93 research outputs found

    A Study on the Serum Levels of Fibrinogen among Smokers and Its Correlation with the Duration and Amount of Smoking

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    BACKGROUND: According to many studies, serum levels of fibrinogen is found to be higher in smokers than in non smokers.This may contribute to increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction and cerebro vascular accidents in future. AIM OF THE STUDY: To find out the levels of serum fibrinogen in smokers and non smokers and compare the levels of serum fibrinogen in smokers according to their type, amount and duration of smoking. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 patients and their attenders , who did not fit into the exclusion criteria were taken as the study population. The control group had 50participants. The serum fibrionogen levels were measured using the clauss method. RESULTS: Out of the 100cases smokers and 50 non smokers, smokers have higher levels of serum fibrinogen than non smokers. The levels of serum fibrinogen were also higher in persons who smoked for many years and higher pack years. CONCLUSION: In this study, smokers have higher levels of serum fibrinogen than non smokers. The levels of serum fibrinogen were also higher in persons who smoked for many years and higher pack years. The incidence of thrombo embolic episodes were also more in smokers

    A comprehensive study of ondansetron hydrochloride drug as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1M HCl medium

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    AbstractThe inhibiting action against the corrosion of mild steel by ondansetron hydrochloride (ODSH) drug was studied, using various studies such as weight loss, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization measurement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), atomic force microscopy (AFM), FT-IR spectroscopy and reactivity of molecule is studied using quantum chemical calculation. The result shows that ondansetron hydrochloride (ODSH) gives better inhibition on mild steel. The value of activation energy (Ea) and various thermodynamic parameters such as adsorption equilibrium constant (Kads), free energy of adsorption (ΔG0ads), adsorption enthalpy (ΔHads) and adsorption entropy (ΔSads) was calculated and discussed. The adsorption of ODSH on mild steel surface obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Potentiodynamic polarization measurement reveals that ODSH acts as a mixed-type inhibitor. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) spectra exhibit one capacitive loop indicating that, the corrosion reaction is controlled by charge transfer process. SEM, EDX, AFM, FT-IR conforms to the protective film formation. Quantum chemical calculation was calculated and discussed, and it supports the results

    Drug Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies of Some Novel Heterocyclic Compounds as Anti-Tubercular Agents.

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    The present study the literature survey reveals to develop novel and potent cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase – 2 (cmaA – 2) inhibitors with anti-tubercular activity. OBJECTIVE: Identification of the common Pharmacophore responsible for the inhibition of cmaA – 2 using Hiphop module of Catalyst® software 4.11 from Accelrys. Using scaffold hopping technique, generation of 10,000 scaffolds from the drug. Prediction of anti-tubercular activity for the designed using the Hypo refine model and to identify novel and potent cmaA – 2 inhibitor using Lipinski rule of five. The potent cmaA – 2 inhibitors attained as results can be used as lead for drug development. Docking of the lead with various derivatives using Glide software to the target 1KPI. The derivatives of the compounds from the lead molecule which has higher Glide score value were synthesized. Synthesis and characterization Synthesis of substituted imidazole. Synthesis of title compounds Study of physical properties of the synthesized compounds Melting point, Percentage yield, TLC profile, Solubility

    Building an Urban Design Website

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    Final project for INFM737: Information Management Capstone (Spring 2016). University of Maryland, College Park.The project’s goal is to build an interactive website in the form of a Content Management System (CMS) that would engage the interest of the public and stakeholders in Ellicott City. The architecture students of UMD, under the umbrella of the Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS), came up with design proposals and illustrations for the redevelopment of Ellicott City in Howard County and wish to publicize it on an online platform rather than having a conventional report. The students, led by their studio professors, have also collected research on urban design theories and techniques in the context of Ellicott City. If designed, taking into consideration all the requirements, the website will also address the historic city’s issues in relation to transit, urban revitalization, and site flooding etc. The project also includes organization of the documentation provided by the students and its incorporation into the website. The final deliverable of the project will be a website which accomplishes the above-mentioned goals. This document gives an overview of the project requirements for this project which is a part of INFM 737 Capstone Experience at the College of Information Studies, University of Maryland. URL: www.ellicottcitydesign.comHoward Count

    Effectiveness of using post operative drain support system post parotid and thyroid surgery in Hospital Sains Malaysia

