4 research outputs found

    Aplicaci贸n De Un Modelo Basado En La Gesti贸n Del Conocimiento Para Mejorar El Nivel De Aprovechamiento De Las Tic. Estudio De Caso En Una Pyme Mexicana

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    A very dynamic environment and constant technological advances are surrounding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their commercial activities. The business context is becoming increasingly complex, as there are continually numerous aspects related to the application of knowledge, both financial, legal, organizacional and technological. In relation to the application of information and communication technologies (ICT), SMEs need to acquire and apply knowledge correctly to obtain the best use of these technologies in their business processes. Taking this scenario into account, the objective of this paper is to present the case study on the application of a conceptual model based on knowledge management (KM) to improve the level of use of ICT in the business processes of mexican SMEs. The model was applied in an SME of the commercial sector. The results obtained are exposed, as well as the conclusions and future perspectives of the work developed

    Customer Satisfaction, measuring the quality of service provided to customers for restaurants. Mexican Case.

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    Study of the level of quality of services in restaurants of North, Central and South of the State of Sonora areas. The SERVQUALING instrument, a sample n = 315 Simple Random Sampling obtained from a population of 935. The reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha = 0.922 was used, being very high to be considered as equivalent questionnaire designed to populations construct validity and acceptable internal reliability. The results show that this questionnaire presents internal consistency in their scales and the south has a level of overall quality of 3.97 (79%), the downtown area a level of 3.91聽(78%) and the northern area a 3.91 (78%). The hypothesis test showed that there is no significant difference between the results so the quality of these businesses in these areas is considered as good as the Likert scale used it to see the range of 3.4 to 4.19 (68% to 83.9%). The greatest contribution required to be done is to raise awareness of the performance of these businesses by region, and companies together with government development agencies, can make decisions based on the diagnosis that offers this tool

    Requerimientos para formular estrategias orientadas al mercado del sector hotelero

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    Las peque帽as y medianas empresas son eslabones fundamentales para que las econom铆as de las naciones crezcan y se vuelvan competitivas. Un elemento clave en el rendimiento de las organizaciones es la implementaci贸n de estrategias para crear ventaja competitiva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los requerimientos para formular estrategias en orientaci贸n al mercado en los hoteles del estado de Sonora. La metodolog铆a consisti贸 en aplicar una encuesta a los encargados de mercadotecnia de los hoteles, investigar el entorno y determinar los requerimientos por medio de un an谩lisis de las principales interacciones de los elementos: fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidad y amenazas. El instrumento para recolectar los datos se valid贸 por medio de un an谩lisis factorial. Entre los principales hallazgos se encontr贸 una baja capacitaci贸n del personal, poco uso de herramientas tecnol贸gicas, y falta de comunicaci贸n interfuncional. Se concluye que es necesario realizar un seguimiento en los programas de capacitaci贸n, optimizar el uso de herramientas tecnol贸gicas, y mejorar la vinculaci贸n de las empresas con las universidades y el gobierno. Finalmente, a diferencia de otros estudios encontrados en la literatura, los cuales se enfocan a determinar estrategias, en 茅sta investigaci贸n se obtuvieron los requerimientos para mejorar la orientaci贸n al mercado, y que cada empresa los utilice para formular sus propias estrategias

    Requirements for making strategies market oriented hotel sector

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises are key links to the economies of nations grow and become competitive. A key element in the performance of organizations is the implementation of strategies to create competitive advantage. The aim of this study was to determine the requirements for formulating strategies for market orientation in the state of Sonora hotels. The methodology consisted of applying a survey of marketing managers of hotels, investigate the environment and determine the requirements through an analysis of the main interactions of the elements: strengths, weaknesses and threats. The instrument to collect data was validated by a factor analysis. Among the main findings it was found low staff training, little use of technological tools, and lack of cross-functional communication. It concludes that it is necessary to monitor training programs, optimize the use of technological tools, and improve linking companies with universities and government. Finally, unlike other studies found in the literature, which focus on identifying strategies in this research they were obtained requirements to improve market orientation, and each company uses them to formulate their own strategies.Las peque帽as y medianas empresas son eslabones fundamentales para que las econom铆as de las naciones crezcan y se vuelvan competitivas. Un elemento clave en el rendimiento de las organizaciones es la implementaci贸n de estrategias para crear ventaja competitiva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los requerimientos para formular estrategias en orientaci贸n al mercado en los hoteles del estado de Sonora. La metodolog铆a consisti贸 en aplicar una encuesta a los encargados de mercadotecnia de los hoteles, investigar el entorno y determinar los requerimientos por medio de un an谩lisis de las principales interacciones de los elementos: fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidad y amenazas. El instrumento para recolectar los datos se valid贸 por medio de un an谩lisis factorial. Entre los principales hallazgos se encontr贸 una baja capacitaci贸n del personal, poco uso de herramientas tecnol贸gicas, y falta de comunicaci贸n interfuncional. Se concluye que es necesario realizar un seguimiento en los programas de capacitaci贸n, optimizar el uso de herramientas tecnol贸gicas, y mejorar la vinculaci贸n de las empresas con las universidades y el gobierno. Finalmente, a diferencia de otros estudios encontrados en la literatura, los cuales se enfocan a determinar estrategias, en 茅sta investigaci贸n se obtuvieron los requerimientos para mejorar la orientaci贸n al mercado, y que cada empresa los utilice para formular sus propias estrategias