615 research outputs found

    Size dependence of the photoinduced magnetism and long-range ordering in Prussian blue analog nanoparticles of rubidium cobalt hexacyanoferrate

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    Nanoparticles of rubidium cobalt hexacyanoferrate (Rbj_jCok_k[Fe(CN)6_6]lâ‹…n_l \cdot nH2_2O) were synthesized using different concentrations of the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to produce four different batches of particles with characteristic diameters ranging from 3 to 13 nm. Upon illumination with white light at 5 K, the magnetization of these particles increases. The long-range ferrimagnetic ordering temperatures and the coercive fields evolve with nanoparticle size. At 2 K, particles with diameters less than approximately 10 nm provide a Curie-like magnetic signal.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures in text, expanded text and dat

    Stability of de Sitter spacetime under isotropic perturbations in semiclassical gravity

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    A spatially flat Robertson-Walker spacetime driven by a cosmological constant is non-conformally coupled to a massless scalar field. The equations of semiclassical gravity are explicitly solved for this case, and a self-consistent de Sitter solution associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum state is found (the effect of the quantum field is to shift slightly the effective cosmological constant). Furthermore, it is shown that the corrected de Sitter spacetime is stable under spatially-isotropic perturbations of the metric and the quantum state. These results are independent of the free renormalization parameters.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX

    The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication

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    et al.Penicillium chrysogenum virus (PcV), a member of the Chrysoviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) fungal virus with a multipartite genome, with each RNA molecule encapsidated in a separate particle. Chrysoviruses lack an extracellular route and are transmitted during sporogenesis and cell fusion. The PcV capsid, based on a T=1 lattice containing 60 subunits of the 982-amino-acid capsid protein, remains structurally undisturbed throughout the viral cycle, participates in genome metabolism, and isolates the virus genome from host defense mechanisms. Using three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy, we determined the structure of the PcV virion at 8.0 Å resolution. The capsid protein has a high content of rod-like densities characteristic of α-helices, forming a repeated α-helical core indicative of gene duplication. Whereas the PcV capsid protein has two motifs with the same fold, most dsRNA virus capsid subunits consist of dimers of a single protein with similar folds. The spatial arrangement of the α-helical core resembles that found in the capsid protein of the L-A virus, a fungal totivirus with an undivided genome, suggesting a conserved basic fold. The encapsidated genome is organized in concentric shells; whereas the inner dsRNA shells are well defined, the outermost layer is dense due to numerous interactions with the inner capsid surface, specifically, six interacting areas per monomer. The outermost genome layer is arranged in an icosahedral cage, sufficiently well ordered to allow for modeling of an A-form dsRNA. The genome ordering might constitute a framework for dsRNA transcription at the capsid interior and/or have a structural role for capsid stability. Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU 2008-02328/BMC and S-0505-Mat-0238 to J.L.C. and BIO2008-02361 to J.R.C.) and the NIH Intramural Research Program with support from the Center for Information Technology.Peer Reviewe

    Free-Field Realization of D-dimensional Cylindrical Gravitational Waves

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    We find two-dimensional free-field variables for D-dimensional general relativity on spacetimes with D-2 commuting spacelike Killing vector fields and non-compact spatial sections for D>4. We show that there is a canonical transformation which maps the corresponding two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory into a two-dimensional diffeomorphism invariant theory of the free-field variables. We also show that the spacetime metric components can be expressed as asymptotic series in negative powers of the dilaton, with coefficients which can be determined in terms of the free fields.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Real time approach to tunneling in open quantum systems: decoherence and anomalous diffusion

