744 research outputs found

    PrÀsenz von Religion in europÀischem öffentlichen Raum: von Freiheit zum Dialog

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    Posljednjih dvadesetak godina religija je u srediĆĄtu rasprava o identitetu i budućnosti Europe. Religija je u Europi kohezivna snaga, a Europa priznaje identitet pojedinih crkava i religijskih zajednica i njihov specifični doprinos Europskoj Uniji. Na pravnom području Europska Unija poĆĄtiva i ne prejudicira stanje crkava i religijskih udruĆŸenja ili zajednica. Religije pridonose primjeni participativne demokracije i potencijalne otvorenosti za dijalog u druĆĄtvu. Katolička crkva je stabilan sugovornik procesa integracije i promicatelj osnaĆŸivanja demokratskog sudjelovanja u javnom europskom prostoru.In the last twenty years, talk of religion is at the center of debates about the identity and the future of Europe. Religion is a cohesive force in Europe, and Europe recognizes the identity of individual churches and religious communities and their specific contribution to the European Union. In the legal field of the European Union respects and does not prejudge the status of Churches and religious associations or communities. Religions contribute to the implementation of participatory democracy and the potential openness to dialogue in society. The Catholic Church is a stable source of the integration process and promotes the empowerment of democratic participation in the European public square.In den letzten zwanzig Jahren steht die Rede von der Religion im Mittelpunkt der Debatten ĂŒber IdentitĂ€t und Zukunft Europas. Religion ist in Europa eine kohĂ€sive Energie; Europa anerkennt die IdentitĂ€t einzelner Kirchen und religiöser Gemeinden und deren spezifischen Beitrag der EuropĂ€ischen Union. Auf dem juristischen Gebiet respektiert die EU den Zustand von Kirchen und religiösen Gemeinden, ohne ihn zu prĂ€judizieren. Religionen leisten der Anwendung der Partizipationsdemokratie wie auch einer potentiellen Offenheit fĂŒr den Dialog in der Gesellschaft einen werten Beitrag. Die Katholische Kirche ist ein stabiler GesprĂ€chspartner in Prozesen der Integration und Förderer der BekrĂ€ftigung demokratischer Teilnahme im europĂ€ischen öffentlichen Raum

    Matrimonio e famiglia. Limiti di competenza e profili di rilevanza dell’ordinamento comunitario

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    Relazione tenuta al Convegno di studi sul tema“Diritto della Unione Europea e status delle confessioni religiose” (Roma, Istituto Sturzo, 8-9 ottobre 2010) organizzato dal Centro Studi sugli Enti Ecclesiastici – CESEN, destinata alla pubblicazione negli Atti, pubblicata per la cortese disponibilità del CESEN.SOMMARIO: 1. Unione europea e famiglia, ovvero la suggestione di un paradosso – 2. Gli interventi dell’Unione: a) strumenti a carattere normativo – 3. 
 b) interventi giuridicamente non vincolanti – 4. 
 c) indici giurisprudenziali – 5. Limiti di  competenza e profili di rilevanza dell’ordinamento comunitario. Il contributo delle Chiese

