140 research outputs found

    Sucesión en el proceso civil

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    Don Generoso Pérez en enero de 2009 es declarado por sentencia judicial "pródigo" y se le nombra judicialmente un curador, Don Félix. Su patrimonio compone varios pisos heredados de sus padres. Don Félix, en cumplimiento de su encomienda, presenta anualmente ante el juzgado una "rendición de cuentas" mediante un informe sobre la gestión del patrimonio de Don Generoso.En 2009 el curador asiste al pródigo y firman un contrato de arrendamiento sobre uno de los pisos con Don Hipólito. Las partes pactan un plazo de duración de 10 años. Don Félix acuerda con una empresa el cambio de tejas y, considerando que esta intervención tiene carácter de obra de mejora, comunica a Don HIpólito su obligación de soportar parte de los gastos a través de un incremento de la renta contractualmente acordada. Don Hipólito considera que estas obras no tienen el carácter de de mejoras y acude a un abogado para que solicite formalmente que dichas obras no sean consideradas como tal y que no justifican el pretendido incremento de renta acordada. En la contestación a la demanda, el curador formula como excepctión reconvencional la nulidad del contrado de arrendamiento por exceder el límite de las facultades del curador. Presentada la contestación a la demanda fallece Don Generoso Pérez (el pródigo). Los herederos del fallecido son tres sobrinos que viven en lugares distintos. Al recibir las notificaciones correspondientes, los herederos se ponen en contacto con la letrada que suscribe, para pedir asesoramiento fundado y por escrito, dado que viveen en puntos geográficos distintos.Máster en Abogací

    Multi-Level Representation of Gesture as Command for Human Computer Interaction

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    oai:ojs.cai.ui.sav.sk:article/16The paper addresses the multiple forms of representation that human gesture takes at different levels for human computer interaction, ranging from gesture acquisition to mathematical model for analysis, pattern for recognition, record for database up to end-level application event triggers. A mathematical model for gesture as command is presented. We equally identify and provide particular models for four different types of gestures by considering both posture information and underlying motion trajectories. The problem of constructing gesture dictionaries is further addressed by taking into account similarity measures and dictionary discriminative features

    Exploring Application Opportunities for Smart Vehicles in the Continuous Interaction Space Inside and Outside the Vehicle

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    We describe applications that implement interactions between the driver and their smart vehicle in a continuous interaction space characterized by the physical distance to the vehicle and by the smart devices that implement those interactions. Specifically, we demonstrate the principles of smart vehicle proxemics with smart rings, smartwatches, smartphones, and other devices employed to interact with the in-vehicle infotainment system while the driver traverses five distinctly identifiable zones, from inside the vehicle to the personal, proximal, distant, and covert zone outside the vehicle. We present engineering details of our applications that capitalize on standardized web technology (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), communication protocols (WebSocket), and data formats (JSON) and, thus, enable straightforward extension to accommodate other smart devices for new interactions with smart vehicles. We also point to future opportunities for designing interactions from a distance and function of the distance between the driver and their vehicle

    Smart Vehicle Proxemics: A Conceptual Framework Operationalizing Proxemics in the Context of Outside-the-Vehicle Interactions

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    We introduce smart vehicle proxemics, a conceptual framework for interactive vehicular applications that operationalizes proxemics to outside-the-vehicle interactions. We identify four zones around the vehicle affording different kinds of interactions and discuss the corresponding conceptual space along three dimensions (physical distance, interaction paradigm, and goal). We study the dimensions of this framework and synthesize our findings regarding drivers’ preferences for (i) information to obtain from their vehicles at a distance, (ii) system functions of their vehicles to control remotely, and (iii) devices (e.g., smartphones, smartglasses, smart key fobs) for interactions outside the vehicle. We discuss the positioning of smart vehicle proxemics in the context of proxemic interactions more generally, and expand on the dichotomy and complementarity of outside-the-vehicle and inside-the-vehicle interactions for new applications enabled by smart vehicle proxemics

    The impact of entrepreneurship on economic development through government policies and citizens’ attitudes

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    This research aims to investigate the field of entrepreneurship in the context of public sector governance in eight of the largest economies in the world (the G7 countries and Russia). To analyse the composition and evolution of entrepreneurship, data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor was collected, while the economic stability was based on GDP data from the World Bank. To understand the relationships between the public sector governance policies and attitudes towards entrepreneurship in terms of economic development, the 2001-2018 period was considered. The relationships studied were observed through correlation and regression analyses, based on indexes obtained through principal component analysis. Results indicate that there are strong positive correlations between GDP and cultural and social norms promoted in society, total early-stage entrepreneurial activity, physical and services infrastructure, and tax and bureaucracy, while the fear of failure affects the GDP. Besides, this research emphasises the fact that individuals’ entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour may reduce the level of GDP, while the entrepreneurial framework developed by the public sector would have an important role in increasing economic stability

    Brave New GES World:A Systematic Literature Review of Gestures and Referents in Gesture Elicitation Studies

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    How to determine highly effective and intuitive gesture sets for interactive systems tailored to end users’ preferences? A substantial body of knowledge is available on this topic, among which gesture elicitation studies stand out distinctively. In these studies, end users are invited to propose gestures for specific referents, which are the functions to control for an interactive system. The vast majority of gesture elicitation studies conclude with a consensus gesture set identified following a process of consensus or agreement analysis. However, the information about specific gesture sets determined for specific applications is scattered across a wide landscape of disconnected scientific publications, which poses challenges to researchers and practitioners to effectively harness this body of knowledge. To address this challenge, we conducted a systematic literature review and examined a corpus of N=267 studies encompassing a total of 187, 265 gestures elicited from 6, 659 participants for 4, 106 referents. To understand similarities in users’ gesture preferences within this extensive dataset, we analyzed a sample of 2, 304 gestures extracted from the studies identified in our literature review. Our approach consisted of (i) identifying the context of use represented by end users, devices, platforms, and gesture sensing technology, (ii) categorizing the referents, (iii) classifying the gestures elicited for those referents, and (iv) cataloging the gestures based on their representation and implementation modalities. Drawing from the findings of this review, we propose guidelines for conducting future end-user gesture elicitation studies

    Gesture-based interfaces for INTEROB: interacting with information and robotics systems

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    We discuss in this paper several implementations of computer vision applications that were developed in the last two years in our laboratory and for which gesture-based interactions were introduced. The aim is to provide enhanced human-computer interfaces for several commonly encountered application scenarios: manipulating virtual objects and working inside virtual environments, playing computer games and interacting with robotic systems. We particularly focused on table-based systems which allow natural and intuitive interactions as they transform into comfortable and familiar interfaces