26 research outputs found

    Radish Productivity Under Inclusion of Plant Inedible Biomass in Mass Exchange Processes of a Biological-Technical Life Support System

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    Использование почвоподобного субстрата (ППС) в качестве корнеобитаемого субстрата является одним из перспективных способов культивирования растений в биолого-технических системах жизнеобеспечения (БТСЖО). Возможным способом увеличения степени замкнутости массообменных процессов в БТСЖО длительного срока функционирования служит вовлечение в массообменные процессы несъедобной растительной биомассы. В статье приводятся результаты оценки трех способов минерализации несъедобной биомассы пшеницы и редиса: «биологический», физико-химический и комбинированный. «Биологический» способ осуществляли путем внесения сухой несъедобной биомассы пшеницы и редиса в ППС, который служил корнеобитаемой средой и биореактором для разложения растительных отходов. Физико-химический способ основан на методе «мокрого» сжигания несъедобной биомассы пшеницы и редиса перекисью водорода в переменном электромагнитном поле с последующим внесением полученного раствора в поливной раствор. Комбинированный способ включал в себя внесение физико-химически минерализованной пшеничной соломы в поливной раствор, а несъедобной биомассы редиса непосредственно в ППС. Состояние растений редиса оценивали по состоянию фотосинтетического аппарата, по показателям СО2 газообмена комплекса «ценоз редиса – ППС», по продуктивности и другим физиологическим характеристикам. Из исследованных способов минерализации оптимальным оказалось комбинирование физико- химической минерализации соломы пшеницы и «биологического» метода минерализации несъедобной биомассы редисаUse of the soil-like substrate (SLS) as a root-inhabited substrate is one of the most perspective ways of plants cultivation in biological-technical life support systems (BTLSS). Inclusion of plant inedible biomass seems to be necessary for closure increase of mass exchange processes of a long-functioning BTLSS. The work presents estimation data of three ways of processing wheat and radish inedible biomass introduced into the SLS: a ‘biological’ method, a physical-technical way and a combined one. Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) “Mokhovsky” variety was a test culture. The ‘biological’ method represented the SLS used as a bioreactor in which dry wheat and radish inedible biomass was introduced. The physical-technical method consisted of ‘wet’ oxidation of wheat and radish inedible biomass by hydrogen peroxide in alternating current with further introduction of the solution obtained into the solution for plants irrigation. The combined method included physical-chemical mineralization of wheat straw and radish inedible biomass introduced directly into the SLS. The combined method consisted of the physical-chemical oxidation of wheat straw and the ‘biological’ processing of radish inedible biomass appeared to be the most optimal way from all methods under stud

    Ocean-bottom seismographs based on broadband MET sensors: architecture and deployment case study in the Arctic

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    The Arctic seas are now of particular interest due to their prospects in terms of hydrocarbon extraction, development of marine transport routes, etc. Thus, various geohazards, including those related to seismicity, require detailed studies, especially by instrumental methods. This paper is devoted to the ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS) based on broadband molecular–electronic transfer (MET) sensors and a deployment case study in the Laptev Sea. The purpose of the study is to introduce the architecture of several modifications of OBS and to demonstrate their applicability in solving different tasks in the framework of seismic hazard assessment for the Arctic seas. To do this, we used the first results of several pilot deployments of the OBS developed by Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) and IP Ilyinskiy A.D. in the Laptev Sea that took place in 2018–2020. We highlighted various seismological applications of OBS based on broadband MET sensors CME-4311 (60 s) and CME-4111 (120 s), including the analysis of ambient seismic noise, registering the signals of large remote earthquakes and weak local microearthquakes, and the instrumental approach of the site response assessment. The main characteristics of the broadband MET sensors and OBS architectures turned out to be suitable for obtaining high-quality OBS records under the Arctic conditions to solve seismological problems. In addition, the obtained case study results showed the prospects in a broader context, such as the possible influence of the seismotectonic factor on the bottom-up thawing of subsea permafrost and massive methane release, probably from decaying hydrates and deep geological sources. The described OBS will be actively used in further Arctic expeditions