    PrÀsenz von Religion in europÀischem öffentlichen Raum: von Freiheit zum Dialog

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    Posljednjih dvadesetak godina religija je u srediĆĄtu rasprava o identitetu i budućnosti Europe. Religija je u Europi kohezivna snaga, a Europa priznaje identitet pojedinih crkava i religijskih zajednica i njihov specifični doprinos Europskoj Uniji. Na pravnom području Europska Unija poĆĄtiva i ne prejudicira stanje crkava i religijskih udruĆŸenja ili zajednica. Religije pridonose primjeni participativne demokracije i potencijalne otvorenosti za dijalog u druĆĄtvu. Katolička crkva je stabilan sugovornik procesa integracije i promicatelj osnaĆŸivanja demokratskog sudjelovanja u javnom europskom prostoru.In the last twenty years, talk of religion is at the center of debates about the identity and the future of Europe. Religion is a cohesive force in Europe, and Europe recognizes the identity of individual churches and religious communities and their specific contribution to the European Union. In the legal field of the European Union respects and does not prejudge the status of Churches and religious associations or communities. Religions contribute to the implementation of participatory democracy and the potential openness to dialogue in society. The Catholic Church is a stable source of the integration process and promotes the empowerment of democratic participation in the European public square.In den letzten zwanzig Jahren steht die Rede von der Religion im Mittelpunkt der Debatten ĂŒber IdentitĂ€t und Zukunft Europas. Religion ist in Europa eine kohĂ€sive Energie; Europa anerkennt die IdentitĂ€t einzelner Kirchen und religiöser Gemeinden und deren spezifischen Beitrag der EuropĂ€ischen Union. Auf dem juristischen Gebiet respektiert die EU den Zustand von Kirchen und religiösen Gemeinden, ohne ihn zu prĂ€judizieren. Religionen leisten der Anwendung der Partizipationsdemokratie wie auch einer potentiellen Offenheit fĂŒr den Dialog in der Gesellschaft einen werten Beitrag. Die Katholische Kirche ist ein stabiler GesprĂ€chspartner in Prozesen der Integration und Förderer der BekrĂ€ftigung demokratischer Teilnahme im europĂ€ischen öffentlichen Raum

    La riforma del Terzo settore e gli enti ecclesiastici: un rischio, un costo o un’opportunità

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    SOMMARIO: 1. La riforma del Terzo settore - 2. Enti ecclesiastici e riforma del Terzo settore - 3. Le condizioni per l’applicazione del regime del Terzo settore agli enti ecclesiastici - 3.1. Il regolamento - 3.2. Il patrimonio destinato - 3.3. La tenuta di scritture contabili separate - 4. Le possibili soluzioni organizzative - 4.1. Il “ramo” dell’ente ecclesiastico - 4.2. Il “gruppo” dell’ente ecclesiastico - 5. Una rete associativa per gli enti del Terzo settore ecclesiastici? The reform of non-profit organizations and Church bodies: a cost, a risk or an opportunity? ABSTRACT: While many institutional activities of Church bodies fall within the scope of the recent reform of Italian law on non-profit organizations ("NPOs"), the specific features of Church bodies prevent from a straightforward application of the new regime. Therefore, the Code for the Third Sector and the Act on Social Enterprises allow Church bodies to access the tax exemptions and the other benefits provided to NPOs as far as they comply with a set of conditions aimed at bridging the differences between Church bodies and secular NPOs. The paper (1) discusses in details these conditions, (2) offers a critical evaluation of costs, risks, and opportunities related to the new regime, and (3) suggests possible organizational structures to comply with the current system

    Editorial: Occupational risks of healthcare personnel

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    Healthcare personnel (HCP), and especially those working in front-line roles, are at increased risk for occupational exposure to a variety of infections, including vaccine-preventable diseases. At the same time, HCP are exposed not only to environmental risks (e.g., biological, physical, and chemical risks) but also to psychological stress, which was exceptionally intensified during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As such, ensuring safety within healthcare facilities and creating health-promoting workplaces is becoming increasingly relevant in a globalizing workplace..


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    The multiple antigen peptide derivative, Leu8-Lys4-Lys2-Lys-beta Ala (Leu8-MAP), was synthesized by attaching the carboxyl of leucine to the NH2 termini of a branched lysine core, termed MAP, creating a molecule of about 1900 Da with 8 leucine residues. On a molar basis (independent of the number of leucine substitutions), Leu8-MAP was as effective as leucine in suppressing macroautophagy and proteolysis; moreover, it exhibited the same apparent Km (about 0.1 mM). The effect was specific for leucine since Ile8-MAP was inactive. It is of interest, though, that Leu8-MAP did not elicit the multiphasic response typical of leucine but instead evoked the single site inhibition normally seen with leucine plus the co-regulator alanine. Some free leucine was produced from Leu8-MAP during hepatocyte incubations, but the amounts were insufficient to account for the inhibition. Although this degradation created species of Leu-MAP that had lost 1-3 residues of leucine, their inhibitory effectiveness was not diminished. Because the extracellular/intracellular distribution ratio of [3H]-Leu8-MAP was 100:1 or greater, the direct transport of Leu8-MAP across the plasma membrane into the cytosolic compartment can be excluded. Hence, cytosolic concentrations of Leu8-MAP will be at least 100-fold smaller than those of leucine under conditions of comparable proteolytic inhibition. For these and related reasons, effects attributable to the recognition of Leu8-MAP cannot be explained by signals generated within the cytosol. They could, however, be mediated from site(s) on the plasma membrane or within associated vesicles

