253 research outputs found

    Cost-Effective USB-CAN Interface for Automotive Testing and Development Processes: Bridging the Gap with Software

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    Abstract— The implementation of Controller Area Network (CAN) in automotive testing and development processes often involves the use of licensed interfaces to communicate between computers and Electronic Control Units (ECUs). The main objective of this work is to present a cost-effective alternative to the Universal Serial Bus (USB) protocol interfaces currently available in the market. An iterative Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design is integrated with bespoke software, similar to CANoe and VehicleSPY, in terms of testing development. The results demonstrate that an in-house customized, upgradable, cost-effective USB-CAN interface bridges the gap with the software reducing the dependence on licensed interfaces. This research contributes to the advancement of hardware development for USB-CAN interfaces and showcases an affordable option for automotive software testing and development processes.ITESO, A. C

    Natural Energy Bars With Protein Improvement From Animal Origin Foods

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    The energy bars provide the consumer with nutritional and organoleptic quality, as well as a prolonged shelf life without the need to modify the temperature for storage, however, they do not satisfy the nutritional requirements of high-quality proteins since they are usually made from cereals, which are low cost ingredients and great energy contribution. The objective of this study was to create an energetic and nutritious bar, without diminishing the technological quality of the commercial bars and that, due to their sensory characteristics, are easily included in the daily consumption of people who exercise and want to control their weight. A product was formulated with a greater contribution and protein quality, and with a functional dose of macronutrients. The product was prepared in compliance with the regulations of the Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization (INEN) and the Food Codex, the premixing and roasting of ingredients was controlled and finally food with animal protein source such as egg white and powdered milk was added. For the premix oat flakes, nuts such as nuts, almonds and hazelnuts, chia seeds and honey were used, then added egg white and powdered milk. The protein content it reached was 29.01% on a wet basis, a fat value of 23.10% and carbohydrates of 25.24% on 100 g of sample on a wet basis. The energy distribution of macronutrients was balanced, and the sensory evaluation showed good product acceptability. Keywords: cereal bars, protein, immediate energy. Resumen Las barras energéticas proporcionan al consumidor calidad nutricional y organoléptica, así como una vida de anaquel prolongada sin necesidad de modificar la temperatura para su almacenamiento, sin embargo, no satisfacen los requerimientos nutricionales de proteínas de alta calidad ya que generalmente están elaboradas a base de cereales, que son ingredientes de bajo costo y gran aporte energético. El objetivo se este estudio fue crear una barra energética y nutritiva, sin disminuir la calidad tecnológica de las barras comerciales y que por sus características sensoriales sean fácilmente incluidas en el consumo diario de personas que se ejercitan y quieren controlar su peso. Se formuló un producto con un mayor aporte y calidad proteica, y con una dosis funcional de macronutrientes. El producto se elaboró cumpliendo las normativas del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización (INEN) y del Codex alimentario, se controló la premezcla y tostado de ingredientes y finalmente se adicionó los alimentos con fuente proteica animal como la clara de huevo y leche en polvo. Para la premezcla se utilizaron hojuelas de avena, frutos secos como nueces, almendras y avellanas, semillas de chía y miel de abeja, luego se adicionó la clara de huevo y la leche en polvo. El contenido proteico que alcanzó fue de 29,01% en base húmeda, un valor en grasas de 23,10% y de carbohidratos de 25,24% de muestra en base húmeda. La distribución energética de macronutrientes fue equilibrada y la evaluación sensorial arrojó una buena aceptabilidad del producto. Palabras claves: barras de cereales, proteína, energía inmediata

    Microscopic characterization of some medicinal plants and elemental analysis of Triphala (three fruits) with anticarcinogenic properties

