976 research outputs found
Data Assimilation by Artificial Neural Networks for an Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Conventional Observation
This paper presents an approach for employing artificial neural networks (NN)
to emulate an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) as a method of data assimilation.
The assimilation methods are tested in the Simplified Parameterizations
PrimitivE-Equation Dynamics (SPEEDY) model, an atmospheric general circulation
model (AGCM), using synthetic observational data simulating localization of
balloon soundings. For the data assimilation scheme, the supervised NN, the
multilayer perceptrons (MLP-NN), is applied. The MLP-NN are able to emulate the
analysis from the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF). After the
training process, the method using the MLP-NN is seen as a function of data
assimilation. The NN were trained with data from first three months of 1982,
1983, and 1984. A hind-casting experiment for the 1985 data assimilation cycle
using MLP-NN were performed with synthetic observations for January 1985. The
numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the NN technique for
atmospheric data assimilation. The results of the NN analyses are very close to
the results from the LETKF analyses, the differences of the monthly average of
absolute temperature analyses is of order 0.02. The simulations show that the
major advantage of using the MLP-NN is better computational performance, since
the analyses have similar quality. The CPU-time cycle assimilation with MLP-NN
is 90 times faster than cycle assimilation with LETKF for the numerical
experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, monthly weather revie
Rastreabilidade na etapa indústria da Produção Integrada de Uva para Processamento.
O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar os pontos chaves identificados junto a três vinícolas da Serra Gaúcha no processo de validação do Caderno do Estabelecimento Vinícola (CEV), na safra 2013/2014, abordando os pontos cruciais para a rastreabilidade
Avaliação de ensaios preliminares de linhagens de soja de 2. ano.
bitstream/item/133863/1/ID10310-1984-1985sojaresultados-p29-42.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XIII Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Porto Alegre, 1984
Major multiform erythema with sertraline
A sertralina é frequentemente utilizada para o tratamento de síndromes depressivos e ansiosos. Os efeitos secundários são geralmente transitórios e dependentes da dosagem. Descrevemos o caso clínico de uma mulher de 76 anos com síndrome depressivo e introdução recente da sertralina que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por febre e erupção cutânea difusa com dois dias de evolução. Ao exame objetivo observavam-se pápulas eritematosas em alvo dispersas pelo corpo e exulcerações da mucosa oral. Foi efetuada uma biopsia cutânea para exame histopatológico com diagnóstico de eritema multiforme major secundário à sertralina. A doente suspendeu o fármaco em causa e iniciou prednisolona oral com resolução do quadro clínico. Embora pouco frequentes, existem casos descritos de reação cutânea grave associada à sertralina
Targeting the tumor microenvironment: An unexplored strategy for mutant KRAS tumors
Current evidence strongly suggests that cancer cells depend on the microenvironment in order to thrive. In fact, signals from the surrounding tumor microenvironment are crucial for cancer cells´ aggressiveness, altering their expression profile and favoring their metastatic potential. As such, targeting the tumor microenvironment to impair cancer progression became an attractive therapeutic option. Interestingly, it has been shown that oncogenic KRAS signaling promotes a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment, and the associated crosstalk alters the expression profile of cancer cells. These findings award KRAS a key role in controlling the interactions between cancer cells and the microenvironment, granting cancer a poor prognosis. Given the lack of effective approaches to target KRAS itself or its downstream effectors in the clinic, exploring such interactions may open new perspectives on possible therapeutic strategies to hinder mutant KRAS tumors. This review highlights those communications and their implications for the development of effective therapies or to provide insights regarding response to existing regimens.This work was supported through FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE 2020), Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (Norte 2020), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (PTDC/MED-ONC/31354/2017). PDC is a PhD student from Doctoral Program in Pathology and Molecular Genetics from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS) and she is funded through a PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/131156/2017) awarded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FM is a PhD student from Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and she is funded through NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029. ALM is funded through NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012. SV is hired by IPATIMUP under norma transitória do DL n.º 57/2016 alterada pela lei n.º 57/2017.
This work was supported through FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE 2020), Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionaliza??o (POCI), Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (Norte 2020), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (PTDC/MED-ONC/31354/2017). PDC is a PhD student from Doctoral Program in Pathology and Molecular Genetics from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS) and she is funded through a PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/131156/2017) awarded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FM is a PhD student from Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and she is funded through NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029. ALM is funded through NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012. SV is hired by IPATIMUP under norma transitória do DL n.° 57/2016 alterada pela lei n.° 57/2017
Monitorização das propriedades de textura, organoléticas e microbiológicas de fiambre de perna de porco fatiado e embalado em atmosfera modificada ao longo do seu tempo de vida
O uso de atmosfera modificada (AM), como técnica de conservação
na embalagem de
produtos fatiados cárnicos,
tem sido uma solução eficaz para assegurar a qualidade do produto
e prolongar o respetivo tempo de vida útil, podendo alcançar
mercados mais longínquos.
