264 research outputs found

    Transmitted Power Formulation for the Optimization of Spectrum Aggregation in LTE-A over 800 MHz and 2 GHz Frequency Bands

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    This work starts by proposing a formulation to calculate the transmitter power needed to cover cells of different sizes, whilst maintaining the average signal to interference-plus-noise ratio constant, and near the maximum, for two Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems operating over non-contiguous frequency bands, 800 MHz and 2 GHz, with an integrated common radio resource management (iCRRM) entity. In the context of spectrum aggregation (SA), iCRRM is able to switch users between the two LTE-Advanced scenarios to facilitate the best user allocation and maximize the total network throughput in these LTE systems. We address a formulation based on the computation of the average received power and average co-channel interference in cellular topologies with frequency reuse pattern K = 3, keeping the presence of coverage holes insignificant, whilst considering the COST-231 Hata path loss model. We have verified how the normalized power increases as the cell radius increases. The objective of applying this formulation in the dimensioning process is to save power for the shortest coverage distances. It has been found that without SA the maximum average cell throughput is observed in the presence of 80 simultaneous users within the cell (40 for each LTE system, operating in different frequency bands). We have considered traced-based video sessions with a (video) bit rate of 128 kbps. In this scenario, through extensive simulations cell average supported throughput of approximately 6,800, 8,500 and 9,500 kbps have been obtained for the cases without SA (considering the sum of the 800 MHz and 2 GHz systems capacities), with a simple CRRM and with iCRRM, respectively. It was also found that when the peak throughput is achieved with 80 users, the average cell packet loss ratio without SA, with CRRM and iCRRM present values of 22, 11 and 7 %. The average cell delay with both CRRM and iCRRM entities is 22 ms, whereas without SA is equal to 32 ms. Finally, the cost/revenue tradeoff is analysed from the operator/service provider’s point of view, whose main goal is obtain the maximum profit from his business. It was found that CRRM increases the total profit in percentage, compared to a simple allocation, without SA. Nevertheless, the profit growth with iCRRM is even larger, from 253 to 296 % for R = 1,000 m and a price of 0.010 €/MByte. Therefore, our proposal for SA is convenient not only in terms of technical features and QoS, as loss and delay have been obtained within a range of reasonable values, but also in terms of economic aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inteligencia espiritual y liderazgo transformacional en tres instituciones educativas de Lima, 2022

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    En esta investigación, se tuvo como objetivo principal establecer la relación entre la inteligencia espiritual y Liderazgo transformacional de los docentes de tres instituciones educativas de Lima, 2022. La metodología de esta investigación fue cuantitativa, básica y de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y de nivel descriptivo correlacional. La muestra de esta investigación estuvo conformada por 90 docentes. Para la recopilación de los datos los instrumentos que se usaron fueron dos cuestionarios y para la validación de los mismos se usó el juicio de expertos. La confiabilidad fue determinada por el alfa de Cronbach, en la cual se obtuvo un resultado de 0.89, siendo aceptable para las variables inteligencia espiritual y liderazgo transformacional. En concordancia con el objetivo general, y con los resultados obtenidos de significancia de ,000 y Rho= de *922 se concluyó que existe una clara relación entre ambas variables

    Compuestos organometálicos como agentes terapéuticos contra la malaria

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    La malaria es la enfermedad infecciosa y mortal más prevalente del mundo. Está presente en más de 90 países con alrededor de 241 millones de casos confirmados en 2020. Esta enfermedad es causada por el parásito del género Plasmodium, siendo P. falciparum la especie más mortífera. Desafortunadamente, se ha desarrollado resistencia a todas las clases de medicamentos antipalúdicos en la mayoría de países endémicos, excepto a la artemisinina y sus derivados; por ello, desde hace un poco más de veinte años, la OMS recomienda el uso de la terapia combinada basada en artemisinina (ACT) como el tratamiento de primera línea en casos de malaria no complicados. Sin embargo, ya han sido reportados algunos casos de resistencia parcial a las artemisininas, así como a los medicamentos asociados. Los compuestos a base de metales son todavía un área relativamente poco explorada de la química medicinal moderna y podrían ofrecer una fuente de terapias efectivas contra la malaria. En esta área terapéutica ya se encuentran disponibles algunos fármacos basados en metales y actualmente se están desarrollando y estudiando otros más. En el presente trabajo se describen compuestos con diferentes metales de transición que son modificaciones metálicas de fármacos empleados para tratar la malaria, y que han demostrado una prometedora actividad antipalúdica, incluso mejores que la del fármaco original. Dentro del enfoque de complejos metálicos se presentan compuestos de rutenio con estructuras del tipo [Ru-π-areno-cloroquina] y [(η5-C5R5)Ru(PPh3)(N-N)][PF6]. De entre estos dos grupos de candidatos, se observó que el último grupo presentó la mejor actividad, con valores en la escala nanomolar. Por otro lado, en el enfoque de compuestos híbridos se analizaron tres ejemplos: la ferroquina, compuestos derivados de hidroxiferroquina y compuestos derivados de ciprofloxacino. Pese a los múltiples estudios llevados a cabo con diferentes modificaciones de la ferroquina y otros compuestos híbridos, esta molécula sigue siendo el mejor candidato a fármaco, con una actividad hasta 20 veces mayor que su fármaco original.Trabajo de investigació