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    Medicinal plants are the local heritage and assets to a country that are to be collected, preserved, characterized, scientifically analyzed and utilized in treating particular ailments. Several important medicinal plants from different parts of the world are yet to be indexed, characterized and tested for their medicinal values. Adulteration (mixing cheaper materials with the original herb) is a prime concern in herbal medicine for which proper scientific characterization of specific plant parts of each is essential. In this study characterizationof some medicinally important plant species (Alstonia scholaris,Ephedra sinica,Zingiber officinale,Phyllanthus emblica,Terminalia bellirica, T. chebula) were done. Anatomical studies of transverse sections of the leaves of Adhatoda vasica Nees, stems ofAlstonia scholaris L. R. Br. and Ephedra sinica Stapf.and fine sections of rhizomes from Zingiber officinale Rosc. were carried out.The characteristic presence of typical vascular bundlesfollowing double staining methods and distribution of specific types of tissues helped us to identify and standardize the constant anatomical features. The standardized anatomical features helped us to detect the particular medicinal plants species. A combination of three fruits with medicinal values is called ‘Triphala’consisted of ‘Amlaki’ (Phyllanthus emblica), ‘Bibhitaki’ (Terminalia bellirica) and ‘Haritaki’ (Terminalia chebula), used for boosting immunity.  In the Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala is recommended as an aqueous drink. In this study, microscopic and elemental analyses were attempted for the purpose of identifying morpho-anatomical characteristics of Triphala components, which could serve as markers for the authentication of this herbal product. Thinly cut sections and macerated tissue samples of three fruit samples were mounted in 70% glycerin and observed with a Leica DM-750 microscope equipped with LV-4.4 software. Starch grains, epidermal tissue, and cell wall structures were observed and compared for each species. Brown and yellow storage products, tannin and oil droplets were found in globular cells of T. bellirica and T. chebula. Elemental analysis was carried out using an Elementar CHNS analyzer (vario MICRO cube) to determine total carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur in fruit tissue. The results showed a significant variation in the amounts of carbon between samples.Â

    Hexavalent Chromium in Waters for Human Consumption and Irrigation in the Guano Canton

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    Introduction: Considering the geographical location and industrial activities of the county Guano, which lies on an aquifer that supply water for both consumption and crop irrigation, it is necessary to examine the levels of chromium (Cr) in its watershed and tributaries. Objective: To evaluate the amount of Cr existing in the surface waters of the Guano river basin and aquifer. Methods: Several samples of the river and aquifer were taken and the amount of Cr present was measured. Using Z-test, Cr levels found in the water were compared with those recommended as normal by the World Health Organization (WHO), national standards of the Texto Unificado de Legislación Secundaria de Medio Ambiente (TULSMA) and the Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización 1108 ( INEN 1108). Results: Relatively high Cr values were found when compared with those established by the WHO. However, they were normal when compared with TULSMA and INEN 1108. Conclusion: The levels of Cr found in the Guano river and the aquifer were higher than those recommended by the WHO. It is recommended to replicate our findings in order to corroborate the results and to take appropriate measures in order to reduce water contamination. Keywords: chromium, water, Guano, Ecuador. Resumen Introducción: Considerando la ubicación geográfica y actividades industriales del cantón Guano el cual yace sobre un acuífero que sustenta las necesidades de agua tanto para consumo y riego de la población es necesario examinar los niveles de Cromo (Cr) en su vertiente como sus afluentes. Objetivo: Evaluar la cantidad de Cr existente en las aguas superficiales de la cuenca del río Guano y en pequeños ojos de agua provenientes del acuífero. Métodos: Se tomó varias muestras de agua del río y ojos de agua y se midió la cantidad de Cr presente. Por medio de la prueba Z se comparó los niveles de Cr con los recomendados como normales por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), normas nacionales del Texto Unificado de Legislación Secundaria de Medio Ambiente (TULSMA) y Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización 1108 (INEN 1108). Resultados: Se encontró valores relativamente altos de Cr al compararlos con los establecidos por la OMS. Sin embargo, estos se encontraron dentro de rangos normales al compararlos con TULSMA e INEN 1108. Conclusiones: Los niveles de Cr encontrados en el río Guano y ojos de agua del acuífero son superiores a los recomendados por la OMS. Se recomienda replicar los hallazgos para corroborar los resultados y tomar las medidas adecuadas para reducir la contaminación del agua. Palabras clave: cromo, agua, Guano, Ecuador

    Successful experiences in the application of concept maps in Engineering in Computing, Mexico

