419 research outputs found

    Regional expression of tourism development

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of tourism to strengthen the capacities of the different regions and their resources. With this goal in mind an empirical study was conducted in a tourist destination located in the inner part of Portugal (Beira Interior), which aimed to measure the satisfaction obtained by tourists and also to identify the elements of the supply that the demand considers more important to choose this destination. The research stated that the symbolic aspects related to the specific resources of the region were the most important elements that help tourists to choose their destination and the same elements are also those that make tourists more satisfied. Assuming that the symbolic contents are in fact the underlying identity of the region, one can conclude that the more the identity of the region is reinforced, the more the difference is motivating and the more this identity is a key factor of its attractivenessregional development, differentiation, specific resources, tourist destination, demand-oriented assessment

    Salt Fluxes in a Complex River Mouth System of Portugal

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    Measurements of velocity and salinity near the mouth and head of the Espinheiro channel (Ria de Aveiro lagoon, Portugal) are used to study the local variation of physical water properties and to assess the balance, under steady conditions, between the seaward salt transport induced by river discharge and the landward dispersion induced by various mixing mechanisms. This assessment is made using data sampled during complete tidal cycles. Under the assumption that the estuarine tidal channel is laterally homogeneous and during moderate tidal periods (except for one survey), currents and salinity data were decomposed into various spatial and temporal means and their deviations. Near the channel's mouth, the main contributions to the salt transport are the terms due to freshwater discharge and the tidal correlation. Near the channel's head, this last term is less important than the density driven circulation, which is enhanced by the increase in freshwater discharge. The remaining terms, which are dependent on the deviations from the mean depth have a smaller role in the results of salt transport. The computed salt transport per unit width of a section perpendicular to the mean flow is in close agreement to the sum of the advective and dispersive terms (within or very close to 12%). An imbalance of the salt budget across the sections is observed for all the surveys. Considerations are made on how this approach can inform the management of hazardous contamination and how to use these results to best time the release of environmental flows during dry months

    Produção de energia por Osmose

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Química. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Quando os problemas de comportamento criam necessidades educativas especiais : intervenção comportamental numa perspetiva sistémica

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    A questão da indisciplina e dos problemas de comportamento é familiar a todos aqueles que estão envolvidos no processo educativo e é vista como limitadora do sucesso académico e fonte de perturbação e desgaste desnecessário por parte na comunidade escolar. No entanto, esta realidade não se esfuma ao sairmos os portões da escola. Ela continua para além desse contexto mais restrito, sendo fonte de preocupações não só para as famílias (ou instituições de acolhimento), mas também para a comunidade em geral, devendo tornar-se, por isso, motivo de uma efetiva reflexão. O estudo aqui apresentado, centrado nos problemas de comportamento, passou pela implementação de um plano de mudança comportamental, visando um aluno específico, tendo em atenção os vários contextos onde ele se inseria. Assim, fomentou-se uma alteração das práticas docentes na interação educativa e na organização e gestão da sala de aula, e introduziram-se medidas no lar onde este jovem residia. Simultaneamente, estreitou-se a colaboração entre a escola e a família/instituição com vista à melhoria das competências sociocomportamentais do aluno em causa. Os resultados obtidos acabaram por ir ao encontro da nossa pretensão – uma mudança comportamental sustentada – fruto, nomeadamente, de uma cooperação entre agentes educativos e da complementaridade dos procedimentos e estratégias selecionadas. Neste sentido, a intervenção realizada pode considerar-se numa linha de análise sistémica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação dos efeitos da pandemia Covid-19 na intenção de participação, expetativas e barreiras à prática desportiva de estudantes universitários

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    Com o início da pandemia de Covid-19, uma das estratégias de saúde pública foi a realização de confinamentos para reduzir contágios, sendo que a prática desportiva foi amplamente afetada. No desporto universitário, o encerramento de muitas instalações desportivas e a suspensão do regime presencial de aulas, foram fatores decisivos para a quebra significativa do número de praticantes envolvidos nas atividades promovidas pelos clubes da Federação Académica do Desporto Universitário (FADU). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 (i) nos hábitos durante o confinamento, nomeadamente relativamente ao treino desportivo, às horas de sono e ao tempo gasto nas diferentes atividades diárias; (ii) na intenção de participação, nas expectativas e nas barreiras à prática desportiva e (iii) no estado geral de saúde dos estudantes universitários. Pretende ainda avaliar possíveis diferenças de sexo, ensino superior universitário/politécnico e modalidades individuais/coletivas na intenção de manter a prática de desporto universitário após o confinamento. Realizou-se um estudo transversal, não experimental, descritivo, tendo como base a disseminação de um questionário através da plataforma Google Forms por todos os alunos inscritos na FADU. Dos resultados obtidos destacamos: a) 71% dos respondentes afirmaram ter sentido que diminuíram a aptidão física; b) 85% afirmaram ter intenção de se manter no desporto universitário; c) apenas 7% dos respondentes referiram ter intenção de abandonar a prática desportiva; d) a intenção de continuar no desporto universitário é maior nos respondentes que frequentam universidades; e) a intenção de manter a participação no desporto universitário é maior nos praticantes de modalidades individuais do que nos praticantes de modalidades coletivas; f) a manutenção de treinos durante o confinamento, ocorreu predominantemente no sexo feminino, nos praticantes de modalidades individuais e nos alunos das universidades. Estes dados permitem concluir que, embora a pandemia de Covid-19 tenha alterado os hábitos de prática desportiva nos estudantes universitários, houve manutenção da intenção destes atletas se manterem na prática de desporto universitário.With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the public health strategies was the implementation of confinements to reduce contagions and sports practice was largely affected. In university sport, the closure of many sport facilities and the suspension of presencial classes regime, were decisive factors for the significant drop in the number of practitioners involved in the activities promoted by clubs of the Federação Académica do Desporto Universitário (FADU). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic (i) on habits during confinement, namely in relation to sports training, hours of sleep and time spent in different daily activities; (ii) the intention to participate, expectations and barriers to sports practice and (iii) the general state of health of university students. It also intends to evaluate possible differences in sex, university/polytechnic and individual/group modalities in order to maintain the practice of university sports after confinement. A cross-sectional, non-experimental, descriptive study was carried out, based on the dissemination of a questionnaire through the Google Forms platform by all students enrolled in FADU. From the results obtained, we highlight: a) 71% of the respondents stated that they felt their physical fitness reduced; b) 85% said they intended to stay in university sports; c) only 7% of the respondents mentioned that they had the intention of abandoning the practice of sports; d) the intention to continue in university sport is greater in respondents who attend universities; e) the intention to maintain participation in university sports is greater in practitioners of individual modalities than in practitioners of collective modalities; f) the maintenance of training during confinement, occurred predominantly among females, practitioners of individual modalities and university students. These data allow us to conclude that, although the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the sports practice habits of university students, there was maintenance of the intention of these athletes to remain in the practice of university sports

    O afastamento do lar do suposto agressor nos casos de violência doméstica pela autoridade policial

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    The aim in this study is to analyze the provision brought by the Law n. 13.827/19 that allowed the removal of the supposed aggressor from home in cases of domestic violence by police authority, in contrast with the principles of the home inviolability, forbiddance of insufficient protection, separation of powers and judicial reserve. The research was realized by the deductive method and through doctrinal and jurisprudential research. The subject holds relevance and topicality, searching for efficient mechanisms to repress the domestic and family violence against a woman that is still rooted in society and stills persists nowadays. The new hypothesis for the removal from home brought by the law aims to maximize women rights, ensuring their security and physical integrity, providing more effective protection under the circumstances in this specific case, with a view that the state-judge is not present all the time and in all the situations. On the other side, the issue apparently comes in conflict with others provisions of the legal system, such as the separations of powers and the reservations of jurisdictions. Either way, throughout the study developed it was concluded that the removal from home of supposed aggressor in case of domestic and family violence by the police authority shows itself reasonable facing the marks brought by law, adopting the measure in a exceptional and subsidiary way.Objetiva-se com o presente artigo analisar as disposições trazidas pela Lei n. 13.827/19 que possibilitou o afastamento do lar do suposto agressor nos casos de violência doméstica pela Autoridade Policial, contrastando com os princípios da inviolabilidade do domicílio, da vedação à proteção insuficiente, da separação dos poderes e da reserva de jurisdição. A pesquisa foi realizada através do método dedutivo e por meio de uma pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial. O tema guarda grande pertinência e atualidade, diante da busca de mecanismos eficientes para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher enraizada na sociedade que perdura até os dias atuais. A nova hipótese de afastamento do lar trazida pela lei busca potencializar os direitos das mulheres, assegurando especialmente a sua segurança e integridade física, fornecendo uma proteção mais adequada diante das circunstâncias do caso concreto, tendo em vista que o Estado-juiz não se mostra presente o tempo todo e em todas as situações. Lado outro, a problemática aparentemente conflita com outras disposições do ordenamento jurídico, como a separação dos poderes e a reserva de jurisdição. De todo modo, ao longo do estudo desenvolvido conclui-se que o afastamento do lar do suposto agressor nos casos de violência doméstica e familiar pela autoridade policial se mostra razoável diante das balizas trazidas pela lei, adotando-se a medida de maneira excepcional e subsidiária

    Trunk muscle activation during golf swing: Baseline and threshold

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    There is a lack of studies regarding EMG temporal analysis during dynamic and complex motor tasks, such as golf swing. The aim of this study is to analyze the EMG onset during the golf swing, by comparing two different threshold methods. Method A threshold was determined using the baseline activity recorded between two maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Method B threshold was calculated using the mean EMG activity for 1000ms before the 500ms prior to the start of the Backswing. Two different clubs were also studied. Three-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare methods, muscles and clubs. Two-way mixed Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) with absolute agreement was used to determine the methods reliability. Club type usage showed no influence in onset detection. Rectus abdominis (RA) showed the higher agreement between methods. Erector spinae (ES), on the other hand, showed a very low agreement, that might be related to postural activity before the swing. External oblique (EO) is the first being activated, at 1295ms prior impact. There is a similar activation time between right and left muscles sides, although the right EO showed better agreement between methods than left side. Therefore, the algorithms usage is task- and muscle-dependent

    External approach to bilaterally septated maxillary sinuses: a case report

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    Communication abstract: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of CiiEM - Reducing inequalities in Health and Society, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from June 16th to 18th, 2021.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The careful planning of a sinus lift procedure is the key to avoiding surgical complications. In this clinical case, a female patient, 59 years old and totally edentulous in the maxilla, was referred to Egas Moniz’s Dental Clinic Implantology consultation with indication for bilateral external sinus lift of the maxillary sinuses prior to implant placement. Both orthopantomography and cone-beam computed tomography were used to show the anatomy of the maxillary sinuses, which presented multiple sinus septa. A multiple anterolateral window approach was applied in order to avoid perforation of the Schneiderian membrane while accessing it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reconstrução e caracterização de estruturas anatómicas exteriores usando visão activa

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    Este trabalho teve como principais objectivos a familiarização e análise de técnicas de Visão Computacional para a Reconstrução Tridimensional de Objectos, tendo sido iniciado o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma computacional.O presente relatório é constituído por três capítulos: no primeiro, são definidos os objectivos; no segundo, é apresentada a plataforma computacional, assim como alguns resultados experimentais; no terceiro e último capítulo, são apresentadas as conclusões relativas ao estudo e ao desenvolvimento realizado e, finalmente, são referidas as perspectivas de trabalho futuro.The work carried through had as main goals the familiarization and analysis of Computer Vision techniques for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Objects. From this work the development of a computer platform has been initiated.The present report has three chapters: in the first one, the goals are defined; in the second, the computer platform is presented, as well as some experimental results; in the third and last chapter, the conclusions relative to the study and work done are drawn and, finally, some perspectives of future work are given
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