371 research outputs found

    Special behavior of alkali beam emission spectroscopy in low-ion-temperature plasma

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    Beam emission spectroscopy (BES) is a powerful plasma diagnostic method especially suited for the measurement of plasma density and its fluctuations. As such, synthetic BES codes are regularly used to aid the design or utilization of these diagnostic systems. However, synthetic diagnostics can also be used to study the method in previously not yet explored operational conditions. This paper presents such an analysis utilizing the RENATE-OD synthetic diagnostic code for a hypothetical alkali BES system on the HSX stellarator. HSX is a device featuring an unusual operating regime in the world of fusion devices due to the low ion temperature and low plasma density. It was found that BES shows unusual tendencies in these conditions. The relation between beam energy and plasma penetration in low-ion-temperature plasma, together with unique emission features facilitated by low-density plasma, and the underlying reasons behind these features are explored in this paper

    Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: The New Frontier of Gluten Related Disorders

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    Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity (NCGS) was originally described in the 1980s and recently a “re-discovered” disorder characterized by intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms related to the ingestion of gluten-containing food, in subjects that are not affected with either celiac disease (CD) or wheat allergy (WA). Although NCGS frequency is still unclear, epidemiological data have been generated that can help establishing the magnitude of the problem. Clinical studies further defined the identity of NCGS and its implications in human disease. An overlap between the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and NCGS has been detected, requiring even more stringent diagnostic criteria. Several studies suggested a relationship between NCGS and neuropsychiatric disorders, particularly autism and schizophrenia. The first case reports of NCGS in children have been described. Lack of biomarkers is still a major limitation of clinical studies, making it difficult to differentiate NCGS from other gluten related disorders. Recent studies raised the possibility that, beside gluten, wheat amylase-trypsin inhibitors and low-fermentable, poorly-absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates can contribute to symptoms (at least those related to IBS) experienced by NCGS patients. In this paper we report the major advances and current trends on NCG

    Rhodolith Beds Are Major CaCO3 Bio-Factories in the Tropical South West Atlantic

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    Rhodoliths are nodules of non-geniculate coralline algae that occur in shallow waters (<150 m depth) subjected to episodic disturbance. Rhodolith beds stand with kelp beds, seagrass meadows, and coralline algal reefs as one of the world's four largest macrophyte-dominated benthic communities. Geographic distribution of rhodolith beds is discontinuous, with large concentrations off Japan, Australia and the Gulf of California, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, eastern Caribbean and Brazil. Although there are major gaps in terms of seabed habitat mapping, the largest rhodolith beds are purported to occur off Brazil, where these communities are recorded across a wide latitudinal range (2°N - 27°S). To quantify their extent, we carried out an inter-reefal seabed habitat survey on the Abrolhos Shelf (16°50′ - 19°45′S) off eastern Brazil, and confirmed the most expansive and contiguous rhodolith bed in the world, covering about 20,900 km2. Distribution, extent, composition and structure of this bed were assessed with side scan sonar, remotely operated vehicles, and SCUBA. The mean rate of CaCO3 production was estimated from in situ growth assays at 1.07 kg m−2 yr−1, with a total production rate of 0.025 Gt yr−1, comparable to those of the world's largest biogenic CaCO3 deposits. These gigantic rhodolith beds, of areal extent equivalent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are a critical, yet poorly understood component of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Based on the relatively high vulnerability of coralline algae to ocean acidification, these beds are likely to experience a profound restructuring in the coming decades

    The rs13388259 Intergenic Polymorphism in the Genomic Context of the BCYRN1 Gene Is Associated with Parkinson’s Disease in the Hungarian Population

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder characterized by bradykinesia, resting tremor, and muscle rigidity. To date, approximately 50 genes have been implicated in PD pathogenesis, including both Mendelian genes with rare mutations and low-penetrance genes with common polymorphisms. Previous studies of low-penetrance genes focused on protein-coding genes, and less attention was given to long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). In this study, we aimed to investigate the susceptibility roles of lncRNA gene polymorphisms in the development of PD. Therefore, polymorphisms (n = 15) of the PINK1-AS, UCHL1-AS, BCYRN1, SOX2-OT, ANRIL and HAR1A lncRNAs genes were genotyped in Hungarian PD patients (n = 160) and age- and sex-matched controls (n = 167). The rare allele of the rs13388259 intergenic polymorphism, located downstream of the BCYRN1 gene, was significantly more frequent among PD patients than control individuals (OR = 2.31; p = 0.0015). In silico prediction suggested that this polymorphism is located in a noncoding region close to the binding site of the transcription factor HNF4A, which is a central regulatory hub gene that has been shown to be upregulated in the peripheral blood of PD patients. The rs13388259 polymorphism may interfere with the binding affinity of transcription factor HNF4A, potentially resulting in abnormal expression of target genes, such as BCYRN1

    Trueness of CAD/CAM digitization with a desktop scanner – an in vitro study

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    Desktop scanners are devices for digitization of conventional impressions or gypsum casts by indirect Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in dentistry. The purpose of this in vitro study was: 1, to investigate whether virtual models produced by the extraoral scanner have the same trueness as sectioned casts; and 2, to assess if digitization with an extraoral scanner influences the surface information

    Caribbean-wide decline in carbonate production threatens coral reef growth

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    This a post-print, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Copyright © 2013 Nature Publishing Group . The definitive version is available at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n1/full/ncomms2409.htmlGlobal-scale deteriorations in coral reef health have caused major shifts in species composition. One projected consequence is a lowering of reef carbonate production rates, potentially impairing reef growth, compromising ecosystem functionality and ultimately leading to net reef erosion. Here, using measures of gross and net carbonate production and erosion from 19 Caribbean reefs, we show that contemporary carbonate production rates are now substantially below historical (mid- to late-Holocene) values. On average, current production rates are reduced by at least 50%, and 37% of surveyed sites were net erosional. Calculated accretion rates (mm year(-1)) for shallow fore-reef habitats are also close to an order of magnitude lower than Holocene averages. A live coral cover threshold of ~10% appears critical to maintaining positive production states. Below this ecological threshold carbonate budgets typically become net negative and threaten reef accretion. Collectively, these data suggest that recent ecological declines are now suppressing Caribbean reef growth potential