1,145 research outputs found

    As medidas de austeridade debaixo da Troika: Uma análise à cobertura noticiosa dos Orçamentos de Estado de JN e Público

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    A crise económica e financeira que abalou os fundamentos políticos e económicos da União Europeia e do mundo inteiro surgiu já em 2006 com a crise do subprime. A deterioração da qualidade dos empréstimos concedidos pelos bancos provocou um conjunto de incumprimentos por parte dos devedores. A maioria destes empréstimos eram ligados à acquisiçao de imóveis o que provocou a queda do preço das habitações e a consequente falta de liquidez das entidades credoras (Demyanyk e Otto Van Hemert, 2011). A falência do sistema bancário arrastou uma crise da dívida soberana das nações desenvolvidas como é o caso de Portugal (Micheletti 2008). A incapacidade do governo português em financiar as suas actividades através do recurso aos mercados obrigou o governo liderado por José Socrates a pedir uma intervenção conjunta do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), da Comissão Europeia (CE) e do Banco Central Europeu (BCE).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variasjon i tidlige livsfaser hos Atlantisk laks : sammenheng mellom oppsvømmingstidspunkt og stressmestringsstrategier

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    Captive fish are exposed to a variety of stressful situations, which can affect growth rates and promote diseases. Identification and selection for stress resistant fish at early stages of the production cycle could be used as a cost-efficient tool to increase productivity, welfare and to reduce disease susceptibility in aquaculture. In different animal groups, two distinctive sets of behavioural and physiological responses to stress, termed proactive and reactive stress coping styles, have been identified. In salmonid fish, emergence time, i.e. the moment when a larva leaves the spawning red and starts exogenous feeding, has been shown to be related to growth rates, standard metabolic rates, time of smoltification and social status. In this thesis, I have studied whether variability in emergence time could be coupled to differences in stress coping styles. As well, I have investigated the relationships between other early life traits and emergence time in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In the first part of the thesis, the relationship between hatching time and larval growth were examined. As well, a novel method to sort salmonid larvae according to emergence time was developed to investigate the relationships between family variation in emergence time and egg size, hatching time and larval developmental rate in Atlantic salmon. In the second part of the thesis, fry with different emergence times were screened for divergences in stress coping styles. The results in the first part of this thesis demonstrate that larvae with a late hatching time had higher post-hatch growth rates, thereby compensating for a delayed hatching time. Furthermore, comparisons between families showed a relationship between variation in egg size and hatching time, although these traits were not related to emergence time. In addition, families with a faster larval developmental rate reached emergence earlier. In the second part of this thesis, where the relationship between time to emerge and stress coping styles was investigated, it was shown that fry with an early time to emerge were bolder compared with a late emerging fry. However, differences in emergence time were not associated to other behavioural and physiological traits of the proactive and reactive coping styles, such as standard metabolic rates, social dominance, or post stress cortisol levels. The decoupling between boldness and such traits could be related to the absence of a strong selection pressure at emergence in captive fish. To conclude, this thesis demonstrates that the rate of development of