    Oportunidades de negocio en el mercado de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica - California para el incremento de las exportaciones peruanas de cuy faenado, de la región La Libertad, provincia de Trujillo, 2016 - 2018

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    RESUMEN El cuy, roedor nativo de América del Sur (Perú, Colombia, Venezuela), es una especie oriunda de los Andes, criado desde hace más de 500 años. También es conocido como cobayo, curi, conejillo de indias y en países de habla inglesa como “guinea pig”. Se cría fundamentalmente para aprovechar su carne. Se sabe que en el antiguo Perú su consumo era importante pues aparecen en los descubrimientos de los entierros pre-incas e incas. El cuy fue criado domésticamente para consumo y los incas recibieron de las culturas anteriores la tecnología que sirvió para completar la dieta de la población del antiguo Perú. La carne de cuy es fuente importante de proteína de origen animal en la alimentación, debido a que es un producto de excelente calidad, de alto valor biológico, con elevado contenido de proteína y bajo contenido de grasa. Para muchas personas, devotos seguidores del arte culinario peruano, el cuy es un manjar de primer orden. La crianza del cuy es muy importante y tiene un gran potencial de desarrollo para aquellas familias que disponen de poco espacio para criar otras especies mayores (vacunos, ovinos, caprinos, etc.). Los consumidores estadounidenses optan actualmente por la comida saludable y bajo en grasas, además tiene que ser práctica al momento de prepararla, ya que Estados Unidos es uno de los países que tiene la mayor población con problemas de obesidad en el mundo. En las tendencias de consumo, el bienestar sigue siendo un factor clave, la tendencia implica que las personas son más conscientes en llevar una vida saludable, prefiriendo productos libres de grasas transgénicas y que no contengan aditivos químicos. El consumidor está dispuesto a probar productos novedosos, es exigente, está bien informado y tiene conciencia del cuidado del medio ambiente. Por lo tanto se analizará la parte técnica donde se detalla todo lo referente a la logística de importación, los procesos de producción, los insumos necesarios, las tecnologías a ser utilizadas y demás factores que intervienen en el establecimiento óptimo del proyecto a exportar, y finalmente se muestra las conclusiones y recomendaciones a las que se han llegado luego de haber realizado este trabajo investigativo que propone nuevas e innovadoras ideas que servirán de mucho a la hora de empezar a tener una idea de la exportación de este producto, que está en crecimiento en nuestra economía.ABSTRACT The guinea pig, rodent native of South America (Peru, Colombia, Venezuela), is a native species of the Andes, raised over 500 years ago. It is also known as guinea pig, Curi, guinea pig and in English speaking countries as "guinea pig". It is mainly farmed for meat. It is known that in ancient Peru was important because consumption appear on the findings of the pre-Inca and Inca burials. The guinea pig was bred domestically for consumption and Inca cultures received from the previous technology that was used to supplement the diet of the people of ancient Peru. Guinea pig meat is an important source of animal protein in the diet, because it is a product of superior quality, high biological value, high protein and low fat. For many people, devoted followers of Peruvian cuisine, the guinea pig is a delicacy of the highest order. The guinea pig breeding is very important and has great development potential for those families who have little space to raise other major species (cattle, sheep, goats, etc.). American consumers currently opt for healthy food and low fat, also have to be practical when preparing since the United States is a country that has the largest population with obesity problems in the world. In consumer trends, welfare remains a key factor, the trend implies that people are more conscious of leading a healthy life, preferring trans fat free products and contain no chemical additives. The consumer is willing to try new products, is demanding, well informed and aware of environmental care. Therefore the technical part where everything about the detailed import logistics, production processes, required inputs, technologies to be used and other factors involved in the establishment of optimal export project will be analyzed, and finally the conclusions and recommendations that have come after making this research work that proposes new and innovative ideas that help much when you start to get a feel for the export of this product is shown in growth our economy

    Population assessment of the American crocodile Crocodylus acutus (Crocodilia: Crocodylidae) on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica

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    The American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, is widely distributed in the American neotropics. It is endangered throughout most of its range and is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Fauna and Flora (IUCN) and on Appendix I of the Convention for the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). Despite this listing, there are few published reports on population status throughout most of its range. We investigated the status of the C. acutus, at several locations along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. We carried out spotlight and nesting surveys from 2007-2009 along the Costa Rican Pacific coast in four distinct areas, coastal areas of Las Baulas (N=40) and Santa Rosa (N=9) National Parks and the Osa Conservation Area (N=13), and upriver in Palo Verde National Park (N=11). We recorded crocodile locations and standard environmental data at each observation. Encounter rates, population structure, distribution within each area and data on successful nesting (presence of hatchlings, nests, etc) were determined. We attempted to capture all crocodiles to record standard morphometrics. A total of 586 crocodiles were observed along 185.8km of survey route. The majority of animals encountered (54.9%) were either hatchlings (<0.5m) or juveniles (0.5-1.25m). The average non-hatchling encounter rate per survey for the Pacific coast was 3.1 crocodiles/km, with individual encounter rates ranging from 1.2 crocodiles/km to 4.3 crocodiles/km in Las Baulas National Park and the Osa Conservation Area respectively. Distribution of size classes within the individual locations did not differ with the exception of Santa Rosa and Las Baulas National Parks, where hatchlings were found in water with lower salinities. These were the first systematic surveys in several of the areas studied and additional work is needed to further characterize the American crocodile population in Costa Rica.Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (4): 1889-1901. Epub 2012 December 01

    Índice de progreso social para el distrito de Huarmey

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    La investigación realizada en el distrito de Huarmey – Departamento de Ancash se basó en la metodología desarrollada por el Social Progress Imperative que tiene como fundamentos realizar la medición del progreso social basados en tres dimensiones: necesidades básicas, fundamentos de bienestar y oportunidades. El resultado del índice de progreso social para el distrito de Huarmey fue de 55 puntos que lo ubica en la escala medio baja de acuerdo al Índice de Progreso Social, este resultado es debido a que dentro de la dimensión de necesidades básicas, está ubicado el componente de seguridad personal que solo alcanzó 29 puntos que lo sitúan en la escala extremo bajo, además en la dimensión oportunidades que tiene a los compontes de acceso a la educación superior y derechos personales que solo alcanzaron 25 y 29 puntos respectivamente, también los ubica en la escala extremo bajo. Para la investigación, el distrito fue dividido en cuatro zonas: noroeste, noreste, sureste y suroeste, cada una de ellas muestra fortalezas y debilidades en cada componente, para la zona noroeste se obtuvo un puntaje de 48 puntos que lo sitúa en la escala bajo, sobre la cual resalta su fortaleza en fundamentos del bienestar, la zona noreste tuvo un puntaje de 56 puntos que lo sitúa en la escala medio bajo, su fortaleza también está en fundamentos del bienestar, para el sureste el puntaje fue de 55 puntos situándolo en la escala medio bajo, teniendo como fortaleza a necesidades humanas básicas y por último la zona suroeste obtuvo un puntaje de 59 puntos, para alcanzar una escala medio bajo donde resalta sus resultados en fundamentos del bienestar, lo cual ha sido el común denominador en la mayoría de las zonas del distrito.The research carried on the district of Huarmey - Department of Ancash was based on the methodology developed by the Social Progress Imperative, which has as its foundations to measure social progress based on three dimensions: basic needs, welfare fundamentals and opportunities. The result of the index of social progress for the district of Huarmey was 55 points, that score is in the low average scale according to the Social Progress Index, this result is because the dimension of basic needs, is located the personal security component that only reached 29 points that place it in the extreme low scale, in addition in the dimension opportunities that has the components of access to higher education and personal rights that only reached 25 and 29 points respectively, also locates them in the extreme low scale. For the investigation, the district was divided into four zones: northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest, each of them shows strengths and weaknesses in each component, for the northwest area a score of 48 points was obtained which places it on the low scale , on which its strength in welfare fundamentals stands out, the northeast area had a score of 56 points that places it in the low average scale, its strength is also in welfare foundations, for the southeast the score was 55 points placing it in the low average scale, having as a strength basic human needs and finally the southwestern area obtained a score of 59 points, to reach a low average scale where its results stand out in fundamentals of well-being, which has been the common denominator in the majority of the zones of the district.Tesi

    Genotypic diversity is independent of pathogenicity in colombian strains of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in Galleria mellonella

