9 research outputs found
Anti-ambientalismos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil: uma avaliação sobre os elementos que contribuíram para sua emergência
O trabalho apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre o governo dos sujeitos e do entorno, com enfoque na emergência do ambientalismo no século XX, considerando as formas particulares que assume nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Nesse texto, a análise se concentra no debate sobre as condições de possibilidade de emergência do conservadorismo autoritário anti-ambiental nos referidos países, e foi feita mediante a análise de material bibliográfico e documental. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes, sendo que as duas primeiras tratam da trajetória do ambientalismo nos territórios norte-americanos e brasileiros e a terceira apresenta uma síntese sobre a formação do conservadorismo autoritário anti-ambiental em ambos os países. O cerne da análise reside na ênfase da importância de se considerar as peculiaridades dessas dinâmicas oposicionistas para melhor compreensão do fenômeno, o que demandaria se distanciar de abordagens globalizantes, típicas do discurso ambiental
The environmental government in Brazil : an analysis from environmental impact assessment processes
Orientador: Andrei KoernerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasResumo: A tese analisa a emergência de uma racionalidade de gestão ambiental no Brasil por meio de um instrumento específico, qual seja, a avaliação de impacto. Tomando-a por uma ferramenta de operacionalização da política pública, esta é observada no âmbito dos processos administrativos de licenciamento de empreendimentos e atividades de significativo impacto a partir da segunda metade do século XX por meio dos esquemas teóricos oferecidos por Foucault fundamentalmente no que diz respeito à governamentalidade. Sob essa perspectiva, tanto o meio ambiente quanto a avaliação de impacto são estudados a partir tendo em vista o quadro da racionalidade governamental neoliberal. Tem por objetivo geral identificar e explicitar as características da racionalidade da gestão ambiental em função das condições em que é praticada no território brasileiro, evidenciando também as peculiaridades relacionadas à subjetivação dos agentes em sujeitos responsáveis ambientalmente, bem como as formas de resistência que mobilizam e ressignificam o discurso ambiental. Seus objetivos específicos incluem conhecer as peculiaridades da racionalidade que organiza as maneiras de governar o meio ambiente no Brasil; distinguir as práticas observadas em relação ao que se verifica nos Estados Unidos; analisar as formas de subjetivação dos atores ambientalmente responsáveis; identificar as características próprias e sistemáticas do governo ambiental no Brasil, considerando a constituição de saberes e processos específicos, a emergência de sujeitos que moldam e são objeto dessas práticas, e as implicações desse governo com a racionalidade governamental neoliberal; por fim, compreender de que modo essas práticas são recorrentemente identificadas no âmbito de relações entre os objetos e sujeitos do governo ambiental (e.g., dano e impacto; poluidor e poluição)Abstract: The thesis analyzes the emergence of an environmental management rationality in Brazil through a specific instrument, that is, the impact assessment. Taking it as a public policy operationalization tool, it is observed based on the theoretical schemes offered by Foucault, fundamentally from governmentality, in the scope of significant impact activities licensing process conducted from the second half of the twentieth century. From this perspective, both the environment and impact assessment are studied from the standpoint of neoliberal governmental rationality. Its main objective is to identify and clarify the environmental management rationality characteristics regarding the conditions in which it is practiced in the Brazilian territory, also highlighting the peculiarities related to the subjectification of agents in environmentally responsible subjects, as well as the forms of resistance that mobilize and resignify the environmental discourse. Its specific objectives include cognize the rationality peculiarities that organizes the ways of governing the environment in Brazil; to distinguish these observed practices from those perceived in the United States; to analyze the environmentally responsible actors subjectification ways; to identify the environmental government own and systematic characteristics in Brazil, considering the constitution of specific knowledge and processes, the emergence of subjects that shape and are the object of these practices, and the implications of this government with the neoliberal governmental rationality; and finally to understand how these practices are recurrently identified within the relations framework between the objects and subjects of environmental governance (e.g., damage and impact, polluter and pollution)DoutoradoCiencia PoliticaDoutor em Ciência Política1443128CAPE
Property tax as urban planning instrument in large cities: the Brazilian experience
There is an ongoing process of increasing urbanization of the world population with socio-spatial polarization in large cities. Such population density increases the competition for urban land, arousing crescent ground rent generation from the central areas, where there is greater availability of urban infrastructure. The outcome of this process has been an extensive growth of these cities, generating costs for the low-income population, forced to take longer trips to get to work centers. It is also represents a cost increment for public administration, responsible for the expansion of urban infrastructure networks. One among the various instruments to face these costs is the urban real estate taxation, which can also fulfill an extra fiscal function, when used to regulate land use.
