264 research outputs found

    Complicaciones a corto plazo de la artroplastia total primaria de cadera

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    Objetivos: Se pretende analizar las principales complicaciones a corto plazo (seis semanas) tras la Artroplastia total primaria de cadera. ;aterial y métodos: Se revisaron todos los pacientes a los que se realizó artroplastia total de cadera durante el año 2003. Las variables estudiadas fueron el índice de luxaciones, sangrado, infección, fracturas periprotésicas, complicaciones vásculo-nerviosas y mortalidad. Resultados: Obtuvimos una tasa del 4,4% de luxaciones; 1,7% de trombosis venosa profunda con un 0,87% de embolismo pulmonar, 1,7% de infecciones superficiales sin casos de infección profunda. El 14,9% de los casos necesitaron una transfusión postquirúrgica. Intraoperatoriamente observamos apertura del cálcar en el 3,5%, y fracturas periprotésicas postoperatorias en el 0,87%. No registramos complicaciones neurológicas ni mortalidad en estas primeras seis semanas del estudio. Conclusiones: La complicación más frecuente es la luxación, fundamentalmente en los casos secundarios a fractura. La trombosis venosa profunda, a èsar de la profilaxis, continúa siendo una complicación frecuente.Objectives: Our purpose was to analyze the main early complications (six weeks) after primary total hip arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: All patients who had undergone primary total hip replacement during 2003 were reviewed. The studied outcomes were the rates of dislocation, blood loss, infection, periprosthetic fractures, neural and vascular complications, and mortality. Results: Our rates were 4,4% for hip dislocation, 1,7% for deep vein thrombosis with 0,87% for pulmonary embolism, 1,7% for wound infection without cases of deep infection. 14,9% of the patients needed postoperative transfusion. We reported 3,5% fractures of the calcar during surgery and 0,87% of postoperative periprosthetic fractures. We didn ́t reported any neural complications or mortality within six weeks postoperatively. Conclusions: The most frequent complication is dislocation, mainly in cases whose underlying diagnose was hip fracture. Although prophylaxis is done, deep vein thrombosis goes on being a frequent complication

    Antibacterial Properties of Nanoparticles in Dental Restorative Materials. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background and Objectives: Nanotechnology has become a significant area of research focused mainly on increasing the antibacterial and mechanical properties of dental materials. The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine and quantitatively analyze the current evidence for the addition of different nanoparticles into dental restorative materials, to determine whether their incorporation increases the antibacterial/antimicrobial properties of the materials. Materials and Methods: A literature search was performed in the Pubmed, Scopus, and Embase databases, up to December 2018, following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Results: A total of 624 papers were identified in the initial search. After screening the texts and applying inclusion criteria, only 11 of these were selected for quantitative analysis. The incorporation of nanoparticles led to a significant increase (p-value < 0.01) in the antibacterial capacity of all the dental materials synthesized in comparison with control materials. Conclusions: The incorporation of nanoparticles into dental restorative materials was a favorable option; the antibacterial activity of nanoparticle-modified dental materials was significantly higher compared with the original unmodified materials, TiO2 nanoparticles providing the greatest benefits. However, the high heterogeneity among the articles reviewed points to the need for further research and the application of standardized research protocols

    Estudio del comportamiento del sistema de protección de líneas de Extra Alta Tensión ante defectos resistivos a tierra

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la respuesta del sistema de protección de líneas de Extra Alta Tensión instalado en la Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas (UTE) de Uruguay. El objetivo es poder determinar errores de los algoritmos de distancia de los equipos de protección, para considerarlo en la etapa de cálculo de ajustes. En general este error se considera como un porcentaje fijo de la longitud de la línea, sin tener en cuenta el algoritmo del relé ni las particularidades del sistema eléctrico. Conjuntamente se desarrollaron un conjunto de programas en entorno MATLAB® y su herramienta SIMULINK para estudiar defectos a tierra en una línea de Trasmisión y el algoritmo de los relés de protección de distancia. Cuando no se dispuso del algoritmo, se utilizaron los valores de tensión y corriente obtenidos en la simulación para ensayar un relé real, y así obtener la respuesta del mismo

