75 research outputs found

    A comprehensive mental health care system for Native Americans in New Mexico. A report of the Native American Mental Health Planning Project.

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    This is a comprehensive report of a seven-month study contracted through the State Division of Mental Health to the University of New Mexico, Department of Psychiatry/Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA). A select committee of representatives from New Mexico tribes, appropriate state and federal agencies, private entities, and consumers provided input for the project. The final plan is based on the collection and triangulation of a variety of sources. The primary sources utilized in this document included: 1) literature review; 2) indirect measure of the magnitude of alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health needs using selected measures from current census data; 3) extensive survey of current agencies providing services; 4) clinical programming survey to select from optional mental health care delivery system models and a prioritization of services needed; 5) ideas, visions, suggestions and recommendations of selected committees; and 6) private interviews and focus group discussions with tribal members, service workers, and tribal leaders. The plan provides information on: 1) epidemiology of mental health problems; 2) programmatic issues for mental health services; 3) needs assessment studies and findings; 4) system and program design; 5) program development and management; 6) physical plant requirements; 7) management information system; and 8) ten-year implementation process. Based on the findings of this planning effort, a system of comprehensive mental health care for American Indians was proposed. This continuum of care extends from the tribal communities, to regional centers of care, and to a centralized facility

    Thermodynamic analysis of inverted bifurcation

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    We present a thermodynamic analysis of inverted bifurcation in binary mixtures heated from below. From this analysis it follows that an inverted bifurcation is caused by the competition between a stabilizing effect with a long relaxation time and a destabilizing effect with a short relaxation time. These conditions are precisely the same as those that give rise to overstability. This might explain why overstability and inverted bifurcation occur in the same systems

    Liderazgo directivo y la calidad educativa en la institución educativa Jose Antonio Encinas UGEL 15

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    The degree of relationship between the styles of management leadership and quality of education in the Educational Institution José Antonio Encinas UGEL 15 – Huarochirí 2019.is what sets this investigation. In terms of methodology is the descriptive method and descriptive correlational design. As data collection technique and an instrument survey questionnaire with Likert responses we were used; applied to a representative sample of 132 teachers from the institution. Previously before being applied to the whole sample content validity was performed by expert judgment and reliability of the instrument through a pilot with the statistical technique Cronbach's alpha, the result shows indicates a very high reliability, which means the instrument should be applied to the entire sample, to present a favorable internal consistency and thus demonstrating its validity and reliability. Exploring the styles of management leadership consisted of three basic dimensions: Interpersonal, political and administrative. hypothesis testing with Pearson chi-square statistic was evaluated; obtaining values (P-values) lower than 0.05 (significance level), which indicated reject the null hypotheses and accept the alternative, the end result proves the existence of significant relationships between the two variables of study.El grado de relación existente entre los estilos de liderazgo directivo y calidad educativa en la Institución Educativa José Antonio Encinas UGEL 15 – Huarochirí- 2019.es lo que la presente investigación establece. En cuanto a la metodología es el método y el diseño descriptivos correlacional. Como técnica de colecta de datos se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario con respuestas tipo Likert; aplicado a una muestra representativa de 132 docentes de la Institución. Previamente se realizó la validez de contenido mediante juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad del instrumento mediante una muestra piloto con la técnica estadística Alfa de Cronbach, cuyo resultado nos indica una confiabilidad muy alta, lo que significa que el instrumento debe ser aplicado a toda la muestra, por presentar una consistencia interna favorable y demostrándose así su validez y confiabilidad. La exploración de los estilos de liderazgo directivo constó de tres dimensiones básicas: Interpersonal, político y administrativo. Se evaluó el contraste de hipótesis con el estadístico chi cuadrado de Pearson; obteniendo valores (P-values) menores a 0,05 (nivel de significancia), lo cual indicó rechazar las hipótesis nulas y aceptar las alternas, cuyo resultado final prueba la existencia de relaciones significativas entre ambas variables de estudio

