133 research outputs found


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    This study assessed the moderating effect of social problem-solving (SPS) in the association between risk factors and peer victimization in a sample of Colombian adolescents. Using structural equation modeling techniques, this study assessed the extent to which changes in victimization varied as a function of the interaction between risk factors and social problem-solving. Results showed that both aggression and avoidance were predictive of initial scores on victimization, but only avoidance was found to predict its change over time. Only a main effect of SPS was found at the beginning of the year; no moderating effects were found. Results are consistent with previous findings by confirming that avoidance and aggression are risk factors for peer victimization

    El maestro como formador y cultor de la vida

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    El presente artículo describe y reflexiona sobre el proceso histórico del quehacer pedagógico y los aspectos fundamentales del maestro como formador y cultor de vida, desde la antigüedad hasta los albores del siglo XXI. El maestro auténtico posee unas características esenciales que lo distinguen como líder, formador y forjador de personas, potenciador de saberes y valores que coadyuvan al desarrollo humano. No sólo enseña contenidos e instruye sino que educa con las actitudes y ejemplos de vida. Se presentan aquí las cualidades del maestro integral en que se conjugan el conocimiento científico, las virtudes intelectuales, el sentido humanista, la visión prospectiva, creadora y transformadora, la defensa de la verdad y de la vida, el cultivo de los valores éticos, la edificación innovadora de la cultura y el compromiso permanente de educar para la libertad

    Context-Dependent Peer Victimization: Are physical and relational aggression tolerated differently in mixed-sex versus all-girl schools?

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    Contextual differences in the association between different forms of aggressive behavior and victimization were studied with a sample of 197 boys and 149 girls from mixed-sex schools and in 336 girls from all-girl schools (M = 10.21 years of age) in two cities in Colombia. Results showed that boys generally engage in more physical than relational aggression, whereas girls engage in more relational than physical aggression. Among boys, the association between aggression and victimization was significant only for the measure of relational aggression, whereas, for girls, victimization was significantly correlated only with physical aggression. This latter association was found to be significantly stronger for girls from the all-girl schools than for the girls from the mixed-sex schools. These findings are discussed in terms of how mixed-sex and same-sex groups, as different forms of peer context, affect the social dynamics related to the association between aggression and victimization

    The moderating effects of social problem-solving in the relationship between risk factors and peer victimization in colombian early adolescents/ efectos moderadores de la habilidad de solución de problemas sociales en la relación entre factores ...

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    This study assessed the moderating effect of social problem-solving (SPS) in the association between risk factors and peer victimization in a sample of Colombian adolescents. Using structural equation modeling techniques, this study assessed the extent to which changes in victimization varied as a function of the interaction between risk factors and social problem-solving. Results showed that both aggression and avoidance were predictive of initial scores on victimization, but only avoidance was found to predict its change over time. Only a main effect of SPS was found at the beginning of the year; no moderating effects were found. Results are consistent with previous findings by confirming that avoidance and aggression are risk factors for peer victimization


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    El plátano tiene en sus procesos productivos alta dependencia de agroquímicos, siendo necesario romper con esta dependencia, explorando la adopción de alternativas biológicas, privilegiando el uso de insumos producidos al interior del agroecosistema. Considerando la pluralidad, el análisis integral, la incertidumbre, la búsqueda y análisis de las complejas relaciones a nivel económico, ecológico, sociocultural y político, presentes en los procesos de adopción, el análisis de decisión multicriterio, es la metodología más pertinente, ya que considera que el criterio económico no es ni el más importante ni el único a involucrar en este proceso, que se generan criterios contradictorios y conflictivos que hay que entender para llegar a soluciones de compromiso entre las partes. Por tal razón, se plantea identificar bajo esta metodología los criterios que influyen en la adopción potencial de alternativas biológicas por los productores de plátano del Quindío


