258 research outputs found

    The social semantics of Mikhail Pokrovskij and Nikolaj Marr

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    Criticizing the works of "Western” specialists in semantics, Soviet academician M. M. Pokrovskij (1868-1942) comes to the conclusion that social factors are essential for semantic evolution, while psychological factors constitute an intermediate link between the "external” life of a society and the semantics of the corresponding language. This conception resembles the general explanations of semantic evolution proposed by N. Ja. Marr (1864-1934). Nevertheless, despite a number of common points in the semantic theories of these two researchers, Pokrovskij's attitude towards Marr was negative: in particular, he disagreed with the thesis of the chronological primacy of Marr's discoveries in the domain of semantics. The article investigates why Pokrovskij had for a long time constituted an intermediate link between Russian and "Western” "traditions” in the field of semantic

    On semiotic (un)predictability: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2015

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    On semiotic (un)predictability: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2015

    “Czech Theory”, Czech semiotics

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    Review of Česká teorie: Tendence moderní české sémiotiky, by Vít Gvoždiak. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2016. 370 pp

    Interview with Vyacheslav V. Ivanov about semiotics, the languages of the brain and history of ideas

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    The interview with one of the founders of the Tartu–Moscow school, semiotician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov (b. 1929) from August 2010, describes V. V. Ivanov’s opinions of several scholars and their work (including Evgenij Polivanov, Mikhail Bakhtin, Andrej Kolmogorov, Nikolaj Marr etc.), his relationships with his father Vsevolod Ivanov, as well as V. V. Ivanov’s views on the past and future of semiotics, with some emphasis on neurosemiotics, zoosemiotics, semiotics of culture, cybernetics, history of linguistics, study and protection of small languages. The interview also deals with V. V. Ivanov’s book Even and Odd

    Sens et formes dans la sémantique marriste

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    Muito criticado, mas pouco lido nas últimas décadas, o lingüista soviético Nicolai Ja. Marr (1864-1934) deixou-nos uma herança teórica que demanda investi- gações mais aprofundadas. Suas investigações semânticas, ligadas a abordagens identitárias, alicerçam-se na noção de lei semântica.Uma análise detalhada das leis semânticas, por ele formuladas, nos remete à elabo- ração de uma abordagem epistemológica particular sobre a herança marrista. Isto nos permite compreender melhor a teoria de Marr, ainda que esta pareça incompre- ensível e ilógica à primeira vista

    Le discours « interjectionnel » dans la linguistique russe après 1950 : les origines des grammaires académiques

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    Le discours « interjectionnel » en linguistique soviétique de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle est étudié dans cet article à travers l’analyse de trois grammaires du russe dites « académiques » qui datent de 1952-1954, 1960 et 1980. Tandis que, dans ces grammaires, l’influence des théories linguistiques de V.V. Vinogradov est incontestable dans la description des autres parties du discours, la situation de l’étude des interjections semble plus compliquée, voire paradoxale : tout en s’appuyant sur la définition de l’interjection proposée par Vinogradov, certains auteurs de grammaires académiques manifestent un écart considérable par rapport à son approche de l’étude de ces mots. Le rôle de Vinogradov dans l’étude de la morphologie russe en général est également discuté dans l’article

    Sobre las etapas tempranas de la recepción del concepto saussureano de semiología en Rusia

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    El concepto de semiología, introducido en el Curso de Lingüística General, atrajo la atención en Rusia de manera temprana. Dicho concepto fue percibido por los lingüistas rusos como una continuación de una larga tradición de investigación y no como una innovación. Durante los años veinte y treinta del siglo XX, cuanto más política e ideológicamente cargados estaban los textos, más críticamente eran percibidos el Curso de Lingüística General y, en mayor medida, Saussure y la semiología. The concept of semiology introduced in the Course in General Linguistics attracted attention in Russia very early on. This concept was perceived by the Russian linguists as a continuation of a long tradition of research and not as an innovation. The more politically and ideologically charged the texts were, the more critically the Course in General Linguistics, and to a larger extent Saussure and semiology, were perceived in Russia in the 1920s-1930s

    Plut, šut e durak: algumas notas feitas à leitura de M. Bakhtin

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the social roles of three characters – the swindle, thenaive and the buffoon, in Mikhail Bakhtins’ research entitled Formy vremeni i xronotopa v romane.Očerki pó istoričeskoj poètike [ Forms of time and chronotopos in novel]. We intend to investigate howthese characters can represent different maks and at the same time different ways of answering to rulesand to social psychology of russian-soviet people