    Protective Human Leucocyte Antigen Haplotype, HLA-DRB1*01-B*14, against Chronic Chagas Disease in Bolivia

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    Chronic Chagas disease consists of four different forms categorized on the basis of their clinical manifestations, namely; cardiac, digestive, cardiodigestive and indeterminate. In Latin America, there are 8–10 million seropositive persons who are at risk of, or have already developed serious clinical complications and who have limited access to effective treatment. The cardiac and digestive forms are characterized by tissue damage caused by persistent infection of Trypanosoma cruzi and are thought to be modulated by host immunity. In our large scale screening for chronic Chagas disease in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, hearts and colons of 229 seropositive patients were examined. We found 31.4% of patients had abnormal electrocardiograms (ECGs), 15.7% presented with megacolon, 5.2% had a combination of abnormal ECG and megacolon, and 58.1% were of indeterminate status. Previously, we attempted to ascertain whether parasite genetic polymorphism might account for the differences in clinical manefestations, by analyzing parasite DNA taken from the same study group (with the addition of a further 62 megacolon post-operational patients). We found no relationships between parasite lineages and clinical disease form. The present study reveals that host HLA polymorphisms associate with clinical manifestations of Chagas

    Libertad humana y presciencia divina: algunos textos de Boecio y San Agustín como semillas de la teoría del acto voluntario en Tomás de Aquino

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    En este artículo queremos mostrar que para Boecio y San Agustín, la libertad humana y la presciencia divina son compatibles entre sí. Para probarlo en primer lugar refutaremos las teorías de los astrónomos y de los filósofos deterministas, utilizando los argumentos del Libro V de la Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín. Luego, estableceremos que desde el punto de vista de la teoría del conocimiento ambos conceptos no son contradictorios. En la segunda parte del trabajo contrastaremos las nociones de libertad de ambos pensadores, destacando en cada una su elemento distintivo; en el caso de Boecio, la libertad humana tiene como base el conocimiento racional, en cambio, en san Agustín el punto de partida es la voluntad. En la conclusión mostraremos que estas dos líneas de investigación son antecedentes de la teoría del acto voluntario de santo Tomás de Aquino

    El ego cogito, punto de partida para la reconstrucción del mundo, o para una subjetividad trascendental

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    En este escrito estudiaremos el ego cogito de Descartes y las consecuencias que el filósofo francés pudo extraer de su propio descubrimiento, y las contrastaremos con el cogito de Edmund Husserl y su fenomenología trascendental, e intentaremos establecer algunas razones por las que Descartes no logra ver todo el alcance de su descubrimiento. This paper studies Descartes’s ego cogito and the consequences that the French philosopher could draw from his own finding. We will compare them with Edmund Husserl’s cogito and his transcendental phenomenology. In addition, we will try to explain some of the reasons why Descartes could not see the whole scope of his finding.

    El ego cogito, punto de partida para la reconstrucción del mundo, o para una subjetividad trascendental

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    En este escrito estudiaremos el ego cogito de Descartes y las consecuencias que el filósofo francés pudo extraer de su propio descubrimiento, y las contrastaremos con el cogito de Edmund Husserl y su fenomenología trascendental, e intentaremos establecer algunas razones por las que Descartes no logra ver todo el alcance de su descubrimiento. This paper studies Descartes’s ego cogito and the consequences that the French philosopher could draw from his own finding. We will compare them with Edmund Husserl’s cogito and his transcendental phenomenology. In addition, we will try to explain some of the reasons why Descartes could not see the whole scope of his finding.

    De la virtud a la eudaimonía en Aristóteles y MacIntyre

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    En este artículo se exponen las diferencias fundamentales entre el concepto devirtud para MacIntyre y para Aristóteles, con el objetivo de distinguir la posturade ambos sobre la función de la comunidad para el desarrollo de la virtud.This article exposes fundamental differences between Aristotle's and MacIntyre's virtue concepts, aiming to distinguish the posture of both, on the role of community in virtue's development

    Electrothermal Instabilities in Dielectric Liquids

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