581 research outputs found

    Limits on the Mass, Velocity and Orbit of PSR J1933−-6211

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    We present a high-precision timing analysis of PSR J1933−-6211, a millisecond pulsar (MSP) with a 3.5-ms spin period and a white dwarf (WD) companion, using data from the Parkes radio telescope. Since we have accurately measured the polarization properties of this pulsar we have applied the matrix template matching approach in which the times of arrival are measured using full polarimetric information. We achieved a weighted root-mean-square timing residuals (rms) of the timing residuals of 1.23 μs\rm \mu s, 15.5%\% improvement compared to the total intensity timing analysis. After studying the scintillation properties of this pulsar we put constraints on the inclination angle of the system. Based on these measurements and on χ2\chi^2 mapping we put a 2-σ\sigma upper limit on the companion mass (0.44 M⊙_\odot). Since this mass limit cannot reveal the nature of the companion we further investigate the possibility of the companion to be a He WD. Applying the orbital period-mass relation for such WDs, we conclude that the mass of a He WD companion would be about 0.26±\pm0.01 M⊙_\odot which, combined with the measured mass function and orbital inclination limits, would lead to a light pulsar mass ⩽\leqslant 1.0 M⊙_\odot. This result seems unlikely based on current neutron star formation models and we therefore conclude that PSR J1933−-6211 most likely has a CO WD companion, which allows for a solution with a more massive pulsar

    A possible signature of cosmic neutrino decoupling in the nHz region of the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves

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    In this paper we study the effect of cosmic neutrino decoupling on the spectrum of cosmological gravitational waves (GWs). At temperatures T>>1 MeV, neutrinos constitute a perfect fluid and do not hinder GW propagation, while for T<<1 MeV they free-stream and have an effective viscosity that damps cosmological GWs by a constant amount. In the intermediate regime, corresponding to neutrino decoupling, the damping is frequency-dependent. GWs entering the horizon during neutrino decoupling have a frequency f ~ 1 nHz, corresponding to a frequency region that will be probed by Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs). In particular, we show how neutrino decoupling induces a spectral feature in the spectrum of cosmological GWs just below 1 nHz. We briefly discuss the conditions for a detection of this feature and conclude that it is unlikely to be observed by PTAs.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. V2: References Adde

    Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

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    Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors is currently limited by their low quality (QQ)-factor. Here, we make use of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) to apply pure in-plane mechanical strain, enhancing both their resonance frequency and Q-factor. In contrast to earlier work, the 2D material resonators are fabricated on the MEMS actuators without any wet processing steps, using a dry-transfer method. A platinum clamp, that is deposited by electron beam-induced deposition, is shown to be effective in fixing the 2D membrane to the MEMS and preventing slippage. By in-plane straining the membranes in a purely mechanical fashion, we increase the tensile energy, thereby diluting dissipation. This way, we show how dissipation dilution can increase the QQ-factor of 2D material resonators by 91\%. The presented MEMS actuated dissipation dilution method does not only pave the way towards higher QQ-factors in resonators based on 2D materials, but also provides a route toward studies of the intrinsic loss mechanisms of 2D materials in the monolayer limit.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    On detection of the stochastic gravitational-wave background using the Parkes pulsar timing array

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    We search for the signature of an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background in pulsar timing observations using a frequency-domain correlation technique. These observations, which span roughly 12 yr, were obtained with the 64-m Parkes radio telescope augmented by public domain observations from the Arecibo Observatory. A wide range of signal processing issues unique to pulsar timing and not previously presented in the literature are discussed. These include the effects of quadratic removal, irregular sampling, and variable errors which exacerbate the spectral leakage inherent in estimating the steep red spectrum of the gravitational-wave background. These observations are found to be consistent with the null hypothesis, that no gravitational-wave background is present, with 76 percent confidence. We show that the detection statistic is dominated by the contributions of only a few pulsars because of the inhomogeneity of this data set. The issues of detecting the signature of a gravitational-wave background with future observations are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery and modelling of broad-scale plasma lensing in black-widow pulsar J2051−-0827