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    Macroscopic quantum tunneling is described using the master equation for the reduced Wigner function of an open quantum system at zero temperature. Our model consists of a particle trapped in a cubic potential interacting with an environment characterized by dissipative and normal and anomalous diffusion coefficients. A representation based on the energy eigenfunctions of the isolated system, i.e. the system uncoupled to the environment, is used to write the reduced Wigner function, and the master equation becomes simpler in that representation. The energy eigenfunctions computed in a WKB approximation incorporate the tunneling effect of the isolated system and the effect of the environment is described by an equation that it is in many ways similar to a Fokker-Planck equation. Decoherence is easily identified from the master equation and we find that when the decoherence time is much shorter than the tunneling time the master equation can be approximated by a Kramers like equation describing thermal activation due to the zero point fluctuations of the quantum environment. The effect of anomalous diffusion can be dealt with perturbatively and its overall effect is to inhibit tunneling.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Molecular and all solid DFT studies of the magnetic and chemical bonding properties within KM[Cr(CN)6_6] (M = V, Ni) complexes

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    A study at both the molecular and extended solid level in the framework DFT is carried out for KM[Cr(CN)6_6] (M = V, Ni). From molecular calculations, the exchange parameters J are obtained, pointing to the expected magnetic ground states, i.e., antiferromagnetic for M = V with J = -296.5 cm−1^{-1} and ferromagnetic for M = Ni with J = +40.5 cm−1^{-1}. From solid state computations the same ground states and J magnitudes are confirmed from energy differences. Furthermore an analysis of the site projected density of states and of the chemical bonding is developed in which the cyanide ion linkage is analyzed addressing some isomerism aspects.Comment: new results, 5 tables, 7 fig

    Mode decomposition and renormalization in semiclassical gravity

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    We compute the influence action for a system perturbatively coupled to a linear scalar field acting as the environment. Subtleties related to divergences that appear when summing over all the modes are made explicit and clarified. Being closely connected with models used in the literature, we show how to completely reconcile the results obtained in the context of stochastic semiclassical gravity when using mode decomposition with those obtained by other standard functional techniques.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Backreaction from non-conformal quantum fields in de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the backreaction on the mean field geometry due to a non-conformal quantum field in a Robertson-Walker background. In the regime of small mass and small deviation from conformal coupling, we compute perturbatively the expectation value of the stress tensor of the field for a variety of vacuum states, and use it to obtain explicitly the semiclassical gravity solutions for isotropic perturbations around de Sitter spacetime, which is found to be stable. Our results show clearly the crucial role of the non-local terms that appear in the effective action: they cancel the contribution from local terms proportional to the logarithm of the scale factor which would otherwise become dominant at late times and prevent the existence of a stable self-consistent de Sitter solution. Finally, the opposite regime of a strongly non-conformal field with a large mass is also considered.Comment: 31 page

    Dissipation, noise and vacuum decay in quantum field theory

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    We study the process of vacuum decay in quantum field theory focusing on the stochastic aspects of the interaction between long and short-wavelength modes. This interaction results in a diffusive behavior of the reduced Wigner function describing the state of the long-wavelength modes, and thereby to a finite activation rate even at zero temperature. This effect can make a substantial contribution to the total decay rate.Comment: 5 page

    Stochastic Gravity: Beyond Semiclassical Gravity

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    The back-reaction of a classical gravitational field interacting with quantum matter fields is described by the semiclassical Einstein equation, which has the expectation value of the quantum matter fields stress tensor as a source. The semiclassical theory may be obtained from the quantum field theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields in the large N limit. This theory breaks down when the fields quantum fluctuations are important. Stochastic gravity goes beyond the semiclassical limit and allows for a systematic and self-consistent description of the metric fluctuations induced by these quantum fluctuations. The correlation functions of the metric fluctuations obtained in stochastic gravity reproduce the correlation functions in the quantum theory to leading order in an 1/N expansion. Two main applications of stochastic gravity are discussed. The first, in cosmology, to obtain the spectrum of primordial metric perturbations induced by the inflaton fluctuations, even beyond the linear approximation. The second, in black hole physics, to study the fluctuations of the horizon of an evaporating black hole.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, proceedings of the XXIX Spanish Relativity Meetin
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