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    Background: Surgical drains can be very troublesome as they can pose problems in post-operative patients. This study was done to determine the effectiveness of Redivest to facilitate drain care in post-operative patients. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of using the Redivest in reducing the pain score at the drain site, increasing comfort level and reducing complication of having a drain post parotid and thyroid surgery Methods: This is an interventional study, conducted on 39 patients, who underwent parotid and thyroid surgery and had drains inserted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia from July 2016 to July 2017 involving 39 patients who were randomized into 2 groups with the post-operative drain support system termed as “Redivest”, and the other was the control group where drains were anchored via the conventional method. Patients were given a questionnaire, which comprises of a yes or no answer and Likert scale best suited to their impression to answer during the hospital stay. Results: 39 patients participated in this study aged from 18 to 80 from the Malaysian community comprising of the Malay and non-Malay ethnic group. Results showed difference in pain score observed between the two groups. The median pain score in in Redivest group was pain score of 1 while the median pain score on the control group was 2. Based on the Mann-Whitney U Test, the p-value is significant p-value < 0.001. The median comfort score in Redivest group was 19.00 while the median comfort score on the control group was 9.50. Based on the Mann- Whitney U Test, the p-value < 0.001 is significant. There were no complications seen in the Redivest group and the control group therefore could not be analyzed Conclusion: Usage of Redivest significantly improves the comfort and pain at the drain site, however the reduction in infections were insignificant

    Istraživanje pretvarača sa spregnutim međuinduktivitetom za više-kristalne fotonaponske sustave s velikim pojačanjem korištenjem neizrazite logike

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    A Mutual Inductive Coupled (MIC) DC-DC power converter circuit for Photo-Voltaic (PV) system employing fuzzy logic based maximum power point tracking is presented in this research paper. The proposed DC-DC converter has been modelled and simulated using Matlab-simulink environment for obtaining high gain. The mutually coupled inductor uses one core instead of two or more, which reduces size of the converter. A passive regenerative snubber is exploited for absorbing the energy of stray inductance and also the capacitors are charged in parallel and discharged in series through the mutual coupled inductor for achieving high voltage gain of this converter. The voltage gain characteristics of the MIC converter have been studied for various coupling coefficient, turns ratio of two-winding mutual inductor and duty cycle. Moreover, PV system is conveniently interfaced with proposed power converter for maximizing the solar energy yield and analysed by employing Perturb & Observe (P&O) and fuzzy logic based MPPT algorithms under various operating conditions. The obtained results reveal that, the fuzzy controller provides good improvement in tracking of maximum power and helps to extract considerable amount of additional solar energy from a PV module as compared with P&O algorithm.U ovome radu prikazan je DC-DC pretvarač sa spregnutim međuinduktivitetom (MIC) za fotonaponske (PV) sustave izveden uz praćenje optimalne radne točke korištenjem neizrazite logike. Predloženi DC-DC pretvarač modeliran je i simuliran korištenjem Matlab-simulink okruženja za velika pojačanja. Spregnuti međuinduktivitet koristi jednu jezgru umjesto dvije ili više njih, što umanjuje veličinu pretvarača. Pasivna regenerativna prigušnica je korištena za apsorpciju energije lutajućih struja te su kondenzatori punjeni u paraleli i pražnjeni u seriji kroz spregnuti međuinduktivitet u svrhu ostvarivanja velikog naponskog pojačanja pretvarača. Karakteritike naponskog pojačanja MIC pretvarača su proučavane za različite koeficijente spregnutosti, omjer zakretaja dvostruko namatanih međuinduktiviteta i trajanje ciklusa. Nadalje, PV sustav je prigodno povezan s predloženim pretvaračem za optimiranje doprinosa solarne energije i analiziran korištenjem algoritma perturbiranja & razmatranja (P&O) te MPPT algoritma zasnovanog na neizrazitoj logici za različite uvjete rada. Rezultati prikazuju da neizraziti regulator pruža napredak u praćenju optimalne radne točke i pomaže pri izlučivanju zamjetne količine dodatne solarne energije iz PV modula u usporedbi s P&O algoritmom

    Mechanical durability of superhydrophobic surfaces: the role of surface modification technologies

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    Various surface modification technologies have been used to develop superhydrophobic surface, however their durability has been recognized as the major obstacle for the real applications. Here a quantitative investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of different surface modification methods on the surfaces’ mechanical durability. The superhydrophobic surfaces were prepared by the combination of two surface roughing methods (etching and sandblasting) with chemical modifications with four low surface energy materials: silica sol (SS), octadecanoic acid (OA), heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyltrichlorosilane (HDFS) and hexadecyltriethoxysilane (HTS). XPS was used to analyze the elements composition and AFM was used to measure the roughness of the surfaces. The durability of these surfaces was tested by a sandpaper abrasion experiment. The collective results showed that the low surface energy materials had significant effects on the surface roughness, which would then play an important role in the durability of these rough surfaces. The SS modified rough surfaces possessed higher roughness and better durability than the surfaces modified by other three low surface energy materials. SS modified rough surfaces could bear 60 cycles of abrasion with 10 g weights on 1500 CW sandpaper

