336 research outputs found

    The Differentiation and Promotion of Students’ Rights in Portugal

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    This investigation includes a differential study (Study 1) and a quasi-experimental research (Study 2). In Study 1, the objective was to establish to what extent students’ rights existed and analyse the differentiation between students’ rights with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, throughout school years. The sample consisted of 537 students with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, distributed by different school years (7th, 9th and 11th grades). The Children’s Rights Scale (Hart et al., 1996; Veiga, 2001) was used. In Study 2, the purpose was to analyse the effects on students’ rights of the use by teachers of a communicational intervention program, supervised by school psychologists. The sample involved 7th and 9th grade students, in a total of four classes, two forming the experimental groups (n = 36) and two the control groups (n = 43); as in Study 1, the Children’s Rights Scale was used. The results indicated the effectiveness of the communicational intervention program on students’ rights and are consistent with previous studies. An implication is that psychologists and teachers, working together and taking a human rights perspective, may develop an important role in projects to promote the students’ rights

    Portuguese Adaptation of Students Engagement in Schools International Scale (SESIS)

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    The importance of student’s engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instrument, pertaining psychometric qualities. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the “Student’s Engagement in School International Scale” (SESIS), drawn up from a12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined with data from 685 students from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), from both sexes, and different regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, lead to three different factors which explain 50.88% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between student’s engagement in school results and other school variables — academic performance, self-concept — was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purposes. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESIS’s three-dimensionality, in future studiesKeywords: Innovation, technology, research projects, etc. [Arial 10-point, justified alignment]

    Microscopy and supporting data for osteoblast integration within an electrospun fibrous network.

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    This data article contains data related to the research article entitled "3D imaging of cell interactions with electrospun PLGA nanofiber membranes for bone regeneration" by Stachewicz et al. [1]. In this paper we include additional data showing degradation analysis of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide acid) (PLGA) electrospun fibers in medium and air using fiber diameter distribution histograms. We also describe the steps used in "slice and view" tomography techniques with focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and detail the image analysis to obtain 3D reconstruction of osteoblast cell integration with electrospun network of fibers. Further supporting data and detailed information on the quantification of cell growth within the electrospun nanofiber membranes is provided

    IL-9 expression by invariant NKT cells is not imprinted during thymic development

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    Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. All rights reservedInvariant NKT (iNKT) cell thymic development can lead to distinct committed effector lineages, namely NKT1, NKT2, and NKT17. However, following identification of IL-9-producing iNKT cells involved in mucosal inflammation, their development remains unaddressed. In this study, we report that although thymic iNKT cells from naive mice do not express IL-9, iNKT cell activation in the presence of TGF-ÎČ and IL-4 induces IL-9 secretion in murine and human iNKT cells. Acquisition of IL-9 production was observed in different iNKT subsets defined by CD4, NK1.1, and neuropilin-1, indicating that distinct functional subpopulations are receptive to IL-9 polarization. Transcription factor expression kinetics suggest that regulatory mechanisms of IL-9 expression are shared by iNKT and CD4 T cells, with Irf4 and Batf deficiency deeply affecting IL-9 production. Importantly, adoptive transfer of an enriched IL-9(+) iNKT cell population leads to exacerbated allergic inflammation in the airways upon intranasal immunization with house dust mite, confirming the ability of IL-9-producing iNKT cells to mediate proinflammatory effects in vivo, as previously reported. Taken together, our data show that peripheral iNKT cells retain the capacity of shaping their function in response to environmental cues, namely TGF-ÎČ and IL-4, adopting an IL-9-producing NKT cell phenotype able to mediate proinflammatory effects in vivo, namely granulocyte and mast cell recruitment to the lungs.This work was supported by Fundação Para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia, Portugal Grants PTDC/SAU-TOX/114424/2009 and HMSP-ICT/0034/2013 and the Novo Nordisk/European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (to L.G.), as well as by grants from the Fundação Para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia, Portugal, the European Molecular Biology Organization, the European Research Council, and the U.S. National Blood Foundation (to H.V.-F.). A.A.-D., C.F.A., D.F.-P., and M.M. were supported by fellowships from the Fundação Para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização do vírus da raiva isolado de uma colÎnia de morcegos Eptesicus furinalis, do Brasil

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    Some bat species have adapted to the expanding human population by acquiring the ability to roost in urban buildings, increasing the exposure risk for people and domestic animals, and consequently, the likelihood of transmitting rabies. Three dead bats were found in the yard of a house in an urban area of JundiaĂ­ city in the state of SĂŁo Paulo in southeast Brazil. Two of the three bats tested positive for rabies, using Fluorescent Antibody and Mouse Inoculation techniques. A large colony of Eptesicus furinalis was found in the house's attic, and of the 119 bats captured, four more tested positive for rabies. The objectives of this study were to report the rabies diagnosis, characterize the isolated virus antigenically and genetically, and study the epidemiology of the colony.Algumas espĂ©cies de morcegos tĂȘm se adaptado ao uso de abrigos em construçÔes urbanas, aumentando a possibilidade de contato desses morcegos com pessoas e animais domĂ©sticos e conseqĂŒentemente, o potencial risco de transmissĂŁo de raiva. TrĂȘs morcegos foram encontrados no jardim de uma casa na ĂĄrea urbana da cidade de JundiaĂ­, Estado de SĂŁo Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil, dois deles foram positivos para raiva pelas tĂ©cnicas de imunofluorescĂȘncia e inoculação em camundongos. Uma grande colĂŽnia de E. furinalis foi identificada, vivendo no sĂłtĂŁo da casa e 119 morcegos foram encaminhados para diagnĂłstico de raiva, com mais quatro morcegos positivos. O objetivo desse estudo Ă© apresentar a caracterização genĂ©tica e antigĂȘnica do vĂ­rus da raiva isolado desses morcegos e o estudo epidemiolĂłgico da colĂŽnia


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    O objetivo desde livro Ă© proporcionar Ă s pessoas idosas e respetivas famĂ­lias , profissionais de saĂșde e e profissionais do exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico um mĂ©todo de rastreio do risco de queda da pessoa idosa

    Cell-to-Cell Interactions and Signals Involved in the Reconstitution of Peripheral CD8+ TCM and TEM Cell Pools

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    We here describe novel aspects of CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subset interactions that may be clinically relevant and provide new tools for regulating the reconstitution of the peripheral CD8+ T cell pools in immune-deficient states. We show that the reconstitution capacity of transferred isolated naĂŻve CD8+ T cells and their differentiation of effector functions is limited, but both dramatically increase upon the co-transfer of CD4+ T cells. This helper effect is complex and determined by multiple factors. It was directly correlated to the number of helper cells, required the continuous presence of the CD4+ T cells, dependent on host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) expressing CD40 and on the formation of CD4/CD8/APC cell clusters. By comparing the recovery of (CD44+CD62Lhigh) TCM and (CD44+CD62Llow) TEM CD8+ T cells, we found that the accumulation of TCM and TEM subsets is differentially regulated. TCM-cell accumulation depended mainly on type I interferons, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-15, but was independent of CD4+ T-cell help. In contrast, TEM-cell expansion was mainly determined by CD4+ T-cell help and dependent on the expression of IL-2RÎČ by CD8 cells, on IL-2 produced by CD4+ T-cells, on IL-15 and to a minor extent on IL-6

    BiofOmics: A Web Platform for the Systematic and Standardized Collection of High-Throughput Biofilm Data

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    Background: Consortia of microorganisms, commonly known as biofilms, are attracting much attention from the scientific community due to their impact in human activity. As biofilm research grows to be a data-intensive discipline, the need for suitable bioinformatics approaches becomes compelling to manage and validate individual experiments, and also execute inter-laboratory large-scale comparisons. However, biofilm data is widespread across ad hoc, non-standardized individual files and, thus, data interchange among researchers, or any attempt of cross-laboratory experimentation or analysis, is hardly possible or even attempted. Methodology/Principal findings This paper presents BiofOmics, the first publicly accessible Web platform specialized in the management and analysis of data derived from biofilm high-throughput studies. The aim is to promote data interchange across laboratories, implementing collaborative experiments, and enable the development of bioinformatics tools in support of the processing and analysis of the increasing volumes of experimental biofilm data that are being generated. BiofOmics data deposition facility enforces data structuring and standardization, supported by controlled vocabulary. Researchers are responsible for the description of the experiments, their results and conclusions. BiofOmics curators interact with submitters only to enforce data structuring and the use of controlled vocabulary. Then, BiofOmics search facility makes publicly available the profile and data associated with a submitted study so that any researcher can profit from these standardization efforts to compare similar studies, generate new hypotheses to be tested or even extend the conditions experimented in the study. Significance BiofOmics novelty lays on its support to standardized data deposition, the availability of computerizable data files and the free-of-charge dissemination of biofilm studies across the community. Hopefully, this will open promising research possibilities, namely: the comparison of results between different laboratories, the reproducibility of methods within and between laboratories, and the development of guidelines and standardized protocols for biofilm formation devices and analytical methods.The financial support from the Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering - Center of Biological Engineering (IBB-CEB), Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and European Community fund FEDER (Program COMPETE), project PTDC/SAU-ESA/646091/2006/FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007480 and PhD grant of Idalina Machado (SFRH/BD/31065/2006) are gratefully acknowledged. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
