1,092 research outputs found

    Prilog poznavanju faune danjih i noćnih leptira (Insecta: Lepidoptera) u Gornjim Plavnicama, Bjelovar (Hrvatska) – rezultat jednogodišnjeg fotografskog istraživanja

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    This paper gives a list of 100 species from 14 families of Lepidoptera found in Gornje Plavnice near Bjelovar, Croatia in the period from 14 April 2017 to 1 September 2017. This photographic research, conducted mainly in meadows, fallow land, forest edges and backyards in study area, presents a contribution to the knowledge of butterfly and moth fauna of the Bjelovar-Bilogora area as well as of Croatia as a whole.Rad donosi popis 100 vrsta leptira iz 14 porodica, zabilježenih u Gornjim Plavnicama blizu grada Bjelovara, Hrvatska, od 14. travnja 2017. do 1. rujna 2017. godine. Ovo istraživanje, temeljeno na fotografijama, uglavnom se provodilo na području livada, neobrađenih poljoprivrednih površina, rubova šuma i dvorišta na području istraživanja te predstavlja doprinos poznavanju faune danjih i noćnih leptira Bjelovarsko-bilogorskog područja i Hrvatske

    Marine mammals in the Adriatic sea - distribution and vulnerability

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    Poseban položaj i čistoća Jadranskog mora oduvijek su privlačili razne vrste morskih sisavaca koji su prošli značajan evolucijski put da bi stekli prilagodbe potrebne za život u moru. U ovom radu izložen je pregled najčešćih morskih sisavaca koji žive u Jadranskom moru. Gotovo sve vrste morski sisavaca u Jadranskom moru su ugrožene dok su neke regionalno izumrle i u Jadranskom moru se pojavljuju samo povremeno. Neki od brojnih uzročnika takvog stanja su onečišćenje zbog sve veće litoralizacije koje posebno ugrožava morske sisavce. Degradacija staništa, slučajni ulov u mreže i namjeran lov morskih sisavaca, plastična ambalaža samo su neki od uzroka stvaranja malih i izoliranih populacija koje se bez zaštite ne mogu održati. Stoga je potrebno identificirati mjesta njihove veće brojnosti i direktnim mjerama zaštiti takva područja u cijelosti ili uvesti posebne mjere upravljanja. U protivnom, izgubit ćemo vrste koje čine značajan dio biološke raznolikosti i posebnosti Jadranskog mora.Special position and purity of the Adriatic Sea have always attracted various species of marine mammals that have undergone significant evolutionary path to acquire the necessary adaptations for life in the sea. This work presents an overview of most common marine mammals that live in the Adriatic Sea. Almost all types of marine mammals in the Adriatic Sea are endangered while some are regionally extinct in the Adriatic Sea and appear only occasionally. Some of the many causes of this situation are the growing pollution because of littoralization which is particularly threatened marine mammals. Habitat degradation, accidental entanglement in fishing nets and deliberate taking of marine mammals, plastic packaging are just some of the reasons for the creation of small and isolated populations that can not be maintained without protection. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the places of their greater abundance and with direct measures protect such areas or take specific measures of governance. Otherwise, we will lose species that make up a significant part of biological diversity and specificity of the Adriatic Sea

    The crack kinking out of an interface

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    Kinking of a plane strain crack out of an interface between the two dissimilar isotropic elastic materials is analyzed. Analysis is focused on the initiation of kinking and thus the segment of the crack leaving the interface is imagined to be short compared to the segment in the interface. The analysis provides the stress intensity factors and energy release rate of the kinked cracks in terms of the corresponding quantities for the interfacial crack. The energy release rate is enhanced if the crack heads into the more compliant material and is diminished if the crack kinks into the stiff material

    Simple Theoretical Criterion for Selection of Natural Compounds with Anti-COVID-19 Activity

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    A novel human coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become the leading threat to global health. An effective antiviral could not only help those still vulnerable to the virus but could be a critical treatment if a virus emerges toward evading coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. Despite the significant efforts to test already-approved drugs for their potential to kill the virus, researchers found very few actually worked. Methods: The present report uses the electronic molecular descriptors, the quasi-valence number (AQVN), and the electron-ion interaction potential (EIIP), for the analysis of natural compounds with proven therapeutic activity against the COVID-19. Results: Based on the analysis of the electronic properties of natural compounds which are effective against SARS-CoV-2 virus the simple theoretical criterion for the selection of candidate compounds for the treatment of COVID-19 is proposed. Conclusions: The proposed theoretical criterion can be used for the identification and optimization of new lead compounds for the treatment of the COVID-19 disease and for the selection of the food and food supplements which could have a beneficial effect on COVID-19 patients

    Sustainable development indicators: Case study for South Morava river basin

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    The subject of research is elaboration and evaluation of indicators of sustainable development in the field of river basin management. Aggregate indicator entitled Ecoregion Sustainable Development Index is identified by calculation of average value by the procedure of leveling of proportion changes of three key indicators (demographic emission index, water quality index, industrial production index). Developed aggregate indicator of sustainable development is calculated and analyzed for South Morava river basin in Serbia, for the period from 1980 to 2010. The beneficiaries of these indicators are the experts from the field of environmental protection and water management who should use it for elaboration of reports directed towards the creators of economic development policy and river basin management planning. Elaborated according to the given methodology, the indicator Ecoregion Sustainable Development Index is available for the decision makers on the national level, internationally comparative and it provides the conditions for further elaboration and application