    Пульмональный Лангергансоклеточный гистиоцитоз легких: клиническое наблюдение в стадии раннего поражения

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    Histocytosis X is a rare disease of unknown etiology involving the reticuloendothelial system. We present a case of a 32 year-old man diagnosed with Pulmonary Histocytisis X. The CT image of the lungs showed disseminated disease with the formation of cyst-like cavities, which were histologically verified using lung biopsy. Лангергансоклеточный гистиоцитоз (гистиоцитоз Х) – заболевание ретикулогистиоцитарной системы неизвестной этиологии. Представлен клинический случай данной патологии у мужчины 32 лет с характерной компьютерно-томографической картиной легких в виде диссеминированного процесса с формированием кистозных полостей, который верифицирован морфологически с помощью биопсии легких.

    Efficiency of Finding Muon Track Trigger Primitives in CMS Cathode Strip Chambers

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    In the CMS Experiment, muon detection in the forward direction is accomplished by cathode strip chambers~(CSC). These detectors identify muons, provide a fast muon trigger, and give a precise measurement of the muon trajectory. There are 468 six-plane CSCs in the system. The efficiency of finding muon trigger primitives (muon track segments) was studied using~36 CMS CSCs and cosmic ray muons during the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge~(MTCC) exercise conducted by the~CMS experiment in~2006. In contrast to earlier studies that used muon beams to illuminate a very small chamber area (< ⁣0.01< \! 0.01~m2^2), results presented in this paper were obtained by many installed CSCs operating {\em in situ} over an area of  ⁣23\approx \! 23~m2^2 as a part of the~CMS experiment. The efficiency of finding 2-dimensional trigger primitives within 6-layer chambers was found to be~99.93±0.03%99.93 \pm 0.03\%. These segments, found by the CSC electronics within 800800~ns after the passing of a muon through the chambers, are the input information for the Level-1 muon trigger and, also, are a necessary condition for chambers to be read out by the Data Acquisition System

    Ancient DNA reveals prehistoric gene-flow from Siberia in the complex human population history of north east Europe

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    North East Europe harbors a high diversity of cultures and languages, suggesting a complex genetic history. Archaeological, anthropological, and genetic research has revealed a series of influences from Western and Eastern Eurasia in the past. While genetic data from modern-day populations is commonly used to make inferences about their origins and past migrations, ancient DNA provides a powerful test of such hypotheses by giving a snapshot of the past genetic diversity. In order to better understand the dynamics that have shaped the gene pool of North East Europeans, we generated and analyzed 34 mitochondrial genotypes from the skeletal remains of three archaeological sites in northwest Russia. These sites were dated to the Mesolithic and the Early Metal Age (7,500 and 3,500 uncalibrated years Before Present). We applied a suite of population genetic analyses (principal component analysis, genetic distance mapping, haplotype sharing analyses) and compared past demographic models through coalescent simulations using Bayesian Serial SimCoal and Approximate Bayesian Computation. Comparisons of genetic data from ancient and modern-day populations revealed significant changes in the mitochondrial makeup of North East Europeans through time. Mesolithic foragers showed high frequencies and diversity of haplogroups U (U2e, U4, U5a), a pattern observed previously in European hunter-gatherers from Iberia to Scandinavia. In contrast, the presence of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups C, D, and Z in Early Metal Age individuals suggested discontinuity with Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and genetic influx from central/eastern Siberia. We identified remarkable genetic dissimilarities between prehistoric and modern-day North East Europeans/Saami, which suggests an important role of post-Mesolithic migrations from Western Europe and subsequent population replacement/extinctions. This work demonstrates how ancient DNA can improve our understanding of human population movements across Eurasia. It contributes to the description of the spatio-temporal distribution of mitochondrial diversity and will be of significance for future reconstructions of the history of Europeans.Clio Der Sarkissian, Oleg Balanovsky, Guido Brandt, Valery Khartanovich, Alexandra Buzhilova, Sergey Koshel, Valery Zaporozhchenko, Detlef Gronenborn, Vyacheslav Moiseyev, Eugen Kolpakov, Vladimir Shumkin, Kurt W. Alt, Elena Balanovska, Alan Cooper, Wolfgang Haak, the Genographic Consortiu

