23 research outputs found


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    The solar radiation reflected by the system Earth.s surface and atmosphere is known as Albedo. The value of the albedo depends on the nature or quality of the Atmosphere and on the type of surface (Land or Ocean) and cloud cover. Various natural and man-made phenomena (Greenhouse effect, Heat exchange, Aerosols, Deforestation, Volcanic eruption, etc.) change the value of Reflectivity (Veissid, 2003, 2011 and 2012). Therefore the variation of the planetary albedo values can be used to monitor climate chang

    Electronic and optical properties of lead iodide

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    ABSTRACT: Lead iodide (PbI2) is a very important material with a technological applicability as a room-temperature radiation detector. It is a wide-band-gap semiconductor (Eg.2 eV) with high environmental stability efficiency. The performance of the detector cannot be fully understood unless its electronic and optical properties are determined. Recently, its band-gap energy and thermal properties were determined by photoacoustic spectroscopy. A single crystal of PbI2 was grown by the Bridgman method with the c-axis oriented perpendicular to the growth axis. The purpose of this work is to obtain the electronic structure of PbI2, its dielectric functions e 1 and e 2 by ellipsometry and theoretically by full-potential linear muffin-tinorbital ~FPLMTO! method, and the temperature dependence of the measured band-gap energy by optica absorption. The obtained Eg(T) can be fitted by two different methods, leading to Eg ~0 K! and Eg ~300 K!

    Experimento ALBEDO do satélite SCD2 do INPE estabelece base de dados decenal para monitorar mudança climática global

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    The second satellite of the Brazilian Space Mission of the National Institute of Space Researches (SCD2/MECB) launched on October 23, 1998 carries on board an ALBEDO experiment that use space solar cell produced in Brazil. The device acts as a sensor of light and it allows measure the direct solar radiation and the portion of this radiation that it is reflected outside of Earth. This way, the experiment measures the global albedo through the relationship between these two values after spherical angular corrections. The SCD2 has a circular orbit of 750 km high. Albedo data are transmitted in real time and received by the ground station of Cuiabá, MT-Brazil (16S; 56W), which limits its spatial coverage on South America. Statistics done in the data allowed establish a decanal pattern albedo map, on South America, to the four season periods: DJF (december, january and february), MAM (march, april and may), JJA (june, july and august) and SON (september, october and november). This work shows this pattern and use it to determine the annomaly variation map at the period DJF of 2009 year.Pages: 8767-877

    Zuzu Angel: uma marca fiel a si mesma

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    A intenção deste trabalho é compreender os processos que permitem a uma marca de moda se construir e se solidificar através do tempo, permanecendo viva no imaginário do público e arraigada aos seus valores de origem. Para isso, analisa-se a trajetória da estilista brasileira Zuzu Angel, sua contribuição para a moda do país e do mundo e a forma como suas experiências pessoais relativas à luta contra a ditadura militar interferiram diretamente no posicionamento da sua marca. Além disso, procura-se analisar os elementos simbólicos que constituem a identidade da marca e entender as mudanças sofridas por eles a partir dos acontecimentos.The intention of this work is to understand the processes that allow a fashion brand to build and solidify itself through time, remaining alive in the public imagination and rooted in its values of origin. For this, it will analyze the trajectory of the Brazilian designer Zuzu Angel, her contribution to brazilian fashion and around the world, and the way in which her personal experiences associated with the fight against the military dictatorship have directly interfered in the positioning of her brand. In addition, it seeks to analyze the symbolic elements that constitute the identity of the brand and understand the changes undergone by them from these events

    Zuzu Angel: uma marca fiel a si mesma

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    A intenção deste trabalho é compreender os processos que permitem a uma marca de moda se construir e se solidificar através do tempo, permanecendo viva no imaginário do público e arraigada aos seus valores de origem. Para isso, analisa-se a trajetória da estilista brasileira Zuzu Angel, sua contribuição para a moda do país e do mundo e a forma como suas experiências pessoais relativas à luta contra a ditadura militar interferiram diretamente no posicionamento da sua marca. Além disso, procura-se analisar os elementos simbólicos que constituem a identidade da marca e entender as mudanças sofridas por eles a partir dos acontecimentos.The intention of this work is to understand the processes that allow a fashion brand to build and solidify itself through time, remaining alive in the public imagination and rooted in its values of origin. For this, it will analyze the trajectory of the Brazilian designer Zuzu Angel, her contribution to brazilian fashion and around the world, and the way in which her personal experiences associated with the fight against the military dictatorship have directly interfered in the positioning of her brand. In addition, it seeks to analyze the symbolic elements that constitute the identity of the brand and understand the changes undergone by them from these events

