3,505 research outputs found

    Granting maternity benefits in surrogate motherhood

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la procedencia de las prestaciones de maternidad en favor de las parejasque recurren a la gestación subrogada y cumplen con los requisitos establecidos en el sistema de Seguridad social correspondiente, a partir del derecho a tener una familia que brinde protección y cuidados al menor, el principio del interés superior el menor, así como el derecho de igualdad y el principio de no discriminación, cuya aplicabilidad ha sido decretada por los organismos de derechos humanos y los operadores jurisdiccionales en las sentencias dictadas. Asimismo, en el último apartado nos ocupamos del estudio de los derechos derivados de la Seguridad social y el sistema de seguros sociales como derechos subjetivos que también motivan y fundamentan la procedencia de las prestaciones de maternidad en los casos que tiene lugar el denominado alquiler de vientre.This paper analyzes the granting of maternity benefits in favor of couples who resort to surrogate pregnancy and comply with the requirements established in the corresponding social security system, from the right to have a family that provides protection and care to the child, the principle of the best interests of the child, as well as the right to equality and the principle of non-discrimination, whose applicability has been decreed by human rights organizations and jurisdictional operators in the judgments handed down. In addition, in the last section, we deal with the study of the rights derived from social security and the social insurance system as subjective rights that also motivate and base the origin of maternity benefits in the cases that take place the so-called belly rent

    An attempt to overcome the pension gap: the bonus for children in Chile

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    Como resultado de la reforma previsional aprobada en Chile en 2008, la bonificación por hijo, que surge como medida tendiente a paliar la brecha existente en el sistema de pensiones en Chile, constituye el objeto de estudio de este trabajo, por lo que se analizan los requisitos para que las beneficiarias puedan acceder a esta prestación, el método para su cuantificación y su forma de pago, así como los efectos que provoca en la brecha pensionaria.As a result of the pension reform approved in Chile in 2008, the child allowance, which appears as a measure tending to alleviate the existing gap in the Chilean pension system, is the object of study of this work, which is why analyze the requirements for beneficiaries to access this benefit, the method for its quantification and its form of payment, as well as the effects it causes on the pension gap


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    The present model of global economy, the evolution of social structures, and a positive politic scene, among others aspects, demand the transformation of the city in order to solve the challenges present in most of contemporary cities. A very important part of the investments in this area are dedicated to enlarge and improve the patrimony of public space. But a public space of quality it’s only possible if it facilitates the improvement of the citizen’s quality of life and helps in the development of the social relations. A public space of quality should also have the capacity to preserve and enrich the memory of the place, and wherever possible, the practice of the essential values of the contemporary society: sustainability, multiculturalism, democracy, tolerance... Reevaluating the peripheries and recovering the city centre, involves very different kind of strategies. In both cases, this means the integration of degraded neighborhoods to a unified urban system of the city. Acting in a historical centre, requires of a special sensibility that reinforce the historic and artistic values of the place, allowing at the same time, the rehabilitation of the public space to the needs of the present society. In this sense, it turns out to be utterly important to preserve what the place has been accumulating through time, and those items which have became elements of identity during this process, as well as integrating new elements, which generate different meanings while helping in the process of appropriation. The model of compact city that Barcelona aims, has required the renewal of its historical areas, and in order to improve their level of centrality, taking into account, that in addition of its historical centre “Ciutat Vella”, Barcelona contains diverse traditional neighborhoods each of them having their own historical centre. The difference centre‐periphery should also be perceived among these other historical centers. Integration should not be confused with standardization, neither differentiation with segregation

    Calibrated forceps model of spinal cord compression injury.

