7,921 research outputs found

    A RMSM-X model for Turkey

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    To improve the Bank's macroeconomic modeling capabilities, a continuum of macro models referred to as RMSM-X and RMSM-XX are being developed. These models share a common accounting framework that ensures economic consistency among economic sectors. This paper shows how to specify the budget constraints and market clearing conditions in a RMSM-X model for Turkey. An overview of the system defined by the RMSM-X model, the debt module (DM) and the data base is presented, along with a detailed explanation of the theoretical model. Alternative closure rules are discussed and the debt model is presented. This paper also includes annexes which present a complete set of historical data and an explanation of how the data was constructed.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Stabilization,Financial Intermediation

    De la visibilización a la inclusión : balance de diez años de estudios sobre los tejidos arqueológicos en Copenhague

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    Obra ressenyada: E. ANDERSSON STRAND; M. -L. NOSCH, Tools, Textiles and Contexts. Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age. Oxford / Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2015

    Ur III Studies: Bibliography 1997–2014

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    Two bibliographical lists of texts from Ur III Mesopotamia (ca. 2112–2004 BC) have been published. The first, compiled by Marcel Sigrist and Tohru Gomi, appeared in 1991 ina volume entitled The Comprehensive Catalogue of Published Ur III Tablets, and included all publications until 1990. The second was published in 1999 by Walther Sallaberger as the final chapter of his work on the Ur III period in the volume Mesopotamien. Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit (Sallaberger 1999: 351–363). This second list fills in the gaps of the previous one and presents works published until 1997. Since then, no more Ur III bibliographies have been published. Even though today it is much easier to access texts and publications than it was in the past, these lists remain useful nonetheless. In this paper I present an updated list of Ur III publications covering the years 1997–2014. Like Sallaberger 1999, I have also added a few references from the years covered in the previous bibliographical list (in this case, 1994–1997). But unlike the previous lists, the one presented here includes not only publications of tablets and texts, but also studies referring to the Ur III period and the Ur III sources in general. My hope is that the list will be of use both to Assyriologists working with Ur III texts and to scholars interested in the art history and archaeology of the period, as well as those carrying out comparative studies with other periods

    Quantifying the economic impact of CETA on Portugal

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    The European Union and Canada recently signed a Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) which covers virtually all sectors and aspects of Canada-EU trade. For small open economies, like Portugal, trade is a key factor in productivity and competitiveness gains that foster economic performance and growth. Canada is among Portugal's top 10 importing countries, and wine is Portugal's main export good to Canada. The wine sector represents an important source of economic revenue for Portugal, contributing very significantly to the final value of agricultural production and exports. This dissertation studies the impact of CETA on Portugal-Canada wine trade, assessing its effects on the Portuguese wine sector. After a thorough examination of the Canadian wine sector, the Canadian consumer profile and market trends, an analysis was made to address the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to Portugal's positioning in the Canadian market in view of CETA's entry into force.A União Europeia e o Canadá assinaram recentemente um acordo de livre comércio, conhecido por "Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement" (CETA), que abrange praticamente todos os sectores e aspectos do comércio Canadá-UE. Para pequenas economias, como Portugal, o comércio é um factor-chave nos ganhos de produtividade e competitividade que fomentam o desempenho económico e crescimento. O Canadá está entre os 10 maiores mercados importadores de vinho português, sendo este o principal produto das exportações portuguesas para o Canadá. O sector do vinho representa uma importante fonte de receitas para Portugal, contribuindo significativamente para o valor final da produção agrícola e exportações nacionais. Esta dissertação estuda o impacto do CETA no comércio de vinho entre Portugal e o Canadá, avaliando os seus efeitos no sector vitivinícola português. Após uma análise ao sector do vinho no Canadá, o perfil do consumidor e as tendências de mercado, avaliaram-se os pontos fortes, fracos, oportunidades e ameaças relacionados com o posicionamento de Portugal no mercado canadiano face à entrada em vigor do CETA

    Assyriology and politics. Joaquín Peñuela and Spanish diplomacy during the early Franco’s regime

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    En el presente artículo estudiaremos la figura del asiriólogo Joaquín Peñuela, centrándonos en su estancia de investigación en Londres a finales de los años cuarenta, y en el significado político que tuvo la misma en el contexto del primer franquismo. Para tal fin hemos analizado el expediente de Joaquín Peñuela de la Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales (entidad que le financió parte de la estancia), así como parte de su correspondencia. Partiendo del análisis de la situación particular de este investigador, veremos cuáles fueron las estrategias y los cambios que se dieron en la política exterior española entre 1947 y 1949.In this paper we focus on the Assyriologist Joaquín Peñuela, centering on his stay in London in the late 1940s and its political significance in the context of the early years of the Francoist regime. To do this we analysed Joaquín Peñuela’s file of the Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales (the office partially financing his stay abroad) and some of his correspondence. Reporting his experiences, we shed light on how Spanish foreign policy strategies were shaped and changed between 1947 and 1949

    Coiled-Coil Based Inclusion Bodies and Their Potential Applications

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    The production of recombinant proteins using microbial cell factories is frequently associated with the formation of inclusion bodies (IBs). These proteinaceous entities can be sometimes a reservoir of stable and active protein, might display good biocompatibility, and are produced efficiently and cost-effectively. Thus, these submicrometric particles are increasingly exploited as functional biomaterials for biotechnological and biomedical purposes. The fusion of aggregation-prone sequences to the target protein is a successful strategy to sequester soluble recombinant polypeptides into IBs. Traditionally, the use of these IB-tags results in the formation of amyloid-like scaffolds where the protein of interest is trapped. This amyloid conformation might compromise the protein's activity and be potentially cytotoxic. One promising alternative to overcome these limitations exploits the coiled-coil fold, composed of two or more α-helices and widely used by nature to create supramolecular assemblies. In this review, we summarize the state-of-the-art of functional IBs technology, focusing on the coiled-coil-assembly strategy, describing its advantages and applications, delving into future developments and necessary improvements in the field

    The use of facial characteristics as engendering strategies in Phoenician-Punic studies

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    In this paper, we consider four categories of Phoenician-Punic artifacts and how they have been engendered in modern scholarship, specifically with regard to facial characteristics: mold-made musician figurines, bottle-shaped figurines, and masks both of terracotta and painted ostrich eggshell.1 Although we shall not discuss these objects in depth, we contend that it is worthwhile to consider them together in order to draw attention to the strategies used to engender these objects in Phoenician-Punic studies, as they present some common facial characteristics which have been interpreted quite differently by scholars in terms of their relationship to gender

    Music, gender and rituals in the ancient Mediterranean. Revisiting the Punic evidence

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    Music, playing instruments and performing rituals are bodily activities and as such they can be studied stressing their corporeal features. Music and sounds are usually essential elements in rites, and bodies play an essential role in bringing together music and rituals. We explore these issues focusing on Punic terracotta figurines playing musical instruments recovered from the island of Ibiza (fifth to third centuries BC)
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