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    Objetivo: caracterizar los eventos adversos presentados en una E.S.E de primer nivel en Caldas entre 2007 y  2009. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, retrospectivo, que analizó la  información obtenida de los eventos adversos (E.A) registrados en los años 2007 a 2009 en una institución de  primer nivel de Caldas. Se revisó la base de datos de reporte de E.A de la institución, que contenía 112  registros; se descartaron 63 registros y se seleccionaron los que podían ser evaluados a partir de la historia  clínica (49). Se les aplicó un instrumento a través del cual se identificaron variables socio-demográficas,  características del evento y calidad del registro. Resultados: de los E.A registrados, 38 corresponden al sexo  femenino y 11 al sexo masculino, los E.A más frecuentes fueron los obstétricos (40,8%), muerte por  inatención (16,3%), los menos frecuentes fueron fallos en la seguridad (2,0%); según gravedad, 18,4%  muertes; 57,1% leves y 8.2% moderados. En el 30,6% de los casos no se instauró manejo, en el 22,4% pequeña cirugía y otros manejos 20,4%. Con respecto a la calidad del registro, el 32,6% eran malos, el 44,8% regulares  y el 20,4% eran de buena calidad. Conclusiones: el 100% de los eventos adversos no contaban con actas  individuales de seguimiento, solo se cuenta con un acta de reporte de los eventos adversos más relevantes,  pero estas no implican un seguimiento del evento, ni contienen los datos específicos de la situación ocurrida  y del paciente.Objective: to characterize the adverse events happening in a first-level hospital in the Department of Caldas  between 2007 and 2009. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study was  performed which analyzed the information obtained during the adverse events (AE) registered between 2007 and 2009 in a first level hospital in the Department of Caldas. An EA data report of the institution was revised  which contained 112 records. 63 records were highlighted and those that could be evaluated from the  medical record (49) were selected. They were applied an instrument though which social-demographic,  characteristics of the event and quality of the record variables were identified. Results: from the AE recorded, 38 cases corresponded to females and 11 cases to males. The most frequent AE were obstetric events (40.8%) and death as a result of lack of attention (16.3%); the least frequent cases were failures in safety (2.0%);  18.4% were deaths depending on seriousness of disease, 57.1% were slight events and 8.2% were moderate  events. In 30.6% of the cases management was not established; in 22.4% of the cases small surgery was  applied and in 20.4% other procedures were applied. As far as quality of records is concerned, 32.6% were  bad, 44.8% were average, and 20.4% were high quality. Conclusions: 100% of the adverse events did not have individual proceeding records. Only one report of the most relevant AE was available but it neither implies a  follow up of the event nor contains specific data of the situation or the patient

    Model for automatic detection of lexical-syntactic errors in texts written in Spanish

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    La valoración de textos escritos es una tarea que considera principalmente dos aspectos: el sintáctico y el semántico. El primero de ellos, se enfoca en la forma del texto y el segundo en el significado. La puesta en marcha de dicha tarea realizada en forma manual implica un esfuerzo en tiempo y recursos, que se puede reducir si parte del proceso se lleva a cabo de forma automática. De acuerdo con los antecedentes revisados en la corrección automática de textos, se identifican diferentes técnicas, entre ellas la lingüística, la cual se centra en los elementos sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos. Así, la investigación en curso se orienta a la revisión automática de textos escritos en español desde el punto de vista de la sintaxis, como punto de partida para garantizar la coherencia y la cohesión en la composición de textos, lo que puede ser de utilidad e impacto en el medio académico.Con el propósito de llevar a cabo este estudio se recolectó y analizó un conjunto de textos de estudiantes de un programa académico, al cual se le aplicó técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y aprendizaje de máquina. Adicionalmente, se realizó una corrección manual con la finalidad de comparar ambos resultados. De esta manera, se determinó que hay correspondencia entre ellos, lo cual permitió concluir que el método automático sirve de apoyo en el proceso de corrección sintáctica de un texto escrito en español.Evaluating written texts is a task that mainly considers two aspects: syntactics and semantics. The first one focuses on the form of the text, and the second one, on its meaning. Conducting this task manually implies an effort in time and resources that can be reduced if part of the process is carried out automatically. According to the reviewed literature, there are different techniques for automatically correcting texts. One of them is the linguistic approach, which focuses on syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic elements. Likewise, this ongoing research is concerned with the automatic evaluation of syntactic errors in texts written in Spanish as a starting point to ensure coherence and cohesion in text composition, which may be useful in the academic environment. In order to carry out this study, a set of texts by students enrolled in an academic program was collected and analyzed by applying natural language processing and machine learning techniques. Additionally, the content of the corpus was manually corrected to compare the results of both methods, and correspondence was established between them. For this reason, it was concluded that the automatic method supports the syntactic correction process of a text written in Spanish

    Coffee consumption increases the antioxidant capacity of plasma and has no effect on the lipid profile or vascular function in healthy adults in a randomized controlled trial

