1,701 research outputs found

    Image Classification with the Fisher Vector: Theory and Practice

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    A standard approach to describe an image for classification and retrieval purposes is to extract a set of local patch descriptors, encode them into a high dimensional vector and pool them into an image-level signature. The most common patch encoding strategy consists in quantizing the local descriptors into a finite set of prototypical elements. This leads to the popular Bag-of-Visual words (BOV) representation. In this work, we propose to use the Fisher Kernel framework as an alternative patch encoding strategy: we describe patches by their deviation from an ''universal'' generative Gaussian mixture model. This representation, which we call Fisher Vector (FV) has many advantages: it is efficient to compute, it leads to excellent results even with efficient linear classifiers, and it can be compressed with a minimal loss of accuracy using product quantization. We report experimental results on five standard datasets -- PASCAL VOC 2007, Caltech 256, SUN 397, ILSVRC 2010 and ImageNet10K -- with up to 9M images and 10K classes, showing that the FV framework is a state-of-the-art patch encoding technique

    Distance-Based Image Classification: Generalizing to New Classes at Near Zero Cost

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    International audienceWe study large-scale image classification methods that can incorporate new classes and training images continuously over time at negligible cost. To this end we consider two distance-based classifiers, the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and nearest class mean (NCM) classifiers, and introduce a new metric learning approach for the latter. We also introduce an extension of the NCM classifier to allow for richer class representations. Experiments on the ImageNet 2010 challenge dataset, which contains over 106 training images of 1,000 classes, show that, surprisingly, the NCM classifier compares favorably to the more flexible k-NN classifier. Moreover, the NCM performance is comparable to that of linear SVMs which obtain current state-of-the-art performance. Experimentally we study the generalization performance to classes that were not used to learn the metrics. Using a metric learned on 1,000 classes, we show results for the ImageNet-10K dataset which contains 10,000 classes, and obtain performance that is competitive with the current state-of-the-art, while being orders of magnitude faster. Furthermore, we show how a zero-shot class prior based on the ImageNet hierarchy can improve performance when few training images are available

    Trace checking of Metric Temporal Logic with Aggregating Modalities using MapReduce

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    Modern complex software systems produce a large amount of execution data, often stored in logs. These logs can be analyzed using trace checking techniques to check whether the system complies with its requirements specifications. Often these specifications express quantitative properties of the system, which include timing constraints as well as higher-level constraints on the occurrences of significant events, expressed using aggregate operators. In this paper we present an algorithm that exploits the MapReduce programming model to check specifications expressed in a metric temporal logic with aggregating modalities, over large execution traces. The algorithm exploits the structure of the formula to parallelize the evaluation, with a significant gain in time. We report on the assessment of the implementation - based on the Hadoop framework - of the proposed algorithm and comment on its scalability.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Extended version of the SEFM 2014 pape

