111 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis between the Istanbul House Plan Types and the Plan Types of the Ottoman Houses on the Panagia District in Kavala, Greece

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    As part of the section on the Architectural History and the Architecture Values and Heritage, this paper will offer to the participants of the 4th IC ASPCE 2015 Durres Albania view on the development of the Ottoman House floor plans and its characteristics presented through the examples of the houses built in Istanbul between the 17th and 19th century and their comparative analysis with the Ottoman houses built in the Panagia district in the Ottoman town of Kavala, Greece. The Ottoman House has its specific characteristics and a huge value that has a special place in the universal history of the house types. It is a type of house that can be found within the territories of the Old Ottoman Empire, in the territories of Rumeli and Anatolia. The goal of the paper is to conclude that the houses built in Ottoman Kavala, and that still exist in the old district of Panagia, have typical Ottoman floor plans emulgated with local influences and can be placed among the several typical architectural floor plan types of the Ottoman House

    The Imaret of Mehmed Ali Pasha Preservation and Transformation of an Ottoman and Egyptian Heritage into a Masterpiece of Heritage Protection and Revitalization in Greece

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    As part of the Architectural Heritage-Past and Future Challenges for the Region and Architecture Values and Heritage session, I will offer the participants of the 5th IC ASPC 2016 a glimpse at one of the greatest, monumental Islamic structures built in once Ottoman Kavala and still existing with its whole grandeur in today’s Greece, The Mehmed Ali’s IMARET. The Imaret külye (complex) of Kavala, built by Mehmed Ali Pasha, an Ottoman general and the future founder of the Egyptian Dynasty, is one of the most outstanding Islamic historical monuments in today’s Greece, dominating the view of the old hilly peninsula of the port city of Kavala. Its unique architecture and history, together with the history of its host town, is an incredible example of an immaculate historical preservation and transformation of one exuisite monumental structure, initially built for utilitarian, educational and cosmopolitan purposes, and transformed into one incredible leasure complex and seat of todays Mo.H.A. (Motives for Heritage Acquaintance) Research Center in Kavala, Greece

    Queue Length Simulations in a Finite Single-line Queueing System with Repeated Calls

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K25.Simulated results about the queue length and the server state in a finite single server queuing system with repeated calls are presented. Formulas for the basic probability characteristics of the corresponding distributions are obtained in previous papers of the author. The numerical values computed according to these formulas are compared with the simulated results. Empirical mean values of the idle period are obtained as well

    Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy: The Religious Celebration Effect

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of corporate governance towards dividend policy on religious celebrations in Indonesia. Previous research states that corporate governance has a positive effect on dividend policy. One paper explains that the low corporate governance in Indonesia causes companies to pay higher dividends to shareholders to keep investing in the company. Indonesia is known as a country that has strong religious followers. Islam, Christian, and Catholic are 3 religions that have most followers spread across Indonesia. Therefore, the authors want to know whether the biggest religious celebration of the 3 religions, namely Eid al-Fitr and Christmas affect corporate governance to pay dividends for companies. The sample used in this study was a company registered with Kompas 100 and conducted corporate governance in 2013-2017. The results of this study indicate that the board size and independent managerial have positive significant effect towards dividend policy on Eid and Christmas. In addition, this study also found that leverage and firm age also have an effect on dividend payments during religious celebrations in Indonesia.Keywords : Corporate Governance, Payout Policy, Religious Celebrations, Eid Al-Fitr, Christmas

    Pengalaman Influencer Berkomunikasi dengan KOL Specialist dan Follower dalam Konteks Computer Mediated Communication (Studi Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis)

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    Fenomena influencer kini telah berkembang di masyarakat dan telah menjadi profesi yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Menurut Social Insider, bidang fashion dan beauty menjadi konten paling popular yang diminati oleh influencer. Selaras dengan hal ini, influencer di bidang kecantikan menjadi influencer paling popular menurut industri, dibandingkan dengan influencer bidang lainnya. Sebagai beauty influencer, komunikasi ialah hal utama yang harus dilakukan. Komunikasi antarpribadi yang dilakukan oleh beauty influencer memiliki beberapa tujuan seperti memahami follower maupun brand, mengetahui informasi yang ada di masyarakat, menciptakan hubungan komunikasi dengan follower, memberikan motivasi kepada follower dan pastinya membantu follower yang membutuhkan bantuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman influencer berkomunikasi dengan follower-nya & KOL specialist perusahaan dan mengetahui pemaknaan pengalaman influencer dengan follower-nya & KOL specialist perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) yang diungkapkan oleh John Smith (2022) dengan wawancara mendalam sebagai strategi pengumpulan data. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara kepada tiga subjek influencer. Sehingga terbentuk suatu esensi yang mendalam dan secara murni, serta terlepas dari pemahaman dan penilaian yang dimiliki peneliti sendiri. Penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis dan bersifat deskriptif. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan sebagai acuan penelitian adalah fenomenologi; dan komunikasi antarpribadi (interpersonal) dan computer mediated communication. Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media sosial digunakan sebagai penggunanya sebagai wadah untuk berkomunikasi. Sebagai influencer, media sosial digunakan sebagai wadah untuk memberikan inspirasi dan membantu orang lain. Influencer ialah masyarakat yang memiliki ide-ide kreatif yang membuat konten di media sosial dan memancing audiens untuk melihat karya-karyanya. Sebagai influencer, mereka tetap mengedepankan kejujuran sesuai produk yang dirinya promosikan di media sosial. Menjalin komunikasi untuk membangun kepercayaan follower ialah proses yang tidak mudah, sehingga influencer harus memiliki cara tersendiri agar dipercaya oleh follower dan menarik minat brand kepada dirinya. Hal ini menimbulkan kecemasan influencer dalam menjalani komunikasi kepada followernya


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    INTRODUCTION: The ability to maintain balance and static-kinetic stability is particularly important for athletes. The balance function realizes a stable connection between the individual and the environment, resulting in “spatial” stabilization. This means that the environment is perceived as “stable,” that man lives, moves or stays in a stable surrounding. That is why this fact is of particular importance in the training process of figure skaters, gymnasts and other athletes. Different tests are made for their selection and for assessment of the training process. This paper presents a method for computer processing of results from craniocorporographic examinations (CCG) of athletes at standard and sensitized Romberg’s standing test and Unterberger-Fukuda stepping test. The aim is to compare the sensitivity and reliability of those tests
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