709 research outputs found

    Extensive Reading With Children: A Small-Scale Study

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Elsa Tragant[spa] En este Trabajo de Final de Grado pretendo centrarme en el aprendizaje del vocabulario a través de la lectura por placer focalizado en niños de entre aproximadamente 9 y 10 años de edad. Dejando de lado el tradicional método de enseñanza en relación a la lectura, he decidido centrarme en otro método menos común para así comprobar su efectividad conocida como lectura extensiva el cual consiste en leer por placer, para disfrutar. Es un proyecto centrado en el aprendizaje del vocabulario a través de la lectura. Los estudiantes leen 4 historias cortas cada uno de las cuales se examinan antes, durante y después de estas. El objetivo es comprobar la efectividad a la hora de adquirir vocabulario utilizando el método de lectura mencionado. Palabras clave: frecuencia, exposición, léxico y repetición.[eng]This 'Treball de Fi de Grau' is focusing on the acquisition of vocabulary or new words through extensive reading in children between the years of 9 and 10 approximately. In order to avoid the naturalistic approach of learning new vocabulary established in classroom settings I chose the method of extensive reading, which is the action of reading for pleasure, in order to examine the students. It is a project centred in the learning through reading, the students are asked to read 4 different short stories each one from which they are assessed before, while and after the actual reading. The main aim of the project is to compare both the skill for the acquisition of words before and after and therefore to observe the effectiveness of extensive reading method. Keywords: frequency, exposure, lexic and repetition

    From Little Chapters to the Big Questions: How Were the Croatian Glagolitic Breviaries and Missals Compiled?

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    This paper deals with textual transmission in pre-Tridentine Croatian Glagolitic missals and breviaries. Previous research has demonstrated that northern (Krk-Istria) codices follow earlier translations from Greek, whereas southern (Zadar-Krbava) codices have been adjusted to Latin exemplars. However, this differentiation is not clear-cut – certain codices are recognised as a combination of the northern and southern group. The paper addresses the inability to establish a stemma codicum, explaining this through both the high loss rate of Croatian Glagolitic codices and horizontal textual transmission (the usage of more than one exemplar). Further insight into the given topic is provided through discussion of the types of Glagolitic scribes (simple scribe, scholar-scribe, redactor-like scribe, and redactor-scribe) and the determinants of their work, the most prominent of which is the absence of authorial authority. The core of the paper is the study of little chapters as texts shared between breviaries and missals. Data analysis suggests the two liturgical books share a common origin, and that each was likely used as a source for the other. Moreover, data analysis also broadens the notion of the polygenetic origin of Croatian Glagolitic books, which should be understood not only in terms of successive contaminations, but simultaneous contaminations as well. Both types of contamination are sometimes extra-stemmatic, which means that different kinds of sources were used by Glagolitic scribes during copying (including older Glagolitic missals and breviaries, other Church Slavonic books such as the Prophetologion or Apostolos, and personal memory). The paper offers an explanation as to why it is unlikely that a Glagolitic Bible and Latin exemplars were (commonly) used as sources

    Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions during Axons Guidance

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    The establishment of neuronal connections during development is a critical process for the correct function of central nervous system and for their regeneration during adult stages. Axon extension and guidance toward their targets are a complex process involving several signals provided by extracellular milieu where secreted factors, other cells, axons, and extracellular matrix proteins are interacting to establish the wiring of the brain. The expression of those signals at specific time and space, and their mechanisms of action during axon projection are the subject of numerous studies. This knowledge had contributed to understand the complex panorama of brain wiring during development and the origin and possible cure of central nervous system diseases. In this chapter, we focus on cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions as two important signals during axon guidance, and how these interactions impact the response to diffusible guidance cues. We emphasize the need and the challenge to understand the complex relations among simultaneous signals to guide axons projections, and how this knowledge could influence approaches to deal with neural regeneration issues

    Bullying and intellectual disability from the perspective of students.