    Melatonin modulation of crosstalk among malignant epithelial, endothelial and adipose cells in breast cancer (Review)

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    Melatonin, the main secretory product of the pineal gland, is an oncostatic agent that reduces the growth and development of various types of tumors, particularly mammary tumors whose growth is dependent on estrogens. Previous in vivo and in vitro studies point to the hypothesis that melatonin interplays with estrogen signaling pathways at three different levels: i) an indirect mechanism, by interfering with the hypothalamic‑pituitary‑reproductive axis in such way that the level of plasma estrogens synthesized by the gonadal glands are downregulated; ii) a direct mechanism of the pineal gland at the cell cancer level, disrupting the activation of estradiol receptors, therefore behaving as a selective estrogen receptor modulator; and iii) by regulating the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of estrogens in other tissues, thus behaving as a selective estrogen enzyme modulator. The intratumoral metabolism and synthesis of estrogens, as a result of the interactions of various enzymes, is more important than blood uptake to maintain mammary gland estrogen levels in menopausal females. Additionally, estrogens are considered to play an important role in the pathogenesis and development of hormone‑dependent breast carcinoma. Paracrine interactions among malignant epithelial cells and proximal adipose and endothelial cells, through cytokines and growth factors produced by breast tumor cells, modulate estrogen production at the mammary tumor level and, as a consequence, the genesis and development of mammary tumors. The aim of the present review is to summarize the recent findings describing the mechanisms by which melatonin is able to modulate the crosstalk among malignant epithelial, endothelial and adipose cells in breast cancer

    Resolution of inflammation in obesity-induced liver disease

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    Low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue is recognized as a critical event in the development of obesity-related co-morbidities. This chronic inflammation is powerfully augmented through the infiltration of macrophages, which together with adipocytes, perpetuate a vicious cycle of inflammatory cell recruitment and secretion of free fatty acids and deleterious adipokines that predispose to greater incidence of metabolic complications. In the last decade, many factors have been identified to contribute to mounting unresolved inflammation in obese adipose tissue. Among them, pro-inflammatory lipid mediators (i.e., leukotrienes) derived from the omega-6 polyunsaturated arachidonic acid have been shown to play a prominent role. Of note, the same lipid mediators that initially trigger the inflammatory response also signal its termination by stimulating the formation of anti-inflammatory signals. Resolvins and protectins derived from the omega-3 polyunsaturated docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids have emerged as a representative family of this novel class of autacoids with dual anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving properties that act as “stop-signals” of the inflammatory response. This review discusses the participation of these endogenous autacoids in the resolution of adipose tissue inflammation, with a special emphasis in the amelioration of obesity-related metabolic dysfunctions, namely insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Social support and mental health in maternity: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    [EN] Background: Motherhood involves a process of adaptation and the perception of social support influences mental health, breastfeeding or newborn care among others. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a distancing from family, friends and health professionals. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The present study aims to describe and analyze the social support and mental health of mothers during this period. Methods: The sample were 179 women with children older than 6 months. The questionnaires used were the DUKE-UNC-11 and GHQ-12. Data analysis was carried out with Spearman's Rho and Mann Whitney U test. Results: 75.8% of the sample perceived normal social support during the pandemic. Within the dimensions of social support, women reported perceiving satisfactory confidential support, while affective support was perceived as low. Correlational analysis reported a significant relationship between mental health, confidential support and affective support. Group comparison noted greater confidential support in primiparous. Conclusions: The sample is sensitive to changes originated by COVID-19 constraints influencing perceived social support and mental health. Affective and confidential support as well as the involvement of health professionals and the environment are fundamental for mental health during the first year of maternity. Relevance to clinical practice: Mothers' mental health is sensitive and vulnerable to social changes, in this case, those that occurred as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak.S

