193 research outputs found

    Hands to heART: Art Therapy and Voices of Cancer

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    As second-year graduate students from LMU’s Art Therapy program, we are excited to introduce the focus of our Master’s research project, a concept we coined as exhibition as intervention. Our goal is to create a space that brings awareness to the possibilities of exhibition to amplify the voice and increase empathy between artist and viewer. Originally, our vision was to hold the exhibition at Cedars-Sinai to supplement the 2020 Art Therapy Research Symposium. With COVID-19 placing restrictions on public gatherings, the exhibition had to transform from a physical experience to a virtual one. The catalog which began as our secondary focus to the exhibition, shifted to become the primary source of communicating our intentions. Informed by the literature of our research, we felt a catalog best collected and organized the data, which in this case was the artwork submitted. It is our great privilege to present this catalog with the works of artists engaging in the creative process to make meaning of their experiences with cancer. Co-Presented by Loyola Marymount University’s Art Therapy Research Institute and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s Wellness, Resilience and Survivorship Programhttps://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/mft_exhibition/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Hands to heART: Art Therapy and Voices of Cancer

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    As second-year graduate students from LMU’s Art Therapy program, we are excited to introduce the focus of our Master’s research project, a concept we coined as exhibition as intervention. Our goal is to create a space that brings awareness to the possibilities of exhibition to amplify the voice and increase empathy between artist and viewer. Originally, our vision was to hold the exhibition at Cedars-Sinai to supplement the 2020 Art Therapy Research Symposium. With COVID-19 placing restrictions on public gatherings, the exhibition had to transform from a physical experience to a virtual one. The catalog which began as our secondary focus to the exhibition, shifted to become the primary source of communicating our intentions. Informed by the literature of our research, we felt a catalog best collected and organized the data, which in this case was the artwork submitted. It is our great privilege to present this catalog with the works of artists engaging in the creative process to make meaning of their experiences with cancer

    Borrador de nata

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    Hace 9 años que no abría el libro de comprensión delectura. Una portada poco atractiva y un tamaño delibro escolar, de esos que provoca ver en una prensade no sé cuántas libras de presión, junto a los cuadernosde hojas dobladas por el impertinente, apuradoe incorregible codo..

    Tratamiento farmacológico y deterioro de la función pulmonar en pacientes con diabetes de tipo 2: Un estudio de corte transversal

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    Introduction: There is no clear relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and lung function decline; it is also unclear whether the type of treatment can modify spirometric variables and levels of inflammatory biomarkers. Objectives: To compare pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with an insulin-sensitizing agent (metformin) and in those treated with secretagogues, as well as combined with insulin, and to evaluate differences in inflammatory biomarkers between treatment groups. Material and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytic study in 196 diabetic patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus. Spirometric variables and levels of inflammatory biomarkers (ferritin, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha), were obtained. Residual values (observed minus expected) for forced vital capacity and for forced expiratory volume were calculated and compared between treatment types. Differences in median levels of biomarkers were also compared. Results: After adjustment by known determinants of lung function, and by the control and duration of type 2 diabetes, patients treated with the insulin-sensitizing agent had statistically significant lower differences against expected values for forced vital capacity compared with secretagogues (-212.1 ml vs 270.2 ml, p=0.039), as well as for forced expiratory volume, but without statistical significance (-133.2 mL vs -174.8 mL, p>0.05). In the group of patients treated with the insulin-sensitizing agent, ferritin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels were lower (p less than 0.01). Conclusion: This study supports the hypothesis that insulin-sensitizing agents appear to be associated with less deterioration of lung function and less systemic inflammation in type 2 diabetes. The present study serves to formulate new hypothesis and research projects

    Estudio del efecto de isotópo de hidrógeno en los complejos m–h•••h–f (m=li, na)

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    Se estudió teóricamente el efecto de isotópo de hidrógeno sobre la geometría, la distribución de carga electrónica, la estabilidad relativa y la energía de formación de complejos lineales tipo M–X···Y–F y todos sus isotopólogos de hidrógeno (M=Li, Na; X, Y= H, D, T). Estos estudios fueron realizados con el paquete computacional APMO a un nivel de teoría Hartree-Fock electrónico y nuclear. Los resultados obtenidos están de acuerdo con resultados reportados por otros autores que usan métodos de estructura electrónica convencional

    Modelo de gestión para mejora continua de la empresa Quala s.a.

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    Imágenes, CuadrosEl presente trabajo busca un modelo de gestión estratégico que permitirá indagar sobre los problemas que puede tener el área de ventas de la compañia Quala s.a. En uno de los canales de distribución como lo es supermercados, basándonos en uno de sus clientes específicos que son los almacenes zapatoca en donde se encuentran falencias en cuanto a la gestión de la desconcentración de la venta y un manejo sano de inventarios junto con las devoluciones y averias a tiempo.No Abstrac

    Factors associated with allergic rhinitis in colombian subpopulations aged 1 to 17 and 18 to 59

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    Background: Several studies have shown variations in the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) around the world, and different potential predisposing factors. More studies are needed on risk factors, specifically in developing countries. This study explored the association of several factors and AR among urban residents in six cities of Colombia. Methodology: A cross-sectional study and a nested case-control study were carried out between 2009 and 2010 involving two Colombian subpopulations: children/adolescents and adults. Cases were affirmative respondents to “In the past 12 months, have you (or your child) had a problem with sneezing or a running or blocked nose, when you (or your child) did not have a cold or the flu?” “Controls” were subjects who never had been diagnosed with asthma, AR or atopic eczema by a physician, and whom did not report any symptoms in the past twelve months. Weighted logistic regression was used to assess the association of different factors with case/control status. Results: Factors associated with AR in children/adolescents were family history of AR, acetaminophen consumption and high socioeconomic status. Among adults, family history of asthma, AR and atopic eczema, and cetaminophen consumption were associated with AR. Consumption of cereals among children/adolescents and eating eggs among adults showed protective associations. Conclusions: Our findings suggest the presence of previously unknown cultural, environmental and family factors associated with the presence of AR in Colombia. © 2016, AMC. All rights reserved