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    Bullying has been a recurrent phenomenon throughout the history of education. Among those most vulnerable are those with intellectual disabilities who tend to suffer greater levels of victimisation. The purpose of this research is to analyse the prevalence of bullying of students with intellectual disability in ordinary schools compared to special education schools. The project used a nonexperimental, descriptive and correlational methodology with a sample of 99 students who completed the validated European Bellying Intervention Project Questionnaire measurement tool. The results show that the majority of students who were victimised by bullies left their ordinary school during secondary education. Within ordinary schools, students with disabilities are more likely to experience bullying in the role of victim while in special education schools the most frequent role is that of observer.pre-print212 K

    Gendered Carceral Logics in Social Work: The Blurred Boundaries in Gender Equality Policies for Imprisoned and Battered Women in Spain

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    This article uses feminist critical analysis as a conceptual framework in order to reflect upon the carceral drifts adopted by gender equality policies in Spain. This issue has been deeply analyzed in the American context, and we believe it is relevant to bring the experiences of other contexts into discussion, such the Spanish one, where the welfare state has been affected by the 2008 global financial crisis. With the aim of adding to the discussion and making a contribution from feminisms and social work perspectives, this work carries out a comparative analysis on carceral policies addressed to women, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, on protection policies for women victims of gender- based violence. Based on our fieldwork in Andalucia (Spain) for more than 10 years, as well as on legal and programmatical text analysis, we question the alleged control/protection separation, highlighting the existence of gendered carceral logics in both contexts. We highlight the social control to which women are subject and for which subjects women to the image of a “good victim” on the one hand and a “good mother” on the other.Funding from the University Lecturers’ Training Program (Reference: FPU16/00077) of the Spanish Government Ministry of Education, Culture and Spor

    Entorno urbano y uso de parques: estudio comparativo entre dos barrios del área metropolitana de Monterrey

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    Este estudio de caso examina cómo las características del entorno urbano determinan el patrón de uso de parques por parte de niños de dos barrios de clase media de la zona metropolitana de Monterrey. Nuestras estimaciones revelan que variables como la calidad de la infraestructura, la localización de las instalaciones y la percepción de inseguridad afectan significativamente las horas de visita a estos espacios. Los niños del barrio menos equipado y socialmente menos dinámico tienen considerablemente menos horas de parque, y sus visitas ocurren más esporádicamente. En ambos sitios encontramos diferencias por género, el valor esperado de horas de parque de las niñas es aproximadamente 50% inferior. Dados los beneficios que se derivan de tener parques de calidad y las consecuencias negativas de no tenerlos, se recomienda particularmente la coordinación entre las partes involucradas para evitar su deterioro, así como aumentar su densidad considerando ubicaciones estratégicas y diseños más apropiados

    La migración temporal asistida de AIESEC: ¿Una fuerza transnacional que opera en el mercado laboral en Colombia?

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    Este trabajo de grado busca brindar una mirada internacionalista al Estudio de caso Alianza estratégica entre AIESEC en Colombia y SABMiller durante el periodo 2008 – 2011. El trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo identificar la influencia o no influencia de la migración temporal asistida en el mercado laboral, con base en el análisis de la teoría liberal de las relaciones internacionales y por medio de un análisis macroeconómico de Colombia. Finalmente el estudio de caso permite dilucidar hallazgos de influencia de este tipo de migración en el mercado laboral en Colombia y como la economía del país podría verse beneficiada por el accionar de una ONG como AIESEC.This degree work is seeking to give an internationalist view to the study case of AIESEC in Colombia and SABMiller strategic partnership during 2008-2011. The degree work has as objective to identify the influence or non-influence of the temporary assistance migration in the labour market, based on the liberal theory analysis of the international relations and also based on a Colombian macroeconomic analysis. Finally the case of study allows to clarify some influences between the temporary assistance migration and the Colombian labour market; also in this way allows to identify how the Colombian economy can be benefited by actions of a NGO like AIESEC

    Caracterización molecular y terapia antisentido en aciduría metilmalónica aislada

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 04-11-200

    Weissella confusa Infection in Primate (Cercopithecus mona)

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    We describe systemic infection by Weissella confusa in a mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) on the basis of microbiologic, molecular genetic, and histologic data. The same strain of W. confusa, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, was isolated in pure culture from the primate’s brain, liver, spleen, and intestine. Histologic lesions showed inflammatory infiltrates mainly composed of neutrophils, indicating an acute septicemic process