194 research outputs found

    Deep panoramic depth prediction and completion for indoor scenes

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    We introduce a novel end-to-end deep-learning solution for rapidly estimating a dense spherical depth map of an indoor environment. Our input is a single equirectangular image registered with a sparse depth map, as provided by a variety of common capture setups. Depth is inferred by an efficient and lightweight single-branch network, which employs a dynamic gating system to process together dense visual data and sparse geometric data. We exploit the characteristics of typical man-made environments to efficiently compress multi-resolution features and find short- and long-range relations among scene parts. Furthermore, we introduce a new augmentation strategy to make the model robust to different types of sparsity, including those generated by various structured light sensors and LiDAR setups. The experimental results demonstrate that our method provides interactive performance and outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in computational efficiency, adaptivity to variable depth sparsity patterns, and prediction accuracy for challenging indoor data, even when trained solely on synthetic data without any fine tuning. (Figure presented.

    Fatigue during acute systemic inflammation is associated with reduced mental effort expenditure while task accuracy is preserved

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    BACKGROUNDEarlier work within the physical domain showed that acute inflammation changes motivational prioritization and effort allocation rather than physical abilities. It is currently unclear whether a similar motivational framework accounts for the mental fatigue and cognitive symptoms of acute sickness. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the relationship between fatigue, cytokines and mental effort-based decision making during acute systemic inflammation.METHODSEighty-five participants (41 males; 18-30 years (M = 23.0, SD = 2.4)) performed a mental effort-based decision-making task before, 2 h after, and 5 h after intravenous administration of 1 ng/kg bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce systemic inflammation. Plasma concentrations of cytokines (interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)) and fatigue levels were assessed at similar timepoints. In the task, participants decided whether they wanted to perform (i.e., 'accepted') arithmetic calculations of varying difficulty (3 levels: easy, medium, hard) in order to obtain rewards (3 levels: 5, 6 or 7 points). Acceptance rates were analyzed using a binomial generalized estimated equation (GEE) approach with effort, reward and time as independent variables. Arithmetic performance was measured per effort level prior to the decisions and included as a covariate. Associations between acceptance rates, fatigue (self-reported) and cytokine concentration levels were analyzed using partial correlation analyses.RESULTSPlasma cytokine concentrations and fatigue were increased at 2 h post-LPS compared to baseline and 5 h post-LPS administration. Acceptance rates decreased for medium, but not for easy or hard effort levels at 2 h post-LPS versus baseline and 5 h post-LPS administration, irrespective of reward level. These reductions in acceptance rates occurred despite improved accuracy on the arithmetic calculations itself. Reduced acceptance rates for medium effort were associated with increased fatigue, but not with increased cytokine concentrations.CONCLUSIONFatigue during acute systemic inflammation is associated with alterations in mental effort allocation, similarly as observed previously for physical effort-based choice. Specifically, willingness to exert mental effort depended on effort and not reward information, while task accuracy was preserved. These results extend the motivational account of inflammation to the mental domain and suggest that inflammation may not necessarily affect domain-specific mental abilities, but rather affects domain-general effort-allocation processes.</p

    Volatile compounds secreted by Brindley’s glands of adult Triatoma infestans:identification and biological activity of previously unidentified compounds

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    Volatile emissions of adult male Triatoma infestans were collected on non-polar SPME fibers and analyzed by gas chromatography linked to a mass spectrometer. A complex mixture of 16 short-chain esters and acids were identified. The composition of short-chain aliphatic acids (ethanoic to nonanoic acids) was similar to previously reported results. The most abundant aliphatic acid was 2-methylpropanoic acid, constituting 18% of the total volatile content. Also abundant were the esters 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate, which constituted 30% and 22%, respectively, of the total volatile content. A similar pattern of compounds was observed in the volatiles secreted by dissected male Brindley’s glands; however, in this case, 2- and 3-methylbutan-1-ol were detected which were not found in live insect volatile emissions. Large variability in volatile composition was also observed among the glands excised from different insects. Electroantennographic (EAG) evaluation of the components of Brindley’s gland showed significant responses for 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate compared to controls. The mixture of volatiles secreted by excised Brindley’s glands and the isolated 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate had repellent effects on both male and female T. infestans, possibly associated with a defensive strategy