Amostras de fiambre da perna extra de porco, foram embaladas
com uma mistura de gás com 30% de CO2
e 70% de N2, em bandejas termoformadas de APET/EVOH/PE e seladas com
filme PE/PVDC. Ao longo de 35 dias foi monitorizada a
evolução da composição da mistura
de gases, determinados parâmetros
físico-químicos, tais como pH, teor de humidade,
parâmetros de cor e textura, propriedades organoléticas e microbiológicas. O fiambre foi também avaliado sensorialmente, através de uma análise descritiva quantitativa, em relação ao
brilho, cor, aroma, aparência global, flavour, textura (dureza e coesividade) e sabor a sal.
Os resultados
dos parâmetros físico-químicos não revelaram
diferenças significativas ao longo do
tempo de armazenamento
, com a excepção de alterações na intensidade da cor e ligeiras
alterações de textura.
O painel detetou diferenças entre produtos frescos e os tempo
s mais
tardios de armazenamento. Não foram
microrganismos patogénicos
em nenhuma
das amostras analisadas.Projecto n.º 38869 EXTRASLICED45, co
- financiado pelo FEDER através do
POFC, no âmbito do QREN 2007
Monitoring the quality of sliced pork ham packed in different modified atmospheres during 45 days of storage
This study, financed by EXTRASLICED45 project, promoted by Primor Charcutaria-Prima S.A. and focused on extra-sliced pork ham, aims to use different modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation technique for extending the lifetime of the product
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Plasmablastic lymphoma: an atypical cutaneous presentation of a rare entity
Plasmablastic lymphoma is a very rare B-cell lymphoma typically associated with immunosuppression: It occurs primarily in the oral cavity, although some cases were reported in other organs and tissues.To date, only 10 cases of primary cutaneous plasmablastic lymphoma have been described. Clinically, primary cutaneous plasmablastic lymphoma presents as non-specific cutaneous lesions (purple nodules, erythematous infiltrated plaques). In previously described cases, as in this case, histology and immunohistochemistry are required to make the diagnosis. Owing to the rarity of this entity, there is no established therapy, which makes its management an individualized, patient-based decision.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Análise cientométrica da atividade científica na área de solos: o caso da América Latina.
Os indicadores cientométricos em Ciência e Tecnologia surgem da necessidade mensuração da produção científica, partindo-se da premissa de que a ciência se encontra, em grande parte, incorporada em sua literatura. Sendo assim este estudo se insere nesse contexto, ao utilizar a Cientometria para mapear a produção científica na área de solos, área do conhecimento que tem se destacado devido à sua atuação fundamental na agricultura e, mais recentemente, em temas da agenda global de manejo e uso sustentável dos recursos naturais. O método empregado foi a análise bibliométrica automatizada em registros extraídos da base de dados Scopus, no período de 1999-2010. Os resultados demonstram a importância da disciplina no meio científico, ao comprovar o crescimento do número de artigos publicados, de temas envolvidos, dos principais periódicos e das instituições de pesquisa que se destacam na produção de conhecimento em solo na América Latina.bitstream/item/63701/1/BPD-172-Analise-cientometrica.pd
Internova e-learning platform in an entrepreneurial context
Currently, there is still an opposition of teachers to the implementation of new technologies in an educational context. Although several studies point out the relevance of the use of information and communication technologies in pedagogical practices, providing educational contexts more focused on learning practices and fostering more active and autonomous professionals. In this context, this article emphasizes the purpose of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as virtual learning environments, in the higher education system, to support the teaching-learning processes. In this article, a state of the art was carried out, in order to demonstrate some advantages of the teaching-learning process, the teacher's and student behaviour profiles and its role in relation to the use of new technologies. The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of using a digital platform on the teaching-learning process in an educational context. An e-learning digital platform, INTERNOVA, developed within the scope of the INTERNOVAMARKET-FOOD project (0437_internovamarket-food_1_E - Internovamarket accelerator program to increase the competitiveness of the food sector in Galicia-Northern), within the curricular unit of Food Safety and Certification of the Master in Food Engineering's curriculum. In order to assess the impact of the training course on the students' learning outcomes, a survey was applied to master's students and Food Engineering research fellows (participants). The same survey was applied before the training and after it in order to compare both results. At the end of each training course, another survey was addressed to all the participants asking about the organization, quality and the easiness of the platform. The results obtained show that the students had no difficulties in using the platform, having revealed that they would like to continue using it more frequently. The data obtained are an evidence of the participants' learning improvement and their involvement in the learning process through the INTERNOVA platform. With this work, it can be concluded that the ICT applied to a curricular program can be a very important support in the teaching-learning process. In this context, it is important to recommend well-designed curricular programs so that teachers can improve their teaching practices, enhancing students' digital skills, and thus contributing to the development of more active and autonomous professionals. © Proceedings of the 14th IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2020, EL 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020. All rights reserved.This work was supported by INTERREG V-A Espanha-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
(0437_INTERNOVAMARKET-FOOD_1_E) under the development of the project entitled
“INTERNOVAMARKET-FOOD – Programa acelerador para aumentar a competitividade do sector alimentar
da Galiza-Norte de Portugal”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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