143 research outputs found

    Mapping quality linkages based on tacit knowledge

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    A structured conceptualization method, concept mapping, is applied to visualize the conceptual domain of explicit and tacit quality linkages in a complex, causally ambiguous production system of a premium automotive OEM. Experts, intimately familiar with all facets of the conceptual domain, defined sources of quality problems and rated their impact on product quality. These inputs, formative measures for a latent construct, were used to create concept maps and clusters for the sources of quality problems. Differences and disagreements between subgroups were highlighted by pattern matching. The concept map and the preferred cluster solution, based on user-defined measures, served as inputs in the development of a causal loop diagram and an action plan for better resource allocation to specific improvement activities. The approach, using formative rather than the more commonly used reflective indicators, uses key informants and explanation building processes of high internal validity. In the spirit of the “proximal similarity model,” the presented methodology is also highly transferable to similar settings of other automotive OEMs and beyond

    Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy

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    In this article, we propose actions that will help society accept the benefits of enhancement, given appropriate research and evolved regulation. Prescription drugs are regulated as such not for their enhancing properties but primarily for considerations of safety and potential abuse. Still, cognitive enhancement has much to offer individuals and society, and a proper societal response will involve making enhancements available while managing their risks

    A scoping review of research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and the mass media: Looking back, moving forward

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become more common in Western developed countries in recent years, as has media reporting on CAM and related issues. Correspondingly, media reports are a primary information source regarding decisions to use CAM. Research on CAM related media reports is becoming increasingly relevant and important; however, identifying key concepts to guide future research is problematic due to the dispersed nature of completed research in this field. A scoping review was conducted to: 1) determine the amount, focus and nature of research on CAM and the mass media; and 2) summarize and disseminate related research results.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The main phases were: 1) searching for relevant studies; 2) selecting studies based on pre-defined inclusion criteria; 3) extracting data; and 4) collating, summarizing and reporting the results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 4,454 studies identified through various search strategies, 16 were relevant to our objectives and included in a final sample. CAM and media research has focused primarily on print media coverage of a range of CAM therapies, although only a few studies articulated differences within the range of therapies surveyed. Research has been developed through a variety of disciplinary perspectives, with a focus on representation research. The research reviewed suggests that journalists draw on a range of sources to prepare media reports, although most commonly they cite conventional (versus CAM) sources and personal anecdotes. The tone of media reports appears generally positive, which may be related to a lack of reporting on issues related to risk and safety. Finally, a variety of discourses within media representations of CAM are apparent that each appeal to a specific audience through resonance with their specific concerns.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Research on CAM and the mass media spans multiple disciplines and strategies of inquiry; however, despite the diversity in approach, it is clear that issues related to production and reception of media content are in need of research attention. To address the varied issues in a comprehensive manner, future research needs to be collaborative, involving researchers across disciplines, journalists and CAM users.</p

    The Future of Psychopharmacological Enhancements: Expectations and Policies

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    The hopes and fears expressed in the debate on human enhancement are not always based on a realistic assessment of the expected possibilities. Discussions about extreme scenarios may at times obscure the ethical and policy issues that are relevant today. This paper aims to contribute to an adequate and ethically sound societal response to actual current developments. After a brief outline of the ethical debate concerning neuro-enhancement, it describes the current state of the art in psychopharmacological science and current uses of psychopharmacological enhancement, as well as the prospects for the near future. It then identifies ethical issues regarding psychopharmacological enhancements that require attention from policymakers, both on the professional and on the governmental level. These concern enhancement research, the gradual expansion of medical categories, off-label prescription and responsibility of doctors, and accessibility of enhancers on the Internet. It is concluded that further discussion on the advantages and drawbacks of enhancers on a collective social level is still needed

    Randomised controlled trial comparing single agent paclitaxel vs epidoxorubicin plus paclitaxel in patients with advanced ovarian cancer in early progression after platinum-based chemotherapy: an Italian Collaborative Study from the ‘Mario Negri’ Institute, Milan, G.O.N.O. (Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest) group and I.O.R. (Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo) group

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of epidoxorubicin plus paclitaxel combination (ET) vs single agent paclitaxel (T), as second-line chemotherapy treatment in advanced ovarian cancer patients in early progression within 12 months after platinum-based chemotherapy. From October 1994 up to June 1999, 234 patients from 34 Italian hospitals were randomised to receive: (A) epidoxorubicin (E) 80 mg m(-2) + paclitaxel (T) 175 mg m(-2) (3 h infusion), every 21 days for 4-6 cycles. (B) Paclitaxel 175 mg m(-2) (3 h infusion) every 21 days for 4-6 cycles. Evaluable for survival analysis were 106 and 106 patients in ET and T arm, respectively. Platinum-based monochemotherapy was the first-line treatment in 43% patients, while polichemotherapy containing anthracyclines was the preferred first-line therapy in 22% patients. The median time from the end of first-line therapy to randomisation was 3 months. Treatment was completed in 87 and 85% of T and ET arm, respectively. Haematological toxicity was significantly more common in ET group (ECOG grade 3-4 neutropenia: 37.4% in ET vs 18.2% in T arm). Neuropathies were similar in both arms (sensory: ECOG grade 2-3: 12.1% in ET vs 14.7% in T arm, motor: 6.1% in ET vs 5.3% in T arm). Objective response was achieved in 37.4% of patients in ET group and in 46.9% of patients in T arm. At a median follow-up of time of 48 months, a total of 180 patients progressed and 163 patients died. Survival analysis showed no difference between ET and T (median time to progression: 6 months for both regimens, median survival: 12 and 14 months for ET and T, respectively; hazard ratio for mortality of ET vs T: 1.17 (95% CI 0.86-1.59; P=0.33). The ET regimen does not seem to be more effective than T in refractory advanced ovarian cancer patients in early progression after platinum-based chemotherapy. Despite an acceptable response rate, the control of disease progression remains poor

