7 research outputs found


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    Objective:  The term “wound” is defined as a disruption of normal anatomical structure. Therefore, “healing” is the complex and dynamic process that results in the restoration of anatomical continuity and function. Methods: Albino Wistar rats (150-180 g) of both sexes were selected. The experiment of Wound Healing Activity by Excision Wound Model and Incision Wound Model by the simple ointment B.P., reference standard drug (0.2% w/w nitrofurazone ointment), stigmasterol ointment (0.2% w/w), hexane, chloroform and methanol extract ointments of 3%, 4% and 5% w/w of leaves in Jatropha tanjorensis in simple ointment base (where 3g, 4g and 5 g of the extracts was incorporated in 100 g of simple ointment separately). Results: The time for wound closure to methanol extract ointment (5% w/w) and stigmasterol (0.2% w/w) was similar to that of standard drug, nitrofurazone ointment (0.2% w/w) 16±2 days in Excision Wound Model. The significant tensile strength at 3%: 4%: 5% w/w methanol extract ointments (p<0.001), followed by chloroform extract and hexane extract. Stigmasterol ointment at 0.2% w/w produced tensile strength comparable with Standard drug, nitrofurazone ointment (0.2% w/w) (p<0.001) in Incision Wound Model. Conclusion: Juice of the Jatropha plant and the pounded leaves are applied to wounds and refractory ulcers. The juice is very successfully used to treat scabies, eczema and ringworm. The present study proved that the leaves have wound healing activity.                  Peer Review History: Received 5 September  2018;   Revised 28 September; Accepted 12 October, Available online 15 November 2018 Academic Editor: Dr. Nuray Arı, Ankara University, Turkiye, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:        Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Mohamed Said Fathy Al-Refaey, University of Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt, [email protected] Prof. Dr. HĂŒsniye Kayalar, Ege University, Turkey, [email protected] Similar Articles: POTENTIAL OF SNAKEHEAD FISH (OPHIOCEPHALUS STRIATUS) IN ACCELERATING WOUND HEALING ENHANCEMENT OF WOUND HEALING BY TOPICAL APPLICATION OF EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR IN ANIMAL MODE

    Exploration of Phyllanthus acidus mediated silver nanoparticles and its activity against infectious bacterial pathogen

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    Abstract In our present investigation, synthesis of nontoxic, eco friendly and cost effective silver nanoparticles, Phyllanthus acidus (P. acidus) was used as starting material. The influence of phyto-constituents present in aqueous extracts of Phyllanthus acidus was found to be effective in reduction of silver nitrate to free silver nanoparticles (PA-AgNPs). HPTLC finger print analysis reveals the presence of flavonoid, quercetin in aqueous extracts of Phyllanthus acidus. Surface plasmon racemonance exhibited λ max at 462 nm through UV–Vis spectroscopy. Zeta size revealed that the size of nanoparticles were with in the range of 65–250 nm with polydisperse index (PDI) of 0.451. The negative charge of zeta potential value (− 16.4) indicates repulsion among PA-AgNPs with their excellent stability. FESEM-EDAX, XRD and TEM analysis confirmed the presence of nano-crystalline PA-AgNPs with different morphological textures. Further, PA-AgNPs has shown potent antibacterial effect on E. coli cells. The greater antibacterial effect (viable and dead cells) of PA-AgNPs were confirmed by using acridine orange (AO) dye which can able to provide insight of healthy as well as damaged DNA. Live cells emit florescence green and dead cells (treated with PA-AgNPS at 20 and 40 ”g/ml) appear as pale orange red colour. Post treatment, investigations of PA-AgNPs on E. coli cells under SEM was found to be effective against cell membrane damages which leads to cell death or cell growth arrest. Hence, from the above findings, we strongly recommend silver nanoparticles from Phyllanthus acidus can be used as a potential source for antimicrobial agent for chronic infections and also against other harmful microorganisms

    Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection among Women in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu: Treatment Approach and Perspectives

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    Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) represent a significant health burden, particularly among women worldwide. Understanding the prevalence and associated risk factors of UTIs is crucial for effective management and treatment. This research focuses on exploring the prevalence of UTIs in women in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, and identifying the microbial agents responsible for these infections. Aim: The primary objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of urinary tract infections among women in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, and to investigate associated risk factors. Additionally, the research aims to evaluate the microbial agents causing UTIs in the region to inform the development of tailored and effective treatment strategies. Study Design: A Prospective Observational Study was conducted over a period of 6 months at the Outpatient and Obstetric and Gynaecological department of a Tertiary Healthcare Teaching hospital. Female patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of UTIs were recruited for participation in the study after providing informed consent. Methodology/Methods: Data collection encompassed various parameters including patient demographics, symptoms, urine culture results, prescribed antibiotics, and concurrent medications. A sample size of 480 participants was determined through an extensive review of literature. Statistical analysis was performed to analyze the collected data. Results: Out of the 480 participants, 117 individuals tested positive for UTIs, indicating a prevalence rate of [24.4%]. The age group 15-24 exhibited the highest incidence of UTIs, with a mean age of 30. Educational and marital status was found to influence infection rates. Common symptoms included increased frequency of urination and painful urination. E.coli was identified as the primary pathogen responsible for UTIs. Cephalosporin antibiotics were the most frequently prescribed treatment modality. Conclusion: Urinary tract infections are prevalent among women in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, as evidenced by the findings of this study. The identification of associated risk factors and microbial agents provides valuable insights for clinical decision-making and the development of tailored treatment approaches. These findings underscore the importance of continued research in UTI management to address the global health burden posed by this infection

    An updated review of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of orthosiphon stamineus Benth

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    There are a myriad of potential medicinal plants worldwide. Researchers have found some, while others are still unexplored. Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. (family: Lamiaceae), commonly known as the cat's whiskers plant, is a well-known herbal plant with many medicinal uses. All the parts of O. stamineus, such as the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds, have their uses. More than 140 pure compounds were identified and isolated from different extracts of O. stamineus, particularly leaf extracts and stem oils. Flavonoids are the most abundant phytoconstituents found in O. stamineus leaf extract. Several pharmacological activities have been studied and validated using extracts as well as pure compounds. Multiple phytoconstituents attributed to these pharmacological activities such as diuretics, antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antiepileptic, etc., have been discovered. Considering the purported benefits of O. stamineus, the present review critically evaluates and discusses the pharmacognosy, taxonomy, ethnobotany, pharmacological activities, and phytochemistry of O. stamineus and provides updated information