65 research outputs found

    Influence of local treatments of convection upon solar p mode excitation rates

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    We compute the rates P at which acoustic energy is injected into the solar radial p modes for several solar models. The solar models are computed with two different local treatments of convection: the classical mixing-length theory (MLT hereafter) and Canuto et al (1996)'s formulation (CGM hereafter). Among the models investigated here, our best models reproduce both the solar radius and the solar luminosity at solar age and the observed Balmer line profiles. For the MLT treatment, the rates P do depend significantly on the properties of the atmosphere whereas for the CGM's treatment the dependence of P on the properties of the atmosphere is found smaller than the error bars attached to the seismic measurements. The excitation rates P for modes associated with the MLT models are significantly underestimated compared with the solar seismic constraints. The CGM models yield values for P closer to the seismic data than the MLT models. We conclude that the solar p-mode excitation rates provide valuable constraints and according to the present investigation clearly favor the CGM treatment with respect to the MLT, although neither of them yields values of P as close to the observations as recently found for 3D numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Exploration of the BaSeL stellar library for 9 F-type stars COROT potential targets

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    The Basel Stellar Library (BaSeL models) is constituted of the merging of various synthetic stellar spectra libraries, with the purpose of giving the most comprehensive coverage of stellar parameters. It has been corrected for systematic deviations detected in respect to UBVRIJHKLM photometry at solar metallicity, and can then be considered as the state-of-the-art knowledge of the broad band content of stellar spectra. In this paper, we consider a sample of 9 F-type stars with detailed spectroscopic analysis to investigate the Basel Stellar Library in two photometric systems simultaneously, Johnson (B-V, U-B) and Stromgren (b-y, m_1, and c_1). The sample corresponds to potential targets of the central seismology programme of the COROT space experiment, which have been recently observed at OHP. The atmospheric parameters T_eff, [Fe/H], and log g obtained from the BaSeL models are compared with spectroscopic determinations as well as with results of other photometric calibrations. For a careful interpretation of the BaSeL solutions, we computed confidence regions around the best χ\chi^2-estimates and projected them on T_eff-[Fe/H], T_eff-log g, and log g-[Fe/H] diagrams. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e; version accepted for publication in the new A&A Journal: minor changes + figures in black and white for better readabilit

    Abundances in Stars from the Red Giant Branch Tip to the Near the Main Sequence in M71: I. Sample Selection, Observing Strategy and Stellar Parameters

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    We present the sample for an abundance analysis of 25 members of M71 with luminosities ranging from the red giant branch tip to the upper main sequence. The spectra are of high dispersion and of high precision. We describe the observing strategy and determine the stellar parameters for the sample stars using both broad band colors and fits of Hα\alpha profiles. The derived stellar parameters agree with those from the Yale2^2 stellar evolutionary tracks to within 50 -- 100K for a fixed log g, which is within the level of the uncertainties.Comment: Minor changes to conform to version accepted for publication, with several new figures (Paper 1 of a pair

    Visibilities and bolometric corrections for stellar oscillation modes observed by Kepler

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    Kepler produces a large amount of data used for asteroseismological analyses, particularly of solar-like stars and red giants. The mode amplitudes observed in the Kepler spectral band have to be converted into bolometric amplitudes to be compared to models. We give a simple bolometric correction for the amplitudes of radial modes observed with Kepler, as well as the relative visibilities of non-radial modes. We numerically compute the bolometric correction c_{K-bol} and mode visibilities for different effective temperatures Teff within the range 4000-7500 K, using a similar approach to a recent one from the literature (Michel et al. 2009, A&A 495, 979). We derive a law for the correction to bolometric values: c_{K-bol} = 1 + a_1 (Teff-To) + a_2 (Teff-To)^2, with To = 5934 K, a_1 = 1.349e-4 K^{-1}, and a_2 = -3.120e-9 K^{-2} or, alternatively, as the power law c_{K-bol} = (Teff/To)^alpha with alpha = 0.80. We give tabulated values for the mode visibilities based on limb-darkening (LD), computed from ATLAS9 model atmospheres for Teff in [4000,7500] K, log g in [2.5,4.5], and [M/H] in [-1.0,+1.0]. We show that using LD profiles already integrated over the spectral band provides quick and good approximations for visibilities. We point out the limits of these classical visibility estimations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, minor language edition. Published in A&

    New grids of ATLAS9 atmospheres I: Influence of convection treatments on model structure and on observable quantities

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    We present several new sets of grids of model stellar atmospheres computed with modified versions of the ATLAS9 code. Each individual set consists of several grids of models with different metallicities ranging from [M/H] = -2.0 to +1.0 dex. The grids range from 4000 to 10000 K in T_eff and from 2.0 to 5.0 dex in logg. The individual sets differ from each other and from previous ones essentially in the physics used for the treatment of the convective energy transport, in the higher vertical resolution of the atmospheres and in a finer grid in the (T_eff, logg) plane. These improvements enable the computation of derivatives of color indices accurate enough for pulsation mode identification. In addition, we show that the chosen vertical resolution is necessary and sufficient for the purpose of stellar interior modelling. To explain the physical differences between the model grids we provide a description of the currently available modifications of ATLAS9 according to their treatment of convection. Our critical analysis of the dependence of the atmospheric structure and observable quantities on convection treatment, vertical resolution and metallicity reveals that spectroscopic and photometric observations are best represented when using an inefficient convection treatment. This conclusion holds whatever convection formulation investigated here is used, i.e. MLT(alpha=0.5), CM and CGM are equivalent. We also find that changing the convection treatment can lead to a change in the effective temperature estimated from Stroemgren color indices from 200 to 400 K.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    Convection, Thermal Bifurcation, and the Colors of A stars

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    Broad-band ultraviolet photometry from the TD-1 satellite and low dispersion spectra from the short wavelength camera of IUE have been used to investigate a long-standing proposal of Bohm-Vitense that the normal main sequence A- and early-F stars may divide into two different temperature sequences: (1) a high temperature branch (and plateau) comprised of slowly rotating convective stars, and (2) a low temperature branch populated by rapidly rotating radiative stars. We find no evidence from either dataset to support such a claim, or to confirm the existence of an "A-star gap" in the B-V color range 0.22 <= B-V <= 0.28 due to the sudden onset of convection. We do observe, nonetheless, a large scatter in the 1800--2000 A colors of the A-F stars, which amounts to ~0.65 mags at a given B-V color index. The scatter is not caused by interstellar or circumstellar reddening. A convincing case can also be made against binarity and intrinsic variability due to pulsations of delta Sct origin. We find no correlation with established chromospheric and coronal proxies of convection, and thus no demonstrable link to the possible onset of convection among the A-F stars. The scatter is not instrumental. Approximately 0.4 mags of the scatter is shown to arise from individual differences in surface gravity as well as a moderate spread (factor of ~3) in heavy metal abundance and UV line blanketing. A dispersion of ~0.25 mags remains, which has no clear and obvious explanation. The most likely cause, we believe, is a residual imprecision in our correction for the spread in metal abundances. However, the existing data do not rule out possible contributions from intrinsic stellar variability or from differential UV line blanketing effects owing to a dispersion in microturbulent velocity.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, AAS LaTex, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Some Aspects of the calculation of Balmer lines in the sun and stars

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    We compare the results of Balmer-line calculations using recent theory and improved computational algorithms with those from the widely-used SYNTHE and BALMER9 routines. The resulting profiles are mostly indistinguishable. Good fits to the normalized solar Balmer lines Hα\alpha through Hδ\delta are obtained (apart from the cores) using the recent unified-broadening calculations by Barklem and his coworkers provided that some adjustment for the continuum is performed. We discuss a surprising linearity with temperature of the Balmer line profiles in dwarfs.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Better figures at http://astro.lsa.umich.edu/users/cowle

    Detailed analysis of Balmer lines in cool dwarf stars

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    An analysis of H alpha and H beta spectra in a sample of 30 cool dwarf and subgiant stars is presented using MARCS model atmospheres based on the most recent calculations of the line opacities. A detailed quantitative comparison of the solar flux spectra with model spectra shows that Balmer line profile shapes, and therefore the temperature structure in the line formation region, are best represented under the mixing length theory by any combination of a low mixing-length parameter alpha and a low convective structure parameter y. A slightly lower effective temperature is obtained for the sun than the accepted value, which we attribute to errors in models and line opacities. The programme stars span temperatures from 4800 to 7100 K and include a small number of population II stars. Effective temperatures have been derived using a quantitative fitting method with a detailed error analysis. Our temperatures find good agreement with those from the Infrared Flux Method (IRFM) near solar metallicity but show differences at low metallicity where the two available IRFM determinations themselves are in disagreement. Comparison with recent temperature determinations using Balmer lines by Fuhrmann (1998, 2000), who employed a different description of the wing absorption due to self-broadening, does not show the large differences predicted by Barklem et al. (2000). In fact, perhaps fortuitously, reasonable agreement is found near solar metallicity, while we find significantly cooler temperatures for low metallicity stars of around solar temperature.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, to appear in A&
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