    Performance Analysis of Solar Combi-System in a Swedish Demonstration House

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    Global energy demand is increasing every year dramatically, which results global warming due to increased greenhouse gas emissions. So, to be environmentally friendly and sustainable, Sweden’s energy policy targets to reach 100 % renewable energy share in 2040. Already, Sweden achieved 50 % renewable energy share in 2012 which was targeted to achieve by 2020. Integration of solar heating system in residential sector, for space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW), was one of the reasons for this achievement. Considerably, several numbers of solar heating systems were installed in houses until 2011. Thus, solar heating system could be a step towards to reach 2040s target. In 2011, detached Swedish house was installed with solar combi-system (SCS) which was designed to use 53% of solar energy. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the thermal performance of SCS and correlation with its simulated system performance which is done in five steps.First step is the collection of measured data from the system for specific period one year from April 2019 to March 2020 and determined other unknown energy values in that data. In the second step, unknown data are calculated using scientific equations with information from users and reliable assumptions. Consequently, the analysis of measured data shows huge uncertainties. It follows to the third step as sensitivity analysis to enhance the assumption values. Thus, analyzed results are tabulated with reliable parameters and solar fraction (SF) of the measured data is calculated. In the fourth step, SH of the house is considered as reference to build a system model in Polysun simulation software, and the modelled results are verified with analyzed results. In the final step, system model is simulated by changing one-year weather profile to 10 years average weather profile. Thus, analyzed results and simulated results are compared to evaluate the performance. The real system has the SF of 52 % after sensitivity analysis whereas the simulated system showed the SF with percentage difference around 15 %

    Performance Analysis of Solar Combi-system in a Swedish Demonstration House

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    Global energy demand is increasing every year dramatically, which results global warming due to increased greenhouse gas emissions. So, to be environmentally friendly and sustainable, Sweden’s energy policy targets to reach 100 % renewable energy share in 2040. Already, Sweden achieved 50 % renewable energy share in 2012 which was targeted to achieve by 2020. Integration of solar heating system in residential sector, for space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW), was one of the reasons for this achievement. Considerably, several numbers of solar heating systems were installed in houses until 2011. Thus, solar heating system could be a step towards to reach 2040s target. In 2011, detached Swedish house was installed with solar combi-system (SCS) which was designed to use 53% of solar energy. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the thermal performance of SCS and correlation with its simulated system performance which is done in five steps.First step is the collection of measured data from the system for specific period one year from April 2019 to March 2020 and determined other unknown energy values in that data. In the second step, unknown data are calculated using scientific equations with information from users and reliable assumptions. Consequently, the analysis of measured data shows huge uncertainties. It follows to the third step as sensitivity analysis to enhance the assumption values. Thus, analyzed results are tabulated with reliable parameters and solar fraction (SF) of the measured data is calculated. In the fourth step, SH of the house is considered as reference to build a system model in Polysun simulation software, and the modelled results are verified with analyzed results. In the final step, system model is simulated by changing one-year weather profile to 10 years average weather profile. Thus, analyzed results and simulated results are compared to evaluate the performance. The real system has the SF of 52 % after sensitivity analysis whereas the simulated system showed the SF with percentage difference around 15 %

    Performance Analysis of Solar Combi-system in a Swedish Demonstration House

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    Global energy demand is increasing every year dramatically, which results global warming due to increased greenhouse gas emissions. So, to be environmentally friendly and sustainable, Sweden’s energy policy targets to reach 100 % renewable energy share in 2040. Already, Sweden achieved 50 % renewable energy share in 2012 which was targeted to achieve by 2020. Integration of solar heating system in residential sector, for space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW), was one of the reasons for this achievement. Considerably, several numbers of solar heating systems were installed in houses until 2011. Thus, solar heating system could be a step towards to reach 2040s target. In 2011, detached Swedish house was installed with solar combi-system (SCS) which was designed to use 53% of solar energy. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the thermal performance of SCS and correlation with its simulated system performance which is done in five steps.First step is the collection of measured data from the system for specific period one year from April 2019 to March 2020 and determined other unknown energy values in that data. In the second step, unknown data are calculated using scientific equations with information from users and reliable assumptions. Consequently, the analysis of measured data shows huge uncertainties. It follows to the third step as sensitivity analysis to enhance the assumption values. Thus, analyzed results are tabulated with reliable parameters and solar fraction (SF) of the measured data is calculated. In the fourth step, SH of the house is considered as reference to build a system model in Polysun simulation software, and the modelled results are verified with analyzed results. In the final step, system model is simulated by changing one-year weather profile to 10 years average weather profile. Thus, analyzed results and simulated results are compared to evaluate the performance. The real system has the SF of 52 % after sensitivity analysis whereas the simulated system showed the SF with percentage difference around 15 %