10 research outputs found

    Implementation of a safe-by-design approach in the development of new open pilot lines for the manufacture of carbon nanotube-based nano-enabled products

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    The project PLATFORM (H2020, GA 646307) aims to develop three new pilot lines (PPLs) for the manufacture of carbon nanotube-based nano-enabled products (buckypapers, treated prepregs, doped veils), for the European aeronautics and automotive industries (a Technology Readiness Level 6 - TRL6 -is expected at the end of the project). The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (MD) - transposed into the respective national legislations -is the European regulatory framework for the design and construction of new machinery, as the future PPLs. PPLs are not required to comply with the provisions of the MD until they are put into service - expected in 2020, after project completion - but then, the MD will be fully applicable. In this regulatory context, the project PLATFORM is aligning the design of the PPLs according to the MD requirements, in order to facilitate the CE marking in 2020 (TRL9) and avoid potential economic costs associated with future re-adaptations or modifications needed to ensure compliance with the MD. This paper discusses the methodological approach followed by the project PLATFORM to integrate all the nanosafety aspects in the design of the PPLs, in order to achieve safe designs in conformity with the relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) of the MD. Since machinery must be designed and constructed taking into account the results of the risk assessment (RA), this paper describes the systematic and iterative approach for RA and risk reduction followed to eliminate hazards as far practicable and to adequately reduce risks by the implementation of protective measures. This process has been guided by the harmonized standards EN ISO 12100 and EN ISO 14123, taking the relevant phases of life cycle, expected uses and operation modes of the PPLs into account. A specific tool to guide the safe design of the PPLs and facilitate the RA process has also been produced by the project (PLATFORM -SbD toolkit).The project PLATFORM has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 646307

    Application of standardization for the design and construction of carbon nanotube-based product pilot lines in compliance with EU regulation on machinery

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    The "PLATFORM" manufacturing ecosystem for pilot production of pre-commercial CNT-based nano-enabled products, consists of three pilot lines (PPLs) for the manufacture of buckypapers, doped prepregs and doped veils. The PPLs have been constructed with the ultimate goal to commercialize these products in the European market in 2020/2022.This goal requires having the PPLs in compliance with the applicable product safety regulation by that date (CE marking). The main EU regulation for new machinery (as the PPLs) is the Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery (MD). This Directive sets out the general mandatory Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) related to the design and construction of machinery, while particular technical specifications for fulfilling them are provided in European harmonized standards. Application of harmonized standards is voluntary but confers a presumption of conformity with the EHSRs they cover. The PPLs are unique machines for own use and must comply with the MD before they are put into service, in 2020/2022. But the MD does not provide specific EHSRs for nanosafety and no harmonized standards are available in this field for the safe design of the PPLs. In this context, this paper shows the standardization strategy followed by the project PLATFORM (GA 646307) to design the PPLs in compliance with the EHSR referred to the risks to health resulting from hazardous substances emitted by machinery (MD, Annex I, EHSR 1.5.13). In the absence of nanosafety harmonized standards to satisfy the aforementioned EHSR, the design and design verification of the PPLs were carried out through A & B - type harmonized standards (e.g. EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 14123-1/2), and other European and international standards.The projects PLATFORM and OASIS have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreements Nº 646307 and Nº 814581, respectively. This paper reflects only the authors’ views, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

    A novel approach of damage monitoring of fibre reinforced composites enhanced with carbon nanotubes

