221 research outputs found

    Formation and decay of resonance state in 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B nuclei. Microscopic three-cluster model investigations

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    We study nature of the low-lying resonance states in mirror nuclei 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B. Investigations are performed within a three-cluster model. The model makes use of the hyperspherical harmonics, which provides convenient description of three-cluster continuum. The dominant three-cluster configurations α+α+n\alpha+\alpha+n and α+α+p\alpha+\alpha+p in 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B, respectively, are taken into account. Dominant decay channels for all resonance states in 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B are explored. Much attention is paid to the controversial 1/2+1/2^{+} resonance states in both nuclei. We study effects of the Coulomb interaction on energy and width of three-cluster resonances in the mirror nuclei 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B. We also search for the Hoyle-analogue state which is a key step for alternative way of 9^{9}Be and 9^{9}B syntheses in a triple collision of clusters in a stellar environment.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Theoretical analysis of resonance states in 4H^{4}H, 4He^{4}He and 4Li^{4}Li above three-cluster threshold

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    The resonance states of 4H^{4}H, 4He^{4}He and 4Li^{4}Li, embedded in the three-cluster d+N+Nd+N+N continuum, are investigated within a three-cluster model. The model treats the Pauli principle exactly and incorporates the Faddeev components for proper description of the boundary conditions for the two- and three-body continua. The hyperspherical harmonics are used to distinguish and numerate channels of the three-cluster continuum. It is shown that the effective barrier, created by three-cluster configuration d+N+Nd+N+N, is strong enough to accommodate two resonance states.Comment: 20 page, 4 figure


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    A two-cluster microscopic model is used to study the main features of bound and resonance states in the lightest p-shell nuclei. The model correctly treats the Pauli principle and makes use of the full set of oscillator functions to expand the wave function of a two-cluster system. Interaction between clusters is determined by the superposition of semi-realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. We present the inter-cluster wave functions in oscillator, coordinate and momentum spaces. It helps us to reveal some interesting features of the two-cluster dynamics in bound and resonance states. Phase shifts and elastic scattering cross sections are investigated in detail. This monograph is dedicated to a deeper study of the nucleus properties and the interaction of nuclear clusters and is intended for the use of students of master and PhD courses.このモノグラフは、北大、キエフ・ボゴリューボフ研究所、カザフスタン・Al-Farabi大学との、主にカザフスタンの大学院学生教育を目的とした国際共同研究の成果である。This monograph was written by the international group of physicists.They belong to the following institutions: Hokkaido University, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University.It is the result of international collaborative research aimed at graduate school student education in Kazakhstan

    Аутсорсинг автопарка как способ сократить издержки

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The article considers options for car fleet outsourcing. The benefits of each method are evaluated, advantages and disadvantages are compared. A brief analysis of the state of the operational leasing market in Russia is given. When comparing financial and operative or operational leasing, emphasis is placed on their ability to optimize the costs of using and maintaining the fleet in terms of its own and external management. Reform of the leasing market in Russia is considered. The definitions of such concepts as outsourcing, fleet management, operative or operational leasing are presented. The functions of fleet management are analyzed and defined. Positive and negative aspects of operative or operational leasing are presented. Features of the advantages of operative or operational leasing are singled out. The direction of operational automobile leasing in Russia has just begun to develop actively - since 2004. The analysis of development of operative or operational leasing by years is carried out. The issue is considered in what the operational lease differs from the financial one. Specific examples are offered that prove that these are completely different types of services. This is due to the fact that the task of operational lease is to provide the client with a service, financial - to finance the client. With financial leasing, it is important that a leasing company acquires property for its transfer to a specific client - in contrast to an operative or operational lease, when the lessor independently chooses the equipment and the supplier based on the availability of demand for it. According to the RAEX (Expert RA) survey, in 2017 the volume of leasing business grew by 58 % and amounted to 710 billion rubles. The main drivers of the market due to the implementation of state programs are transport segments. At the same time, thanks to deals with railway and aircraft engineering, the share of operational leasing in the new business reached 21 %. The main contribution to the development and growth of the leasing market in Russia in 2018 will be made by the automotive segment, the development of additional service programs and the client-centered approach of leasing companies. Keywords: car fleet outsourcing, fleet management, operational leasing, financial leasing, leasing market growth, leasing market reform.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В статье рассматриваются варианты аутсорсинга автопарка. Оцениваются выгоды от каждого из способов, сравниваются преимущества и недостатки. Представлено определение таких понятий, как аутсорсинг, флит-менеджмент, оперативный или операционный лизинг. Приведён краткий анализ состояния рынка операционного лизинга в России. При сопоставлении финансового и операционного или оперативного лизинга делается акцент на их возможности оптимизировать затраты на использование и содержание автомобильного парка в условиях собственного и стороннего (внешнего) управления. Делается вывод, что основной вклад в развитие и рост рынка лизинга в России в 2018 году внесут автомобильный сегмент, появление дополнительных сервисных программ и клиентоориентированность лизинговых компаний

    Stability of the liquid particles separation in the apparatus of oil and gas systems

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    The article considers the methods of associated gas purification from liquid particles. The sintering of liquid particles occurs during the separation process and the trapped droplets can be removed as a liquid stream, i.e. there is no need for unloading units. The droplet size depends on the energy input during their fragmentation. The efficiency of drops separation depends on the flow rate and the intensification of droplets coalescence, film formation and liquid flow to the receiver. The dispersion of the liquid particles is the main drawback of the existing purification methods, i.e. lack of sustainability of particle separation. The comparison of the separation system methods and the devices with flow control elements is carried out. The estimation of gas purification efficiency is conducted. It is concluded that the efficiency of associated gas purification gives the possibility to use it in turbine generators, heating furnaces, etc. It significantly reduces the proportion of gas being flared

    Significantly different clinical phenotypes associated with mutations in synthesis and transamidase+remodeling glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis genes.

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    BACKGROUND: Defects in the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) biosynthesis pathway can result in a group of congenital disorders of glycosylation known as the inherited GPI deficiencies (IGDs). To date, defects in 22 of the 29 genes in the GPI biosynthesis pathway have been identified in IGDs. The early phase of the biosynthetic pathway assembles the GPI anchor (Synthesis stage) and the late phase transfers the GPI anchor to a nascent peptide in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Transamidase stage), stabilizes the anchor in the ER membrane using fatty acid remodeling and then traffics the GPI-anchored protein to the cell surface (Remodeling stage). RESULTS: We addressed the hypothesis that disease-associated variants in either the Synthesis stage or Transamidase+Remodeling-stage GPI pathway genes have distinct phenotypic spectra. We reviewed clinical data from 58 publications describing 152 individual patients and encoded the phenotypic information using the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO). We showed statistically significant differences between the Synthesis and Transamidase+Remodeling Groups in the frequencies of phenotypes in the musculoskeletal system, cleft palate, nose phenotypes, and cognitive disability. Finally, we hypothesized that phenotypic defects in the IGDs are likely to be at least partially related to defective GPI anchoring of their target proteins. Twenty-two of one hundred forty-two proteins that receive a GPI anchor are associated with one or more Mendelian diseases and 12 show some phenotypic overlap with the IGDs, represented by 34 HPO terms. Interestingly, GPC3 and GPC6, members of the glypican family of heparan sulfate proteoglycans bound to the plasma membrane through a covalent GPI linkage, are associated with 25 of these phenotypic abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: IGDs associated with Synthesis and Transamidase+Remodeling stages of the GPI biosynthesis pathway have significantly different phenotypic spectra. GPC2 and GPC6 genes may represent a GPI target of general disruption to the GPI biosynthesis pathway that contributes to the phenotypes of some IGDs

    Prediction of remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after bariatric surgery

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    Type 2 diabetes prevalence is increasing dramatically worldwide. Conservative therapy doesn’t bring stable effect and is often insufficient, not to mention the lack of prospects to cure the disease. Fortunately, accumulating evidence points towards the notion that a complete remission of type 2 diabetes is feasible following a choice of surgical interventions. The efficacy of bariatric surgery in particular for achieving glycemic control has highlighted surgery as a candidate curative intervention for type 2 diabetes. When compared to intensive medical therapy and lifestyle intervention, metabolic surgery has shown superiority in achieving reducing number of medications and metabolic factors improvement, which translates in long-term benefits on diabetes progression and complications. Understanding factors that predict diabetes remission can help to select patients who will benefit most from bariatric surgery and to choose the most effective type of operation. This literature review analyzes studies of the most significant clinical and biochemical predictors of remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after bariatric interventions, as well as highlights well-known mathematical prediction models


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    In this paper, the mean particle size is determined from the experimentally established characteristics of a polydisperse mixture of moisture droplets sprayed with different types of nozzles.В данной работе определена величина средних размеров частиц по экспериментально установленным характеристикам полидисперсной смеси капель влаги, распыляемой форсунками различных типов