83 research outputs found

    WebDocBall : a graphical visualisation tool for web search results

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    In the Web search process people often think that the hardest work is done by the search engines or by the directories which are entrusted with finding the Web pages. While this is partially true, a not less important part of the work is done by the user, who has to decide which page is relevant from the huge set of retrieved pages. In this paper we present a graphical visualisation tool aimed at helping users to determine the relevance of a Web page with respect to its structure. Such tool can help the user in the often tedious task of deciding which page is relevant enough to deserve a visit

    La música y danza como elementos de la oferta turística de la Provincia de Pomabamba Región Áncash 2022

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    La música y danza como elementos de la oferta turística de la Provincia de Pomabamba Región Áncash 2022. ¿Cuál es la importancia de la música y danza como elementos de la oferta turística de la Provincia de Pomabamba Región Áncash 2022? El objetivo general es analizar la importancia de la música y danza como elementos de la oferta turística de la Provincia de Pomabamba Región Áncash 2022, se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo de tipo aplicada y diseño fenomenológico, la muestra se caracterizó por ocho entrevistados de once preguntas, entre músicos y danzantes. Con respecto a la técnica utilizada fue la entrevista, como instrumento se utilizó la guía de entrevista y la guía de observación. Se analizó la importancia de la música y danza como elementos de la oferta turística de la Provincia de Pomabamba por medio de las actividades y espectáculos culturales, por la gran variedad dicha provincia es catalogada como la capital folklórica de Áncash. Se recomienda a los involucrados del sector turístico y a la población optar por alternativas de solución que contribuyan en la oferta turística, como ferias, talleres, actividades recreativas, eventos culturales; mejorando los diferentes aspectos que se pudieron evidenciar en la presente investigación

    Derivation of a test statistic for emphysema quantification

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    Density masking is the de-facto quantitative imaging phenotype for emphysema that is widely used by the clinical community. Density masking defines the burden of emphysema by a fixed threshold, usually between -910 HU and -950 HU, that has been experimentally validated with histology. In this work, we formalized emphysema quantification by means of statistical inference. We show that a non-central Gamma is a good approximation for the local distribution of image intensities for normal and emphysema tissue. We then propose a test statistic in terms of the sample mean of a truncated noncentral Gamma random variable. Our results show that this approach is well-suited for the detection of emphysema and superior to standard density masking. The statistical method was tested in a dataset of 1337 samples obtained from 9 different scanner models in subjects with COPD. Results showed an increase of 17% when compared to the density masking approach, and an overall accuracy of 94.09%

    Imputation of the Date of HIV Seroconversion in a Cohort of Seroprevalent Subjects: Implications for Analysis of Late HIV Diagnosis

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    Objectives. Since subjects may have been diagnosed before cohort entry, analysis of late HIV diagnosis (LD) is usually restricted to the newly diagnosed. We estimate the magnitude and risk factors of LD in a cohort of seroprevalent individuals by imputing seroconversion dates. Methods. Multicenter cohort of HIV-positive subjects who were treatment naive at entry, in Spain, 2004–2008. Multiple-imputation techniques were used. Subjects with times to HIV diagnosis longer than 4.19 years were considered LD. Results. Median time to HIV diagnosis was 2.8 years in the whole cohort of 3,667 subjects. Factors significantly associated with LD were: male sex; Sub-Saharan African, Latin-American origin compared to Spaniards; and older age. In 2,928 newly diagnosed subjects, median time to diagnosis was 3.3 years, and LD was more common in injecting drug users. Conclusions. Estimates of the magnitude and risk factors of LD for the whole cohort differ from those obtained for new HIV diagnoses


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    Este trabajo de investigación muestra el plan de negocios para Recifriendly, proyecto que busca satisfacer una demanda no atendida en el país, crear cultura ambiental y lograr ciudadanos responsables. Para ello, se han realizado análisis en los aspectos fundamentales del negocio: En el análisis del entorno sobresale la creación de normas para actividades económicas de reciclaje. En el análisis interno detalla que las fortalezas son, ser una propuesta innovadora con un servicio de fácil acceso, que premia a las personas que reciclan desde el hogar mediante un programa de lealtad; mientras que plantea como amenaza a la informalidad. La investigación de mercado arrojó que el perfil de los usuarios son hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 45 años, mientras los clientes son empresas que se encuentran en SUNAT y operan en Lima Metropolitana. El plan de marketing contempla una inversión digital agresiva y plantea alianzas con aliados estratégicos, importantes para el programa de lealtad y compensación a los usuarios. El plan operativo detalla estándares para el funcionamiento del proyecto en cuanto al servicio, calidad y relación con proveedores. Además, plasma el Layout del local según las normas vigentes. El proyecto cuenta con un plan financiero que plantea una inversión del 60% con capital propio y un 40% con financiamiento de terceros. Asimismo, refleja una TIR económica del 52%, un VAN económico de S/.62,212.00 soles y un PRID de 2.24 años. Finalmente, el estado de resultados muestra una utilidad positiva desde el primer año, un crecimiento en 141 % durante el año 2 y 60.88% en el año 3. Estos indicadores hacen atractiva la inversión y puesta en operación del proyecto.This work research shows the business plan for Recifriendly, a project for a demand which is not attended in Peru and looks for creating environmental culture and making responsible citizens. The following analysis has been made to the main aspects of the project: In the external, the laws created by the government to set the recycling as an economic activity stand out. In the internal, the strengths of the projects are that Recifriendly is an innovative idea with an easy access which also give the people who recycles a reward, meanwhile the informality is considered as a threat. The research considers as users, men and women between 18 and 45 years old and the clients are companies registered in SUNAT and operating in Lima. The marketing plan considers an aggressive digital investment and stablishes some alliances with strategic allies, whose are important to the loyalty and satisfaction program. The operational plan sets the standards for the project including the service, quality, and the relationship with the suppliers. Besides, the lay out of the building project is shown according to the laws. The project has a financial plan that proposes an investment of 60% with its own capital and 40% with third-party financing. Likewise, it reflects an economic IRR of 52%, an economic NRV of S /.62,212.00 soles and a Payback Period of 2.24 years. Finally, the financial statements show profit-earning capacity since the first year, which grows 141% in the second and 60.88% in the third year. This is KPI to make the investment in this project attractive and able to operate.Trabajo de investigació

    Is There a Signalling Role for Public Wages? Evidence for the Euro Area Based on Macro Data

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    The energy spectrum of cosmic rays beyond the turn-down around 10^17 eV as measured with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    We present a measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum above 100 PeV using the part of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory that has a spacing of 750 m. An inflection of the spectrum is observed, confirming the presence of the so-called second-knee feature. The spectrum is then combined with that of the 1500 m array to produce a single measurement of the flux, linking this spectral feature with the three additional breaks at the highest energies. The combined spectrum, with an energy scale set calorimetrically via fluorescence telescopes and using a single detector type, results in the most statistically and systematically precise measurement of spectral breaks yet obtained. These measurements are critical for furthering our understanding of the highest energy cosmic rays

    Performance of the 433 m surface array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in western Argentina, is the world’s largest cosmic-ray observatory. While it was originally built to study the cosmic-ray flux above 1018.5 eV, several enhancements have reduced this energy threshold. One such enhancement is a surface array composed of a triangular grid of 19 water-Cherenkov detectors separated by 433 m (SD-433) to explore the energies down to about 1016 eV. We are developing two research lines employing the SD-433. Firstly, we will measure the energy spectrum in a region where previous experiments have shown evidence of the second knee. Secondly, we will search for ultra-high energy photons to study PeV cosmic-ray sources residing in the Galactic center. In this work, we introduce the SD-433 and we show that it is fully efficient above 5×1016 eV for hadronic primaries with θ < 45°. Using seven years of data, we present the parametrization of the lateral distribution function of measured signals. Finally, we show that an angular resolution of 1.8° (0.5°) can be attained at the lowest (highest) primary energies. Our study lays the goundmark for measurements in the energy range above 1016 eV by utilizing the SD-433 and thus expanding the scientific output of the Auger surface detector

    Status and performance of the underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array (AMIGA) is an enhancement of the Pierre Auger Observatory, whose purpose is to lower the energy threshold of the observatory down to 1016.5 eV, and to measure the muonic content of air showers directly. These measurements will significantly contribute to the determination of primary particle masses in the range between the second knee and the ankle, to the study of hadronic interaction models with air showers, and, in turn, to the understanding of the muon puzzle. The underground muon detector of AMIGA is concomitant to two triangular grids of water-Cherenkov stations with spacings of 433 and 750 m; each grid position is equipped with a 30 m2 plastic scintillator buried at 2.3 m depth. After the engineering array completion in early 2018 and general improvements to the design, the production phase commenced. In this work, we report on the status of the underground muon detector, the progress of its deployment, and the performance achieved after two years of operation. The detector construction is foreseen to finish by mid-2022

    Outreach activities at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory, sited in Malargüe, Argentina, is the largest observatory available for measuring ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR). The Auger Collaboration has measured and analysed an unprecedented number of UHECRs. Along with making important scientific discoveries, for example, the demonstration that cosmic rays above 8 EeV are of extragalactic origin and the observation of a new feature in the energy spectrum at around 13 EeV, outreach work has been carried out across the 18 participating countries and online. This program ranges from talks to a varied audience, to the creation of a local Visitor Center, which attracts 8000 visitors annually, to initiating masterclasses. Permanent and temporary exhibitions have been prepared both in reality and virtually. Science fairs for elementary- and high-school students have been organised, together with activities associated with interesting phenomena such as eclipses. In addition, we participate in international events such as the International Cosmic Day, Frontiers from H2020, and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Part of the Collaboration website is aimed at the general public. Here the most recent articles published are summarised. Thus the Collaboration informs people about work in our field, which may seem remote from everyday life. Furthermore, the Auger Observatory has been a seed for scientific and technological activities in and around Malargüe. Different outreach ventures that already have been implemented and others which are foreseen will be described