    Uloga akcijskog istraživanja u razvoju socio-emocionalnih vještina učenika

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    The paper presents socio-emotional skills in more detail, both through theoretical determination and through practical application in the form of action research with students in the third and fourth grade of primary school. The main goal of the research is to see how emotionally and socially literate students are, how much they know and how much they have developed certain characteristics (more specifically teamwork and creativity). By applying activities that were based on the previously mentioned characteristics, the emphasis was placed on encouraging a warm and pleasant climate in the classroom. The research took place in three phases. The first phase was followed by the design and preparation of both activities and actors. The second phase involved the implementation of activities after each formative evaluation. The third phase involved the final verification of the effects of activities on students, i.e. a summative evaluation, where the opinions of the participants on the work method and the introduced novelties that they had the opportunity to discover were examined. The obtained research results showed positive effects, that the students adopted the necessary and desirable skills in a different and more interesting way, as well as that they liked such applied work.U radu su prikazane socio-emocionalne vještine, kako kroz teoretsko utvrđivanje tako i kroz praktičnu primjenu u obliku akcijskog istraživanja s učenicima trećih i četvrtih razreda osnovne škole. Glavni cilj provedenog istraživanja je vidjeti koliko su učenici emocionalno i socijalno pismeni, koliko znaju i koliko imaju razvijene određene kvalitete (konkretnije, timski rad i kreativnost). Naglasak je stavljen i na poticanje tople i ugodne klime u učionici. Istraživanje se odvijalo u trima fazama. Prva faza uključivala je osmišljavanje i pripremu aktivnosti i aktera. Druga faza se odnosila na provedbu aktivnosti i provođenje formativna evaluacija nakon svake. Treća faza se odnosila na završnu provjeru učinaka aktivnosti (sumativnu evaluaciju), gdje su ispitana mišljenja sudionika o načinu rada i novinama koje su uvedene, a koje su imali priliku upoznati. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su pozitivne učinke. Učenici su na drugačiji i zanimljiviji način stekli potrebne i poželjne vještine, kao i to da im se sviđa takav primijenjeni rad

    Statistics in engineering education

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    U ovom radu je prikazan subjektivni pristup i istraživanje obrazovanja statističkih metoda na mašinskim fakultetima zemalja Evropske unije, kao osnova za postizanje svetskog nivoa kvaliteta i konkurentnosti proizvoda i usluga na svetskom tržištu. Sugestije za poboljšanje statističkog obrazovanja su prikazane sa ciljem da se prevaziđe postojeći jaz između inženjera i naučnika koji se bave primenjenom naukom, sa jedne strane i matematičara sa druge.This paper presents a subjective view and a research of the education of the statistical methods in Mechanical Engineering Faculties in EU countries, as a base for achieving world class quality in good and services. Suggestions for an improvement of the statistical education were presented in order to overcome the existing gap between engineers and scientists on one side and mathematicians on the other


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    Emergency contraception is a treatment that used as an emergency procedure to prevent unwanted pregnancy after an unprotected sexual intercourse or contraception failure regardless of the point in the menstrual cycle. The most common method is the treatment with sexual steroids and the second-line form is the copper intrauterine device. A considerable number of female students of Nis were informed about the existence of emergency contraception. Younger generations (I/II years of sudy) were better informed than older generations (III/IV years of study): 81.6% vs. 57.5%. The difference was statistically significant (χ2 =7.91;p<0.005). The students of medicine were better informed than the students of art and science: 87.9% vs. 78.2% vs. 70.0% but there was not statistical difference. It is expected that adequate usage of emergency contraception will significantly reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. It is only emergency treatment and is not a substitution for regular contraception. Students are very important in the population of youth and it is expected that they could be optimally informed about this method of fertility control


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    In the course of the last few years, interest in the development of smart cities and progress of smart buildings has increased significantly. This development has been significantly increased due to the development of new technologies, innovative functional materials, electronic components and other products. At the same time, it is imperative to use those products that contribute to the preservation of the environment, and above all to energy saving. Thus, new technologies are becoming increasingly attractive, such as the one based on OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) technology, which is used in the production of mobile phones, tablet computers, other devices, as well as light sources. Although this technology has been generally known for more than half a century, commercial application of OLED components was not possible due to insufficient efficiency of products based on it. However, the continuous improvement of characteristics and efficiency enabled their more significant application in the past few years. The aim of this work is to provide adequate information about the possibilities of applying some innovative technologies in the planning and development of smart cities. Especially, becoming more familiar with the basic properties and application possibilities of OLED devices can lead to the life quality improvements of city spaces users


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    In this paper we analysed Maribor – Pohorje tourism destination competitiveness from human resources view. In the paper we used tourism destination competitiveness model developed by Gomezelj and Mihalič (2000). The main aim of the paper is to identify the most important competitors of tourism destination Maribor – Pohorje, as also advantages and disadvantages of the actual tourism development in Maribor – Pohorje destination. Four hypotheses were tested using these statistic methods: descriptive statistical analysis, t-test and ANOVA. In accordance with hypothesis, results of our research give practical advice for future Maribor – Pohorje tourism development.U radu analiziramo konkurentnost turističke destinacije Maribor – Pohorje s gledišta ljudskih resursa. U radu smo se koristili modelom za mjerenje konkurentnosti turističke destinacije koji su razvili Gomezelj i Mihalič (2000). Osnovni je cilj rada utvrditi glavne konkurente turističke destinacije Maribor – Pohorje, kao i glavne prednosti i nedostatke dosadašnjega razvoja turizma na tome odredištu. Četiri postavljene hipoteze testirali smo koristeći se slijedećim statističkim metodama: deskriptivnom statističkom analizom, t-testom i metodom ANOVA. U skladu s postavljenim hipotezama rezultati istraživanja pružaju konkretne upute za daljnji razvoj turizma na odredištu Maribor – Pohorje