130 research outputs found

    Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Pleistocene sediments in Lake Llauset (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)-a first approach

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    The high alpine valleys in the Southem Pyrenees are characterised by a many small lakes and ponds. They occur above 2000 m and are said to have been formed by glacial erosion. The sediments in these basins should, therefore, contain s t p tigraphic information since deglaciation, at least. An interesting and may be one of the most important of these basins is Lake Llauset in the Alta Ribagorca. The Llauset basin has recently been developped for hydsopower production. In conection with the construction of the retaining wall at the 'Riegel' the sedimentary filling of the lake basin could be investigated, and the first sedimentological and stratigraphicalresults are presented

    Nous conceptes sobre la diabetis autoimmunitària

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    La diabetis mellitus de tipus 1 (DT1) és una malaltia metabòlica provocada per la destrucció de les cèl·lules productores d'insulina, les cèl·lules β dels illots pancreàtics. De base autoimmunitària, no es coneix l'etiologia d'aquesta malaltia, tot i que s'han identificat factors genètics, ambientals i immunitaris de susceptibilitat. En aquest article fem un repàs dels mecanismes d'autoimmunitat i els nous conceptes en aquest camp. També destaquem els models experimentals utilitzats en l'estudi de la DT1 i les noves teràpies desenvolupades amb aquests. Per acabar, fem una ullada al present i al futur de la immunoteràpia preventiva i de tractament en aquesta malaltia, i insistim en la necessitat d'aturar el procés autoimmunitari, restaurar la tolerància immunitària, identificar nous biomarcadors de progressió i aplicar conjuntament estratègies de regeneració i neogènesi de les cèl·lules β.Type 1 diabetes (DT1) is a metabolic disease caused by the selective destruction of the insulin producing β cells by the immune system. The etiology of the disease is still unknown, but several genetic, environmental and immunological factors of susceptibility have been identified. In this chapter we describe the autoimmune mechanisms involved in this disease, as well as the experimental models used for the study of DT1 and for the development of new strategies of immune intervention. Lastly, we explain the recent assays in immunotherapies aimed at preventing and curing the disease, based on breaking autoimmune response, restoring immunological tolerance and identifying new biomarkers of disease progression, as well as strategies for regenerating β cells

    Embedded systems: impact and future challenges

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    S’analitza l’impacte que tenen els moderns sistemes electrònics encastats en diferents àmbits, com són la societat, l’àmbit industrial i l’educació. Es presenta una breu definició del que és un sistema encastat i es donen alguns exemples de les aplicacions que pot tenir. Es fa un repàs de les tendències actuals dels sistemes encastats i una projecció a mitjà i llarg termini de l’impacte que poden arribar a tenir. Es conclou amb unes recomanacions d’actuació amb l’objectiu de preparar la societat i la indústria catalana vers l’imminent futur dels objectes cibernètics interconnectats. Paraules clau: sistemes encastats, Internet de les coses, ciberobjectes.The impact of modern embedded electronic systems in different scenarios – such as society, industry and education – is analyzed. A brief definition is given of what an embedded system is, providing some examples of possible applications. A review of current trends in embedded systems is made, presenting a medium- and long-term impact projection. This introductory article concludes with some recommendations for action in order to prepare Catalonia’s industry and society in general for the imminent future of the cyber interconnected objects. Keywords: embedded systems, Internet of things, cyberobjects

    Meso-Neoproterozoic basic-intermediate mafic granulites (metabasites) from the ∼1 Ga granulitic southwestern Oaxacan complex, Mexico, crustal evolution and phase equilibria modeling