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    Hoy en día hallamos una enorme cantidad de trabajos relacionados con nuevos modelos y estilos de aprendizaje e instrucción en el área de ingeniería. En el caso de la carrera de Ingeniería en Computación que se imparte en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) México, existe un grupo de trabajo liderado por un Experto de talle internacional cuyos procesos de éxito y trabajo al respecto, son reflejados en el presente texto a través de experiencias obtenidas en los últimos 8 años con alumnos y profesores, generando así, los requerimientos y herramientas para el mundo globalizado y la sociedad del conocimiento en que nos encontramos. Las experiencias obtenidas se encuentran en asignaturas como la Teoría de Autómatas (TA), los Compiladores (Cs), Análisis de Algoritmos(AA), Redes de Computadoras (R), Inteligencia Artificial (IA), Programación (P), Proyecto de Titulación (PT) y Planeación estratégica (PE) principalmente, entre otras para facilitar la comprensión de conceptos y aplicaciones por parte del alumno y consideramos que mediante la estrategia de enseñanza usando mapas conceptuales (MMCC) desarrollados por J. Novak los resultados han sido favorables en dinamismo, comprensión y generando aprendizaje significativo a largo plazo, proporcionando así, elementos sólidos para su ejercicio profesional. Se indican propuestas obtenidas por profesores y ejercicios desarrollados por profesores y alumnos.Today there is an enormous amount of work related to new models and styles of learning and instruction in the field of engineering. In the case of the engineering degree in computing that is taught in the Mexico National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), there is a working group led by an expert of international waisted whose success and work thereon, processes are reflected in this text through experiences gained in the last 8 years with students and teachers, thus generatingthe requirements and tools for the globalised world and the knowledge society in which we find ourselves. Lessons learned are in subjects as the theory of automata (TA), compilers (Cs), analysis of algorithms (AA), (R), Artificial Intelligence (AI), computer programming (P) networks, degree project (PT) and strategic planning (PE) mainly, among others to facilitate the understanding of concepts and applications by the student and believe that through the teaching strategy using concept maps developed by j. Novak results have been favorable in dynamism, understanding and generating meaningful learning in the long term, providing well, solid elements for your professional practice. Listed proposals obtained by teachers and exercises developed by teachers and students

    The Guppy Effect as Interference

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    People use conjunctions and disjunctions of concepts in ways that violate the rules of classical logic, such as the law of compositionality. Specifically, they overextend conjunctions of concepts, a phenomenon referred to as the Guppy Effect. We build on previous efforts to develop a quantum model that explains the Guppy Effect in terms of interference. Using a well-studied data set with 16 exemplars that exhibit the Guppy Effect, we developed a 17-dimensional complex Hilbert space H that models the data and demonstrates the relationship between overextension and interference. We view the interference effect as, not a logical fallacy on the conjunction, but a signal that out of the two constituent concepts, a new concept has emerged.Comment: 10 page

    Evaluation of the water quality of the microcuenca of the Chibunga-Ecuador river in seasonal variations, period 2013-2017

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    Se evaluó las variables de contaminación que afectan la calidad del agua de la microcuenca del Rio Chibunga aplicando la comunidad de criterios, aceptadas y definidas para la investigación. El cálculo del Índice de calidad de agua se realizó con las siguientes variables: pH, oxígeno disuelto, plomo, cadmio, DBO5, coliformes fecales, fosfatos, nitratos, sólidos suspendidos totales, aceites y grasas y tensoactivos monitoreados en diez puntos, cuatro campañas, y en época seca y lluviosa. Los factores de contaminación cuya calidad se ve más afectada en época seca son el oxígeno disuelto y plomo con calidad mala y en época lluviosa los sólidos suspendidos; la calidad de los coliformes fecales en todas las campañas y épocas monitoreadas es pésima. El Índice de Calidad del agua promedio para la microcuenca en el periodo 2013 al 2017 es de 58, indicando un estado REGULAR o poco contaminado del mismo, se puede considerar aceptable pero no recomendable para recreación, aceptable para la producción agrícola, uso pecuario y producción piscícola, y no apta para uso en la industria normal sin previo tratamiento.The contamination variables that affect the water quality of the Chibunga River microbasin were evaluated by applying the community of criteria, accepted and defined for the research. The calculation of the Water Quality Index was made with the following variables: pH, dissolved oxygen, lead, cadmium, BOD5, fecal coliforms, phosphates, nitrates, total suspended solids, oils and fats and tensoactives monitored in ten points, four campaigns, and in dry and rainy season. Pollution factors whose quality is most affected in the dry season are dissolved oxygen and lead with poor quality, and in suspended periods suspended solids; The quality of fecal coliforms in all seasons and seasons monitored is terrible. The average water quality index for the microbasin in the period 2013 to 2017 is 58, indicating a REGULAR or little polluted state of it, it can be considered acceptable but not recommended for recreation, acceptable for agricultural production, livestock use and production fish farming, and not suitable for normal industry use without prior treatment

    Application of Concept Maps in computer engineering to assess meaningful learning