    The Estimation of the Stability of Plants Constituting the Photosynthesizing Unit of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems for Including Them into the Plant Waste Mass Exchange

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    One of the ways of increasing the closure of mass exchange processes in the bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) may be the technology of plant cultivation on the so-called soil-like substrate (SLS) which is expected to utilize inedible plant biomass with the help of the SLS heterotrophic link. Earlier, based on the example of the radish inedible biomass, there was shown the principal possibility of its successful biological combustion (without decreasing the productivity of the plants cultivated) during their direct introduction into the SLS. The possibility of a direct plant waste introduction into the SLS could considerably simplify the technological processes of their biological combustion and increase their efficiency. However, there were no experiments carried out with respect to the other vegetables included into the BLSS photosynthesizing link. The aim of the given work is estimating the possible influence of the inedible biomass of different plant species introduced into the SLS, on the plant productivity. Several series of the test experiments were carried out. In the first experiment series, dried radish leafy tops making up 0.8 kg/m2 of the sown area, dried carrot leafy tops – 3.1 kg/m2 and dried beet leafy tops – 2.5 kg/m2 were introduced into the SLS makeup. As a test culture, there was taken the radish Raphanus sativus L of the Virovsky Beliy species. In the second experiment series, before the sowing of radish and wheat, there were introduced 1.2 kg/m2 and 3.1 kg/m2 of dry wheat straw into the SLS respectively. In the third series of the experiments, the wheat straw, before being introduced into the SLS, was subjected to the preliminary processing. In the fourth experiment series, there was studied the supposition about the possibility of decreasing the negative influence of introducing the vegetable tops into the SLS on the plant growth of the succeeding generation under the conditions of growing plants on a various-ages multi-species vegetable conveyor. According to the results of the research, the direct introduction of carrot and beet tops, as well as dry wheat straw, resulted in the considerable drop of the plant productivity. The vegetable cultivation in a conveyor mode done for three generations, also resulted in their productivity decrease. It was shown that the straw mineralization by using the method of “wet incineration” developed by Yu. A. Kudenko had completely removed the negative effect of the plant waste on the plant growth and could be the alternative way of the wheat waste utilization

    Sorption Preconcentration and Sorption-Atomic-Emission Determination of Gold and Palladium Using Phytosorbent

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    Исследована сорбция Au(III) и Pd(II) фитосорбентом ФС-744 на основе ячменной шелухи, химически модифицированных фосфорно-кислыми и аминогруппами. Показано, что сорбент ФС-744 количественно извлекает ионы золота(III) и палладия(II) из 1-4 М растворов хлороводородной кислоты. Время установления сорбционного равновесия не превышает 10 мин. Исследована селективность сорбента ФС-744 по отношению к ионам золота(III) и палладия(II) в присутствии цветных и тяжелых металлов. Установлено, что Au(III) и Pd(II) количественно элюируется 5 %-ным раствором тиомочевины. Разработана методика сорбционно-атомно-эмиссионного определения золота и палладия, включающая сорбционное концентрирование, элюирование и их определение в десорбирующем растворе.The sorption of Pd(II), Au(III) by phytosorbent FS-744 on the basis of sawdust, modified by phosphate and primary amino groups was studied. Sorbents FS-744 quantitatively extracts ions of gold(III) and palladium(II) under 1-4 M hydrochloric acid. The equilibration time is less then 10 minutes. The selectivity of sorbent FS-744 to gold and palladium ions at the presence of non-ferrous and heavy metals was studied. Desorption of noble metal ions is carried out by 5 % thiourea solution. The technique of sorption-atomic-emission determination of gold and palladium, including sorption concentration, elution sorbed elements and their definition in the desorbed solution was developed

    Sorption Preconcentration and Sorption-Atomic-Emission Determination of Gold and Palladium Using Phytosorbent

