12 research outputs found

    Safety at high altitude: the importance of emotional dysregulation on pilots’ risk attitudes during flight

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    IntroductionAviation psychology is very interested in understanding how personological and psychological variables influence flight performances. Indeed, risk attitudes have been considered as a risk factor for aviation accidents. In this context, emotions and coping style are key variables which could influence concentration by affecting cognition and attention. In addition, the specific training backgrounds seemed to be associated with differences in in-flight accident rates. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between age, sex, flight experience, emotional dysregulation, coping styles, flight licenses, and pilots’ risk attitudes.MethodsEighty pilots completed an online survey composed of ad hoc questionnaire for sociodemographic and work-related information’s and self-report questionnaires that assessed emotional dysregulation, coping styles, and risk attitudes.ResultsResults showed that older age and emotional dysregulation were associated with higher risk attitudes in pilots. Moreover, emotional dysregulation seemed to promote worse self-confidence. Ultralight pilots appeared to be more risk-oriented and less self-confident than civil pilots, while more flight experience appeared to favorite greater self-confidence.DiscussionIn conclusion, the study suggests the importance of promoting interventions based on sharing pilots’ difficulties and emotions and promoting safe attitudes with special attention to ultralight pilots, age, and sex differences

    Evidence of an interaction between FXR1 and GSK3β polymorphisms on levels of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia and their response to antipsychotics

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    Introduction: Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have identified several genes associated with schizophrenia (SCZ) and exponentially increased knowledge on the genetic basis of the disease. Additionally, products of GWAS genes interact with neuronal factors coded by genes lacking association, such that this interaction may confer risk for specific phenotypes of this brain disorder. In this regard, FXR1 (Fragile-X mental-retardation-syndrome-related 1) gene has been GWAS associated with SCZ. FXR1 protein is regulated by Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK3), which has been implicated in pathophysiology of SCZ and response to Antipsychotics (APs). rs496250 and rs12630592, two eQTLs of FXR1 and GSK3 respectively, interact on emotion stability and amygdala/PFC activity during emotion processing. These two phenotypes are associated with Negative Symptoms (NS) of SCZ suggesting that the interaction between these SNPs may also affect NS severity and responsiveness to medication. Methods: To test this hypothesis, in two independent samples of patients with SCZ, we investigated rs496250 by rs12630592 interaction on NS severity and response to APs. We also tested a putative link between APs administration and fxr1 expression, as already reported for GSK3 expression. Results: We found that rs496250 and rs12630592 interact on NS severity. We also found evidence suggesting interaction of these polymorphisms also on response to APs. This interaction was not present when looking at positive and general psychopathology scores. Furthermore, chronic olanzapine administration led to a reduction of FXR1 expression in mouse frontal cortex. Discussion: Our findings suggest that, like GSK3 , FXR1 is affected by APs while shedding new light on the role of the FXR1/GSK3 pathway for NS of SCZ

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Directive 2014/95/EU: Insights into the Auditor’s Role

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    There has been a growing need for information in the non-financial statement to be verified by an independent assurance services provider for the issuing of a formal assurance statement. Currently in Europe, public-interest entities, are required to issue a non-financial information statement and in certain countries, such as Italy, such companies are also required to provide an independent mandatory assurance report on non-financial information. The aim of the chapter is to gain empirical understanding of how this audit is developed, the process through which non-financial information assurance operates, considering an Italian practitioners’ firm approach to assurance and the content of these audit reports. The study's contribution is to fill the gap in the assurance report preparation process in order to get insights into the reliability and the level of analysis of such reports. Interviews suggests that reporting process is a path that leads to quality non-financial information. The growing importance of non-financial information will affect the assurance in the near future

    Antipsychotic Drug Responsiveness and Dopamine Receptor Signaling; Old Players and New Prospects

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    Antipsychotic drugs targeting dopamine neurotransmission are still the principal mean of therapeutic intervention for schizophrenia. However, about one third of people do not respond to dopaminergic antipsychotics. Genome wide association studies (GWAS), have shown that multiple genetic factors play a role in schizophrenia pathophysiology. Most of these schizophrenia risk variants are not related to dopamine or antipsychotic drugs mechanism of action. Genetic factors have also been implicated in defining response to antipsychotic medication. In contrast to disease risk, variation of genes coding for molecular targets of antipsychotics have been associated with treatment response. Among genes implicated, those involved in dopamine signaling mediated by D2-class dopamine receptor, including DRD2 itself and its molecular effectors, have been implicated as key genetic predictors of response to treatments. Studies have also reported that genetic variation in genes coding for proteins that cross-talk with DRD2 at the molecular level, such as AKT1, GSK3B, Beta-catenin, and PPP2R2B are associated with response to antipsychotics. In this review we discuss the relative contribution to antipsychotic drug responsiveness of candidate genes and GWAS identified genes encoding proteins involved in dopamine responses. We also suggest that in addition of these older players, a deeper investigation of new GWAS identified schizophrenia risk genes such as FXR1 can provide new prospects that are not clearly engaged in dopamine function while being targeted by dopamine-associated signaling molecules. Overall, further examination of genes proximally or distally related to signaling mechanisms engaged by medications and associated with disease risk and/or treatment responsiveness may uncover an interface between genes involved in disease causation with those affecting disease remediation. Such a nexus would provide realistic targets for therapy and further the development of genetically personalized approaches for schizophrenia

    Eco-sostenibilitĂ  e imprese agricole: il ruolo della componente emozionale nella transizione sostenibile

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    Il settore agricolo è uno dei principali responsabili dei cambiamenti climatici. Per affrontare una transizione verso la sostenibilità, è imprescindibile adottare pratiche agricole idonee al fine di accrescere l'efficienza produttiva e favorire la crescita economica. Nonostante gli sforzi profusi attraverso sovvenzioni pubbliche e incentivi privati, la diffusione di comportamenti sostenibili in ambito agricolo presenta ancora dei limiti. La ricerca precedente ha dato particolare risalto ai fattori finanziari come determinanti primari delle decisioni assunte dagli agricoltori, ma tali elementi non sono sufficienti per orientare in modo esaustivo il processo decisionale nel settore agricolo. Pertanto, è necessario approfondire gli aspetti emozionali all'interno dei modelli di analisi volti a studiare atteggiamenti e comportamenti eco-sostenibili degli agricoltori. Tali fattori possono svolgere un ruolo determinante nell'indirizzare le scelte e le azioni degli agricoltori. Il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di integrare la componente emozionale (empatia con la natura e senso di colpa ambientale) alla teoria dell’azione ragionata (TRA) al fine di studiare le intenzioni relative all’adozione di pratiche sostenibili nel contesto delle aziende agricole. I partecipanti (agricoltori) hanno compilato un questionario self-report contenente le seguenti scale: Dispositional Empathy with Nature scale (Tam, 2019), Enviromantal Guilt (Tam, 2013), dimensioni proprie della TRA (adattate da Savari & Gharechaee, 2020). I risultati preliminari dell’analisi di regressione hanno mostrato che le intenzioni relative all’adozione di pratiche sostenibili sono predette da atteggiamenti e norme soggettive favorevoli nonché da alti livelli di empatia con la natura e di senso di colpa ambientale. Tali risultati sembrano suggerire che una formazione volta a promuovere una maggiore responsabilità può generare un impegno più profondo verso la sostenibilità ambientale. Ricerche precedenti hanno evidenziato che l'empatia può essere incrementata mediante programmi di formazione specifici nei contesti organizzativi. Tali programmi potrebbero favorire una maggiore consapevolezza e sensibilità verso le questioni ambientali nel settore agricol

    Uscire dalla Pandemia ombra: analisi di correlazione e del trend delle segnalazioni al numero antiviolenza italiano nel 2021

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    Le misure di contenimento adottate dagli Stati per affrontare il Covid-19 hanno esacerbato il rischio di violenza contro le donne generando la cosiddetta “pandemia ombra”. In Italia, il Ministero per le Pari Opportunità ha istituito il numero nazionale antiviolenza (1522) grazie al quale le donne che subiscono violenza possono ricevere sostegno a vari livelli. Le relazioni tra il numero di chiamate al numero nazionale antiviolenza e l’andamento della pandemia sono state precedentemente indagate nel contesto italiano in relazione al 2020. Al fine di contribuire a contrastare la violenza di genere contro le donne all’indomani del Covid-19 o in altre potenziali situazioni di crisi (come raccomandato dall’Istituto Europeo per l'Uguaglianza di Gene-re), l’obiettivo del presente studio è indagare la relazione tra le chiamate al 1522 e l'andamento della pandemia in relazione all’anno 2021, periodo in cui lo scenario è cambiato a causa di misure di contenimento che hanno consentito alle donne di uscire gradualmente dalla condizione di isolamento. A tal fine, utilizzando i dati del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Ita-liana in merito all’andamento pandemico (numero di casi, di decessi, di persone in quarantena, tamponi, di ricoveri in ospedale e in terapia intensi-va) e i dati del Numero Nazionale Antiviolenza, sono state condotte delle analisi di correlazione e una regressione joinpoint. Il numero di chiamate è positivamente correlato con fattori rilevanti per l’inasprimento delle misure di contenimento (i ricoveri in ospedale e in terapia intensiva), il numero di persone in quarantena e i tamponi. I joinpoint individuati hanno mostrato cambiamenti significativi nel numero di chiamate in funzione delle misure di contenimento. I risultati sottolineano l’impatto delle misure restrittive sull’accesso ai servizi di supporto, suggerendo il bisogno di una maggiore implementazione di servizi di sostegno sociale e psicologico in altre potenziali situazioni di crisi