    Solid angle experimental correction for gamma-gamma angular correlation

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    Foi efetuado o mapeamento da eficiência intrínseca no fotopico de dois detetores Ge(Li) do tipo falso coaxial, com fótons colimados de uma fonte de 152Eu de 1 mCi, em f unção da direção de incidência. Este mapeamento permitiu efetuar experimentalmente a correção de ângulo sólido para experimentos de correlação angular gama-gama. Esta correção não possui hipóteses como: detetor perfeitamente cilíndrico, ou com seu eixo coincidente com aquele do invólucro. A aplicação da informação de eficiência para a correção de dados de correlação angular implicou em um novo método de análise, onde é ajustada a eles uma expressão do tipo: W(?)= ?.[1+ ?_(kpar>0)??Akk .?_(m= -k)^k?C_km .e^(-1m?)]? onde os Ckm são coeficientes complexos. A qualidade do método foi verificada com a análise de correlações angulares presentes nos decaimentos dos isótopos 60Co e 100Rh com misturas multipolares conhecidas. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, demonstrando a qualidade dos métodos de mapeamento e de análise da função de correlação angular.The scanning of the intrinsic photopeak efficiency for two Ge(Li) detectors, of false coaxial type (wrap around) was performed with collimated photons from a 152Eu source with 1 mCi, as a function of the direction of incidence. This scanning allowed to obtain experimentally the solid angle correction, to be used in gamma-gamma angular correlation experiments. This correction have no hypotheses like: detector perfectly cylindrical, or with its axis coincident with the end cup axis. The efficiency information applied for the correction of angular correlation data involved a new analysis method, where it is fitted to the data an expression Iike this W(?)= ?.[1+ ?_(kpar>0)??Akk .?_(m= -k)^k?C_km .e^(-1m?)]? the Ckm are complex coefficients. The quality of the method was checked with data analysis of angular correlation functions present in the 60Co and 100Rh decays, with known multipole mixtures. The results were satisfactory, demonstrating the quality of both methods, detector mapping and analysis of correlation functions

    Solid angle experimental correction for gamma-gamma angular correlation

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    Foi efetuado o mapeamento da eficiência intrínseca no fotopico de dois detetores Ge(Li) do tipo falso coaxial, com fótons colimados de uma fonte de 152Eu de 1 mCi, em f unção da direção de incidência. Este mapeamento permitiu efetuar experimentalmente a correção de ângulo sólido para experimentos de correlação angular gama-gama. Esta correção não possui hipóteses como: detetor perfeitamente cilíndrico, ou com seu eixo coincidente com aquele do invólucro. A aplicação da informação de eficiência para a correção de dados de correlação angular implicou em um novo método de análise, onde é ajustada a eles uma expressão do tipo: W(?)= ?.[1+ ?_(kpar>0)??Akk .?_(m= -k)^k?C_km .e^(-1m?)]? onde os Ckm são coeficientes complexos. A qualidade do método foi verificada com a análise de correlações angulares presentes nos decaimentos dos isótopos 60Co e 100Rh com misturas multipolares conhecidas. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, demonstrando a qualidade dos métodos de mapeamento e de análise da função de correlação angular.The scanning of the intrinsic photopeak efficiency for two Ge(Li) detectors, of false coaxial type (wrap around) was performed with collimated photons from a 152Eu source with 1 mCi, as a function of the direction of incidence. This scanning allowed to obtain experimentally the solid angle correction, to be used in gamma-gamma angular correlation experiments. This correction have no hypotheses like: detector perfectly cylindrical, or with its axis coincident with the end cup axis. The efficiency information applied for the correction of angular correlation data involved a new analysis method, where it is fitted to the data an expression Iike this W(?)= ?.[1+ ?_(kpar>0)??Akk .?_(m= -k)^k?C_km .e^(-1m?)]? the Ckm are complex coefficients. The quality of the method was checked with data analysis of angular correlation functions present in the 60Co and 100Rh decays, with known multipole mixtures. The results were satisfactory, demonstrating the quality of both methods, detector mapping and analysis of correlation functions