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    Compression injuries of the murine spinal cord are valuable animal models for the study of spinal cord injury (SCI) and spinal regenerative therapy. The calibrated forceps model of compression injury is a convenient, low cost, and very reproducible animal model for SCI. We used a pair of modified forceps in accordance with the method published by Plemel et al. (2008) to laterally compress the spinal cord to a distance of 0.35 mm. In this video, we will demonstrate a dorsal laminectomy to expose the spinal cord, followed by compression of the spinal cord with the modified forceps. In the video, we will also address issues related to the care of paraplegic laboratory animals. This injury model produces mice that exhibit impairment in sensation, as well as impaired hindlimb locomotor function. Furthermore, this method of injury produces consistent aberrations in the pathology of the SCI, as determined by immunohistochemical methods. After watching this video, viewers should be able to determine the necessary supplies and methods for producing SCI of various severities in the mouse for studies on SCI and/or treatments designed to mitigate impairment after injury

    Regeneration in dental elements permanent immature necrotic

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    Para decidir la terapia correcta para tratar un diente permanente inmaduro no vital se debe evaluar adecuadamente el caso clínico, determinando con la mayor precisión posible el diagnóstico del estado pulpar. Por muchos años, se plantearon dos terapias básicas, dependiendo del diagnóstico pulpar: apexogénesis (pulpas necróticas) o apexificación (pulpas vitales). En la actualidad, gracias al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y mejora en las investigaciones, se han comenzado a aplicar con mayor exactitud nuevas terapias regenerativas que permiten, además, el desarrollo radicular y engrosamiento de las paredes dentinarias. La endodoncia regenerativa se define como las terapias con fundamentos biológicos diseñadas para remplazar en forma predecible estructuras dañadas, enfermas o perdidas, incluyendo estructuras como dentina o cemento, así como células del complejo dentinopulpar, a través de tejidos viables, preferentemente del mismo origen, que permiten restaurar las funciones fisiológicas normales del complejo dentino- pulpar. Los tratamientos en endodoncia regenerativa son diversos y pueden incluir: pulpotomía parcial o total, apexogénesis, apexificación, revascularización, terapia con células madres e ingeniería tisular. Durante los últimos años, el progreso en este campo ha sido muy rápido. Se han publicado gran cantidad de reportes de casos con resultados exitosos y mejora en los pronósticos, beneficiando a los pacientes y prolongando la funcionalidad de los dientes afectados.In deciding the right therapy to treat a non-vital immature permanent teeth should properly evaluate the clinical case, determining as accurately as possible the diagnosis of pulpal status. apexogenesis (necrotic pulps) or apexification (vital pulps): For many years, two basic therapies, depending on the pulp diagnosis were raised. Today, thanks to the development of new technologies and improvement in research, have begun to implement more accurately new regenerative therapies that also allow root growth and thickening of the dentin walls. Regenerative endodontics is defined as therapies biological foundations designed to replace predictably injured, sick or lost structures, including structures such as dentin or cement, as well as cells of the dentin-pulp complex through viable tissue, preferably of the same origin, allow to restore normal physiological function of dentin-pulp complex. Regenerative endodontics treatments are varied and may include: partial or total pulpotomy apexogenesis, apexification, revascularization, stem cell therapy and tissue engineering. In recent years, progress in this area has been rapid. There have been lots of reports of cases with successful results and improvement in forecasts, benefiting patients and extending the functionality of the affected teeth.Fil: Martínez, Verónica I.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontologí

    Arylamidase activity of soils

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    The enzyme amino acid arylamidase [alpha-aminoacyl-peptide hydrolyze (microsomal) EC] catalyzes the release of an N-terminal amino acid from peptides, amides or arylamides. This enzyme is important in N mineralization in soils, because it is involved in the release of amino acids bound to the soil organic matter. The detection of arylamidase in soils is reported, and a precise and accurate method is described for its assay. It involves colorimetric determination of the beta-naphthylamine produced when soil is incubated with L-leucine beta-naphthylamide in 0.1 M THAM buffer (pH 8.0) at 37°C for 1 h. The beta-naphthylamine is extracted with ethanol and reacted with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde to produce an azo compound, the absorbance of which is measured at 540 nm. This enzyme has its optimal activity at pH 8.0 and is inactivated at temperatures above 60°C. The Km values of this enzyme in seven surface soils ranged from 0.19 to 0.35 mM. The activation energy values ranged from 30.6 to 49.8 kJ mol-1 for field-moist soils and from 26.2 to 32.4 kJ mol-1 for their air-dried counterparts. The means of Q10 ranged from 1.32 to 1.71 (avg. = 1.44). Treating soils with toluene, formaldehyde, dimethylsulfoxide, HgCl2, or iodoacetic acid inhibited, and autoclaving completely destroyed, the activity of this enzyme in soils. At 5 mumol g--1 soil, arylamidase activity was inhibited in both air-dried and field-moist samples by 18 of 25 trace elements tested; Ag (I), Hg (II), and Cd (II) were the most effective inhibitors. Co (II), Mg (II), Mn (II), B (III) and As (V) activated this enzyme in field-moist soils and their air-dried counterparts, and W (VI) and Mo (VI) activated this enzyme in air dried soils, but inhibited it in the field-moist soils. The activity of this enzyme in soils was significantly correlated with activities of L-asparaginase (r = 0.91; P \u3c 0.001), L-aspartase (r = 0.90; P \u3c 0.001), urease (r = 0.87; P \u3c 0.001), L-glutaminase (r = 0.84; P \u3c 0.001) and amidase (r = 0.39; P \u3c 0.01). Using substrates containing different amino add moieties showed that the activity of arylamidase decreased as follows: alanine \u3e leucine \u3e serine \u3e lysine\u3e arginine = glycine = histidine \u3e proline (not hydrolyzed). The activity of arylamidase was significantly affected by tillage and crop residue placements. Lime application rate (pH range 4.9 to 6.9) significantly affected the activities of 14 enzymes, including arylamidase, involved in C, N, P, and S cycling

    Transsexuality as a Stigma in the Films Boys Don't Cry and Breakfast on Pluto

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    Trabajo de Grado presentado en el Departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Salamanca.[ES] La transexualidad es una de las identidades sexuales o de género más incomprendidas. La transexualidad no disfruta de tanta visibilidad como la homosexualidad, y por ello su situación aún no se ha normalizado. Con este trabajo, pretendo explicar cuál es la percepción social de la transexualidad actualmente, demostrando que a pesar de todo el progreso conseguido en los últimos años, las personas transexuales siguen siendo estigmatizadas y excluidas de la sociedad. Para ilustrar esta idea, he centrado mi trabajo en el análisis de dos películas, que en mi opinión reflejan muy bien la violencia e injusticia con la que muchas veces las personas transexuales son tratadas. Estas películas son: Boys Don’t Cry (1999), dirigida por la directora estadounidense Kimberly Peirce y basada en una trágica historia real y Breakfast on Pluto (Desayuno en Plutón) (2005), dirigida por el director irlandés Neil Jordan y basada en el libro homónimo del escritor Patrick McCabe.[EN]Transsexuality is one of the most misunderstood gender identities nowadays. Transsexuality is not as visible in society as homosexuality, and because of this, their situation is not yet normalised. In this paper I try to explain the social perception of transsexuality nowadays, demonstrating that these people are still stigmatised despite all the progress that has been made in the acceptance of different sexual and gender identities. To illustrate this stigmatization and its reasons and consequences, I have focused my paper on the analysis of two films, which I think portray very accurately the social reactions (very unfair most of the times) that transsexual people have to face. These films are: Boys Don’t Cry (1999), directed by American filmmaker Kimberly Peirce and based on a tragic, true story and Breakfast on Pluto (2005), by Irish filmmaker Neil Jordan and based on the homonymous novel by Patrick McCabe

    On several extremal problems in graph theory involving gromov hyperbolicity constant

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn this Thesis we study the extremal problems of maximazing and minimazing the hyperbolicity constant on several families of graphs. In order to properly raise our research problem, we need to introduce some important definitions and make some remarks on the graphs we study.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Elena Romera Colmenarejo.- Secretario: Ana María Portilla Ferreira.- Vocal: José María Sigarreta Almir