the larvae, rather than egg size or hatching time, predicts time to emerge from the spawning redds in Atlantic salmon. Furthermore, this thesis presents a novel method to sort salmonid larvae that could improve rearing conditions of domesticated salmon. As well, it was shown that an earlier emergence was related to boldness behaviour, but earlier emergence was not related to other traits of the stress coping styles in domesticated Atlantic salmon. Future studies should examine if selection of fish according to emergence time is related to other production traits, such as disease resistance, growth rates, filet colour, occurrence of deformities or feed conversion ratio.Fisk i oppdrett vil være eksponert for en rekke unaturlige miljøforhold som vil innebære stress hvilket vil kunne medføre redusert tilvekst og økt forekomst av sykdom. Hensiktsmessig identifisering og seleksjon for økt stresstoleranse, anvendt tidlig i produksjonssyklusen, vil derfor kunne være et kostnadseffektivt verktøy for bedre sykdomsresistens, økt dyrevelferd og kostnadseffektiv produksjon. Det har i forsøk med ulike dyrearter blitt vist at det grovt sett finnes to ulike mønstre for fysiologiske og adferdsmessige reaksjoner på stress: proaktiv og reaktiv stressmestringstype. Det er blitt vist at det hos laks er en sammenheng mellom oppsvømmingstidspunkt, dvs. tidspunktet når en fiskelarve beveger seg bort fra gytemediet for å finne ekstern næring, og tilvekst, metabolsk rate og sosial status. I denne avhandlingen har jeg studert om variasjon i oppsvømmingstidspunkt kan kobles til forskjeller i stressmestringsstil. I tillegg har jeg undersøkt forholdet mellom andre tidlige livsegenskaper og oppsvømmingstidspunkt hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar). I den første delen av denne studien ble forholdet mellom klekketidspunkt og larvevekst undersøkt. I tillegg ble en ny metode for å sortere yngel mht oppsvømmingstidspunkt utviklet for å undersøke sammenhengen mellom eggstørrelse, klekketidspunkt og oppsvømmingstidspunkt hos atlantisk laks. I den andre delen av studien ble det undersøkt om yngel med ulikt oppsvømmingstidspunkt domineres av ulike stressmestringstyper. Resultatene i den første delen av denne studien viser at fiskelarver med sent klekketidspunkt har høyere tilvekst i den første fasen etter klekking, noe som vil kompensere for det sene klekketidspunktet. I familiematerialet ble det dessuten vist en sammenheng mellom eggstørrelse og klekketidspunkt. Det var imidlertid ikke noe signifikant sammenheng mellom klekketidspunkt og oppsvømmingstidspunkt i dette materialet, men familier med høyest metabolsk omsetning hadde også tidligst oppsvømmingstidspunkt. I den andre delen av studien, hvor vi undersøkte om oppsvømmingstidspunkt er knyttet til adferd eller fysiologiske egenskaper som er typiske for de to stressmestringstypene, fant vi at yngel som hadde et tidlig oppsvømmingstidspunkt var modigere eller mest uredde. Men vi fant ikke at disse uredde individene også hadde de typiske trekkene til den proaktive stressmestringstypen, som er høyere metabolsk rate, sosial dominans eller lavere kortisolnivå etter standardisert stress. En mulig forklaring på dette kan skyldes fraværet av seleksjon eller stress i oppdrettsmiljøet. Etter dette må det konkluderes med at metabolsk omsetning, i langt større grad enn eggstørrelse eller klekketidspunkt, påvirker oppsvømmingstidspunkt hos atlantisk laks i oppdrett. Vi har også utviklet en ny metode for sortering av lakseyngel og denne vil kunne brukes til å bedre produksjonsforholdene til oppdrettsfisk. I tillegg ble det vist at tidlig oppsvømmingstidspunkt var relatert til modig oppførsel, selv om tidlig oppsvømmingstidspunkt ikke ble relatert til andre trekk ved stressmestringstypene i opdrettslaks. Ytterligere studier bør undersøke om disse metodene i et seleksjonsprogram også vil kunne gi bedret sykdomsresistens, tilvekst, fôrutnyttelse og kvalitetsegenskaper.Norges Forskningsrå