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    [ES] Actualmente existen una cantidad muy vasta de trabajos relacionados con nuevos modelos y estilos de aprendizaje e instrucción matemática. En el caso del área que abarca la instrucción matemática – aplicada, existe menos información de éxito y trabajo al respecto. Esto ocurre en la carrera de Ingeniería en Computación, que se imparte en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), México. Debido a su naturaleza la Teoría de Autómatas (TA) y los Compiladores (Cs), presentan dificultades en la comprensión de los conceptos y aplicaciones por parte del alumno, por lo que, consideramos que mediante la estrategia de enseñanza utilizando mapas conceptuales desarrollados por J. Novak habrá un resultado favorable en dinamismo, comprensión y un aprendizaje significativo a largo plazo que le proporcione elementos sólidos para asignaturas consecuentes, los cuales, son necesarios e indispensables. Se presenta la propuesta elaborada por la Academia de profesores, que imparten la asignatura, la metodología de implementación, así como, ejercicios desarrollados por alumnos durante su evolución, ésta, al llevarse a cabo producto de una invitación al éxito, deriva en una mejora para comprender las dos materias, gracias a los resultados aprobatorios y las calificaciones mayores resultantes.[EN] There are currently a very vast amount of work related to new models and styles of learning and mathematical instruction. In the case of the area covering the mathematical instruction ‐ applied, there is less information success and work thereon. This occurs in the engineering degree in computer science is taught at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico. Due to its nature the theory of automata (TA) and compilers (Cs), present difficulties in understanding the concepts and applications by the student, so, we believe that there will be a propicius result in dynamism, understanding and meaningful learning in the long term that will provide solid elements for consequential subjects through the teaching strategy using mind maps developed by j. Novak, which are necessary and indispensable. The elaborate proposal is presented by Academy of professors, who taught the subject, implementation methodology, as well as exercises developed by students during their evolution, this to be carried out product of an invitation to success leads to an improvement to understand the two subjects, with passing results and resulting higher scores.González García, F.; Veloz Ortiz, JF.; Rodríguez Moreno, IA.; Veloz Ortiz, LE.; Guardían Soto, B.; Ballester Valorí, A. (2012). Aplicación de mapas conceptuales en ingeniería en computación para evaluar aprendizaje significativo. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 10(3):459-475. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2012.6032OJS459475103Alfonseca, E. (2007). Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. España.Aho, Ullman. (2000). Compiladores. Addison Wesley Pearson. México.Ausubel, D. Novak, J. y Hasian, H. (1978). Educational Psychology: a cognitive view. Rinehart Winston, New York.Ballester, A. (2002). El aprendizaje significativo en la práctica. España.González, F. (2008). El Mapa conceptual y el diagrama V: Recursos para la enseñanza superior en el siglo XXI. Narcea Ed. Madrid.González, F. y Novak, J. (1996). 2ª Edición. Aprendizaje significativo: Técnicas y aplicaciones Ediciones pedagógicas. Madrid.Iraizoz, N. y González, F. (2003). El mapa conceptual: un instrumento apropiado para comprender textos expositivos. Blitz. España.Moreira, M. (1997). Aprendizaje Significativo: teoría y Práctica. Visor Dis, Madrid.Novak, J. (2010, 2nd ed.): Learning, creating and using knowledge: Concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. Routledge. New York.Novak, J. Gowin, B. (1988). Aprendiendo a aprender. Martínez Roca. Barcelona.Ullman, H. (2000). Automata Theory and Formal Languages Introduction. Addison Wesley. NY

    Coupled ecological and management connectivity across administrative boundaries in undeveloped landscapes

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    Human-induced ecological boundaries, or anthropogenic ecotones, may arise where administrative boundaries meet on undeveloped lands. Landscape-level ecological processes related to factors such as fire, invasive species, grazing, resource extraction, wildlife, and water may be affected due to unique management strategies adopted by each administrative unit. Over time, different management can result in discernible ecological differences (e.g., species composition or soil characteristics). Thus, fragmentation in the management landscape can correspond to ecological fragmentation. Different ecological patterns may emerge due to an increase in the number of management units in a region, or due to an increase in the number of different types of management units in the region. Temporal effects and collaboration history can also affect the emergence of ecotones. We use conceptual models to explore the relationship between these aspects of management fragmentation and the anthropogenic ecotones between management parcels. We then use examples of different management challenges to explore how anthropogenic ecotones can disrupt ecological flows. Our models suggest that cross-boundary collaboration that enhances management connectivity is likely essential to ecological connectivity in the face of environmental and social change