12 research outputs found
Malaria is a tropical infectious disease with high morbidity and mortality rates. In malaria, various kinds of haematological complications can arise, one of which is thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is most commonly encountered during acute malaria infection with varying degrees observed in both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the types of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax with the degree of thrombocytopenia in malaria patients at the Ratu Aji Putri Botung Penajam Paser Utara Hospital. This research is an observasional analytic study with cross sectional method. The data was taken by using purposive sampling method from the medical records of malaria patients hospitalized in Ratu Aji Putri Botung Penajam Paser Utara Hospital in the period of January 2013 - August 2018. Data analysis used the Chi-square test. Of the 310 malaria patients who were study subjects, 60,3% (n = 187) were infected with Plasmodium falciparum and 39,7% (n = 123) were infected with Plasmodium vivax. Most of the research subjects were male (95,8%) who were dominated by adults (56,5%). As many as 90% of malaria patients experienced thrombocytopenia with mild, moderate, and severe thrombocytopenia respectively 29,4% ; 56,6% ; 14,0%. Severe thrombocytopenia was more common in falciparum malaria patients (16,4%). The statistical test result for the type of Plasmodium with the degree of thrombocytopenia were p = 0,139. It was concluded that there was no relationship between the types of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax with the degree of thrombocytopenia in malaria patients.
Keywords: Malaria, Plasmodium, Degree of Thrombocytopeni
Since coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases discovered and became a global problem around the world, healthcare workers (HCWs) are the most frequently confronted with covid patient. The number of cases in Indonesia is quite high, including in Samarinda. Because this virus is very easily transmitted, the use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on all healthcare workers when carrying out their duties is a must. This applies not only to healthcare workers on duty at covid treatment centers, but also to all health agencies. Face masks, faceshields, medical gloves, coveralls are the types of PPE which used for a long enough duration, can cause unwanted reactions on the wearer's skin. If this reaction is very disturbing and ongoing, it can affect the compliance or influnce their quality of life.
The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity of skin disorders that occur to healthcare workers related to the use of PPE, the types of PPE that can cause skin disorders, the relationship between the duration of PPE used and the incidence of skin disorders. The results of this study can later be used as a basis for recommendations of preventive measures for skin reactions. This research is an analytical descriptive study, taking data onto cross section using a questionnaire. The respondents of the study were healthcare workers that served for health institutions in the Samarinda region
Cilj studije bio je proučiti dužinsko maseni odnos te
kondicijske faktore Lutjanus russellii, Aurigequula fasciata i
Siganus canaliculatus ulovljenih u Ulehlee zaljevu, u gradu
Banda Aceh, u Indoneziji. To su prevladavajuće riblje vrste,
ulovljene tradicionalnim koćarenjem s kopna u Ulehlee
zaljevu, u gradu Banda Aceh, u Indoneziji. Uzorkovanje je
provođeno kroz period od tri mjeseca, od travnja do lipnja
2015. godine u intervalima od tjedan dana. Izmjerene su
totalna dužina i masa na ukupno 900 uzoraka riba (300
individua iz svake navedene vrste). Dužinsko maseni odnos
izračunat je pomoću linearnog alometrijskog modela
(LAM), dok su relativna težina (Wr) i Fultonov koeficijent (K)
izračunati kako bi se ocjenilo stanje uzoraka riba. Rezultati su
pokazali da b vrijednost (3.04) kod Lutjanus russellii ukazuje
na izometričan rast, dok je vrijednost b za Aurigequula
fasciata i Siganus canaliculatus iznosila 1.41 i 1.75 te su vrste
pokazale alometrijski rast. Prosječan Fultonov koeficijent
(K) Lutjanus russellii iznosio je 3.01 kod mužjaka i 2.49 kod
ženki. Kod oba spola Aurigequula fasciata K je iznosio 2.92.