    Improving Key-Value Database Scalability with Lazy State Determination

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    Applications keep demanding higher and higher throughput and lower response times from Database systems. Databases leverage concurrency, by using both multiple computer systems (nodes) and the multiple cores available in each node, to execute multiple requests (transactions) concurrently. Executing multiple transactions concurrently requires coordination, which is ensured by the database concurrency control (CC) module. However, excessive control/limitation of concurrency by the CC module negatively impacts the overall performance (latency and throughput) of the database system. The performance limitations imposed by the database CC module can be addressed by exploring new hardware, or by leveraging software-based techniques such as futures and lazy evaluation of transactions. This is where Lazy State Determination (LSD) shines [43, 42]. LSD proposes a new transactional API that decreases the conflicts between concurrent transactions by enabling the use of futures in both SQL and Key-Value database systems. The use of futures allows LSD to better capture the application semantics and to make more informed decisions on what really constitutes a conflict. These two key insights get together to create a system that provides high throughput in high contention scenarios. Our work builds on top of a previous LSD prototype. We identified and diagnosed its shortcomings, and devised and implemented a new prototype that addressed them. We validated our new LSD system and evaluated its behaviour and performance by comparing and contrasting with the original prototype. Our evaluation showed that the throughput of the new LSD prototype is from 3.7× to 4.9× higher, in centralized and distributed settings respectively, while also reducing the latency up to 10 times. With this work, we provide an LSD-based Key-Value Database System that has better vertical and horizontal scalability, and can take advantage of systems with higher core count or high number of nodes, in centralized and distributed settings, respectively.As aplicações continuam a exigir aos sistemas de base de dados (BD) débitos cada vez maiores e tempos de resposta cada vez menores. As BD respondem explorando a concorrência, usando múltiplos sistemas computacionais (nós) e os vários cores disponíveis em cada um desses nós, para executar vários pedidos (transações) simultaneamente. A execução de múltiplas transações simultaneamente requer coordenação, assegurada pelo módulo de controlo de concorrência (CC) da BD. No entanto, o controlo/limitação excessiva de concorrência pelo módulo de CC impacta negativamente o desempenho geral (latência e débito) do sistema de BD. As limitações de desempenho impostas pelo módulo CC da BD podem ser abordadas tanto explorando novo hardware como recorrendo a técnicas baseadas em software, como futuros e avaliação diferida de transações. É aqui que o Lazy State Determination (LSD) brilha [43, 42]. O LSD propõe uma nova API transacional que permite o uso de futuros em sistemas de BD SQL e Chave-Valor, diminuindo os conflitos entre transações concorrentes. O uso de futuros permite também que o LSD capture melhor a semântica da aplicação e tome decisões mais informadas sobre o que realmente constitui um conflito. Estes dois aspetos combinam-se para criar um sistema transacional que fornece elevado débito em cenários de alta contenção. O nosso trabalho foi desenvolvido sobe um protótipo anterior de LSD. Identificamos e diagnosticamos as suas deficiências e limitações, e concebemos e implementamos um novo protótipo que as endereçou. Validamos o novo sistema LSD e avaliamos o seu comportamento e desempenho comparando e contrastando com o protótipo original. A nossa avaliação mostrou que o débito do novo protótipo LSD é de 3,7× a 4,9× maior, em configurações centralizadas e distribuídas, respetivamente, além de reduzir a latência até 10 vezes. Com este trabalho, disponibilizamos um sistema de base de dados de Chave-Valor baseado em LSD que possui melhor escalabilidade vertical e horizontal, fazendo melhor uso de sistemas com múltiplos cores ou com elevado número de nós

    Sidra5: a search system with geographic signatures

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007Este trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de um sistema de pesquisa de informação com raciocínio geográfico, servindo de base para uma nova abordagem para modelação da informação geográfica contida nos documentos, as assinaturas geográficas. Pretendeu-se determinar se a semântica geográfica presente nos documentos, capturada através das assinaturas geográficas, contribui para uma melhoria dos resultados obtidos para pesquisas de cariz geográfico. São propostas e experimentadas diversas estratégias para o cálculo da semelhança entre as assinaturas geográficas de interrogações e documentos. A partir dos resultados observados conclui-se que, em algumas circunstâncias, as assinaturas geográficas contribuem para melhorar a qualidade das pesquisas geográficas.The dissertation report presents the development of a geographic information search system which implements geographic signatures, a novel approach for the modeling of the geographic information present in documents. The goal of the project was to determine if the information with geographic semantics present in documents, captured as geographic signatures, contributes to the improvement of search results. Several strategies for computing the similarity between the geographic signatures in queries and documents are proposed and experimented. The obtained results show that, in some circunstances, geographic signatures can indeed improve the search quality of geographic queries