    Non-Pharmacological Treatments

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    In clinical psychiatry, we dispose of different non-pharmacological approaches, such as somatic treatments, chronobiological treatments, cognitive remediation, and psychotherapy. Somatic treatments include transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). These techniques, which exert their function through the modulation of cortical excitability, find an application in many psychiatric disorders, but mainly in resistant depression. Chronotherapies, a group of non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches to mood disorder treatment, are rooted in the hypothesis of chronobiology aetiopathogenesis of psychiatric disorders (mainly mood disorders). Chrono-biological treatments include light therapy (LT), sleep deprivation (SD), and dark therapy (DT). While LT and SD are mainly used in depression, DT finds a clinical application in mania. Cognitive remediation (CR) is a set of interventions based on behavioural training whose goal is to enhance neurocognitive abilities. This technique finds its main application in schizophrenia. Psychotherapy approaches have a proved effectiveness for the treatment of various psychiatric conditions when combined to psychopharmacological treatment. The two main approaches are cognitive-behavioural therapy and psychodynamic therapy

    Indoor mobile mapping system and crowd simulation to support school reopening because of covid-19: a case study

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    Occupancy analyses represent a crucial topic for building performance. At present, this is even true because of the pandemic emergency due to SARS-CoV-2 and the need to support the functional analysis of building spaces in relation to social distancing rules. Moreover, the need to assess the suitability of spaces in high occupancy buildings as the educational ones, for which occupancy evaluations result pivotal to ensure the safety of the end-users in their daily activities, is a priority. The proposed paper investigates the steps that are needed to secure a safe re-opening of an educational building. A case study has been selected as a test site to analyse the re-opening steps as required by Italian protocols and regulations. This analysis supported the school director of a 2-to-10 year old school and its team in the decision-making process that led to the safe school re-opening. Available plants and elevations of the building were collected and a fast digital survey was carried out using the mobile laser scanner technology (iMMS - Indoor Mobile Mapping System) in order to acquire three-dimensional geometries and digital photographic documentation of the spaces. A crowd simulation software (i.e. Oasys MassMotion) was implemented to analyse end-users flows; the social distance parameter was set in its proximity modelling tools in order to check the compliance of spaces and circulation paths to the social distancing protocols. Contextually to the analysis of users flows, a plan of hourly air changes to maintain a high quality of the environments has been defined

    Tecnologie digitali innovative integrate finalizzate al progetto di schedatura dei palazzi bresciani del secondo Cinquecento

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    Il continuo e rapido sviluppo tecnologico propone tecniche innovative di rilievo digitale tridimensionale, che si adattano perfettamente alle esigenze di documentazione del patrimonio storico e culturale. In questo contributo si evidenzia come, per ottenere una documentazione tridimensionale completa di un bene architettonico, si possa ricorrere all'uso integrato di tecniche classiche di rilievo, di tecniche di fotogrammetria digitale, combinate con tecnologie laser scanner e con un'adeguata gestione delle immagini fotografiche

    Toll-like receptor 2 in serum: a potential diagnostic marker of prosthetic joint infection?

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    Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a severe complication of arthroplasty and is still lacking diagnostic gold standards. PJI patients display high Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) serum levels, correlating with canonical inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein [CRP], interleukin 6 [IL-6], tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-\u3b1], and IL-1). Therefore, TLR2 serum levels could be considered a new potential diagnostic tool in the early detection of PJI. Copyright \ua9 2014, American Society for Microbiology

    Optimization of Control Strategies for Non-Domiciliated Triatoma dimidiata, Chagas Disease Vector in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    Chagas disease is the most important vector-borne disease in Latin America. Residual insecticide spraying has been used successfully for the elimination of domestic vectors in many regions. However, some vectors of non-domestic origin are able to invade houses, and they are now a key challenge for further disease control. We developed a mathematical model to predict the temporal variations in abundance of non-domiciliated vectors inside houses, based on triatomine demographic parameters. The reliability of the predictions was demonstrated by comparing these with different sets of insect collection data from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. We then simulated vector control strategies based on insecticide spraying, insect, screens and bednets to evaluate their efficacy at reducing triatomine abundance in the houses. An optimum reduction in bug abundance by at least 80% could be obtained by insecticide application only when doses of at least 50 mg/m2 were applied every year within a two-month period matching the house invasion season by bugs. Alternatively, the use of insect screens consistently reduced bug abundance in the houses and offers a sustainable alternative. Such screens may be part of novel interventions for the integrated control of various vector-borne diseases
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