    Bipolar disorder and frontotemporal dementia: An intriguing association

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    Bipolar disorder (BD) could represent a prodromal state of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Two patients affected by lifelong BD with a progressive decline of cognitive functions, behavioral, and neurological signs, reached the early diagnosis of FTD before the age of 60. They were diagnosed as affected by primary progressive aphasia and FTD with parkinsonism, respectively. A diagnosis of FTD should therefore be taken into account, in case of unexpected cognitive and behavioral decline in patients with a long history of BD. Follow-up studies with genetic, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging markers of these BD/FTD patients could further explore some of the underlying association, opening new viable therapeutic options

    Innovative biomarkers in psychiatric disorders: a major clinical challenge in psychiatry

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    Introduction: Currently, the diagnosis of psychiatric illnesses is based upon DSM-5 criteria. Although endophenotype-specificity for a particular disorder is discussed, the identification of objective biomarkers is ongoing for aiding diagnosis, prognosis, or clinical response to treatment. We need to improve the understanding of the biological abnormalities in psychiatric illnesses across conventional diagnostic boundaries. The present review investigates the innovative post-genomic knowledge used for psychiatric illness diagnostics and treatment response, with a particular focus on proteomics. Areas covered: This review underlines the contribution that psychiatric innovative biomarkers have reached in relation to diagnosis and theragnosis of psychiatric illnesses. Furthermore, it encompasses a reliable representation of their involvement in disease through proteomics, metabolomics/pharmacometabolomics and lipidomics techniques, including the possible role that gut microbiota and CYP2D6 polimorphisms may play in psychiatric illnesses. Expert opinion: Etiologic heterogeneity, variable expressivity, and epigenetics may impact clinical manifestations, making it difficult for a single measurement to be pathognomonic for multifaceted psychiatric disorders. Academic, industry, or governmentâ\u80\u99s partnerships may successfully identify and validate new biomarkers so that unfailing clinical tests can be developed. Proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics techniques are considered to be helpful tools beyond neuroimaging and neuropsychology for the phenotypic characterization of brain diseases

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Objectives: Few studies have analyzed factors associated with delirium subtypes. In this study, we investigate factors associated with subtypes of delirium only in patients with dementia to provide insights on the possible prevention and treatments. Design: This is a cross-sectional study nested in the \u201cDelirium Day\u201d study, a nationwide Italian point-prevalence study. Setting and Participants: Older patients admitted to 205 acute and 92 rehabilitation hospital wards. Measures: Delirium was evaluated with the 4-AT and the motor subtypes with the Delirium Motor Subtype Scale. Dementia was defined by the presence of a documented diagnosis in the medical records and/or prescription of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or memantine prior to admission. Results: Of the 1057 patients with dementia, 35% had delirium, with 25.6% hyperactive, 33.1% hypoactive, 34.5% mixed, and 6.7% nonmotor subtype. There were higher odds of having venous catheters in the hypoactive (OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.18-2.81) and mixed type of delirium (OR 2.23, CI 1.43-3.46), whereas higher odds of urinary catheters in the hypoactive (OR 2.91, CI 1.92-4.39), hyperactive (OR 1.99, CI 1.23-3.21), and mixed types of delirium (OR 2.05, CI 1.36-3.07). We found higher odds of antipsychotics both in the hyperactive (OR 2.87, CI 1.81-4.54) and mixed subtype (OR 1.84, CI 1.24-2.75), whereas higher odds of antibiotics was present only in the mixed subtype (OR 1.91, CI 1.26-2.87). Conclusions and Implications: In patients with dementia, the mixed delirium subtype is the most prevalent followed by the hypoactive, hyperactive, and nonmotor subtype. Motor subtypes of delirium may be triggered by clinical factors, including the use of venous and urinary catheters, and the use of antipsychotics. Future studies are necessary to provide further insights on the possible pathophysiology of delirium in patients with dementia and to address the optimization of the management of potential risk factors