15 research outputs found

    Wie erfolgreich sind evangelische Privatvolksschulen in der Umsetzung ihrer sozialen Vorsätze?

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    Die Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse ist, aufgrund der Anzahl der zurückgesendeten Fragebögen, sehr gering. Es ist dennoch zu erkennen, dass kaum Schichtunterschiede vorhanden sind. Die Kinder gehen nach der Volksschule eher ins Gymnasium als in die Hauptschule. Die Kinder schlagen ähnliche Schullaufbahnen ein wie ihre Eltern

    ERPF in hyperthyroidism

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    Ispitan je efektivni bubrežni protok plazme (ERPF) u selekcioniranoj skupini od 35 bolesnica u dobi od 20. do 40 godine, koje su bolovale od Gravesove bolesti. Ispitivanje je vršeno u fazi floridne hipertireoze, te nakon uspostavljanja stabilne eutireoidne faze tijekom medikamentoznog tretmana s karbimazolom (Favistan). ERPF je određivan metodom pojedinačne injekcije 131 J OJH i pojednostavljenim uzimanjem krvnih uzoraka u 20. i 30. minuti od injiciranja za prvu i u 40. minuti za drugu klirens periodu (po Blaufoxu).4 Ispitivanje je vršeno u sjedećem (ortostaza) i ležećem položaju. Srednja vrijednost ERPF-a (x+l SD) u skupini floridnih hipertireoza iznosi 1018,83+223,14 ml u ortostazi, a u ležećem položaju 1059,3+217,5 ml/min\u271,73 m2 Nakon postizanja stabilne eutireoidne faze, ERPF u ortostazi iznosi 753,42 + 135,24 ml/min/l,73 m2 i 795,45 +162,20 mlminTJS m2 u ležećem položaju. Srednja vrijednost kontrolne skupine od 25 ispitanica iznosi 794,53+101,35 ml/min/l,73 m2 u ortostazi i 858,78+155,59 ml/min/l,73 m2 u stanju ležanja. Vrijednosti ERPF-a u floridnih hipertireoza zna­čajno su više u odnosu na stanje stabilne eutireoidne faze kao i na kontrolnu skupinu ispitanica, u ortostazi i pri ležanju. Frekvencija pulsa je značajno viša u floridnih hipertireoza u odnosu na iste bolesnice nakon uspostavljanja stabilne eutireoidne faze i u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Utvrđena je značajna razlika u vrijednosti sistoličkog tlaka u oba položaja tijela, te u vrijednosti dijastoličkog tlaka u ortostazi između floridnih hipertireoza i istih ispitanica nakon postizanja stabilne eutireoidne faze. U promatranoj skupini hipertireoza nije zapažena značajna razlika u vrijednosti dijastoličkog tlaka pri ležanju. Tlak pulsa je osjetno veći u floridnih hipertireoza u usporedbi s istim ispitanicima kada postignu stabilnu eutireoidnu fazu i vrlo je osjetljiv parametar. Potrebno je nastaviti s daljnjim istraživanjima u hiperkinetskoj cirkulaciji hipertireoidizma radi njene osobitosti prema ostalim stanjima hiperkinetske cirkulacije.ERPF was examined in group of 35 selected patients aged 20—40 years with Grave’s disease. The examination was performed in the stage of florid hyperthyroidism, as well as after achieving stable euthyroid phase during the drug treatment with carbimazole (Favistan). ERPF was determined using the single 131 J injection and simplified blood sampling 20 and 30 minutes post injection for the first, and 40 minutes post injection for the second clearance period (according to Blaufox). The mean value of ERPF in the group of patients with florid hyperthyroidism was 1018.35+ 223.14 ml/min/1.73 m2 in orthostasis, and 1059.3+217.5 ml/min/1.73 m2 in the supine position. After achieving stable euthyroid phase the mean value was 753.42+135.24 ml/min/1.73 m2 in orthostasis, and 795.45+162.20 ml/min/1.73 m2 in the supine position. After achieving stable euthyroid phase the mean value was 753.20+135.24 ml/min/1.73 m2 in orthostasis, and 795.45+162.20 ml/min/1.73 m2 in the supine position. The mean value for the control group of 25 female examinees was 794.53 + 101.35 ml/min/1.73 m2 in orthostasis and 858.78+155.59 ml/min/1.73 m2 in the supine position. ERPF values are significantly higher in patients with florid hyperthyroidism in comparison to the stable euthyroid phase, as well as to the control group, in orthostasis and in the supine position. Pulse frequency was significantly higher in the florid hyperthyroidism group in comparison to the same patient after achieving stable euthyroid phase and to the control group. We found a significant difference of the systolic blood pressure in orthostasis between the florid hyperthyroidism group and the same patients after achieving stable euthyroid phase. No significant difference was recorded for the diastolic blood pressure values in the supine position in the examined group of patients with hyperthyroidism. Pulse pressure was significantly higher in the florid hyperthyreoidism group in comparison to the same patients after achieving stable euthyroid phase. We estimate it to be a very sensible parameter. It would be necessary to continue the investigation of hyperkinetic circulation in hyperthyroidism because it has some special features, distinct from other hyperkinetic circulation conditions