    Mapping and characterization of small-scale aeolian structures on Mars: An example from the MSL landing site in Gale Crater

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    A new set of methodologies, which allow a simple and fast mapping and characterization of small-scale aeolian structures on Mars is introduced in this work. We follow an object-based approach in which the bedform crestlines are automatically mapped and characterized. From the methodology validation, we conclude that the quality of the obtained results is comparable with human-produced photointerpretations. We show that the accuracy associated with the measurement of mean trends from the automatically mapped patterns is less than 10°. Through the analysis of two areas located near the MSL landing site in Gale Crater, we explore some of the possibilities that the automatic mapping technique enables. Namely, for multitemporal surveys and ripple pattern analysis. We demonstrate how the mapped ripple patterns can be used to assess local wind orientations, and we analyze some examples that illustrate the diversity of wavelength spatial distributions that can be found on Mars. We try to relate these pattern wavelength variations with the possible local influence of granulometry and wind shear velocity

    Model for evaluation of less-matured digital business ecosystems

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    The entrepreneurship philosophy assimilated shaped perfectly to the new reality provided by the emergence of the new technologies of information and communication, connecting people and organizations and narrowing the distance between them. With this distance shortage, entrepreneurship assumed a more local dimension than ever, promoting the emergence of smaller entrepreneurial ecosystems at a city-level, ceasing to be exclusive to big cities: the digital business ecosystems. These smaller communities are, therefore, unique and, due to the intrinsic factors of its location (society, culture, finance, politics, demography, etc.), validate the premise of placing the city as the center of the study of entrepreneurship. Recently, academical studies have been using this approach to analyze the entrepreneurial activity in cities, with the help of composite indexes which provide numerical comparisons between the cities. However, these studies tend to be focused on matured digital business ecosystems. As such, this dissertation is motivated by such lack of knowledge and analysis of less-matured digital business ecosystems. The aim of this study is to develop a model of comparison of less-matured digital business ecosystem to be applied in the southern and eastern European region and, with its results, analyze the patterns of such region. This dissertation is settled on a solid literature review followed by a study of the region selected to validate the conditions previously established. With this knowledge base, the model is developed following a strategy fitted with the characteristics of less-matured entrepreneurial ecosystems (configuration, themes, variables, weights, data processing and display). The final results are analyzed and used a base to conjecture about the region’s entrepreneurial activity. With this study, it was concluded that the strategy defined cannot be the same as the other more general models, and is crucial to attaining reliable results through this model with these particularities. Concerning with the final results, it was concluded that this region has potential to evolve its stage of entrepreneurial maturity, however, it currently lacks entrepreneurial culture and experience to fully enable input conditions to generate outputs aspired

    “El problema del peso es una responsabilidad personal” – Exigencias para ser-y-rendir en el kárate generificado en la sociedad neoliberal occidental