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    We report on an unusually bright observation of PSR J2051−-0827 recorded during a regular monitoring campaign of black-widow pulsar systems with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. Through fortunate coincidence, a particularly bright scintillation maximum is simultaneous with the eclipse by the companion, enabling precise measurements of variations in the flux density, dispersion measure (DM), and scattering strength throughout the eclipse. The flux density is highly variable throughout the eclipse, with a peak 1.7 times the average away from the eclipse, and yet does not significantly decrease on average. We recover the flux density variations from the measured DM variations using geometric optics, with a relative velocity as the only free parameter. We measure an effective velocity of (470 ±\pm 10) km/s, consistent with the relative orbital motion of the companion, suggesting that the outflow velocity of the lensing material is low, or is directly along the line of sight. The 2 per cent uncertainty on the effective velocity is a formal error; systematics related to our current model are likely to dominate, and we detail several extensions to the model to be considered in a full treatment of lensing. This is a demonstration of the causal link between DM and lensing; the flux density variations can be predicted directly through the derivatives of DM. Going forward, this approach can be applied to investigate the dynamics of other eclipsing systems, and to investigate the physical nature of scintillation and lensing in the ionized interstellar medium.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, references update

    The Sensitivity of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array to Individual Sources of Gravitational Waves

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    We present the sensitivity of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array to gravitational waves emitted by individual super-massive black-hole binary systems in the early phases of coalescing at the cores of merged galaxies. Our analysis includes a detailed study of the effects of fitting a pulsar timing model to non-white timing residuals. Pulsar timing is sensitive at nanoHertz frequencies and hence complementary to LIGO and LISA. We place a sky-averaged constraint on the merger rate of nearby (z<0.6z < 0.6) black-hole binaries in the early phases of coalescence with a chirp mass of 10^{10}\,\rmn{M}_\odot of less than one merger every seven years. The prospects for future gravitational-wave astronomy of this type with the proposed Square Kilometre Array telescope are discussed.Comment: fixed error in equation (4). [13 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, published in MNRAS

    Field theory of the photon self-energy in a medium with a magnetic field and the Faraday effect

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    A convenient and general decomposition of the photon self-energy in a magnetized, but otherwise isotropic, medium is given in terms of the minimal set of tensors consistent with the transversality condition. As we show, the self-energy in such a medium is completely parametrized in terms of nine independent form factors, and they reduce to three in the long wavelength limit. We consider in detail an electron gas with a background magnetic field, and using finite temperature field theory methods, we obtain the one-loop formulas for the form factors, which are exact to all orders in the magnetic field. Explicit results are derived for a variety of physical conditions. In the appropriate limits, we recover the well-known semi-classical results for the photon dispersion relations and the Faraday effect. In more general cases, where the semi-classical treatment or the linear approximation (weak field limit) are not applicable, our formulas provide a consistent and systematic way for computing the self-energy form factors and, from them, the photon dispersion relations.Comment: Revtex, 27 page

    Gravitational wave astronomy with the SKA

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    On a time scale of years to decades, gravitational wave (GW) astronomy will become a reality. Low frequency (nanoHz) GWs are detectable through long-term timing observations of the most stable pulsars. Radio observatories worldwide are currently carrying out observing programmes to detect GWs, with data sets being shared through the International Pulsar Timing Array project. One of the most likely sources of low frequency GWs are supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs), detectable as a background due to a large number of binaries, or as continuous or burst emission from individual sources. No GW signal has yet been detected, but stringent constraints are already being placed on galaxy evolution models. The SKA will bring this research to fruition. In this chapter, we describe how timing observations using SKA1 will contribute to detecting GWs, or can confirm a detection if a first signal already has been identified when SKA1 commences observations. We describe how SKA observations will identify the source(s) of a GW signal, search for anisotropies in the background, improve models of galaxy evolution, test theories of gravity, and characterise the early inspiral phase of a SMBHB system. We describe the impact of the large number of millisecond pulsars to be discovered by the SKA; and the observing cadence, observation durations, and instrumentation required to reach the necessary sensitivity. We describe the noise processes that will influence the achievable precision with the SKA. We assume a long-term timing programme using the SKA1-MID array and consider the implications of modifications to the current design. We describe the possible benefits from observations using SKA1-LOW. Finally, we describe GW detection prospects with SKA1 and SKA2, and end with a description of the expectations of GW astronomy.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)03

    Status Update of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array

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    The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project aims to make a direct detection of a gravitational-wave background through timing of millisecond pulsars. In this article, the main requirements for that endeavour are described and recent and ongoing progress is outlined. We demonstrate that the timing properties of millisecond pulsars are adequate and that technological progress is timely to expect a successful detection of gravitational waves within a decade, or alternatively to rule out all current predictions for gravitational wave backgrounds formed by supermassive black-hole mergers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Amaldi 8 conference proceedings, accepted by Classical & Quantum Gravit
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