    The Genetics of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin

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    BCC is the commonest cancer in European-derived populations and Australia has the highest recorded incidence in the world, creating enormous individual and societal cost in management of this disease. The incidence of this cancer has been increasing internationally, with evidence of a 1 to 2% rise in incidence in Australia per year over the last two decades. The main four epidemiological risk factors for the development of BCC are ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, increasing age, male sex, and inability to tan. The pattern and timing of UVR exposure is important to BCC risk, with childhood and intermittent UVR exposure both associated with an increased risk. The complex of inherited characteristics making up an individual’s ‘sun sensitivity’ is also important in determining BCC risk. Very little is known about population genetic susceptibility to BCC outside of the rare genodermatosis Gorlin syndrome. Mutations in the tumour suppressor gene patched (PTCH) are responsible for this BCC predisposition syndrome and the molecular pathway and target genes of this highly conserved pathway are well described. Derangments in this pathway occur in sporadic BCC development, and the PTCH gene is an obvious candidate to contribute to non-syndromic susceptibility to BCC. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) locus is known to be involved in pigmentary traits and the cutaneous response to UVR, and variants have been associated with skin cancer risk. Many other genes have been considered with respect to population BCC risk and include p53, HPV, GSTs, and HLAs. There is preliminary evidence for specific familial aggregation of BCC, but very little known about the causes. 56 individuals who developed BCC under the age of 40 in the year 2000 were recruited from the Skin and Cancer Foundation of Australia’s database. This represents the youngest 7 – 8% of Australians with BCC from a database that captures approximately 10% of Sydney’s BCCs. 212 of their first degree relatives were also recruited, including 89 parents and 123 siblings of these 56 probands. All subjects were interviewed with respect to their cancer history and all reports of cancer verified with histopathological reports where possible. The oldest unaffected sibling for each proband (where available) was designated as an intra-family control. All cases and control siblings filled out a questionnaire regarding their pigmentary and sun sensitivity factors and underwent a skin examination by a trained examiner. Peripheral blood was collected from these cases and controls for genotyping of PTCH. All the exons of PTCH for which mutations have been documented in Gorlin patients were amplified using PCR. PCR products were screened for mutations using dHPLC, and all detectable variants sequenced. Prevalence of BCC and SCC for the Australian population was estimated from incidence data using a novel statistical approach. Familial aggregation of BCC, SCC and MM occurred within the 56 families studied here. The majority of families with aggregation of skin cancer had a combination of SCC and BCC, however nearly one fifth of families in this study had aggregation of BCC to the exclusion of SCC or MM, suggesting that BCCspecific risk factors are also likely to be at work. Skin cancer risks for first-degree relatives of people with early onset BCC were calculated: sisters and mothers of people with early-onset BCC had a 2-fold increased risk of BCC; brothers had a 5-fold increased risk of BCC; and sisters and fathers of people with early-onset BCC had over four times the prevalence of SCC than that expected. For melanoma, the increased risk was significant for male relatives only, with a 10-fold increased risk for brothers of people with early-onset BCC and 3-fold for fathers. On skin examination of cases and controls, several phenotypic factors were significantly associated with BCC risk. These included increasing risk of BCC with having fair, easyburning skin (ie decreasing skin phototype), and with having signs of cumulative sun damage to the skin in the form of actinic keratoses. Signs reflecting the combination of pigmentary characteristics and sun exposure - in the form of arm freckling and solar lentigines - also gave subjects a significantly increased risk BCC. Constitutive red-green reflectance of the skin was associated with decreased risk of BCC, as measured by spectrophotometery. Other non-significant trends were seen that may become significant in larger studies including associations of BCC with propensity to burn, moderate tanning ability and an inability to tan. No convincing trend for risk of BCC was seen with the pigmentary variables of hair or eye colour, and a non-significant reduced risk of BCC was associated with increasing numbers of seborrhoeic keratoses. Twenty PTCH exons (exons 2, 3, 5 to 18, and 20 to 23) were screened, accounting for 97% of the coding regions with published mutations in PTCH. Nine of these 20 exons were found to harbour single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), seen on dHPLC as variant melting curves and confirmed on direct sequencing. SNPs frequencies were not significantly different to published population frequencies, or to Australian general population frequencies where SNP database population data was unavailable. Assuming a Poisson distribution, and having observed no mutations in a sample of 56, we can be 97.5% confident that if there are any PTCH mutations contributing to early-onset BCC in the Australian population, then their prevalence is less than 5.1%. Overall, this study provides evidence that familial aggregation of BCC is occurring, that first-degree relatives are at increased risk of all three types of skin cancer, and that a combination of environmental and genetic risk factors are likely to be responsible. The PTCH gene is excluded as a major cause of this increased susceptibility to BCC in particular and skin cancer in general. The weaknesses of the study design are explored, the possible clinical relevance of the data is examined, and future directions for research into the genetics of basal cell carcinoma are discussed

    Recent Advances in Smellscape Research for the Built Environment

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    The interrelationships between humans, smells and the built environment have been the focus of increasing numbers of research studies in the past ten years. This paper reviews these trends and identifies the challenges in smellscape research from three aspects: methodological approaches, artistic design interventions and museum practices, and odour policy making. In response to the gaps and challenges identified, three areas of future research have also been identified for this field: smell archives and databases, social justice within odour control and management, and research into advanced building materials

    Treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis: A systematic review

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    Severe alcoholic hepatitis is the most severe form of alcohol-related liver disease. Corticosteroids remain the first choice of treatment. However, they are only effective in a subset of patients and are associated with an increased infection risk. Furthermore, nonresponders to corticosteroids have a poor prognosis with a mortality of 70% over 6 months. As such, there is a high need for a more personalized use of corticosteroids and the development and identification of alternative therapeutic strategies. In this review, we summarize the recent and ongoing randomized controlled trials concerning the treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis

    Country characteristics and the incidence of capital income taxation on wages: an empirical assessment

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    This paper examines the incidence of corporate income taxes on wages using data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for 13 OECD countries. Within a wage-bargaining framework, our econometric analysis shows that a substantial share of the corporate tax burden is shifted from capital to labour. However, the magnitude of this shift is influenced importantly by country characteristics affecting the process of wage determination, such as the degree of capital mobility, a country's relative influence over the world price of output and trade unions’ strength
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