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    82Cryptococcosis is a potentially fatal opportunistic mycosis that affects the lungs and central nervous system. It has been suggested that certain strains of C. neoformans/C. gattii may have the potential to be more virulent according to the molecular type. This study aims to investigate the association between virulence in the G. mellonella model and genotypic diversity of Colombian clinical and environmental isolates of C. neoformans/C. gattii. A total of 33 clinical and 12 environmental isolates were selected according to their geographical origin and sequence types (STs). Pathogenicity was determined using the G. mellonella model, and the cell and capsular size before and after inoculation was determined. For C. neoformans, virulence in G. mellonella revealed that death occurred on average on day 6 (p < 0.05) and that ST5C, 6C, 25C and 71C were the most virulent. In C. gattii, death occurred at 7.3 days (p < 0.05), and ST47C, 58C, 75A and 106C were the most virulent. Capsular size increased for both species after passage in G. mellonella. In conclusion, the pathogenicity of Cryptococcus strains in the G. mellonella invertebrate model is independent of molecular type or pathogenicity factor, even within the same ST, but it is possible to find variable degrees of pathogenicity

    Spectrum of Illness in International Migrants Seen at GeoSentinel Clinics in 1997-2009, Part 2: Migrants Resettled Internationally and Evaluated for Specific Health Concerns

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    Of 7629 migrants, one third were infected with tuberculosis (22% active, 10% latent), one quarter with a variety of parasites (malaria 7%, schistosomes 6%, Strongyloides 5%, miscellaneous 5%), and 17% with chronic viral hepatitis (12% hepatitis B, 5% hepatitis C

    Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Secondary to BRAF Mutant Melanoma Metastasis from an Occult Primary Cancer

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    Melanoma metastasis from an unknown primary cancer has an incidence of 3.2% among melanoma patients. Furthermore, paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are rare, occurring in 1-3% of patients with malignancies. Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) is one of the classic PNS and is characterized by acute or subacute onset of ataxia and/or presence of onconeural antibodies. A 61-year-old male with ataxia, vertigo, and headache later developed dysarthria, multidirectional nystagmus, hyperactive delirium, auditory hallucinations, psychomotor agitation, and myoclonus. Toxicological, metabolic, infectious, and autoimmune etiologies were assessed and reported negative. An osteolytic lesion was observed in the right iliac crest via computed tomography (CT). A positron emission tomography-CT reported increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake of a right iliac and right inguinal ganglion. After biopsy of the right inguinal ganglion, a BRAF mutation-positive melanoma metastasis from an occult primary cancer was diagnosed. Dermatologic, ophthalmologic, and endoscopic gastrointestinal assessment did not reveal a primary malignant melanoma. The patient's movement disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms improved with quetiapine, prednisone, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide. Oncological management was conducted with MAPK pathway inhibitors (i.e., dabrafenib and trametinib). Movement disorders associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms are complex to diagnose. PNS are rare and often associated with antibodies against neural antigens expressed by the tumor. The case presented above describes a patient with a BRAF-positive malignant melanoma metastasis from an occult primary associated with PCD - to the best of our knowledge, the first reported in the literature.</p

    Attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of caregivers and rehabilitation providers about disabled children’s sleep health: a qualitative study

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    Children with disabilities are more likely to have sleep disturbances than children without disabilities. Identifying attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and perceptions of caregivers and health professionals is essential in developing effective intervention programs to improve disabled children’s sleep health. However, no such qualitative data about adults who have key roles in the life and daytime activities of children with disabilities are available. This qualitative study aimed to understand attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and perceptions about disabled children’s sleep hygiene among caregivers and rehabilitation providers of children with disabilities. Twenty seven adults, including nine primary caregivers and eighteen rehabilitation providers, participated in five focus group discussions between September and December 2012 at the Rehabilitation Center in Punta Arenas, Chile. A trained facilitator guided focus group discussions using a semi-structured script. Audiotapes and transcripts of focus group discussions were reviewed and analyzed for recurrent themes. Participants identified seven themes related to children’s sleep hygiene: lifestyle behaviors, family factors, children’s disabilities and/or comorbidities, environmental factors, adults’ responsibilities for children’s sleep, perception of good sleep, and parental distress about children’s sleep problems. While both caregivers and rehabilitation providers recognized the importance of sleep for children’s health and functioning, they differed in their understanding of how sleep hygiene practices influence sleep. Rehabilitation providers recognized the negative influence of electronics on sleep and the positive influence of sleep routines. In contrast, caregivers reported use of television/movie watching and stimulants as coping strategies for managing children’s sleep problems. Caregivers may benefit from better understanding the influence of electronics and stimulant use on child sleep health. Rehabilitation providers are well positioned to provide educational messages to both children and caregivers in order to change their attitudes, perceptions, and practices surrounding sleep. These qualitative data are valuable in developing intervention programs aimed at improving sleep health among children with disabilities