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    The increasing usage of composite materials in the aerospace industry in critical structural applications has proved the need for health monitoring of those structures. In the past piezo ceramic particles and optic fibres have been integrated into composite structures so as to serve as health monitoring sensors but they introduced flaws and high stress concentration to the structures. In the current PhD thesis a different approach was used to use the material itself as an inherent structural monitoring sensor. In order to achieve that the matrix material of the epoxy reinforced composite has to be doped with Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). Carbon nanotubes are reported to have excellent mechanical thermal and electrical properties. The CNTs have to be dispersed into the epoxy matrix and above certain per weight percentage into the matrix where they form a conductive percolating network. By monitoring the changes of the electrical resistivity of this network is possible to track any load strain or even damage stages of the material. In other words a step towards a multifunctional material is made since an enhancement also in the mechanical properties is expected from the presence of the CNTs. […]Η συνεχώς αυξανομένη χρήση συνθέτων υλικών στην αεροδιαστημική βιομηχανία στις κρίσιμες δομικές εφαρμογές έχει οδηγήσει στην ανάγκη ανάπτυξης μη καταστροφικών μεθόδων βλάβης. Οι έως τώρα χρησιμοποιούμενες μέθοδοι για την παρακολούθηση βλάβης όπως είναι η ενσωμάτωση πιεζο-κεραμικών αισθητήρων και οπτικών ινών σε σύνθετες κατασκευές έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα την συγκέντρωση υψηλών τάσεων και ροών στην κατασκευή. Η παρούσα διατριβή αποτελεί μια πρωτότυπη προσπάθεια στη ευρύτερη επιστημονική και τεχνολογική κατεύθυνση της ενσωμάτωσης της νάνο τεχνολογίας στο τομέα σχεδιασμού και κατασκευής νέων συνθέτων υλικών. Πρωταρχικός στόχος είναι η επίτευξη αυξημένων δυνατοτήτων για αποτελεσματική παρακολούθηση της αναπτυσσόμενης βλάβης στο υλικό και κατά προέκταση έλεγχου της δομικής ακεραιότητας των κατασκευών τους. Στο πλαίσιο αυτής της προσπάθειας προτείνεται η καινοτόμα ιδέα της αξιοποίησης των νάνο σωληνίσκων άνθρακα ως εμποτισμένους αισθητήρες βλάβης μέσα σε συμβατικά ινώδη σύνθετα υλικά άνθρακα με απώτερο στόχο τον καλύτερο μη καταστροφικό έλεγχο της βλάβης με τη μέτρηση της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης. Οι εξαιρετικά αγώγιμοι ΝΣΑ όταν εμποτιστούν σε πολυμερή (κυρία υλικά μήτρας συνθέτων υλικών) δημιουργούν ένα ηλεκτρικό δίκτυο (percolation network) το οποίο παρέχει την δυνατότητα αγωγής ηλεκτρικού φορτίου αυξάνοντας πολλές τάξεις μεγέθους την αγωγιμότητα του πολυμερούς. Η παρουσία του προαναφερθέντος ηλεκτρικού δικτύου ταυτόχρονα με αυτό των αγώγιμων ινών άνθρακα σε σύνθετα υλικά όπου η μήτρα έχει εμποτιστεί με ΝΣΑ αναμένεται να αυξήσει άμεσα η έμμεσα τη διακριτική ικανότητα ανίχνευσης της βλάβης μέσω της μέτρησης της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης. […

    Roll-to-roll in-line implementation of microwave free-space non-destructive evaluation of conductive composite thin layer materials

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    International audienceA free-space microwave nondestructive testing and evaluation module is developed for the low-power, non-ionizing, contactless, and real-time characterization of doped composite thin-film materials in an industrial context. The instrumentation proposed is built up with a handled vector network analyzer interfaced with corrugated horn antennas to measure the near-field complex reflection S11 of planar prepreg composite materials in a roll-to-roll in-line production line. Dedicated modeling and calibrations routines are developed to extract the microwave conductivity from the measured microwave signal. Practical extraction of the radiofrequency (RF) conductivity of thin film prepreg composite materials doped with nano-powders is exemplary shown at the test frequency of 10 GHz

    Graphene-Based Systems for Enhanced Energy Storage

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    Extensive global research efforts have focused on the exploitation of graphene for enhanced energy storage. Novel graphene-based composite material electrodes have been developed, in many cases with reports of outstanding performance. However, the development of these composites involve extremely complex and costly procedures/methods whose scalability and eventual commercial exploitation is extremely hard [1]. Within the present activity the use of graphene nanotechnology is exploited to manufacture electrodes for supercapacitors. The goal however is to achieve electrodes with increased specific energy density (compared to the currently commercially available products) using proven and simple manufacturing procedures that can easily be scaled-up and offer competitive products. The roadmap was developed under the framework of European Space Agency highlighting the main advantages brought up from this technology. The activity is separated in three parallel routes; the development and test planning of small–scale production of graphene based materials via the tape casting technology, the establishment of a reliable and low cost industrial production process (scale-up) for these materials and the development and testing of an energy storage demonstrator that shall incorporate the novel electrodes and exhibit their favorable characteristics in energy storage applications for use in space

    Graphene-Based Systems for Enhanced Energy Storage

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    Extensive global research efforts have focused on the exploitation of graphene for enhanced energy storage. Novel graphene-based composite material electrodes have been developed, in many cases with reports of outstanding performance. However, the development of these composites involve extremely complex and costly procedures/methods whose scalability and eventual commercial exploitation is extremely hard [1]. Within the present activity the use of graphene nanotechnology is exploited to manufacture electrodes for supercapacitors. The goal however is to achieve electrodes with increased specific energy density (compared to the currently commercially available products) using proven and simple manufacturing procedures that can easily be scaled-up and offer competitive products. The roadmap was developed under the framework of European Space Agency highlighting the main advantages brought up from this technology. The activity is separated in three parallel routes; the development and test planning of small–scale production of graphene based materials via the tape casting technology, the establishment of a reliable and low cost industrial production process (scale-up) for these materials and the development and testing of an energy storage demonstrator that shall incorporate the novel electrodes and exhibit their favorable characteristics in energy storage applications for use in space