In this article, we aim to analyze urban policy in Brazil regarding the use of the property taxation instrument, arguing its effectiveness in controlling land use. This was an important innovation introduced by the 1988 Federal Constitution and it is associated with private property defense as long as it fulfills its social function. Under these conditions, the main tax levied on real estate assets in Brazil, the Urban Building and Land Tax (IPTU), would be used as an urban policy instrument by foreseeing the possibility of using different rates according to the land's condition (built or not), its destination (residential or commercial), and also predicting progressive rates for properties that do not comply with the social function. Our study takes as reference municipalities with population over 200,000 inhabitants
O presente artigo pretende discutir como o carnaval da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, mais especificamente, o carnaval dos blocos de rua, que ocupa grande parte da cidade, pode ser encarado como um exercício do direito à cidade. Ao mesmo tempo que o carnaval reúne milhares de pessoas nas ruas, traz consigo sujeira, prejudica o trânsito e espalha uma espécie de caos na cidade. Por outro lado, traz também benefícios, como uma fruição maior do comércio, a expansão da cultura popular, o lazer aos foliões. Dessa forma, discutir o carnaval carioca torna-se tema essencial para entender o direito ao acesso à cidade. O carnaval nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro é um carnaval eminentemente popular. A festa é gratuita; a prefeitura proíbe a criação de espaços reservados ou de camarotes nas ruas da cidade. Logo, em teoria, qualquer um pode fazer parte da multidão. Com blocos patrocinados e outros mantidos pelos próprios foliões, o carnaval altera a cidade. A rua deixa de ser apenas uma via – passa a ser ocupada por pessoas. O barulho dos veículos é substituído por músicas, tradicionais na maioria das vezes. Logo, mesmo trazendo o caos junto com a música e a cultura, a vivência do carnaval, como festa popular tradicional brasileira, torna-se claramente uma prática pública do direito à cidade, uma vez que o processo de gentrificação é momentaneamente neutralizado e a intervenção dos poderes públicos deve ser limitada apenas no sentido de facilitar e possibilitar uma convivência pacífica, jamais para proibir.This article aims to discuss how the carnival of Rio de Janeiro, more specifically, the carnival of street blocks, which occupies much of the city, can be seen as an exercise of the right to the city. At the same time carnival brings together thousands of people in the streets, it also brings with it dirt, it affects traffic and spreads a kind of chaos in the city. On the other hand, it also brings benefits such as the increase of local trade, the expansion of popular culture, and leisure to the revelers. Thus, discussing the Rio carnival is an essential topic to understand the right of access to the city. The carnival in the streets of Rio de Janeiro is an eminently popular carnival. It is a free party; the municipality prohibits the creation of placeholders or cabins on city streets. Therefore, in theory, anyone can join the crowd. With sponsored blocks and other ones kept by revelers themselves, the carnival changes the city. The street is no longer just a pathway – it is now occupied by people. The noise of vehicles is replaced by music, traditional in most cases. So, even bringing chaos along with the music and culture, the experience of the carnival, as a traditional Brazilian popular party, clearly becomes a public practice of the right to the city, since the gentrification process is momentarily neutralized and the government power intervention has to be limited – never to prohibit, but only to facilitate and enable a peaceful coexistence
The aim of this work is to understand the strategies of resistance adopted by vulnerable groups in the face of oppressive and conservative uses of the law by state e private actors. It is based on the assumption that the legal mobilization by such populations has effective impacts on reality, going beyond contributing to the realization of their demands or the intensification of tensions and conflicts. To this end, a case study is carried out on the Pinto family, which, in the analyzed trajectory, came to be constituted as Quilombo Sacopã, located in Rio de Janeiro, mobilizing the literature on the case, analyzing documentary material and judicial decisions. Among the main results, we highlight the changes in resistance tactics and the relevance of cultural arguments for the permanence of Quilombo, considering their implications for the family dimension. Finally, it reiterates the possibilities of interposing the law against the law, reinforcing the political relevance of this kind of mobilization, especially when seen as part of a cultural system.O objetivo do trabalho é compreender as estratégias de resistência adotadas por grupos vulnerabilizados diante dos usos opressivos e conservadores do direito por atores estatais e privados. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a mobilização do direito por tais populações tem impactos efetivos sobre a realidade, indo além de contribuir para a concretização de suas demandas ou o acirramento de tensões e conflitos. Para isso, realiza-se um estudo de caso sobre a família Pinto que, na trajetória analisada vem a se constituir enquanto Quilombo Sacopã, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, mobilizando a literatura existente sobre o caso, material documental e processos judiciais. Dentre os principais resultados destaca-se as mudanças nas táticas de resistência e a relevância dos argumentos de ordem cultural para a permanência do Quilombo, considerando suas implicações para a dimensão familiar. Por fim, reitera as possibilidades de se contrapor o direito ao direito, reforçando a relevância política desse tipo de mobilização, em especial, quando vislumbrada como parte de um sistema cultural