    The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene of Moniliophthoraperniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom disease of Theobroma cacao

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    This report describes the cloning, sequence and expression analysis of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene of Moniliophthora perniciosa, the most important pathogen of cocoa in Brazil. Southern blot analysis revealed the presence of a single copy of the GAPDH gene in the M. perniciosa genome (MpGAPDH). The complete MpGAPDH coding sequence contained 1,461 bp with eight introns that were conserved in the GAPDH genes of other basidiomycete species. The cis-elements in the promoter region of the MpGAPDH gene were similar to those of other basidiomycetes. Likewise, the MpGAPDH gene encoded a putative 339 amino acid protein that shared significant sequence similarity with other GAPDH proteins in fungi, plants, and metazoans. Phylogenetic analyses clustered the MPGAPDH protein with other homobasidiomycete fungi of the family Tricholomataceae. Expression analysis of the MpGAPDH gene by real-time PCR showed that this gene was more expressed (~1.3X) in the saprotrophic stage of this hemibiotrophic plant pathogen than in the biotrophic stage when grown in cacao extracts

    Readability of pediatric health materials for preventive dental care

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    BACKGROUND: This study examined the content and general readability of pediatric oral health education materials for parents of young children. METHODS: Twenty-seven pediatric oral health pamphlets or brochures from commercial, government, industry, and private nonprofit sources were analyzed for general readability ("usability") according to several parameters: readability, (Flesch-Kincaid grade level, Flesch Reading Ease, and SMOG grade level); thoroughness, (inclusion of topics important to young childrens' oral health); textual framework (frequency of complex phrases, use of pictures, diagrams, and bulleted text within materials); and terminology (frequency of difficult words and dental jargon). RESULTS: Readability of the written texts ranged from 2(nd )to 9(th )grade. The average Flesch-Kincaid grade level for government publications was equivalent to a grade 4 reading level (4.73, range, 2.4 – 6.6); F-K grade levels for commercial publications averaged 8.1 (range, 6.9 – 8.9); and industry published materials read at an average Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.4 (range, 4.7 – 9.3). SMOG readability analysis, based on a count of polysyllabic words, consistently rated materials 2 to 3 grade levels higher than did the Flesch-Kincaid analysis. Government sources were significantly lower compared to commercial and industry sources for Flesch-Kincaid grade level and SMOG readability analysis. Content analysis found materials from commercial and industry sources more complex than government-sponsored publications, whereas commercial sources were more thorough in coverage of pediatric oral health topics. Different materials frequently contained conflicting information. CONCLUSION: Pediatric oral health care materials are readily available, yet their quality and readability vary widely. In general, government publications are more readable than their commercial and industry counterparts. The criteria for usability and results of the analyses presented in this article can be used by consumers of dental educational materials to ensure that their choices are well-suited to their specific patient population

    Controlling epidemic spread by social distancing: Do it well or not at all

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    BACKGROUND: Existing epidemiological models have largely tended to neglect the impact of individual behaviour on the dynamics of diseases. However, awareness of the presence of illness can cause people to change their behaviour by, for example, staying at home and avoiding social contacts. Such changes can be used to control epidemics but they exact an economic cost. Our aim is to study the costs and benefits of using individual-based social distancing undertaken by healthy individuals as a form of control.METHODS: Our model is a standard SIR model superimposed on a spatial network, without and with addition of small-world interactions. Disease spread is controlled by allowing susceptible individuals to temporarily reduce their social contacts in response to the presence of infection within their local neighbourhood. We ascribe an economic cost to the loss of social contacts, and weigh this against the economic benefit gained by reducing the impact of the epidemic. We study the sensitivity of the results to two key parameters, the individuals' attitude to risk and the size of the awareness neighbourhood.RESULTS: Depending on the characteristics of the epidemic and on the relative economic importance of making contacts versus avoiding infection, the optimal control is one of two extremes: either to adopt a highly cautious control, thereby suppressing the epidemic quickly by drastically reducing contacts as soon as disease is detected; or else to forego control and allow the epidemic to run its course. The worst outcome arises when control is attempted, but not cautiously enough to cause the epidemic to be suppressed. The next main result comes from comparing the size of the neighbourhood of which individuals are aware to that of the neighbourhood within which transmission can occur. The control works best when these sizes match and is particularly ineffective when the awareness neighbourhood is smaller than the infection neighbourhood. The results are robust with respect to inclusion of long-range, small-world links which destroy the spatial structure, regardless of whether individuals can or cannot control them. However, addition of many non-local links eventually makes control ineffective.CONCLUSIONS: These results have implications for the design of control strategies using social distancing: a control that is too weak or based upon inaccurate knowledge, may give a worse outcome than doing nothing