174 research outputs found

    Concern for information privacy:a cross-nation study of the United Kingdom and South Africa

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    Individuals have differing levels of information privacy concern, formed by their expectations and the confidence they have that organisations meet this in practice. Variance in privacy laws and national factors may also play a role. This study analyses individuals’ information privacy expectation and confidence across two nations, the United Kingdom and South Africa, through a survey of 1463 respondents. The findings indicate that the expectation for privacy in both countries are very high. However, numerous significant differences exist between expectations and confidence when examining privacy principles. The overall results for both countries show that there is a gap in terms of the privacy expectations of respondents compared to the confidence they have in whether organisations are meeting their expectations. Governments, regulators, and organisations with an online presence need to consider individuals’ expectations and ensure that controls that meet regulatory requirements, as well as expectations, are in place

    Generation of human antibody fragments recognizing distinct epitopes of the nucleocapsid (N) SARS-CoV protein using a phage display approach

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    BACKGROUND: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV is a newly emerging virus that causes SARS with high mortality rate in infected people. Successful control of the global SARS epidemic will require rapid and sensitive diagnostic tests to monitor its spread, as well as, the development of vaccines and new antiviral compounds including neutralizing antibodies that effectively prevent or treat this disease. METHODS: The human synthetic single-chain fragment variable (scFv) ETH-2 phage antibody library was used for the isolation of scFvs against the nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-CoV using a bio panning-based strategy. The selected scFvs were characterized under genetics-molecular aspects and for SARS-CoV N protein detection in ELISA, western blotting and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Human scFv antibodies to N protein of SARS-CoV can be easily isolated by selecting the ETH-2 phage library on immunotubes coated with antigen. These in vitro selected human scFvs specifically recognize in ELISA and western blotting studies distinct epitopes in N protein domains and detect in immunohistochemistry investigations SARS-CoV particles in infected Vero cells. CONCLUSION: The human scFv antibodies isolated and described in this study represent useful reagents for rapid detection of N SARS-CoV protein and SARS virus particles in infected target cells

    The Spectrin Cytoskeleton Is Crucial for Adherent and Invasive Bacterial Pathogenesis

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    Various enteric bacterial pathogens target the host cell cytoskeletal machinery as a crucial event in their pathogenesis. Despite thorough studies detailing strategies microbes use to exploit these components of the host cell, the role of the spectrin-based cytoskeleton has been largely overlooked. Here we show that the spectrin cytoskeleton is a host system that is hijacked by adherent (Entropathogenic Escherichia coli [EPEC]), invasive triggering (Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium [S. Typhimurium]) and invasive zippering (Listeria monocytogenes) bacteria. We demonstrate that spectrin cytoskeletal proteins are recruited to EPEC pedestals, S. Typhimurium membrane ruffles and Salmonella containing vacuoles (SCVs), as well as sites of invasion and comet tail initiation by L. monocytogenes. Spectrin was often seen co-localizing with actin filaments at the cell periphery, however a disconnect between the actin and spectrin cytoskeletons was also observed. During infections with S. Typhimurium ΔsipA, actin-rich membrane ruffles at characteristic sites of bacterial invasion often occurred in the absence of spectrin cytoskeletal proteins. Additionally, early in the formation of L. monocytogenes comet tails, spectrin cytoskeletal elements were recruited to the surface of the internalized bacteria independent of actin filaments. Further studies revealed the presence of the spectrin cytoskeleton during SCV and Listeria comet tail formation, highlighting novel cytoplasmic roles for the spectrin cytoskeleton. SiRNA targeted against spectrin and the spectrin-associated proteins severely diminished EPEC pedestal formation as well as S. Typhimurium and L. monocytogenes invasion. Ultimately, these findings identify the spectrin cytoskeleton as a ubiquitous target of enteric bacterial pathogens and indicate that this cytoskeletal system is critical for these infections to progress

    The BRICS in the Global Order: A New Political Agenda?

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    Regarding the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) it’s important to analyze comparatively the new power cycle in order to understand not only the impact of the world crisis as well as the relationship between the official political discourses and the economic instability. Actually, the trade liberalization and economic interdependence accompanied with an uncertain international system are putting pressure to the BRICS with their own agendas for global order in seeking for a balance and also to regain a new political and economical dynamic for the promotion of new strategies

    Adenylate Cyclase Toxin Promotes Internalisation of Integrins and Raft Components and Decreases Macrophage Adhesion Capacity

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    Bordetella pertussis, the bacterium that causes whooping cough, secretes an adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) that must be post-translationally palmitoylated in the bacterium cytosol to be active. The toxin targets phagocytes expressing the CD11b/CD18 integrin receptor. It delivers a catalytic adenylate cyclase domain into the target cell cytosol producing a rapid increase of intracellular cAMP concentration that suppresses bactericidal functions of the phagocyte. ACT also induces calcium fluxes into target cells. Biochemical, biophysical and cell biology approaches have been applied here to show evidence that ACT and integrin molecules, along with other raft components, are rapidly internalized by the macrophages in a toxin-induced calcium rise-dependent process. The toxin-triggered internalisation events occur through two different routes of entry, chlorpromazine-sensitive receptor-mediated endocytosis and clathrin-independent internalisation, maybe acting in parallel. ACT locates into raft-like domains, and is internalised, also in cells devoid of receptor. Altogether our results suggest that adenylate cyclase toxin, and maybe other homologous pathogenic toxins from the RTX (Repeats in Toxin) family to which ACT belongs, may be endowed with an intrinsic capacity to, directly and efficiently, insert into raft-like domains, promoting there its multiple activities. One direct consequence of the integrin removal from the cell surface of the macrophages is the hampering of their adhesion ability, a fundamental property in the immune response of the leukocytes that could be instrumental in the pathogenesis of Bordetella pertussis