    Formación de excelencia y competencia digital: El caso de la mención de pedagogía terapéutica de la UCLM

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    La atención a la diversidad es sin duda uno de los aspectos más “jóvenes” en el ámbito educativo y más necesario, ya que a través de ella el sistema se vértebra con el fin de poder cubrir las necesidades de un sector de la población cada vez más creciente. Por ello, debemos tomar conciencia de lo importante que es dotar la atención a la diversidad, en sus múltiples facetas, de recursos formativos de calidad. En este trabajo realizamos un análisis del currículo del grado de Educación primaria con mención en Pedagogía terapéutica de la UCLM con el fin de determinar en qué nivel están integradas y adaptadas las competencias digitales recogidas por el INTEF desde el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Las conclusiones no son nada halagüeñas, ya que la integración de las competencias digitales es muy pequeña, por no decir insignificante. Esto nos lleva a plantearnos la labor de la ANECA y la calidad de los títulos que acredita. ¿Es aceptable una formación superior sin unas competencias digitales solidadas en el s. XXI

    The CRISPR/Cas9 system efficiently reverts the tumorigenic ability of BCR/ABL in vitro and in a xenograft model of chronic myeloid leukemia

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    [EN]CRISPR/Cas9 technology was used to abrogate p210 oncoprotein expression in the Boff-p210 cell line, a pro-B line derived from interlukin-3-dependent Baf/3, that shows IL-3-independence arising from the constitutive expression of BCR-ABL p210. Using this approach, pools of Boff-p210-edited cells and single edited cell-derived clones were obtained and functionally studied in vitro. The loss of p210 expression in Boff-p210 cells resulted in the loss of ability to grow in the absence of IL-3, as the Baf/3 parental line, showing significantly increased apoptosis levels. Notably, in a single edited cell-derived clone carrying a frame-shift mutation that prevents p210 oncoprotein expression, the effects were even more drastic, resulting in cell death. These edited cells were injected subcutaneously in immunosuppressed mice and tumor growth was followed for three weeks. BCR/ABL-edited cells developed smaller tumors than those originating from unedited Boff-p210 parental cells. Interestingly, the single edited cell-derived clone was unable to develop tumors, similar to what is observed with the parental Baf/3 cell line. CRISPR/Cas9 genomic editing technology allows the ablation of the BCR/ ABL fusion gene, causing an absence of oncoprotein expression, and blocking its tumorigenic effects in vitro and in the in vivo xenograft model of CML. The future application of this approach in in vivo models of CML will allow us to more accurately assess the value of CRISPR/Cas9 technology as a new therapeutic tool that overcomes resistance to the usual treatments for CML patients

    Ámbitos de gobernanza en las políticas alimentarias urbanas: una mirada operativa