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    Even though its roots can be traced to an ancient past, karate was born as a Japanese martial art around a century ago. It went through a sportivization process both by being spread from East to West and by becoming a combat sport. In this dual process, karate in Western society has retained many of its traditional practices, loyal to what is understood as its Japanese roots, at the same time that it became an Olympic sport (though only briefly), the apex of the sportive world. Then, karate mixes within itself a complex identity, combining elements of a martial art and a combat sport in a manner of a selective tradition (Williams, 1977). Besides that, karate can be described as a gender binary environment, where the original and hegemonic masculine ethos prevails. Women are allowed to take part in the martial culture, but not without cost. They participated in the Olympic setting as much as men, having the same number of categories for fighting, for example. Notwithstanding, this equality does not necessarily mean fair inclusion and equity. In this paper, we explore how a select group of women who were members of a karate Olympic national squad dealt with the embodied experience of pain and suffering, both somatically and sociologically, from training sessions and competitions. We expect to provide some evidence of how karate is adapted to the Western model of elite sport; how women are prepared to supposedly address demands of non-discriminatory policies in sport; how women thrive and survive in the Western neoliberal high-level sport model and, despite their highlighted performances, are not duly acknowledged by male peers neither receive training taking into account female specifics, such as menstruation. We researched the Spanish women’s Olympic karate squad in their preparation for the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympic Games. We conducted an ethnographic project with auto-ethnographic notes from the first author since full completion of the original plan was not possible given the advent of COVID-19. We focus mainly on semi-structured interviews conducted with the team while considering the experience of the first author of the article, who has been a karate practitioner for several years, to question, corroborate, and deepen understanding of data collected. We reflect on the somewhat precarious situation of women in the hyper-masculine environment of karate and the conditions that need to be in place to ensure their full and valued participation. We found that karateka women face several challenges to conquer their space in karate, often negotiating in a way of resisting adversities, and giving in, in order to retain hard-won privileges. Therefore, while women fighters can represent a subversion of structures, they still face patriarchal diktats.Aunque sus raíces se remontan a un pasado antiguo, el kárate nació como arte marcial japonés hace aproximadamente un siglo. Pasó por un proceso de deportivización al extenderse de Oriente a Occidente y convertirse en un deporte de combate. En este doble proceso, el kárate en la sociedad occidental ha conservado muchas de sus prácticas tradicionales, fieles a lo que se entiende como sus raíces japonesas, al mismo tiempo que se convirtió en deporte olímpico (aunque sólo brevemente), lo que está en la cúspide del mundo deportivo. Así pues, el kárate mezcla en sí mismo una identidad compleja, combinando elementos de un arte marcial y un deporte de combate a modo de tradición selectiva (Williams, 1977). Además, el kárate se circunscribe a un entorno binario de género, donde prevalece el ethos masculino hegemónico. A las mujeres se les permite participar en la cultura marcial, pero no sin costo. Participaron en el escenario olímpico tanto como los hombres, teniendo el mismo número de categorías de lucha, por ejemplo. Sin embargo, esta igualdad no necesariamente significa inclusión justa y equitativa. En este artículo, exploramos cómo un grupo selecto de mujeres miembros de un equipo nacional olímpico de kárate lidiaron con la experiencia corporal (embodied) del dolor y el sufrimiento, tanto somática como sociológicamente, durante las sesiones de entrenamiento y las competiciones. Esperamos proporcionar alguna evidencia de cómo el kárate se adapta al modelo occidental de deporte de élite; cómo se prepara a las mujeres para afrontar exigencias de supuestas políticas no discriminatorias en el deporte; cómo sobreviven y triunfan las mujeres en el modelo neoliberal occidental de deporte de alto nivel donde, a pesar de sus destacadas actuaciones, no son debidamente reconocidas por sus pares masculinos ni reciben un entrenamiento que tenga en cuenta las características específicas femeninas, como puede ser la menstruación. La investigación se llevó a cabo con la selección olímpica femenina española de kárate durante su preparación para los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020 (2021). Realizamos un proyecto etnográfico con notas auto etnográficas de la primera autora, ya que la finalización completa del plan original no fue posible debido a la pandemia COVID-19. Nos centramos principalmente en entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas al equipo, considerando la experiencia de la primera autora del artículo, practicante de kárate desde hace varios años, y con experiencia para cuestionar, corroborar y profundizar en la comprensión de los datos recopilados. Reflexionamos sobre la situación un tanto precaria de las mujeres en el entorno híper masculino del kárate y las condiciones que deberían existir para garantizar que su participación sea plena y valorada. Hemos encontrado que las mujeres karatekas han de afrontar varios desafíos para conquistar su espacio en el kárate, a menudo negociando para resistir las adversidades y cediendo para conservar los privilegios ganados con tanto esfuerzo. Por lo tanto, si bien las mujeres luchadoras pueden representar una subversión de las estructuras, todavía han de afrontar dictados patriarcales