4 research outputs found

    Окрема думка судді в кримінальному процесі

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    З’ясовується змістове наповнення правових засад, на підставі яких суддя може викласти окрему думку. Досліджується поняття «окремої думки судді» в різних країнах та правових системах. Висвітлюється механізм реалізації окремої думки судді в порівнянні з правом зарубіжних держав та вносить пропозиції щодо запозичення та ведення аналогічних механізмів реалізації окремої думки судді в Україні.Раскрывается содержание правовых принципов, на основании которых судья может изложить особое мнение. Исследуется понятие «особого мнения судьи » в разных странах и правовых системах. Освещается механизм реализации особого мнения судьи в сравнении с правом зарубежных государств и вносит предложение относительно заимствования и ведения аналогичных механизмов реализации особого мнения судьи в Украине.This article investigated the legal principles on which the judge may express the separate opinion; the existence of the notion of «the separate opinion of judge» in different countries and legal systems is conducted. The author analyzed the mechanism of realization of the separate opinion of judge in comparison with the law of foreign countries and made proposals for borrowing and introduction of the similar mechanisms for realization the dissenting the separate opinion of judge in Ukraine

    Genetic polymorphisms in ABCG2 and CYP1A2 are associated with imatinib dose reduction in patients treated for gastrointestinal stromal tumors

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    Imatinib has a mild toxicity profile, although severe adverse events may develop. In this pharmacogenetic pathway analysis the need for dose reduction and cessation of therapy was tested for an association with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes related to imatinib pharmacology. Retrospective data from 315 patients with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor who received imatinib 400 mg o.d. was associated with 36 SNPs. SNPs that showed a trend in univariate testing were tested in a multivariate model with clinical factors and correction for multiple testing was performed. Dose reduction was associated with carriership of the A-allele in rs2231137 in ABCG2 (OR 7.35, p = 0.0002) and two C-alleles in rs762551 in CYP1A2 (OR 7.12, p = 0.001). Results remained significant after correction for multiple testing. Therapy cessation did not show an association with any of the tested SNPs. These results may help identifying patients at increased risk for toxicity who could benefit from intensified follow-up.Experimentele farmacotherapi

    Genetic polymorphisms in angiogenesis-related genes are associated with worse progression-free survival of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours treated with imatinib

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    Background: Imatinib 400 mg per day is first-line therapy for patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs). Although clinical benefit is high, progression-free survival (PFS) is variable. This study explores the relationship of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes related to imatinib pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and PFS in imatinib-treated patients with advanced GIST. Methods: In 227 patients a pharmacogenetic pathway analysis was performed. Genotype data from 36 SNPs in 18 genes were tested in univariate analyses to investigate their relationship with PFS. Genetic variables which showed a trend (p <0.1) were tested in a multivariate model, in which each singular SNP was added to clinicopathological factors. Results: In univariate analyses, PFS was associated with synchronous metastases (p=0.0008) and the mutational status (p = 0.004). Associations with rs1870377 in KDR (additive model, p = 0.0009), rs1570360 in VEGFA (additive model, p = 0.053) and rs4149117 in SLCO1B3 mutant dominant model, 0.027) were also found. In the multivariate model, significant associations and trends with shorter PFS were found for synchronous metastases (HR 1.94, p = 0.002), KIT exon 9 mutation (HR 2.45, p = 0.002) and the SNPs rs1870377 (AA genotype, HR 2.61, p = 0.015), rs1570360 (AA genotype, HR 2.02, p = 0.037) and rs4149117 (T allele, HR 0.62, p = 0.083). Conclusion: In addition to KIT exon 9 mutation and synchronous metastases, SNPs in KDR, VEGFA and SLCO1B3 appear to be associated with PFS in patients with advanced GIST receiving 400-mg imatinib. If validated, specific SNPs may serve as predictive biomarkers to identify patients with an increased risk for progressive disease during imatinib therapy