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    ABSTRACT: Coffee, a source of antioxidants, has controversial effects on cardiovascular health. Objective: We evaluated the bioavailability of chlorogenic acids (CGAs) in 2 coffees and the effects of their consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity (AC), the serum lipid profile, and the vascular function in healthy adults. Methods: Thirty-eight men and 37 women with a mean 6 SD age of 38.5 6 9 y and body mass index of 24.1 6 2.6 kg/m2 were randomly assigned to 3 groups: a control group that did not consume coffee or a placebo and 2 groups that consumed 400 mL coffee/d for 8 wk containing a medium (MCCGA; 420 mg) or high (HCCGA; 780 mg) CGA content. Both were low in diterpenes (0.83 mg/d) and caffeine (193 mg/d). Plasma caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations were measured by GC, and the plasma AC was evaluated with use of the ferric-reducing antioxidant power method. The serum lipid profile, nitric oxide (NO) plasma metabolites, vascular endothelial function (flow-mediated dilation; FMD), and blood pressure (BP) were evaluated.Results: After coffee consumption (1 h and 8 wk), caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations increased in the coffee-drinking groups, although the values of the 2 groups were significantly different (P < 0.001); caffeic and ferulic acid concentrations were undetectable in the control group. At 1 h after consumption, the plasma AC in the control group was significantly lower than the baseline value (22%) and significantly increased in the MCCGA (6%) and HCCGA (5%) groups (P < 0.05). After 8 wk, no significant differences in the lipid, FMD, BP, or NO plasma metabolite values were observed between the groups. Conclusions: Both coffees, which contained CGAs and were low in diterpenes and caffeine, provided bioavailable CGAs and had a positive acute effect on the plasma AC in healthy adults and no effect on blood lipids or vascular function. The group that did not drink coffee showed no improvement in serum lipid profile, FMD, BP, or NO plasma metabolites. This trial was registered at registroclinico.sld.cu as RPCEC00000168

    Biorremediación en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos

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    Se estudia la bioremediación de suelos contaminados con el interés de disminuir el efecto contaminante de hidrocarburos a niveles no tóxicos. Los ensayos a escala laboratorio, desarrollados en condiciones de temperatura, aireación y humedad controlada permiten evaluar alternativas de utilización de nutrientes, inoculación de bacterias y/o aprovechamiento de la microflora natural del suelo. Los resultados muestran la activación de la microflora natural por la utilización de nutrientes en proporción adecuada, obteniéndose remociones de hidrocaburo de 70 % en 55 días de proceso. Asimismo, se analiza la efectividad del proceso de bioremediación cuando se utiliza suelo recuperado. Así, la utilización de suelo virgen puede limitarse al mínimo evitando desmontes innecesarios para su provisión.It was studied contaminated soils bioremediation with the interest to decrease the hydrocarbon contaminant effect to no toxic levels. The laboratory assays, developed at temperature, aeration, and moisture controlled conditions let alternative nutrients, commercial microbes addition, and/or natural soil micro flora profit evaluation. The results show the natural micro flora activation because of the adequate proportions nutrients utilization. It was obtained 70 % petroleum hydrocarbon removal in 55 process days. Also, It can limit the native soils utilization and not allowing cutting trees when it is not necessary.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Biorremediación en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos

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    Se estudia la bioremediación de suelos contaminados con el interés de disminuir el efecto contaminante de hidrocarburos a niveles no tóxicos. Los ensayos a escala laboratorio, desarrollados en condiciones de temperatura, aireación y humedad controlada permiten evaluar alternativas de utilización de nutrientes, inoculación de bacterias y/o aprovechamiento de la microflora natural del suelo. Los resultados muestran la activación de la microflora natural por la utilización de nutrientes en proporción adecuada, obteniéndose remociones de hidrocaburo de 70 % en 55 días de proceso. Asimismo, se analiza la efectividad del proceso de bioremediación cuando se utiliza suelo recuperado. Así, la utilización de suelo virgen puede limitarse al mínimo evitando desmontes innecesarios para su provisión.It was studied contaminated soils bioremediation with the interest to decrease the hydrocarbon contaminant effect to no toxic levels. The laboratory assays, developed at temperature, aeration, and moisture controlled conditions let alternative nutrients, commercial microbes addition, and/or natural soil micro flora profit evaluation. The results show the natural micro flora activation because of the adequate proportions nutrients utilization. It was obtained 70 % petroleum hydrocarbon removal in 55 process days. Also, It can limit the native soils utilization and not allowing cutting trees when it is not necessary.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES