13 research outputs found

    A Prospective Study of the Effect of Cochlear Implantation on Tinnitus

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    Previous studies have shown diverse and sometimes even contrary results concerning the effect of cochlear implantation on tinnitus and the factors that can influence this effect. The aim of this prospective questionnaire study was to determine the effects of cochlear implantation on tinnitus and explore which factors can influence the effect of cochlear implantation on tinnitus. Forty-four of the patients implanted in our hospital returned 2 questionnaire packages, i.e., one before the cochlear implantation and one 6 months after implantation. Before implantation, 66% of the patients experienced tinnitus. This study shows that cochlear implantation could help to reduce tinnitus and the tinnitus handicap in at least 28% of the patients with preoperative tinnitus. In 72% of the patients the tinnitus remained after implantation. None of the patients developed tinnitus after implantation. A shorter duration of tinnitus prior to implantation, a more fluctuating type of tinnitus, a higher tinnitus handicap prior to implantation, and a round-window surgical approach might have a positive influence on the effect of cochlear implantation on tinnitus, but further research is necessary to confirm these findings. (C) 2019 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel</p

    Evaluation of high-dose rifampin in patients with new, smear-positive tuberculosis (HIRIF): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence has existed for decades that higher doses of rifampin may be more effective, but potentially more toxic, than standard doses used in tuberculosis treatment. Whether increased doses of rifampin could safely shorten treatment remains an open question. METHODS/DESIGN: The HIRIF study is a phase II randomized trial comparing rifampin doses of 20 and 15 mg/kg/day to the standard 10 mg/kg/day for the first 2 months of tuberculosis treatment. All participants receive standard doses of companion drugs and a standard continuation-phase treatment (4 months, 2 drugs). They are followed for 6 months post treatment. Study participants are adults with newly diagnosed, previously untreated, smear positive (≥2+) pulmonary tuberculosis. The primary outcome is rifampin area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC0-24) after at least 14 days of study treatment/minimum inhibitory concentration. 180 randomized participants affords 90 % statistical power to detect a difference of at least 14 mcg/mL*hr between the 20 mg/kg group and the 10 mg/kg group, assuming a loss to follow-up of up to 17 %. DISCUSSION: Extant evidence suggests the potential for increased doses of rifampin to shorten tuberculosis treatment duration. Early studies that explored this potential using intermittent, higher dosing were derailed by toxicity. Given the continued large, global burden of tuberculosis with nearly 10 million new cases annually, shortened regimens with existing drugs would offer an important advantage to patients and health systems. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial was registered with clinicaltrials.gov (registration number: NCT01408914 ) on 2 August 2011

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Handekzeme bei niederländischen Imkern - eine Querschnittsuntersuchung

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    Hintergrund und Zielsetzung Studien mit Imkern konzentrierten sich bislang meist auf die Kontaktallergie auf Propolis. Die Gesamtprävalenz des Handekzems (HE) bei Imkern wurde noch nicht untersucht. Unser Ziel war es, einen Einblick in die Prävalenz des HE bei niederländischen Imkern und in die Auswirkungen der Imkerei auf das HE (und vice versa) zu gewinnen. Zusätzlich sollten Faktoren, die mit dem HE assoziiert sind, ermittelt werden. Patienten und Methodik Wir führten eine Querschnittserhebung anhand einer Online‐Befragung durch. Die niederländischen Imker beantworteten Fragen zu ihren Aktivitäten als Imker, der Prävalenz und Ausprägung des HE, inklusive Schweregrad und Einfluss ihrer Erkrankung auf die Imkerei. Ergebnisse 833 Fragebögen (12 % der niederländischen Imker) wurden von uns ausgewertet. Die Ein‐Jahres‐Prävalenz des HE lag bei 13,2 % und die Lebenszeitprävalenz bei 20,5 %. Von 28 mit Epikutantest untersuchten Imkern reagierten acht (28,6 %) allergisch auf Propolis. Die einzige mit dem HE assoziierte Variable war die atopische Dermatitis (Odds Ratio 4,53 [95 %‐Konfidenzintervall 2,78–7,38]). Einer von drei Imkern berichtete, dass das HE durch die Imkerei verursacht wurde oder sich darunter verschlechtert hatte. Dennoch berichteten lediglich 3,8 % davon, ihre Tätigkeit als Imker aufgrund des HE einzuschränken. Der Einfluss des HE auf die Imkerei ist (aus Imkersicht) gering. Schlussfolgerungen In dieser Studie mit niederländischen Imkern wurde eine im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung höhere Prävalenz des HE beobachtet. Bei der Mehrheit der betroffenen Imker scheint ein HE jedoch kaum Auswirkungen auf die Ausübung der Imkerei zu haben

    Hand eczema among Dutch beekeepers - a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Studies of beekeepers have mostly focused on contact allergy to propolis. The overall prevalence of hand eczema (HE) in beekeepers has not been studied. Our objectives were to gain insight into the prevalence of HE in the Dutch beekeeper population; to define the impact of beekeeping activities on HE and vice versa; and to determine associated factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We used a cross-sectional online survey. Dutch beekeepers answered questions on beekeeping activities, the prevalence and characteristics of HE, including severity, and the impact of the disease on beekeeping. RESULTS: We analyzed 833 surveys (12 % of Dutch beekeepers). The one-year prevalence of HE was 13.2 %, and the lifetime prevalence was 20.5 %. In 28 patch-tested beekeepers with hand eczema, eight (28.6 %) were allergic to propolis. Atopic dermatitis was the only variable associated with HE: the odds ratio was 4.53 (95 % confidence interval 2.78-7.38). One in three beekeepers reported that HE was caused or worsened by beekeeping, although only 3.8 % reported working less at beekeeping because of HE, and the impact of HE on beekeeping activities (as perceived by beekeepers) is low. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of Dutch beekeepers, hand eczema was more prevalent than in the general population, but seems to have had little impact on the beekeeping activities of the majority of beekeepers

    Hand eczema among Dutch beekeepers - a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Studies of beekeepers have mostly focused on contact allergy to propolis. The overall prevalence of hand eczema (HE) in beekeepers has not been studied. Our objectives were to gain insight into the prevalence of HE in the Dutch beekeeper population; to define the impact of beekeeping activities on HE and vice versa; and to determine associated factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We used a cross-sectional online survey. Dutch beekeepers answered questions on beekeeping activities, the prevalence and characteristics of HE, including severity, and the impact of the disease on beekeeping. RESULTS: We analyzed 833 surveys (12 % of Dutch beekeepers). The one-year prevalence of HE was 13.2 %, and the lifetime prevalence was 20.5 %. In 28 patch-tested beekeepers with hand eczema, eight (28.6 %) were allergic to propolis. Atopic dermatitis was the only variable associated with HE: the odds ratio was 4.53 (95 % confidence interval 2.78-7.38). One in three beekeepers reported that HE was caused or worsened by beekeeping, although only 3.8 % reported working less at beekeeping because of HE, and the impact of HE on beekeeping activities (as perceived by beekeepers) is low. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of Dutch beekeepers, hand eczema was more prevalent than in the general population, but seems to have had little impact on the beekeeping activities of the majority of beekeepers