60 research outputs found

    As conceções dos alunos do 1º ano de escolaridade sobre os valores morais – respeito pela verdade,pelo outro e justiça

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    Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente relatório desenvolve-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II, do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este trabalho visa descrever e analisar de forma reflexiva o período de observação, intervenção e avaliação pedagógica desenvolvido nos contextos do 1.º e do 2.º CEB e a apresentação de um estudo investigativo realizado no contexto da PES II no 1º CEB O estudo intitulado As conceções dos alunos do 1º ano de escolaridade sobre os valores morais – respeito pela verdade, pelo outro e justiça, visou estudar as conceções dos alunos do 1.º ano de escolaridade sobre os valores morais – respeito pela verdade, respeito pelo outro e justiça. Em conformidade, identificaram-se como objetivos específicos do estudo: (i) Caracterizar as conceções prévias dos alunos sobre os valores morais - respeito pela verdade, respeito pelo outro e justiça; (ii) Caracterizar as conceções dos alunos sobre os valores morais - respeito pela verdade, respeito pelo outro e justiça - após um período de intervenção pedagógica; (iii) Comparar as conceções prévias com as finais dos alunos sobre os valores morais - justiça, respeito pelo outro, respeito pela verdade; (iv) Identificar se a intervenção pedagógica intencional potencia o desenvolvimento da conceção dos valores nos alunos. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, privilegiando-se o focus group e a observação participante como técnica de recolha de dados. Os dados recolhidos foram tratados segundo os pressupostos da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2013). Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram uma evolução na conceção dos valores estudados na maioria dos participantes, evidenciando-se a implementação das estratégias de discussão dos dilemas morais e das histórias de literatura infantil sobre estes valores como potenciadora desse progresso.ABSTRACT This report is developed in the scope of the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice II of the Master's in Teaching in the1st Cycle of Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. This paper aims to describe and analyze in a reflective way the period of observation, intervention and pedagogical evaluation developed in the contexts of the 1st and 2nd CEB and the presentation of an investigative study carried out in the context of the PES II in the 1st CEB The study entitled The 1st grade students' conceptions about moral values - respect for truth, respect for the other, and justice, aimed to study the 1st grade students' conceptions about moral values - respect for truth, respect for the other, and justice. Accordingly, the following specific objectives of the study were identified: (i) To characterise the students' prior conceptions of moral values - respect for truth, respect for the other, and justice; (ii) To characterise the students' conceptions of moral values - respect for truth, respect for the other, and justice - after a period of pedagogical intervention; (iii) To compare the students' prior and final conceptions of moral values - justice, respect for the other, and respect for truth; (iv) To identify whether the intentional pedagogical intervention promotes the development of students' conceptions of values. To this end, a qualitative methodology was used, focusing on the focus group and participant observation as data collection techniques. The data collected were processed according to the assumptions of Bardin's content analysis (2013). The results of the study showed an evolution in most participants' conceptions of the values studied, with the implementation of the strategies of discussion of moral dilemmas and children's literature stories on these values being highlighted as an enabler of this progress.N/

    O comportamento dos consumidores perante o recebimento de mensagens de SMS Marketing

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    Nos dias de hoje, os smartphones são cada vez mais vulgares no quotidiano das pessoas e com isto as empresas têm uma grande oportunidade para chegar aos seus consumidores e possíveis consumidores. Mas esta oportunidade, para alguns consumidores, gera um problema: invasão do seu espaço pessoal. O presente estudo tem como objetivo perceber como é que o consumidor valoriza a estratégia do SMS Marketing e qual a sua atitude perante a mesma, ou seja, uma vez que deu permissão para o recebimento deste tipo de SMS’s, interessa perceber se o consumidor dá importância a esta estratégia e como age quando as recebe. A metodologia utilizada é do tipo quantitativa, instrumentada através de questionários online a um tipo de amostragem por conveniência. Para analisar as hipóteses de estudo, foi realizada uma regressão linear múltipla. Os principais resultados indicam que apenas a dimensão Entretenimento (uma das características da publicidade por SMS) exerce influência nas intenções comportamentais dos consumidores. As estatísticas descritivas mostram que a dimensão Irritação é a que tem uma média mais elevada e o Entretenimento a média mais baixa o que indica a opinião dos consumidores em relação a esta estratégia.These days, smartphones are increasingly common in the daily life of people and with that companies have a great opportunity to reach out their consumers and potential consumers. But this opportunity for some consumers, raises a problem: invasion of your personal space. The present study aims to understand how the consumer values the SMS Marketing strategy and what is the attitude towards the same, that is, once is given the permission to receive this kind of SMS's, it matters to understand whether the consumer gives to importance to this strategy and how he acts when he receives them. The methodology used is of quantitative type, instrumented through online questionnaires to a type of convenience sampling. To analyse the study hypotheses, a multiple linear regression was made. The main results indicate that only the dimension Entertainment (one of the features of SMS advertising) exerts influence on the behavioural intentions of consumers. The descriptive statistics show that the dimension Irritation is the one that has a higher average and Entertainment has the lowest average which indicates the opinion of consumers about this strateg