    Effective renal plasma flow in physical exercise in florid hyperthyroidism

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    Kod 25 bolesnica oboljelih od floridne hipertireoze, određen je efektivni bubrežni protok plazme metodom pojedinačne injekcije 131J orto jod hipurana i pojednostavljenim uzimanjem uzoraka iz venske krvi u dvije klirens periode (klirens u mirovanju i klirens u opterećenju). Za hiperkinetsku cirkulaciju karakterističan je povećani protok plazme kroz bubrege, dok fizičko opterećenje u zdravih dovodi do smanjenja protoka plazme kroz bubrege. Nakon fizičkog opterećenja (10 minuta na cikloergometru intenziteta 50—75 W), vrijednosti sistoličkog krvnog tlaka, frekvencije pulsa i tlaka pulsa značajno su porasle (p 0,01), dok se vrijednost dijastoličkog krvnog tlaka nije značajno promijenila. Vrijednosti efektivnog bubrežnog protoka plazme nisu se značajno promijenile nakon fizičkog opterećenja, dakle, čini se da fizičko opterećenje ne mijenja značajno efektivni bubrežni protok plazme.Effective renal plasma flow was examined in 25 patients with florid hyperthyroidism by a single injection and simplified blood sampling in two clearence periods (clearence at rest and in exercise). Hyperkinetic circulation is characterized by a higher renal plasma flow, whereas physical effort in healthy probands leads to the lower renal plasma flow. After the exercise (10 minutes on a cycloergometre; intensity: 50—75 W), the values of systolic blood pressure, pulse frequency and heart rate have increased (p < 0.01), but the values of diastolic blood pressure have not changed. Exercises do not seem to have any remarkable effects on the effective renal plasma flow

    The 'Survivorship Passport' for childhood cancer survivors

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    Background: Currently, there are between 300,000 and 500,000 childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) in Europe. A significant proportion is at high risk, and at least 60% of them develop adverse health-related outcomes that can appear several years after treatment completion. Many survivors are unaware of their personal risk, and there seems to be a general lack of information among healthcare providers about pathophysiology and natural history of treatment-related complications. This can generate incorrect or delayed diagnosis and treatments. Method: The Survivorship Passport (SurPass) consists of electronic documents, which summarise the clinical history of the childhood or adolescent cancer survivor. It was developed by paediatric oncologists of the PanCare and SIOPE networks and IT experts of Cineca, together with parents, patients, and survivors' organisations within the European Union–funded European Network for Cancer research in Children and Adolescents. It consists of a template of a web-based, simply written document, translatable in all European languages, to be given to each CCS. The SurPass provides a summary of each survivor's clinical history, with detailed information about the original cancer and of treatments received, together with personalised follow-up and screening recommendations based on guidelines published by the International Guidelines Harmonization Group and PanCareSurFup. Results: The SurPass data schema contains a maximum of 168 variables and uses internationally approved nomenclature, except for radiotherapy fields, where a new classification was defined by radiotherapy experts. The survivor-specific screening recommendations are mainly based on treatment received and are automatically suggested, thanks to built-in algorithms. These may be adapted and further individualised by the treating physician in case of special disease and survivor circumstances. The SurPass was tested at the Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Italy, and received positive feedback. It is now being integrated at the institutional, regional and national level. Conclusions: The SurPass is potentially an essential tool for improved and more harmonised follow-up of CCS. It also has the potential to be a useful tool for empowering CCSs to be responsible for their own well-being and preventing adverse events whenever possible. With sufficient commitment on the European level, this solution should increase the capacity to respond more effectively to the needs of European CCS