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    Исследована сорбция Au(III) и Pd(II) фитосорбентом ФС-744 на основе ячменной шелухи, химически модифицированных фосфорно-кислыми и аминогруппами. Показано, что сорбент ФС-744 количественно извлекает ионы золота(III) и палладия(II) из 1-4 М растворов хлороводородной кислоты. Время установления сорбционного равновесия не превышает 10 мин. Исследована селективность сорбента ФС-744 по отношению к ионам золота(III) и палладия(II) в присутствии цветных и тяжелых металлов. Установлено, что Au(III) и Pd(II) количественно элюируется 5 %-ным раствором тиомочевины. Разработана методика сорбционно-атомно-эмиссионного определения золота и палладия, включающая сорбционное концентрирование, элюирование и их определение в десорбирующем растворе.The sorption of Pd(II), Au(III) by phytosorbent FS-744 on the basis of sawdust, modified by phosphate and primary amino groups was studied. Sorbents FS-744 quantitatively extracts ions of gold(III) and palladium(II) under 1-4 M hydrochloric acid. The equilibration time is less then 10 minutes. The selectivity of sorbent FS-744 to gold and palladium ions at the presence of non-ferrous and heavy metals was studied. Desorption of noble metal ions is carried out by 5 % thiourea solution. The technique of sorption-atomic-emission determination of gold and palladium, including sorption concentration, elution sorbed elements and their definition in the desorbed solution was developed

    Sorption Concentration and Sorption-Atomic-Emission Determination of Non-Ferrous and Heavy Metals Using Phytosorbents

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    Исследована сорбция Co(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) фитосорбентами ФС-728, ФС-744 и ФС-745 на основе древесных опилок и рисовой шелухи, модифицированных фосфорнокислыми и первичными аминогруппами. Сорбенты ФС-728 и ФС-745 количественно извлекают ионы цветных и тяжелых металлов из водных растворов в диапазоне рН 3-9 и временем установления сорбционного равновесия, не превышающем 10 мин. Десорбция ионов металлов осуществляется разбавленными растворами неорганических кислот. Разработана методика сорбционно-атомно-эмиссионного определения металлов в природных и техногенных водах, включающая сорбционное концентрирование, элюирование сорбированных элементов и их определение в десорбирующем растворе.The sorption of Co (II), Cr (III), Mn (II), Ni (II), Pb (II) using phytosorbents FS-728, FS-744 and FS-745, which based on sawdust and rice husk, modified with phosphate and primary amino groups, was studied. Sorbents FS-728 and FS-745 quantitatively extracted ions of non-ferrous and heavy metals from aqueous solutions in the range of pH 3-9. The equilibration time was less than 10 minutes. Metal ions were desorbed using dilute solutions of inorganic acids. The technique of sorption-atomic-emission determination of the metals in natural and waste waters was developed. It includes sorption pre-concentration, desorption of the elements and their determination in the desorbed solutio

    Sorption Concentration and Sorption-Atomic-Emission Determination of Non-Ferrous and Heavy Metals Using Phytosorbents

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    Исследована сорбция Co(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) фитосорбентами ФС-728, ФС-744 и ФС-745 на основе древесных опилок и рисовой шелухи, модифицированных фосфорнокислыми и первичными аминогруппами. Сорбенты ФС-728 и ФС-745 количественно извлекают ионы цветных и тяжелых металлов из водных растворов в диапазоне рН 3-9 и временем установления сорбционного равновесия, не превышающем 10 мин. Десорбция ионов металлов осуществляется разбавленными растворами неорганических кислот. Разработана методика сорбционно-атомно-эмиссионного определения металлов в природных и техногенных водах, включающая сорбционное концентрирование, элюирование сорбированных элементов и их определение в десорбирующем растворе.The sorption of Co (II), Cr (III), Mn (II), Ni (II), Pb (II) using phytosorbents FS-728, FS-744 and FS-745, which based on sawdust and rice husk, modified with phosphate and primary amino groups, was studied. Sorbents FS-728 and FS-745 quantitatively extracted ions of non-ferrous and heavy metals from aqueous solutions in the range of pH 3-9. The equilibration time was less than 10 minutes. Metal ions were desorbed using dilute solutions of inorganic acids. The technique of sorption-atomic-emission determination of the metals in natural and waste waters was developed. It includes sorption pre-concentration, desorption of the elements and their determination in the desorbed solutio