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    The present research tries to identify the different areas of governance, which are significant to urban food policies, and its operational weaknesses and potentialities. With this aim, it analyses the actions developed to improve food governance in 13 Spanish cities, all of them related to the Network of Cities for Agroecology. The information obtained through a questionnaire has been complemented with personal interviews and analysis of documentation on specific actions. In addition, three Local Food Strategies (Valladolid, Zaragoza and Segovia) have been analyzed). The study identifies at least six fields of food governance (1-Grassroots; 2-Multi-actor; 3-Intra-administration; 4-Multi-level; 5-Territorial; and 6-Trans-local). Around these areas, urban food policies discuss concepts such as the new multi-actor institutions, dialectics between grassroots movements, farmers and local governments, or the relevance of different approaches such as the City-Region Food System. The conclusions suggest deepening the articulation of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to food policies, giving centrality to the role of the organic farming sector and to the marginalized urban groups, as well as to the importance of transcending the merely local scale in order to develop the potential for sustainable food policies. In this sense, the governance of urban food policies goes beyond urban territories and landscapes and general urban dynamics generate significant impacts overall territory.La presente investigación pretende identificar los ámbitos de gobernanza significativos en las políticas alimentarias urbanas, así como las deficiencias y potencialidades en su implementación. Para ello se analizan las acciones para mejorar la gobernanza alimentaria en 13 ciudades españolas, relacionadas todas ellas con la Red de Ciudades por la Agroecología. La información obtenida mediante un cuestionario ha sido complementada con entrevistas personales y análisis de documentación sobre acciones específicas. Además, se han analizado las Estrategias Alimentarias Urbanas de tres ciudades (Valladolid, Zaragoza y Segovia). El estudio identifica 6 ámbitos de la gobernanza alimentaria (1-De base; 2-Multi-actor; 3-Intra-administración; 4-Multi-nivel; 5-Territorial; y 6-Gobernanza translocal). En torno a estos ámbitos se discuten conceptos como las nuevas institucionalidades multi-actor que se están generando en torno a las políticas alimentarias urbanas; la dialéctica entre administración, organizaciones sociales y sector agrario o la pertinencia de distintas miradas como los enfoques de Sistema Alimentario de Ciudad-Región. Las conclusiones sugieren profundizar en la articulación de los enfoques top-down y bottom-up de las políticas alimentarias, aportando centralidad al papel del sector agrario ecológico y a actores urbanos desfavorecidos, así como a la importancia de trascender la escala meramente local para poder desarrollar el potencial de sostenibilidad de las políticas alimentarias. De esta forma, la gobernanza de las políticas alimentarias urbanas va más allá de los territorios y paisajes urbanos, del mismo modo que las dinámicas generales urbanas generan importantes impactos sobre el conjunto del territorio

    Intensidad emocional en la clase de educación física en función de la victoria: juegos de cooperación-oposición

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    Emotions constantly determine the human behaviour, reason why they cannot be separated from the educational context, being the emotional education necessary for the integral development of students. The subject of Physical Education is generative of playful motor situations and offers an unequalled possibility to create emotional experiences by the use of motor games. In this way, it arises a huge pedagogic interest for knowing the specific characteristics of emotions. The aims of this study were to analyze the emotional experience caused by the cooperation-opposition domain and to analyze the influence of the competition variable in the type of emotional experience in the cooperation-opposition domain. The participants were 107 students of Primary Education who, after playing four cooperation-opposition games, completed an ad hoc instrument of emotional knowledge by emotional faces with positive and negative emotions (joy, happyness, humour, love, sadness, fear, rejection and anger). Results showed that this domain was generating a bigger positive emotional intensity and that winning or losing the game could influence in the emotional experience, being more intense the positive emotions when winning and the negative emotions when losing.Las emociones determinan constantemente el comportamiento humano, por lo que éstas no pueden desvincularse del ámbito educativo, siendo la educación emocional necesaria para el desarrollo integral de los alumnos. El área de Educación Física, generadora de situaciones motrices lúdicas, ofrece una inigualable posibilidad para crear vivencias emocionales mediante el uso del juego motor. De este modo, aparece un gran interés pedagógico por conocer las características específicas de dichas emociones. Los objetivos del presente artículo fueron analizar la vivencia emocional que suscita el dominio de cooperación-oposición y analizar la incidencia de la variable competición en el tipo de vivencia emocional para el dominio de cooperación-oposición. Los participantes fueron 107 alumnos de Educación Primaria, quienes tras jugar a cuatro juegos de cooperación-oposición, completaban un instrumento ad hoc de reconocimiento emocional de expresiones faciales para las emociones positivas y negativas (alegría, felicidad, humor y afecto, tristeza, miedo, rechazo e ira). Los resultados mostraron que este dominio fue principalmente generador de una mayor intensidad emocional positiva y que el hecho de ganar o perder un juego influía en la experiencia emocional, siendo mayores las emociones positivas ganando y mayores las negativas al perder