were placed in the electrode compartments. 0.01M Na2SO4 electrolytes were recirculated through them from two 1-liter deposits using a peristaltic pump. Two commercial ion exchange membranes separated the anolyte and catholyte compartments from the soil in the standard configuration. A programmable DC: power supply was connected to the electrodes and a computer for data acquisition.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the "Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga" with project numbers PPIT.UMA.D1; PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/20 and PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17. This work has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045

    Analytical methods in wineries: is it time to change?

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    A review of the methods for the most common parameters determined in wine—namely, ethanol, sulfur dioxide, reducing sugars, polyphenols, organic acids, total and volatile acidity, iron, soluble solids, pH, and color—reported in the last 10 years is presented here. The definition of the given parameter, official and usual methods in wineries appear at the beginning of each section, followed by the methods reported in the last decade divided into discontinuous and continuous methods, the latter also are grouped in nonchromatographic and chromatographic methods because of the typical characteristics of each subgroup. A critical comparison between continuous and discontinuous methods for the given parameter ends each section. Tables summarizing the features of the methods and a conclusions section may help users to select the most appropriate method and also to know the state-of-the-art of analytical methods in this area

    Digital Avatars for Older People’s Care

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    Es el preprint de: Bertoa M.F., Moreno N., Perez-Vereda A., Bandera D., Álvarez-Palomo J.M., Canal C. (2020) Digital Avatars for Older People’s Care. In: García-Alonso J., Fonseca C. (eds) Gerontechnology. IWoG 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1185. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41494-8_6.The continuous increase in life expectancy poses a challenge for health systems in modern societies, especially with respect to older people living in rural low-populated areas, both in terms of isolation and difficulty to access and communicate with health services. In this paper, we address these issues by applying the Digital Avatars framework to Gerontechnology. Building on our previous work on mobile and social computing, in particular the People as a Service model, Digital Avatars make intensive use of the capabilities of current smartphones to collect information about their owners, and applies techniques of Complex Event Processing extended with uncertainty for inferring the habits and preferences of the user of the phone and building with them a virtual profile. These virtual profiles allow to monitor the well-being and quality of life of older adults, reminding pharmacological treatments and home health testings, and raising alerts when an anomalous situation is detected.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government under grant PGC2018-094905-B-100