    Vibration transmitted to operator’s back by machines with back-pack power unit: a case study on blower and spraying machines

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    To correctly evaluate the vibration transmitted to the operators, it is necessary to consider each body’s point interested by the vibratory stimulus produced by machines. All the body’s part in contact to the vibration, when a portable device with internal combustion engine is used, are: hands, back and shoulders. Some information for wholebody vibration are available in the ISO 2631-1997 standard, which otherwise refers to a seated operator. ‘C’ type standards for the vibration analysis exist for some portable machines with an internal combustion engine which is comprehensive in the machine (chainsaw, brush-cutter, blower). If the engine is not inside the machine, but it is on the operator’s back, ‘C’ type standards on vibration measurements are quite incomplete. The IMAMOTER institute of CNR, the DISAFA Department (University of Turin) and the Occupational Medicine Department of the University of Catania started some tests to verify the vibration levels transmitted to an operator working with backed engine devices. Two machines have been examined: a blower and a spraying machine. Two operative conditions have been considered during all the tests: idling and full load. Three operators have been involved and each test has been repeated three times. The spraying machine has been tested both with the empty tank and with 10 litres of water, to simulate the load to be caused by the presence of liquid inside the tank. In this work the comfort condition of ISO 2631-1 standard was considered, using the frequency weighting Wc curve with the weighting factor 0.8 for X axis (back-ventral direction) and the Wd curve for Y and Z axis (shoulder - shoulder and buttocks - head) with weighting factors 0.5 and 0.4 (respectively for Y and Z axis). Data were examined using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package. The statistical analysis underlined that the running condition is the main factor to condition the vibration levels transmitted to the operator’s back, while the ballast and the operators are influent when the running conditions are distinguished. Concerning medical investigation, lower back and shoulders are the main critical part of the body interested by vibration transmitted to each operator

    Work-related stress in the italian banking population and it's association with recovery experience

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    Objectives: Over the past decade, there has been a markedly growing interest in issues involving work-related stress in Europe. In Italy, according to Eurofound, research has demonstrated high levels of stress in the banking sector. With this in mind, a study was conducted to evaluate the peculiarities of hindrance and challenge stressors, and their links with recovery in the Italian banking population. Material and Methods: The health and safety managers of a major Italian banking group were contacted and invited to participate in a stress assessment procedure, not only for research purposes but also to help them fulfill their obligations with regard to work-related stress. In total, 6588 bank workers took part in the study (57.5% males and 42.5% females) in 2012–2018. Work-related stress was measured with the Stress Questionnaire (SQ) that assesses several psychosocial working variables. Recovery was measured using a scale based on the SQ. The analysis and tabulation of the study results were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The results have demonstrated that female respondents lack more job control and colleagues’ support as compared to male respondents. Employees aged > 50 lack their supervisors’ support while employees with the shortest job seniority experience the greatest role ambiguity, as well as the lack of job control and colleagues’ support. The results of hierarchical regression analysis have demonstrated that the lack of colleagues and supervisors’ support, as well as job demands and job control, contribute to explaining the recovery experience. The greatest contribution to the explained variance could be attributed to job demands and the lack of colleagues’ support. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated an important contribution of the so-called traditional stressors to predicting recovery for the banking population in Italy. These findings suggest that banks should adopt corporate policies containing activities for the prevention of and protection against stress, with a more general objective of improving the mental health of their workers
