703 research outputs found

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Professional Preparation Of The Future Fitness Trainers In Great Britain And Australia

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    Analysis of scientific literature and documental sources testifies to actualization of problem of professional preparation of the future fitness trainers at educational level “bachelor” in different countries. The special features of professional education of these specialists in Great Britain and Australia were determined. To the advantages of preparation can be assigned the flexible character of stage education and possibility to work as a fitness-trainer, having the second, third, fourth and fifth levels according to Qualification Credit Framework – QCF. The sixth level is equal to educational level “bachelor”. Educational institution that realizes preparation at sixth level on specialization "Personal Fitness Training" is University of Central Lancashire. The content of university curriculum provides mastering by students of competences on psychology of communication, motivation, leadership, nutritiology, management, medical rehabilitation and so on. From our point of view, disadvantage of professional preparation of the future fitness-trainers in Great Britain and Australia is the excessive applied orientation of teaching and absence of cultural disciplines

    Teoretyczne podstawy psychologiczno-pedagogicznego wsparcia osobowego i zawodowego rozwoju przyszłych nauczycieli

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    In the article is given the concept of support the personal and professional development of a future teacher. Authors presented the aim of the process: formation of the future teachers, updating the set of personal qualities of the students, that leads to the development of their subjectivity. Authors distinguished also the principles of the development of the future teachers: e.g. taking into account the needs of the individual related to self-organizing and self-development; recognition of an identity and self-worth of the students.W artykule omawiane jest zagadnienie wsparcia osobowego i zawodowego rozwoju przyszłych nauczycieli. Autorzy koncentrują się między innymi na celu tego procesu: kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli, modernizowanie zestawu osobistych cech studentów, co prowadzić ma do rozwoju ich podmiotowości. Autorzy wyróżniają również zasady rozwoju przyszłych nauczycieli: np. branie pod uwagę potrzeb jednostki dotyczących samoorganizowania się i samodoskonalenia, uznania tożsamości i wartości osobowych uczniów

    Nonequilibrium transport equations and ab initio study of adsorption processes on carbon nanotubes

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    In a theoretical study of gas adsorption on carbon nanotubes (CNT) nonequilibrium processes of ionization, polarization, surface diffusion and desorption of atoms are considered self-consistently. The approach is based on Zubarev's method of nonequilibrium statistical operator and reaction-diffusion theory. The set of nonlinear transport equations are obtained for the chosen parameters of description: the average numbers of adsorbed atoms, ionized and polarized atoms in the electromagnetic field of CNT, and the average number of atoms desorbed from the CNT surface. Ab initio simulations are conducted for a "gas-single wall carbon nanotube" system for gases of particular practical interest: He and NO. The obtained values of adsorption energy reveal preferable localization sites of absorbed He atoms as well as their dependency on adsorption distances. A significant effect of NO adsorption on CNT electronic properties is demonstrated. The effect of presence of vacancies on adsorption nature is analyzed. It is shown that under the influence of vacancy formation the CNT structure undergoes reconstruction that enables chemisorption of NO molecules.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Overcoming the Inadequacy of Economic Dynamics Models

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    Known models of economic dynamics are too aggregate, so inadequate to the real economy. The analyst will not be able to identify the real dynamics of the economy among the big mistakes. They have no connection between investments, their efficiency, and the rate of economic growth. There is no transition from the optimal share of savings in the country to the agents’ optimal shares, managing investment sources.To link investment and the pace of economic growth, the author introduced the concept of technical productivity of investments, which measures their ability to change the rate of material or labor costs.Based on the technical productivity of investment, the author has derived the equation (not identity) of economic dynamics.Instead of the highly aggregated models, the author developed an adequate causal simulation model, reflecting the economy as a closed system with positive feedback of the investment from incomes and economic growth from investment. The author determined the dynamics of the Ukrainian economy with different technical productivity of investment on this model

    Short-Term Forecast of Ukrainian Economy Including Shadow Sector Using Causal Simulation Model

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    A new causal simulation model of economic development was created, which comprehensively in detail and fully reflects various types of legal and shadow economic activities and their interrelations.The model is used to forecast the whole (legal and shadow) country’s economy up to 2022.The dynamics of shadow and legal indicators are different.The biggest and most important difference is about exports and imports. Official statistics give a negative balance of the Ukrainian foreign trade of Ukraine in 2019-22. However, total export, determined by the model, considerably exceeds imports, so actually we expect a surplus.This is very important for the National Bank: its policy based on the official (legal) negative balance of Ukraine foreign trade should be one (throw foreign currency reserves into the market or to devalue the hryvnia), but with the actual balance that includes shadow flows and is positive, - contrary one (to buy currency on the market or to revalue the national currency).Our model calculates how the production volumes of all types of goods and services should change to ensure that supply and demand are balanced. These numbers can serve a reference for manufacturers.We suggested that the relevant Ukrainian authorities take an active position in the implementation of the developed forecast for the economic development of Ukraine: measuring actual rates of changes in the production of these types of goods during the year, they provide recommendations to producers to increase or decrease their production

    Political metaphoric allusion

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню політичних метафоричних алюзій, побудованих на основі воєнної лексики, в англійській мові. У статті описані джерела метафоричних алюзій. Розкрита семантика та функції метафоричних алюзій у політичному дискурсі. Ключові слова: метафора, метафорична алюзія, джерела метафоризації, функції метафоричних алюзій, політичний дискурс. (The article is devoted to the study of political metaphoric allusions based on military terms in the English language. The sources of metaphoric allusions have been described. The semantics and functions of the metaphoric allusions in political discourse have been revealed.