Uz to, prosječna vrijednost K Siganus canaliculatus iznosila je
2.61 kod ženki i 2.59 kod mužjaka. Općenito, faktori stanja
relativne težine obično iznose 100. Zaključeno je da Lutjanus
russellii ima izometričan obrazac rasta, dok Aurigequula fasciata i Siganus canaliculatus pokazuju negativan
alometrijski uzorak rasta. Kondicijski faktori su u izvrsnom
stanju te ukazuju na ravnotežu plijena i predatora.The objective of the present study was to examine the length-weight
relationships and condition factors of snapper Lutjanus russellii, ponyfish
Aurigequula fasciata and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus
harvested from Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These species are
the predominant fishes caught by traditional beach trawl in Ulelhee Bay,
Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted for three months
from April to June 2015 at one-week interval. A total of 900 fish samples
(300 individuals for each species) were measured for the total length
and body weight. The length-weight relationships were calculated using
Linear Allometric Model (LAM), while the relative weights (Wr) and Fulton’s
condition (K) factors were calculated to assess the condition of the fish
samples. The results showed that the b value of 3.04 in snapper indicates
isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot fish
had the b values of 1.41 and 1.75, respectively, and these species display
an allometric growth pattern. The average Fulton’s condition factor (K) of
snapper was 3.01 for male and 2.49 for female; female ponyfish has the K
value of 2.92 and 2.92 for male. In addition, the average K value of whitespotted
spinefoot was 2.61 and 2.59 for female and male, respectively.
The relative weight condition factor ranges from 58.73 to 166.09 for
snapper, from 70.55 to 129.65 for ponyfish, and from 71.63 to 133.53 for
white-spotted spinefoot. In general, the relative weight condition factors
tendedto be 100. It is concluded that snapper has isometric growth pattern,
while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot display the negative allometric
growth pattern. The condition factors are in excellent condition and indicate
a balance of prey and predator
Sintesis Senyawa N-Benzoil Sefaleksin dari Sefaleksin Monohidrat
Resistensi mikroba terhadap pemakaian antibiotika penisilin dan sefalosporin mendorong dilakukannya penelitian dan pengembangan senyawa antibiotika baru. Telah dilakukan sintesis senyawa N-benzoil sefaleksin melalui reaksi asilasi gugus amina primer sefaleksin monohidrat dengan benzoil klorida. Senyawa basil sintesis berupa serbuk hablur, berwama putib kekuningan sebanyak 9,8752 gram (93,84%). Pemeriksaan pendabuluan senyawa basil sintesis dilakukan secara Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dengan fase diam silika gel 60 F 254 dan fase gerak metanol:kloroform (7:3), metanol:kloroform (6:4) dan metanol:kloroform (5:5). Sebagai penampak noda adalah lampu ultra lembayung dan digunakan pembanding sefaleksin monohidrat. Hasil pemeriksaan senyawa basil sintesis menunjukkan satu noda berwama ungu dengan barga Rf yang lebih besar dibandingkan pembanding. Sebaliknya, basil pemeriksaan titik leleh senyawa basil sintesis ( 102°-l 04°C). lebih rendab dibandingkan sefaleksin monohidrat ( 190°-192°C). Hasil spektroskopi ultra lembayung menunjukkan bahwa pola spektrum senyawa hasil sintesis berbeda dengan pembanding sefaleksin monohidrat. Hasil spektroskopi infra merah memperlihatkan perubahan pola spektrum pada bilangan gelombang 3100 cm·1• Hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya substitusi pada gugus am ina primer sefaleksin monohidrat dan terbentuk senyawa hasil sintcsis sesuai dengan yang diharapkan
Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkaji stabilitas emosi siswa SMK Negeri 8 Bandung kelas XI tahun ajaran 2009/2010 guna merumuskan program hipotetik bimbingan pribadi untuk mengembangkan stabilitas emosi siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri. Upaya dalam merumuskan program hipotetik bimbingan pribadi untuk mengembangkan stabilitas emosi siswa SMK diperlukan data tentang: (1) gambaran stabilitas emosi siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Bandung tahun ajaran 2009/2010; (2) kondisi aktual layanan bimbingan pribadi di SMK Negeri 8 Bandung.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket. Angket yang digunakan untuk mengetahui gambaran stabilitas emosi siswa SMK adalah angket dalam bentuk skala Likert yang berupa pertanyaan dan pernyataan. Angket yang digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan program adalah angket terbuka. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 174 orang siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Bandung tahun ajaran 2009/2010.
Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah sebagian besar siswa yang menjadi responden kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Bandung yaitu 89.7% memiliki stabilitas emosi pada kategori sedang. Program disusun berdasarkan need assessment yang menunjukkan persentase capaian indikator berada di bawah bilangan kuartil pertama sebesar 63.395%, yaitu (a) mengenali bentuk emosi marah; (b) mengenali keadaan fisik yang menimbulkan emosi ketika sakit; (c) mengenali interaksi dengan siswa lain yang menimbulkan emosi; (d) mengenali interaksi dengan guru dan staf sekolah yang menimbulkan emosi; (e) mengenali emosi yang melemahkan semangat; (f) mengenali emosi yang mengganggu penyesuaian sosial; dan (g) mengelola bentuk emosi marah.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dipaparkan, maka untuk mempertahankan dan lebih mengembangkan stabilitas emosi siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 8 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010 diperlukan adanya tindakan dari pihak sekolah dalam upaya mengembangkan stabilitas emosi siswa. Intervensi sekolah yang dapat dilakukan salah satunya dengan disusunnya program bimbingan pribadi untuk mengembangkan stabilitas emosi siswa
Hubungan Jenis Plasmodium falciparum dan Plasmodium vivax dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Pasien Malaria di RSUD Ratu Aji Putri Botung Penajam Paser Utara: Relationship between Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax Types with the Incidence of Anemia in Malaria Patients at Ratu Aji Putri Botung Hospital, Penajam Paser Utara
Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium infection that is still a health problem in the tropical area including Indonesia. Penajam Paser Utara is the only district with a high level of malaria endemicity outside eastern of Indonesia which is located at the Province of East Kalimantan. Malaria can cause various complications including haematological abnormalities. Haematological abnormalities that are often found in both falciparum malaria and vivax malaria is anaemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the types of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax with the incidence of anaemia in malaria patients at Ratu Aji Putri Botung, Penajam Paser Utara hospital. This research is an observational analytic study with cross sectional method. The data was obtained from medical records of hospitalized malaria patients at Ratu Aji Putri Botung Penajam Paser Utara hospital in the period of January 2013 – August 2018 by purposive sampling method. The data were analyzed using the Chi-square test. The subjects of the study were 310 malaria patients consisting of 60,3% (n=187) patients infected with Plasmodium falciparum and 39,7% (n=123) patients infected with Plasmodium vivax. The majority of research subjects were male (95,8%) and were in the 26 – 40 years age group (56,5%). Anaemia was found in 49% of malaria patients dominated by vivax malaria patients (52%). Statistical test result between types of Plasmodium with the incidence of anaemia was p = 0,391. It was concluded that there was no association between the types of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax with the incidence of anaemia in malaria patients
Length-Weight Relationships and Condition Factors of the Three Dominant Species of Marine Fishes Caught by Traditional Beach Trawl in Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia
The objective of the present study was to examine the length-weight relationships and condition factors of snapper Lutjanus russellii, ponyfish Aurigequula fasciata and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus harvested from Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These species are the predominant fishes caught by traditional beach trawl in Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted for three months from April to June 2015 at one-week interval. A total of 900 fish samples (300 individuals for each species) were measured for the total length and body weight. The length-weight relationships were calculated using Linear Allometric Model (LAM), while the relative weights (Wr) and Fulton’s condition (K) factors were calculated to assess the condition of the fish samples. The results showed that the b value of 3.04 in snapper indicates isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot fish had the b values of 1.41 and 1.75, respectively, and these species display an allometric growth pattern. The average Fulton’s condition factor (K) of snapper was 3.01 for male and 2.49 for female; female ponyfish has the K value of 2.92 and 2.92 for male. In addition, the average K value of whitespotted spinefoot was 2.61 and 2.59 for female and male, respectively. The relative weight condition factor ranges from 58.73 to 166.09 for snapper, from 70.55 to 129.65 for ponyfish, and from 71.63 to 133.53 for white-spotted spinefoot. In general, the relative weight condition factors tendedto be 100. It is concluded that snapper has isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot display the negative allometric growth pattern. The condition factors are in excellent condition and indicate a balance of prey and predator
The impact of COVID-19 on rare and complex connective tissue diseases: the experience of ERN ReCONNET.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to provide high-level care for a large number of patients with COVID-19 has affected resourcing for, and limited the routine care of, all other conditions. The impact of this health emergency is particularly relevant in the rare connective tissue diseases (rCTDs) communities, as discussed in this Perspective article by the multi-stakeholder European Reference Network on Rare and Complex Connective Tissue and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ERN ReCONNET). The clinical, organizational and health economic challenges faced by health-care providers, institutions, patients and their families during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak have demonstrated the importance of ensuring continuity of care in the management of rCTDs, including adequate diagnostics and monitoring protocols, and highlighted the need for a structured emergency strategy. The vulnerability of patients with rCTDs needs to be taken into account when planning future health policies, in preparation for not only the post-COVID era, but also any possible new health emergencies