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Effectiveness of Exergame Intervention on Walking in Older Adults : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Objective. The objective of this review was to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of exergaming on walking in older adults. In addition, the aim was to investigate the relationship between the exergaming effect and age, baseline walking performance, exercise traits, technology used and the risk of bias. Methods. A literature search was carried out in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, CENTRAL, EMBASE, WoS, PsycInfo and PEDro up to January 10, 2020. Studies with a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design, people ≥60 years of age without neurological disorders, comparison group with other exercise or no exercise, and walking related outcomes were included. Cochrane RoB2, meta-analysis, meta-regression, and GRADE were used to estimate quality, treatment effect, covariates’ effect, and the certainty of evidence, respectively. Results. In the studies included (n = 66), the overall risk of bias was low (n = 2), unclear (n = 48) or high (n = 16). Compared with comparison groups, exergaming interventions were more effective for walking improvements (SMD = −0.21; 95% CI = −0.36 to −0.06; 3102 participants, 58 studies; moderate-quality evidence) and more or equally effective (SMD = −0.32; 95% CI = −0.64 to 0.00; 1028 participants, 13 studies; low-quality evidence) after nonexergaming follow-up. The strongest effect for covariates was observed with the type of comparison group, explaining 18.6% of the variance. Conclusions. For older adults without neurological disorders, exergame-based training improved walking, and improvements were maintained at follow-up. Greater benefits were observed when exergaming groups were compared to inactive comparison groups. To strengthen the evidence, further RCTs on the effectiveness of gamified exercise intervention are needed. Impact. Exergaming has effect equivalent to other types of exercising on improving walking in older adults. Physical therapists and other rehabilitation professionals may consider exergaming as a promising form of exercise in this age group.peerReviewe

    Cervical spine and muscle adaptation after spaceflight and relationship to herniation risk:protocol from 'Cervical in Space' trial

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    BACKGROUND: Astronauts have a higher risk of cervical intervertebral disc herniation. Several mechanisms have been attributed as causative factors for this increased risk. However, most of the previous studies have examined potential causal factors for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation only. Hence, we aim to conduct a study to identify the various changes in the cervical spine that lead to an increased risk of cervical disc herniation after spaceflight. METHODS: A cohort study with astronauts will be conducted. The data collection will involve four main components: a) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); b) cervical 3D kinematics; c) an Integrated Protocol consisting of maximal and submaximal voluntary contractions of the neck muscles, endurance testing of the neck muscles, neck muscle fatigue testing and questionnaires; and d) dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) examination. Measurements will be conducted at several time points before and after astronauts visit the International Space Station. The main outcomes of interest are adaptations in the cervical discs, muscles and bones. DISCUSSION: Astronauts are at higher risk of cervical disc herniation, but contributing factors remain unclear. The results of this study will inform future preventive measures for astronauts and will also contribute to the understanding of intervertebral disc herniation risk in the cervical spine for people on Earth. In addition, we anticipate deeper insight into the aetiology of neck pain with this research project. TRIAL REGISTRATION: German Clinical Trials Register, DRKS00026777. Registered on 08 October 2021. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12891-022-05684-0

    Lipids of Prokaryotic Origin at the Base of Marine Food Webs

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    In particular niches of the marine environment, such as abyssal trenches, icy waters and hot vents, the base of the food web is composed of bacteria and archaea that have developed strategies to survive and thrive under the most extreme conditions. Some of these organisms are considered &amp;#8220;extremophiles&amp;#8221; and modulate the fatty acid composition of their phospholipids to maintain the adequate fluidity of the cellular membrane under cold/hot temperatures, elevated pressure, high/low salinity and pH. Bacterial cells are even able to produce polyunsaturated fatty acids, contrarily to what was considered until the 1990s, helping the regulation of the membrane fluidity triggered by temperature and pressure and providing protection from oxidative stress. In marine ecosystems, bacteria may either act as a sink of carbon, contribute to nutrient recycling to photo-autotrophs or bacterial organic matter may be transferred to other trophic links in aquatic food webs. The present work aims to provide a comprehensive review on lipid production in bacteria and archaea and to discuss how their lipids, of both heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic origin, contribute to marine food webs