This article aims to discuss how the carnival of Rio de Janeiro, more specifically, the carnival of street blocks, which occupies much of the city, can be seen as an exercise of the right to the city. At the same time carnival brings together thousands of people in the streets, it also brings with it dirt, it affects traffic and spreads a kind of chaos in the city. On the other hand, it also brings benefits such as the increase of local trade, the expansion of popular culture, and leisure to the revelers. Thus, discussing the Rio carnival is an essential topic to understand the right of access to the city. The carnival in the streets of Rio de Janeiro
is an eminently popular carnival. It is a free party; the municipality prohibits the creation of place holders or cabins on city streets. Therefore, in theory, anyone can join the crowd. With sponsored blocks and other ones kept by revelers themselves, the carnival changes the city. The street is no longer just a pathway – it is now occupied by people. The noise of vehicles is replaced by music, traditional in most cases. So, even bringing chaos along with the music and culture, the experience of the carnival, as a traditional Brazilian popular party, clearly becomes a public practice of the right to the city, since the gentrification process is
momentarily neutralized and the government power intervention has to be limited – never to prohibit, but only to facilitate and enable a peaceful coexistence
Property tax as urban planning instrument in large cities: the Brazilian experience
There is an ongoing process of increasing urbanization of the world population with socio-spatial polarization in large cities. Such population density increases the competition for urban land, arousing crescent ground rent generation from the central areas, where there is greater availability of urban infrastructure. The outcome of this process has been an extensive growth of these cities, generating costs for the low-income population, forced to take longer trips to get to work centers. It is also represents a cost increment for public administration, responsible for the expansion of urban infrastructure networks. One among the various instruments to face these costs is the urban real estate taxation, which can also fulfill an extra fiscal function, when used to regulate land use.
In this article, we aim to analyze urban policy in Brazil regarding the use of the property taxation instrument, arguing its effectiveness in controlling land use. This was an important innovation introduced by the 1988 Federal Constitution and it is associated with private property defense as long as it fulfills its social function. Under these conditions, the main tax levied on real estate assets in Brazil, the Urban Building and Land Tax (IPTU), would be used as an urban policy instrument by foreseeing the possibility of using different rates according to the land's condition (built or not), its destination (residential or commercial), and also predicting progressive rates for properties that do not comply with the social function. Our study takes as reference municipalities with population over 200,000 inhabitants
Statute of the Metropolis and Management of Urban Agglomerations in Brazil
O Brasil está organizado como uma federação tripartite, em que os municípios lograram a condição de entes federativos e responsáveis pela política urbana. Esta, no entanto, não se resume à ordenação do uso do solo, mas também a políticas setoriais, como o saneamento, a habitação e mobilidade, que geralmente extravasam as fronteiras municipais. Nesse contexto, a lei do Estatuto da Metrópole veio preencher uma lacuna nas formas de coordenação interfederativa para a gestão de territórios que constituem aglomerações urbanas, mas não são entes federativos. Trata-se de um importante avanço normativo que, no entanto, está a espera de avanços na cooperação federativa para o financiamento dos serviços de interesse interfederativo.Brazil is politically and administratively organized as a tripartite federation, in which municipalities have achieved the status of federative entities and are now responsible for the urban policy. This, however, is not just about land use planning, but it also concerns sectoral policies such as sanitation, housing and mobility, which often go beyond municipal boundaries. In this context, the Statute of the Metropolis Act has filled a gap in the forms of interfederative coordination for the management of territories that constitute urban agglomerations, but are not federal entities. This is an important policy development, however, which is still awaiting progress in the federative cooperation for the financing of interfederative interest services
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora