218 research outputs found

    Estudi d'optimització d'un sistema complex integrat per un número elevat de bombaments d'aigua potable

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    Aquest projecte ha consistit en l'anàlisi de dades dels bombaments d'Aigües de Manresa, s'ha explicat la història de les bombes i els tipus de bombes que existeixen. Una de les bombes més emprades al món és la bomba centrífuga, i dels bombaments estudiats són un 70% de les bombes instal·lades, s'ha explicat les parts que formen la bomba centrífuga, el motor elèctric que és el que dona la potència a la bomba i les possibles avaries que poden afectar a la bomba i al motor. S'ha definit la història, organització i serveis d'Aigües de Manresa, així com el cicle integral de l'aigua a Manresa i les dades d'abonats, volum d'aigua consumida, longitud de les xarxes d'aigua i clavegueram, anàlisi de l'aigua i aspectes tècnics d'Aigües de Manresa. Finalment, amb les dades obtingudes dels bombaments i del consum d'aquests, s'han tractat les dades amb dos programes de BI (Business Intelligence) per a poder fer una anàlisi segons consum, potències, marques i tipus de bomba.Este proyecto ha consistido en el análisis de datos de los bombeos de Aigües de Manresa, se ha explicado la historia de las bombas y los tipos de bombas que existen. Una de las bombas más empleadas en el mundo es la bomba centrífuga, y de los bombeos estudiados son un 70% de las bombas instaladas, se ha explicado las partes que forman la bomba centrífuga, el motor eléctrico que es el que da la potencia a la bomba y las posibles averías que pueden afectar a la bomba y al motor. Se ha definido la historia, organización y servicios de Aigües de Manresa, así como el ciclo integral del agua a Manresa y los datos de abonados, volumen de agua consumida, longitud de las redes de agua y alcantarillado, análisis del agua y aspectos técnicos de Aigües de Manresa. Finalmente, con los datos obtenidos de los bombeos y del consumo de estos, se han tratado los datos con dos programas de BI (Business Intelligence) para poder hacer un análisis según consumo, potencias, marcas y tipos de bomba.This project has consisted of analysing data on Manresa Water Bombings, explaining the history of the bombs and the types of bombs that exist. One of the most used bombs in the world is the centrifugal bomb, and of the bombs studied 70% of the bombs installed, the parts that make up the centrifugal bomb, the electric motor that is the one that gives the bomb power and the possible breakdowns that can affect the bomb and the engine have been explained. The history, organization and services of Manresa Waters have been defined, as well as the integral cycle of water in Manresa and the data of subscribers, volume of water consumed, length of water and sewage networks, water analysis and technical aspects of Manresa Waters. Finally, with the data obtained from pumping and the consumption of pumps, the data has been treated with two BI (Business Intelligence) programmes to be able to carry out an analysis according to consumption, powers, brands and bomb types

    A Improvável Articulação entre a Teoria do Sujeito de Alain Badiou e a Wertkritik

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    In a attempt to get around a certain misunderstanding that prevents us from seeing the similarities between Alain Badiou’s theory of the subject and the Wertkritik (or critique of value), we try to point out how in these two conceptual approaches there is an absolute refusal of the capitalist system. In order to do so, it was necessary to elucidate how the resumptions of Marx’s thought that are materialized, in one case, in the theorization carried out by Badiou and, in the other, by the critique of value, although they do not coincide with each other, do not truly prescribe an exclusion of each other.Em tentativa de contornar um determinado equívoco que impede de enxergar as proximidades entre a teoria do sujeito de Alain Badiou e a chamada Wertkritik (ou crítica do valor), procura-se apontar como nessas duas abordagens conceituais há uma recusa absoluta do ordenamento capitalista. Para tanto, fez-se necessário elucidar como as retomadas do pensamento de Marx que se concretizam, num caso, na teorização levada a efeito por Badiou e, no outro, pela crítica do valor, apesar de não coincidirem entre si, não prescrevem verdadeiramente uma exclusão uma da outra.&nbsp

    Interaction strength between different grazers and macroalgae mediated by ocean acidification over warming gradients

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    Since the past century, rising CO2 levels have led to global changes (ocean warming and acidification) with subsequent effects on marine ecosystems and organisms. Macroalgae-herbivore interactions have a main role in the regulation of marine community structure (top-down control). Gradients of warming prompt complex non-linear effects on organism metabolism, cascading into altered trophic interactions and community dynamics. However, not much is known on how will acidification and grazer assemblage composition shape these effects. Within this context, we aimed to assess the combined effects of warming gradients and acidification on macroalgae-herbivore interactions, using three cosmopolitan species, abundant in the Iberian Peninsula and closely associated in nature: the amphipod Melita palmata, the gastropod Gibbula umbilicalis, and the green macroalga Ulva rigida. Under two CO2 treatments (triangle CO2 similar or equal to 450 mu atm) across a temperature gradient (13.5, 16.6, 19.9 and 22.1 degrees C), two mesocosm experiments were performed to assess grazer consumption rates and macroalgae-herbivore interaction, respectively. Warming (Experiment I and II) and acidification (Experiment II) prompted negative effects in grazer's survival and species-specific differences in consumption rates. M. palmata was shown to be the stronger grazer per biomass (but not per capita), and also the most affected by climate stressors. Macroalgae-herbivore interaction strength was markedly shaped by the temperature gradient, while simultaneous acidification lowered thermal optimal threshold. In the near future, warming and acidification are likely to strengthen top-down control, but further increases in disturbances may lead to bottom-up regulated communities. Finally, our results suggest that grazer assemblage composition may modulate future macroalgae-herbivore interactions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Dynamizing Innovation Systems through Induced Innovation Networks: A Conceptual Framework and the Case of the Oil Industry in Brazil

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    Based on the evolution of National, Regional, Sectoral and Technological Innovation Systems concepts, a conceptual framework is proposed to explain the configuration and coordination of innovation networks through an induction process. The networks may better cope with the growing complexity in innovation processes by promoting a more fine-tuning articulation between the innovation systems’ elements. The Induced Innovation Network suggested by the article is particularly relevant in less matured Innovation Systems. The framework proposed is illustrated with the case of the PETRO-RS Network, a multi-sectoral innovation network located in the South of Brazil

    Corpo, pensamento, modernidade: temas para as Humanidades

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    Apresentação do Dossiê "Corpo e Cultura" — Corpo, pensamento, modernidade: temas para as Humanidade


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