    SNP Detection in Pinus pinaster Transcriptome and Association with Resistance to Pinewood Nematode

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    Pinewood nematode (PWN, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) is the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), which severely affects Pinus pinaster stands in southwestern Europe. Despite the high susceptibility of P. pinaster, individuals of selected half-sib families have shown genetic variability in survival after PWN inoculation, indicating that breeding for resistance can be a valuable strategy to control PWD. In this work, RNA-seq data from susceptible and resistant plants inoculated with PWN were used for SNP discovery and analysis. A total of 186,506 SNPs were identified, of which 31 were highly differentiated between resistant and susceptible plants, including SNPs in genes involved in cell wall lignification, a process previously linked to PWN resistance. Fifteen of these SNPs were selected for validation through Sanger sequencing and 14 were validated. To evaluate SNP-phenotype associations, 40 half-sib plants were genotyped for six validated SNPs. Associations with phenotype after PWN inoculation were found for two SNPs in two different genes (MEE12 and PCMP-E91), as well as two haplotypes of HIPP41, although significance was not maintained following Bonferroni correction. SNPs here detected may be useful for the development of molecular markers for PWD resistance and should be further investigated in future association studiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cork Oak Young and Traumatic Periderms Show PCD Typical Chromatin Patterns but Different Chromatin-Modifying Genes Expression

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    Plants are subjected to adverse conditions being outer protective tissues fundamental to their survival. Tree stems are enveloped by a periderm made of cork cells, resulting from the activity of the meristem phellogen. DNA methylation and histone modifications have important roles in the regulation of plant cell differentiation. However, studies on its involvement in cork differentiation are scarce despite periderm importance. Cork oak periderm development was used as a model to study the formation and differentiation of secondary protective tissues, and their behavior after traumatic wounding (traumatic periderm). Nuclei structural changes, dynamics of DNA methylation, and posttranslational histone modifications were assessed in young and traumatic periderms, after cork harvesting. Lenticular phellogen producing atypical non-suberized cells that disaggregate and form pores was also studied, due to high impact for cork industrial uses. Immunolocalization of active and repressive marks, transcription analysis of the corresponding genes, and correlations between gene expression and cork porosity were investigated. During young periderm development, a reduction in nuclei area along with high levels of DNA methylation occurred throughout epidermis disruption. As cork cells became more differentiated, whole nuclei progressive chromatin condensation with accumulation in the nuclear periphery and increasing DNA methylation was observed. Lenticular cells nuclei were highly fragmented with faint 5-mC labeling. Phellogen nuclei were less methylated than in cork cells, and in lenticular phellogen were even lower. No significant differences were detected in H3K4me3 and H3K18ac signals between cork cells layers, although an increase in H3K4me3 signals was found from the phellogen to cork cells. Distinct gene expression patterns in young and traumatic periderms suggest that cork differentiation might be under specific silencing regulatory pathways. Significant correlations were found between QsMET1, QsMET2, and QsSUVH4 gene expression and cork porosity. This work evidences that DNA methylation and histone modifications play a role in cork differentiation and epidermis induced tension-stress. It also provides the first insights into chromatin dynamics during cork and lenticular cells differentiation pointing to a distinct type of remodeling associated with cell death

    A chromosome-level genome resource for studying virulence mechanisms and evolution of the coffee rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix

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    Recurrent epidemics of coffee leaf rust, caused by the fungal pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, have constrained the sustainable production of Arabica coffee for over 150 years. The ability of H. vastatrix to overcome resistance in coffee cultivars and evolve new races is inexplicable for a pathogen that supposedly only utilizes clonal reproduction. Understanding the evolutionary complexity between H. vastatrix and its only known host, including determining how the pathogen evolves virulence so rapidly is crucial for disease management. Achieving such goals relies on the availability of a comprehensive and high-quality genome reference assembly. To date, two reference genomes have been assembled and published for H. vastatrix that, while useful, remain fragmented and do not represent chromosomal scaffolds. Here, we present a complete scaffolded pseudochromosome-level genome resource for H. vastatrix strain 178a (Hv178a). Our initial assembly revealed an unusually high degree of gene duplication (over 50% BUSCO basidiomycota_odb10 genes). Upon inspection, this was predominantly due to a single scaffold that itself showed 91.9% BUSCO Completeness. Taxonomic analysis of predicted BUSCO genes placed this scaffold in Exobasidiomycetes and suggests it is a distinct genome, which we have named Hv178a associated fungal genome (Hv178a AFG). The high depth of coverage and close association with Hv178a raises the prospect of symbiosis, although we cannot completely rule out contamination at this time. The main Ca. 546 Mbp Hv178a genome was primarily (97.7%) localised to 11 pseudochromosomes (51.5 Mb N50), building the foundation for future advanced studies of genome structure and organization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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