    Calidad en las empresas que fabrican y comercializan muebles de madera en Lima, Perú, 2014

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    En la actualidad hablar de la gestión de calidad se ha convertido en un tema muy relevante en el ámbito empresarial, gubernamental y académico; su utilización como uno de las herramientas de gestión en los negocios ha permitido hacer mejoras en los procesos productivos, desde el proveedor de la materia prima hasta el servicio de post venta del producto a los clientes, generando satisfacción en los consumidores. La gestación y el desarrollo logrado de la gestión de la calidad en el presente siglo nos muestran un profundo interés de las organizaciones por ser cada vez más competitivos en un mundo globalizado y cambiante. Pero su aplicación en las empresas y en otras instituciones, son irregulares; no todos avanzan con la misma prioridad de implementación del TQM. En este estudio de investigación se analizó el sector industrial de las Empresas que Fabrican y Comercializan Muebles de Madera en la Ciudad de Lima, Perú. Para determinar el nivel de implementación de la gestión de la calidad en el referido sector, se utilizó el modelo de los nueve factores de la calidad señalado en el artículo, Calidad en la Empresas Latinoamericanas: El Caso Peruano (Benzaquen, 2013). En ese sentido, los resultados obtenidos al 2014 reflejan el nivel de implementación del TQM en las empresas del sector industrial de la presente tesis, el cual demuestra que está en un nivel intermedio según la escala utilizada en el instrumento TQM (Benzaquen, 2013) y su respectiva aplicación en el estudio de investigación. Este nivel de calidad alcanzado por el sector refleja la existencia de una diferencia con respecto al nivel de calidad de las empresas peruanas mencionado por Benzaquen (2013).At present to discuss about quality management has become a fundamental topic in the business, governmental and academic field. The application of quality management as one of the main tools in the modern management has allowed the improvement of the production process, from the supplier of raw materials to the customer care services, making consumer satisfaction possible. The continuous improvement and development in quality management at the present century shows that there is a profound interest from the organizations to become more competitive in a global changing world. Nevertheless, its application in companies and other institutions is irregular, since not all of them move towards the implementation of TQM. In this research study, the industrial sector of companies that fabricate and commercialize wood furniture in Lima was analyzed. In order to determine the level of implementation of the quality management in this specific sector, this research used the model of the nine quality factors mentioned in the article, Quality in Latin-American Companies: The Peruvian case. (Benzaquen, 2013) In that sense, the results obtained at 2014, reflect the level of implementation of TQM in companies related to the industrial sector of the current study, which shows that it is in an intermediate level according to the scale used in the TQM (Benzaquen, 2013) and its application in this case of study .This level of quality achieved by the sector reflects the existence of a significant difference to the quality of Peruvian companies mentioned by Benzaquen (2013).Tesi

    Description of post-mortem findings in an antarctic fur seal (Arctochepalus gazella)

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    Cada año, entre noviembre y diciembre, centenares de ejemplares de lobo marino antártico (Arctocephalus gazella) suelen arribar a las costas del continente antártico para reproducirse. En ocasiones, algunos de estos ejemplares mueren en la playa y sus cuerpos son cubiertos por la nieve, manteniéndolos congelados por meses. En este trabajo se comunican los hallazgos post-mortem de un lobo marino antártico encontrado congelado en la Zona Antártica Especialmente Protegida N°132 (ZAEP 132), Isla 25 de Mayo/King George, Islas Shetland del Sur, Antártida. Los resultados aportan datos sobre la anatomía de la especie, describiendo además la presencia de una colecta pericárdica.Every year, between November and December, hundreds of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) arrive to the coasts of Antarctic continent to breed. Occasionally, some individuals die on the beach and their bodies are covered by snow, keeping them frozen for months. The aim of this work is to communicate the post-mortem findings in an Antarctic fur seal in the Antarctic Specially Protected Area N°132 (ZAEP 132), Island May 25/King George, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The results provide data on the anatomy of the species and also report the presence of a pericardial effusion.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV)Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM

    Description of post-mortem findings in an antarctic fur seal (Arctochepalus gazella)

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    Cada año, entre noviembre y diciembre, centenares de ejemplares de lobo marino antártico (Arctocephalus gazella) suelen arribar a las costas del continente antártico para reproducirse. En ocasiones, algunos de estos ejemplares mueren en la playa y sus cuerpos son cubiertos por la nieve, manteniéndolos congelados por meses. En este trabajo se comunican los hallazgos post-mortem de un lobo marino antártico encontrado congelado en la Zona Antártica Especialmente Protegida N°132 (ZAEP 132), Isla 25 de Mayo/King George, Islas Shetland del Sur, Antártida. Los resultados aportan datos sobre la anatomía de la especie, describiendo además la presencia de una colecta pericárdica.Every year, between November and December, hundreds of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) arrive to the coasts of Antarctic continent to breed. Occasionally, some individuals die on the beach and their bodies are covered by snow, keeping them frozen for months. The aim of this work is to communicate the post-mortem findings in an Antarctic fur seal in the Antarctic Specially Protected Area N°132 (ZAEP 132), Island May 25/King George, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The results provide data on the anatomy of the species and also report the presence of a pericardial effusion.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV)Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM