35 research outputs found

    Survival rates of the HIMEX extensible nail in the treatment of children with osteogenesis imperfecta

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance of an extensible nail with hooks, named HIMEX, in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) deformities. METHODS: All child patients were operated on with HIMEX from 1990 to 2004. The number of fractures, reappearance of deformities, improvement of motor development before and after the use of HIMEX, and the incidence of the migration and nail survival were compared. RESULTS: Fourteen patients, with ages from 2 to 18 years, including 8 females, underwent 46 procedures, 39 primary and 7 re-operations. The average age at the first fracture was 148.21 days, and there was an average of 42.6 fractures per patient prior to HIMEX placement. Of the forty-six bones affected, 28 were femurs and 18 were tibias. Average follow-up care lasted 80.21±36.71 months. There was a statistically significant decrease (0.78) in the number of fractures per patient and an improvement in walking in seven of the fourteen patients. Revision occurred in 18% of patients and migration of the nail occurred in 12% (5/39). Eighty percent of the nails remained in situ until 108 months, with femoral procedures lasting significantly longer than tibial procedures. The type of OI and the age at the procedure did not significantly affect the incidence of revision. CONCLUSION: HIMEX significantly reduced the number of fractures, presenting lower incidence of migration and higher survival rates than those described in literature.OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho da haste extensível ancorada por ganchos (HIMEX) em deformidades da osteogênese imperfeita (OI). MÉTODOS: Todas as crianças operadas com HIMEX entre 1990 - 2004. Foi comparado o número de fraturas, reaparecimento de deformidades e capacidade de deambulação antes e após a HIMEX; incidência de migração e sobrevida da haste por curvas de sobrevivência. RESULTADOS: 14 pacientes (2 a 18 anos), oito do sexo feminino, incluindo 46 procedimentos, 39 primários e sete re-operações. Idade média na primeira fratura de 148,21 dias e média de 42,6 fraturas/paciente pré colocação da HIMEX. Dos 46 procedimentos, 28 no fêmur e 18 na tíbia. Tempo médio de seguimento de 80,21 ± 36,71 meses. Houve diminuição significativa de fraturas/paciente (0,78) e melhora na deambulação em sete dos 14 pacientes. Porcentagem de re-operação de 18% e migração do implante em 12% (05/39). 80 % dos implantes in situ até 108 meses. Implantes na tíbia tiveram sobrevida significativamente menor que os do fêmur. O tipo da OI e a idade na época da cirurgia não influenciaram significativamente a incidência de re-operação. CONCLUSÃO: A HIMEX levou à redução significativa no número de fraturas, incidência menor de migração e sobrevida maior da haste do que a referida na literatura.34334

    Short stature in chronic kidney disease: physiopathology and treatment with growth hormone

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    Growth failure is frequent and a clinically important issue in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Many factors contribute to impaired growth in these children, including abnormalities in the growth hormone (GH) - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis, malnutrition, acidosis, renal bone disease and glucocorticoid associated treatment. The management of growth failure in children with CKD is complicated by the presence of other-disease related complications requiring medical intervention. Despite evidence of GH efficacy and safety in this population, this therapy is still underutilized. This review shows the impact, the causes and the treatment of growth failure in children with CKD.O atraso no crescimento é freqüente e grave em crianças com doença renal crônica (DRC). Vários fatores contribuem para o comprometimento do crescimento nestas crianças, incluindo as alterações no eixo hormônio de crescimento (GH) - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), desnutrição, acidose, doença renal óssea e uso de corticóides. Em crianças com DRC, o tratamento do atraso no crescimento é difícil em virtude da presença de doenças associadas que necessitem de adequado tratamento médico. Apesar de as evidências a respeito da segurança e de a eficácia do GH nesta população, este tratamento ainda é pouco utilizado. Esta revisão mostra o impacto, as causas e o tratamento do atraso no crescimento em crianças com DRC.Universidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Clínica MédicaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Programa de Pós-graduação do Curso de PediatriaUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de PediatriaUnicamp FCM Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Programa de Pós-graduação do Curso de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Short stature in chronic kidney disease: physiopathology and treatment with growth hormone

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    Growth failure is frequent and a clinically important issue in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Many factors contribute to impaired growth in these children, including abnormalities in the growth hormone (GH) - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis, malnutrition, acidosis, renal bone disease and glucocorticoid associated treatment. The management of growth failure in children with CKD is complicated by the presence of other-disease related complications requiring medical intervention. Despite evidence of GH efficacy and safety in this population, this therapy is still underutilized. This review shows the impact, the causes and the treatment of growth failure in children with CKD.O atraso no crescimento é freqüente e grave em crianças com doença renal crônica (DRC). Vários fatores contribuem para o comprometimento do crescimento nestas crianças, incluindo as alterações no eixo hormônio de crescimento (GH) - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), desnutrição, acidose, doença renal óssea e uso de corticóides. Em crianças com DRC, o tratamento do atraso no crescimento é difícil em virtude da presença de doenças associadas que necessitem de adequado tratamento médico. Apesar de as evidências a respeito da segurança e de a eficácia do GH nesta população, este tratamento ainda é pouco utilizado. Esta revisão mostra o impacto, as causas e o tratamento do atraso no crescimento em crianças com DRC.78379

    Development of a risk score for earlier diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in children

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    Objective To develop a clinical score for the early identification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children and adolescents. The early diagnosis of CKD in childhood allows the adoption of measures to slow the progression of the disease, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, the diagnosis is often made too late for proper patient management. Study design We preformed a case-control study of a multicenter Brazilian sample of 752 pediatric patients; the study cases (n = 376) were CKD patients with a median estimated GFR of 37 (IQR = 22 to 57) ml/min/1.73 m(2). The control group (n = 376) comprised age-, gender-and center-matched children who were followed for nonrenal diseases. Potential risk factors were investigated through a standard questionnaire that included symptoms, medical history, and a clinical examination. Two multivariable models (A and B) were fitted to assess predictors of the diagnosis of CKD. Results In model A, 9 variables were associated with CKD diagnosis: antenatal ultrasound with urinary malformation, recurrent urinary tract infection, polyuria, abnormal urine stream, nocturia, growth curve flattening, history of hypertension, foamy urine and edema (c-statistic = 0.938). Model B had the same variables as model A, except for the addition of the history of admission during the neonatal period and the exclusion of antenatal ultrasound variables (c-statistic = 0.927). Conclusions The present scores may serve as a warning sign for CKD diagnosis in children among professionals working in the primary care setting where the symptoms associated with a risk of CKD may be overlooked14

    Frasier syndrome: four new cases with unusual presentations

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    SUMMARY Frasier syndrome (FS) is characterized by gonadal dysgenesis and nephropathy. It is caused by specific mutations in the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene (WT1) located in 11p23. Patients with the 46,XY karyotype present normal female genitalia with streak gonads, and have higher risk of gonadal tumor, mainly, gonadoblastoma. Therefore, elective bilateral gonadectomy is indicated. Nephropathy in FS consists in nephrotic syndrome (NS) with proteinuria that begins early in childhood and progressively increases with age, mainly due to nonspecific focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS). Patients are generally unresponsive to steroid and immunosuppressive therapies, and will develop end-stage renal failure (ESRF) during the second or third decade of life. We report here four cases of FS diagnosis after identification of WT1 mutations. Case 1 was part of a large cohort of patients diagnosed with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, in whom the screening for mutations within WT1 8-9 hotspot fragment identified the IVS9+5G>A mutation. Beside FS, this patient showed unusual characteristics, such as urinary malformation (horseshoe kidney), and bilateral dysgerminoma. Cases 2 and 3, also bearing the IVS9+5G>A mutation, and case 4, with IVS9+1G>A mutation, were studied due to FSGS and/or delayed puberty; additionally, patients 2 and 4 developed bilateral gonadal tumors. Since the great majority of FS patients have normal female external genitalia, sex reversal is not suspected before they present delayed puberty and/or primary amenorrhea. Therefore, molecular screening of WT1 gene is very important to confirm the FS diagnosis. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):525-32 SUMÁRIO A síndrome de Frasier (SF), caracterizada por disgenesia gonadal e nefropatia, é causada por mutações específicas no gene supressor do tumor de Wilms (WT1) localizado em 11p23. Pacientes com cariótipo 46,XY apresentam genitália feminina normal com gônadas disgenéticas e alto risco de tumor gonadal, principalmente o gonadoblastoma. Por isso, a gonadectomia bilateral eletiva está indicada. A nefropatia na SF consiste de síndrome nefrótica com proteinúria que se inicia na infância e aumenta progressivamente com a idade, principalmente devido à glomeruloesclerose focal e segmentar (GESF). Esses pacientes não respondem ao tratamento com esteroides e imunossupressores e desenvolverão insuficiência renal crônica durante a segunda ou terceira década de vida. Neste trabalho, são relatados quatro casos de SF cujo diagnóstico foi definido após o rastreamento molecular do gene WT1. O caso 1 faz parte de um grande grupo de pacientes que tiveram diagnóstico de síndrome nefrótica corticorresistente e no qual o rastreamento de mutações no fragmento 8-9 do gene WT1 identificou a mutação IVS9+5G>A. Além da SF, essa paciente apresentou características incomuns, tais como malformação urinária (rins em ferradura) e disgerminoma bilateral. Os casos 2 e 3 também apresentaram a mutação IVS9+5G>A, e, no caso 4, foi identificada a mutação IVS9+1G>A, sendo que esses três casos foram encaminhados para estudo molecular em decorrência de GESF e/ou atraso no desenvolvimento puberal. Além disso, as pacientes 2 e 4 desenvolveram tumor gonadal bilateral. Visto que a maioria dos pacientes com SF apresenta genitália externa feminina, não há suspeita de sexo reverso até apresentarem atraso puberal e/ou amenorreia primária. Portanto, o rastreamento molecular do gene WT1 é de fundamental importância para se confirmar o diagnóstico de SF. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):525-3

    Síndrome de Frasier : quatro novos casos com apresentação atípica

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    A síndrome de Frasier (SF), caracterizada por disgenesia gonadal e nefropatia, é causada por mutações específicas no gene supressor do tumor de Wilms (WT1) localizado em 11p23. Pacientes com cariótipo 46,XY apresentam genitália feminina normal com gônadas disgenéticas e alto risco de tumor gonadal, principalmente o gonadoblastoma. Por isso, a gonadectomia bilateral eletiva está indicada. A nefropatia na SF consiste de síndrome nefrótica com proteinúria que se inicia na infância e aumenta progressivamente com a idade, principalmente devido à glomeruloesclerose focal e segmentar (GESF). Esses pacientes não respondem ao tratamento com esteroides e imunossupressores e desenvolverão insuficiência renal crônica durante a segunda ou terceira década de vida. Neste trabalho, são relatados quatro casos de SF cujo diagnóstico foi definido após o rastreamento molecular do gene WT1. O caso 1 faz parte de um grande grupo de pacientes que tiveram diagnóstico de síndrome nefrótica corticorresistente e no qual o rastreamento de mutações no fragmento 8-9 do gene WT1 identificou a mutação IVS9+5G>A. Além da SF, essa paciente apresentou características incomuns, tais como malformação urinária (rins em ferradura) e disgerminoma bilateral. Os casos 2 e 3 também apresentaram a mutação IVS9+5G>A, e, no caso 4, foi identificada a mutação IVS9+1G>A, sendo que esses três casos foram encaminhados para estudo molecular em decorrência de GESF e/ou atraso no desenvolvimento puberal. Além disso, as pacientes 2 e 4 desenvolveram tumor gonadal bilateral. Visto que a maioria dos pacientes com SF apresenta genitália externa feminina, não há suspeita de sexo reverso até apresentarem atraso puberal e/ou amenorreia primária. Portanto, o rastreamento molecular do gene WT1 é de fundamental importância para se confirmar o diagnóstico de SF. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):525-32Frasier syndrome (FS) is characterized by gonadal dysgenesis and nephropathy. It is caused by specific mutations in the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene (WT1) located in 11p23. Patients with the 46,XY karyotype present normal female genitalia with streak gonads, and have higher risk of gonadal tumor, mainly, gonadoblastoma. Therefore, elective bilateral gonadectomy is indicated. Nephropathy in FS consists in nephrotic syndrome (NS) with proteinuria that begins early in childhood and progressively increases with age, mainly due to nonspecific focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS). Patients are generally unresponsive to steroid and immunosuppressive therapies, and will develop end-stage renal failure (ESRF) during the second or third decade of life. We report here four cases of FS diagnosis after identification of WT1 mutations. Case 1 was part of a large cohort of patients diagnosed with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, in whom the screening for mutations within WT1 8-9 hotspot fragment identified the IVS9+5G>A mutation. Beside FS, this patient showed unusual characteristics, such as urinary malformation (horseshoe kidney), and bilateral dysgerminoma. Cases 2 and 3, also bearing the IVS9+5G>A mutation, and case 4, with IVS9+1G>A mutation, were studied due to FSGS and/or delayed puberty; additionally, patients 2 and 4 developed bilateral gonadal tumors. Since the great majority of FS patients have normal female external genitalia, sex reversal is not suspected before they present delayed puberty and/or primary amenorrhea. Therefore, molecular screening of WT1 gene is very important to confirm the FS diagnosis. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):525-3

    Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia has a heritability of 60-80%1, much of which is attributable to common risk alleles. Here, in a two-stage genome-wide association study of up to 76,755 individuals with schizophrenia and 243,649 control individuals, we report common variant associations at 287 distinct genomic loci. Associations were concentrated in genes that are expressed in excitatory and inhibitory neurons of the central nervous system, but not in other tissues or cell types. Using fine-mapping and functional genomic data, we identify 120 genes (106 protein-coding) that are likely to underpin associations at some of these loci, including 16 genes with credible causal non-synonymous or untranslated region variation. We also implicate fundamental processes related to neuronal function, including synaptic organization, differentiation and transmission. Fine-mapped candidates were enriched for genes associated with rare disruptive coding variants in people with schizophrenia, including the glutamate receptor subunit GRIN2A and transcription factor SP4, and were also enriched for genes implicated by such variants in neurodevelopmental disorders. We identify biological processes relevant to schizophrenia pathophysiology; show convergence of common and rare variant associations in schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders; and provide a resource of prioritized genes and variants to advance mechanistic studies

    Esvaziamento gastrico de uma solução de bicarbonato de sodio em ratos com acidose metabolica induzida por cloreto de amonio

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    Orientador: Edgard Ferro CollaresTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: O esvaziamneto gástrico de duas refeiçoes de prova const ituídas de água e de solução de bicarbonato de sódio 0,25 M foi estudado em ratas com acidose metabólica induzida por infusão orogást}-ica de cloreto de amonio 0,5M. Como grupos de controle foram utilizados animais com infusão privia de soluçaio de cloreto de sódio 0,5M e de água...Observação: O resumo, na integra, podera ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: Metabolic acidosis was induced b~ orogastric i n ftV:5 i on of a 0,5M ammonium chloride solution in a group of rats. Two control groups were used: one infused with 0,5M sodium chloride and the other with water. Every animal was fed 2ml/100g of solution...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsDoutoradoDoutor em Medicin