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe basement of eastern Mexico is made up of Grenvillian granulite-facies metamorphic rocks, which constitute an inferred microcontinent named Oaxaquia. Proto-Oaxaquia oceanic arc reconstructions are related to the transition from Columbia to Rodinia supercontinents (∼1.5 Ga). This study focuses on the petrography, geochemistry, and phase equilibria modeling of metabasites from the southwestern Oaxacan Complex, the largest Oaxaquia outcrop. Southwestern Oaxacan Complex protoliths mainly correspond to gabbro/basalt. They constitute an assemblage apart from the rest of the Oaxacan Complex metabasites due to their Ti enrichment and SiO2 depletion related to post-magmatic/metamorphic processes. Southern study site metabasites correspond to the primitive root of the arc, mostly related to a divergent geotectonic setting. The other metabasites are related to the magmatic back/forearc active margin between proto-Oaxaquia and Amazonia craton. Phase equilibria modeling point to Zapotecan (last Grenvillian cycle) metamorphic peak conditions of 850 ± 25 °C and 1.0 ± 0.15 GPa from one garnet-amphibole bearing metabasite, and a later hydration episode (post-Grenvillian) of 760 ± 10 °C and 0.8 ± 0.20 GPa derived from one amphibole bearing metabasite. The time of incipient partial melting of the southwestern Oaxacan Complex is a pre-Zapotecan event (∼1 Ga). Mineral textures do not display significant processes related to the post-Zapotecan metamorphic retrogression, and only a few whole-rock light rare element patterns display strong enrichments

    Els sistemes encastats: impacte i reptes de futur

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    S’analitza l’impacte que tenen els moderns sistemes electrònics encastats en diferents àmbits, com són la societat, l’àmbit industrial i l’educació. Es presenta una breu definició del que és un sistema encastat i es donen alguns exemples de les aplicacions que pot tenir. Es fa un repàs de les tendències actuals dels sistemes encastats i una projecció a mitjà i llarg termini de l’impacte que poden arribar a tenir. Es conclou amb unes recomanacions d’actuació amb l’objectiu de preparar la societat i la indústria catalana vers l’imminent futur dels objectes cibernètics interconnectats.The impact of modern embedded electronic systems in different scenarios – such as society, industry and education – is analyzed. A brief definition is given of what an embedded system is, providing some examples of possible applications. A review of current trends in embedded systems is made, presenting a medium- and long-term impact projection. This introductory article concludes with some recommendations for action in order to prepare Catalonia’s industry and society in general for the imminent future of the cyber interconnected objects.Postprint (published version

    Treatment of T1D via optimized expansion of antigen-specific Tregs induced by IL-2/anti-IL-2 monoclonal antibody complexes and peptide/MHC tetramers.

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    Type 1 diabetes can be overcome by regulatory T cells (Treg) in NOD mice yet an efficient method to generate and maintain antigen-specific Treg is difficult to come by. Here, we devised a combination therapy of peptide/MHC tetramers and IL-2/anti-IL-2 monoclonal antibody complexes to generate antigen-specific Treg and maintain them over extended time periods. We first optimized treatment protocols conceived to obtain an improved islet-specific Treg/effector T cell ratio that led to the in vivo expansion and activation of these Treg as well as to an improved suppressor function. Optimized protocols were applied to treatment for testing diabetes prevention in NOD mice as well as in an accelerated T cell transfer model of T1D. The combined treatment led to robust protection against diabetes, and in the NOD model, to a close to complete prevention of insulitis. Treatment was accompanied with increased secretion of IL-10, detectable in total splenocytes and in Foxp3− CD4 T cells. Our data suggest that a dual protection mechanism takes place by the collaboration of Foxp3+ and Foxp3− regulatory cells. We conclude that antigen-specific Treg are an important target to improve current clinical interventions against this disease

    El vendaje neuromuscular

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    El vendaje neuromuscular o también denominado Kinesio tape tiene como premisa principal que el movimiento y la actividad muscular deben preser­varse para recuperar cualquier lesión. Kenzo Kase fue quien diseñó a principios de los años 70, un esparadrapo que permitiera la recupe­ración de la parte lesionada del cuerpo sin limitar su función corporal.Esta aplicación la extendió a cualquier segmento corporal, tanto osteoarticular y músculo ligamentoso como orgánico. Se basa en la influencia del tape aplicado sobre los receptores sensoriales
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