    Cell-to-Cell Interactions and Signals Involved in the Reconstitution of Peripheral CD8+ TCM and TEM Cell Pools

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    We here describe novel aspects of CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subset interactions that may be clinically relevant and provide new tools for regulating the reconstitution of the peripheral CD8+ T cell pools in immune-deficient states. We show that the reconstitution capacity of transferred isolated naïve CD8+ T cells and their differentiation of effector functions is limited, but both dramatically increase upon the co-transfer of CD4+ T cells. This helper effect is complex and determined by multiple factors. It was directly correlated to the number of helper cells, required the continuous presence of the CD4+ T cells, dependent on host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) expressing CD40 and on the formation of CD4/CD8/APC cell clusters. By comparing the recovery of (CD44+CD62Lhigh) TCM and (CD44+CD62Llow) TEM CD8+ T cells, we found that the accumulation of TCM and TEM subsets is differentially regulated. TCM-cell accumulation depended mainly on type I interferons, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-15, but was independent of CD4+ T-cell help. In contrast, TEM-cell expansion was mainly determined by CD4+ T-cell help and dependent on the expression of IL-2Rβ by CD8 cells, on IL-2 produced by CD4+ T-cells, on IL-15 and to a minor extent on IL-6

    HBV continuum of care using community- and hospital-based screening interventions in Senegal: Results from the PROLIFICA programme

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Strategies to implement HBV screening and treatment are critical to achieve HBV elimination but have been inadequately evaluated in sub-Saharan Africa (sSA). METHODS: We assessed the feasibility of screen-and-treat interventions in 3 real-world settings (community, workplace, and hospital) in Senegal. Adult participants were screened using a rapid HBsAg point-of-care test. The proportion linked to care, the proportion who had complete clinical staging (alanine transaminase [ALT], viral load, and FibroScan®), and the proportion eligible for treatment were compared among the 3 intervention groups. RESULTS: In 2013-2016, a total of 3,665 individuals were screened for HBsAg in the community (n = 2,153) and in workplaces (n = 1,512); 199/2,153 (9.2%) and 167/1,512 (11%) were HBsAg-positive in the community and workplaces, respectively. In the hospital setting (outpatient clinics), 638 HBsAg-positive participants were enrolled in the study. All infected participants were treatment naïve. Linkage to care was similar among community-based (69.9%), workplace-based (69.5%), and hospital-based interventions (72.6%, p = 0.617). Of HBV-infected participants successfully linked to care, full clinical staging was obtained in 47.5% (66/139), 59.5% (69/116), and 71.1% (329/463) from the community, workplaces, and hospitals, respectively (p <0.001). The proportion eligible for treatment (EASL criteria) differed among community- (9.1%), workplace- (30.4%), and hospital-based settings (17.6%, p = 0.007). Acceptability of antiviral therapy, adherence, and safety at 1 year were very good. CONCLUSIONS: HBV screen-and-treat interventions are feasible in non-hospital and hospital settings in Senegal. However, the continuum of care is suboptimal owing to limited access to full clinical staging. Improvement in access to diagnostic services is urgently needed in sSA. LAY SUMMARY: Hepatitis B infection is highly endemic in Senegal. Screening for infection can be done outside hospitals, in communities or workplaces. However, the hepatitis B continuum of care is suboptimal in Senegal and needs to be simplified to scale-up diagnosis and treatment coverage

    Recruitment of the Major Vault Protein by InlK: A Listeria monocytogenes Strategy to Avoid Autophagy

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    L. monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular bacterium responsible for listeriosis. It is able to invade, survive and replicate in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. The infectious process at the cellular level has been extensively studied and many virulence factors have been identified. Yet, the role of InlK, a member of the internalin family specific to L. monocytogenes, remains unknown. Here, we first show using deletion analysis and in vivo infection, that InlK is a bona fide virulence factor, poorly expressed in vitro and well expressed in vivo, and that it is anchored to the bacterial surface by sortase A. We then demonstrate by a yeast two hybrid screen using InlK as a bait, validated by pulldown experiments and immunofluorescence analysis that intracytosolic bacteria via an interaction with the protein InlK interact with the Major Vault Protein (MVP), the main component of cytoplasmic ribonucleoproteic particules named vaults. Although vaults have been implicated in several cellular processes, their role has remained elusive. Our analysis demonstrates that MVP recruitment disguises intracytosolic bacteria from autophagic recognition, leading to an increased survival rate of InlK over-expressing bacteria compared to InlK− bacteria. Together these results reveal that MVP is hijacked by L. monocytogenes in order to counteract the autophagy process, a finding that could have major implications in deciphering the cellular role of vault particles
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